
Revolutionary Cuba Today: Nov. 19-2021


     This photo was taken today -- Friday, Nov. 19, 2021 -- by Israel Tamarit Herran and it shows a view of the clear-blue waters of the Caribbean Sea from Havana. Today the largest and, arguably, the most beautiful island-nation in the Caribbean is still ruled by the Cuban Revolution, as has been the case since 3:00 A. M. on Jan. 1st-1959.

    But, of course, today -- Nov. 19-2021 -- the mainstream U. S. media, as shown above, continues to provide Americans with a one-sided and distorted view of how and why Revolutionary Cuba has, since 1959, survived supposedly insurmountable odds about being overthrown by Miami exiles and the ultra-powerful United States. The prime victims of such anti-Cuba propaganda by the mainstream U. S. media are, I believe, the everyday Americans who deserve fair and unbiased news regarding a topic...US-Cuba Relations...that impacts so many lives in both countries. As shown above, the Miami Herald since 1959 is the prime voice of the hotbed of Cuban exiles who bolted Revolutionary Cuba and who have led the anti-Counter Revolutionary clamor...greatly enriching & empowering Miami Cubans but also greatly assaulting Cuban families in Cuba. So thus the Miami Herald today continued its one-sided, distorted reports about the Cuban-Protests/COUP back on Monday -- Nov. 15-2021 -- that were supposed to finally overthrow Revolutionary Cuba. Monday's overthrow, as many prior would-be overthrows since 1959, fizzled out rather quickly. One reason the latest Protests/COUP failed, the reason that the mainstream refuses to report, is the fact that most Cubans on the island simply don't want COUPS they feel are engineered and funded {at least in part from a foreign nation} to succeed.

     But today -- Nov. 19-2021 -- the mainstream U. S. media only wants to continue promoting the  anti-Cuba Protests and its leader, Yunior Garcia...even as he quickly bolted this week to friendly havens in Madrid, Spain.
   The typical Counter Revolutionary article was depicted above in today's Miami Herald and was written by Fabiola Sanchez. She was born in Matanzas, Cuba, and she arrived in Miami in 1969 on one of the Freedom Flights. As such she had the wherewithal to quickly emerge as a key journalist in 1980 for the Miami Herald. And almost as quickly she became the top Editorialist of Miami's main newspaper. As shown above, her Nov. 19-2021 "OPINION" piece loudly, as usual, heralded Cuban dissidence and implied that Batista's Cuba prior to the Revolution was fantastic while Cuba since 1959 has been a hellhole, causing her and so many others to flee to rich and wonderful Miami. The main distortion about such endless propaganda is the sheer fact that the voices and OPINIONS of millions of everyday Cubans who choose to remain in Cuba and support the Revolution are never mentioned in the mainstream U. S. media, especially by the Miami Herald and its top OPIONIONS Editor Fabiola Sanchez.
     This photo was taken today in Havana at the Martin Luther King Memorial. These two Cubans were celebrating the defeat of Monday's Protests/COUP. As a Democracy-loving American in the United States, I believe that the mainstream U. S. media should have the INTEGRITY to tell Americans that these two women in Havana have OPINIONS too...even if they support the Revolution and have no plans to bolt to Miami or Madrid to become rich.
    This photo in Cuba today shows Cubans listening to their President Miguel Diaz-Canel, and indications are clear that most Cubans on the island support their leader, who happens to have been born after the triumph of the Revolution and first became well known all across Cuba as its Education Minister.
 For days prior to Monday's Protests/COUP, President Diaz-Canel went on the streets and on state-wide television to tell Cubans that the U. S. was behind such attempts to overthrow or stabilize their Revolution. And indications are most Cubans on the island support Diaz-Canel, not the dissidents.
    Cubans on the island are aware of the 1950s when, prior to the Revolution, the island was verily raped, brutalized, and robbed by, left to right, Lucky Luciano, Meyer Lansky, and Fulgencio Batista And all three of these LOVELY MEN verily loved the support they got from plane-and-ship loads of U. S. tourists and from the greedy U. S. businesses that partook wholeheartedly in the wholesale ransacking of Cuba...uh...prior to the triumph of the Cuban Revolution in 1959. In other words, such truths about U.S.-&-Mafia-run Cuba in the 1950s still factor into the failures of Protests/COUPs determined since 1959 to overthrow the Cuban Revolution!!! And perhaps one day the mainstream U. S. media will return to REPORTING such truths.








Coup Fizzled BUT Continues


    Today -- Wednesday, Nov. 17-2021 -- headlines like this around the world acknowledge that the latest Coup that began in Cuba two days ago was blunted. But  the group Archipelago led by dissident Junior Garcia says that the protests will still continue...especially from Miami & Madrid.
     The Protest/Coup leader Yunior Garcia has bolted from Cuba, as shown above, and took a flight to Madrid, Spain. Spain has many people and businesses that support Cuba but Madrid also has a very strong and well-funded anti-Cuba group.
    This is the photo of Yunior Garcia that NBC News used today -- Nov. 17-2019 -- to preface its article entitled: "Missing Cuban protest leader Yunior Garcia Lands in Madrid."
     Above are the major U. S. headlines today -- Nov. 17-2021 -- regarding the mainstream media continuing to fan the flames of ongoing coups designed to finally overthrow Revolutionary Cuba. Today as always, the mainstream U. S. media will never say anything derogatory or unkind about the brutal, thieving Mafia-backed & U.S.-backed Batista dictatorship that verily raped & robbed Cuba in the 1950s...prior to the triumph of the Cuban Revolution on January 1, 1959. From 1959 till 2021 the U. S. media has massively denounced Revolutionary Cuba during the many coup attempts to overthrow it, including an Embargo/Blockade since 1962 that had/has as its purpose to starve, deprive, and make miserable the Cubans on the island to induce THEM to rise up and overthrow their revolutionary government. WONDERFUL!!! When the U. S. media purposely ignores or denies such facts, perhaps it is more of an affront to the U. S. democracy than it is just the cruelty of trying to starve, deprive, and make miserable Cubans on the island.
      Of course, in addition to the U. S. media there have been a plethora of media entities that have emerged and thrived since 1959 for the sole purpose of destroying the Cuban Revolution. I would suggest, and the mainstream Media would deny, that those unchecked sources include...Radio-TV Marti in Miami that U. S. tax-payers have lavishly funded for three decades; Babalu; CiberCuba News; 14ymedio, etc. 14ymedio is an ultra-powerful Counter Revolutionary digital newspaper that is operated from her Havana apartment by Yoani Sanchez with considerable support from Miami, Madrid, Newark, and Washington. Yoani Sanchez, on her flights from Havana, has stopped off in Miami to broadcast from the lavish tax-funded Radio-TV Marti studio. Above she stopped off in Washington at the U. S. Senate where she confirmed the support of Senator Marco Rubio from Miami and Senator Bob Menendez from Newark. Of Course, the Republican Rubio dictated vicious anti-Cuba U. S. policy during the Trump administration and the Democrat Menendez is now dictating vicious anti-Cuba policy during the Biden presidency. That, of course, continues the policies of enriching and empowering Counter Revolutionary Cuba in the U. S. but, of course, also continues to starve, deprive, and make miserable Cuban families on the island.
 While Yoani Sanchez operates her 14yMedio Counter Revolutionary rhetoric from her Havana apartment, it is translated into many languages and digitally, supposedly, has many millions of readers around the world each day, especially in Miami, Madrid, and Washington. In additon to her apparently well-heeled international digital newspaper, Yoani Sanchez also, of course, has a powerful Social Media presence to transmit her Counter Revolution vitriol. For example today -- Nov. 17-2021 -- Yoani Sanchez used the image depicted above on Facebook to continue her fervent promotions of Yunior Garcia and any other Counter Revolutionary Cubans in Cuba, Miami, or Madrid. There are, however, millions of Cubans in Cuba, and at least a million or so in the U. S., who believe firmly that Yoani Sanchez should have some sympathy for the Cubans on the island who support the Revolutionary Cuban government while also having sad memories of the Mafia-riddled Batista regime that preceded the revolution.
      FOR EXAMPLE, the unchecked extremist Counter Revolutionaries like Yoani Sanchez and The U. S. media are far too biased to even mention the newsworthy three photos depicted above...so let me mention them. A decent and beloved Cuban-American, Carlos Lazo, is a professor in Seattle. He is obsessed with making sure that women and children in Cuba are not starved, deprived, and made miserable all their lives, generation-to-generation, by self-serving Cubans in Miami and Newark who happen to have control of Washington's Cuban policies. Above, the top photo shows Carlos Lazo when he rode his bicycle, as did some of his students, the 3,000 miles from Seattle to Washington to beg President Trump and Congress to end the genocidal Embargo/Blockade against Cubans families on the island to appease, enrich, and empower a few already rich Cubans in the United States. Later, Carlos Lazo walked the 300 miles from Miami to Washington to beg President Biden and Congress to end the genocidal Embargo/Blockade against Cuban families on the island. The middle photo shows Carlos Lazo in just the past few days visiting his mother in Cuba. And the photo directly above shows Carlos Lazo after he was an instigator of taking an airplane to Cuba loaded with 20,000 pounds of food and other supplies to help Cuban families on the island. The photo above shows Carlos Lazo unloading boxes of canned Tuna for Cuban families. The three photos directly above in November-2021 are newsworthy but the U. S. News Media lacks the integrity and courage to mention a great man and his great story...but the same U. S. News Media will lavish countless pages and hours to extreme Counter Revolutionary extremists like Yunior Garcia and Yoani Sanchez.
   Two days ago on Nov. 15-2021 Cubans like the girl wearing the red scarf were among the crowd of Cubans who bravely denounced the highly publicized Coup she believed was trying to overthrow the Revolution that she supported. It appears that this girl was among a majority of Cubans who feel the way she did...and it was the same way most Cubans felt in April of 1961 when Miami Cubans and the United States, at what history calls the Bay of Pigs, tried a well-funded air-sea-and-land military attack that was supposed to overthrow Revolutionary Cuba. To this day, because of a biased media, Americans still can't comprehend why/how Revolutionary Cuba survived the Bay of Pigs attack and countless other efforts designed to recapture Cuba for Miami Cubans and for the United States, the strongest and richest nation in the world. But merely studying the photo above...of the Cuban girl combatting the latest Coup attempt on November 15th-2021...would reveal, I think, why the Revolution survived the Bay of Pigs attack in 1961 and what Cuba calls the Coup attempt on Nov. 15th-2021. The fact is...in 1961 most Cubans on the island supported Fidel Castro's defense of the Revolution and in November of 2021 most Cubans on the island supported Miguel Diaz-Canel's defense of the Revolution. Of course, the U. S. media will tell Americans all about Yoani Sanchez, Yunior Garcia, and any other heralded dissidents...but the U. S. media will not let the American people know about non-dissidents like Carlos Lazo...and like the Girl wearing the red scarf  while brandishing her fists in the air on Monday, November 15th, 2021.



Cuba Says Coup Fizzles

 Protestors Say It Continues!!!

    Today-- Monday, Nov. 15-2021 -- a highly publicized and massive Protest in Cuba was supposed to be the start of the beginning of the end of the Cuban Revolution that has ruled Cuba since January 1st of 1959. The graphic above, including the EPA photo of Protest leader Yunior Garcia, was how the London-based BBC told its world-wide audience of what was/is happening in Cuba, namely stating, in the first sentence, that, "Dissident playwright Yunior Garcia was blocked from leaving his home on Sunday."
    On this pivotal day in Cuba and for U.S.-Cuba Relations, these are the top headlines that U. S. citizens are seeing...although Cuba, purposely, is not normally a high upfront priority topic for either the U. S. media or the U. S. government except for demeaning the island. As shown above, as usual, within the propaganda bowels of the U. S. media NBC News and the Miami Herald continue to fan flames of what appears to be their hopes for a massive overthrow of Revolutionary Cuba's government. Such saturations by the U. S. media yesterday prompted raucous anti-Cuba demonstrations all up the nearby east coast of Florida from Miami to Jacksonville. Even the great journalist/professor in Florida Tracey Eaton, normally a brilliant and fair expert in reporting Cuban news, posted on YouTube a 24-minute video of Sunday's Florida protests that only featured extreme Cuban-Americans panting about the immediate need for them to recapture Cuba. Surely no one with a moderate view in Florida was allowed to speak, and never does the U. S. media consider the opinions of non-dissident Cubans in Cuba nor non-dissident Cubans in the United States.
    As above, the U. S. government quickly denounces any dissident protest in Cuba...while Cuba repeatedly claims that such protests are always funded with U. S. dollars from Washington and Miami. There are ample indications that most everyday Cubans on the idea wholeheartedly agree with the Cuban government regarding that issue as opposed to agreeing with the U. S. government.
    While the U. S. media is tuned to solely distorting and concocting anti-Cuban topics, there is an easily assessed blog -- CUBA MONEY PROJECT -- that is minutely researched via the Freedom of Information Act by the great, fair, and highly respected Cuban expert and journalist Tracey Eaton. It is mind-boggling how many tax dollars CUBA MONEY PROJECT reveals go directly to Cuban dissidents via such U. S. government agencies as USAID, the U. S. Agency for International Development. Yes, the amounts of money and the names involved indisputably documented by the CUBA MONEY PROJECT blog are indeed mind-boggling in revealing how massive amounts of U. S. tax dollars routinely go into trying to overthrow Revolutionary Cuba while...uh...making selected Cubans very rich. But, of course, the only place you will get that information is by dialing up CUBA MONEY PROJECT.
    But above are two of the anti-Cuban projects that are lavishly funded with incredibly huge amounts of U. S. tax dollars...Radio & TV Marti in Miami and USAID in Washington. Only the CUBA MONEY PROJECT research by the indisputably great and honest journalist Tracey Eaton reveals such truths, as with the two items shown above.
      For sure, the Cuban government controls its media, such as the image above today as a reporter on a Havana street says, "These are the colors of Havana as it celebrates its 502nd anniversary." The report included, in the background, movie houses and hotels that were reopening...along with other businesses, tourism, schools, universities, etc., after a successful vaccination program to curb the COVID-19 virus. So, is the U. S. media more honest or is the Cuban media the more honest in covering news that directly affects Cubans on the island...or is that even a legitimate question?
     One of the fallacies of the U. S. media's coverage of Cuba, I believe, is trying to convince Americans that most Cubans on the island hate everything about the Revolution while loving their memories or knowledge of the Batista/Mafia/US businessmen who spawned the Revolution. The fact is...from the late Fidel Castro to current leader Miguel Diaz-Canel, who was born after the 1959 triumph of the Revolution but is Castro-like in his defense of the Revolution, Castro from 1953 and Diaz-Canel from 2018 have always had millions of Cubans on the island fervently supporting them. While the U. S. media is massively obliged to deny that fact, the U. S. media won't discuss HOW or WHY...against incredibly high odds...the Cuban Revolution has survived all these many decades. In the photo above in the red shirt, that is President Diaz-Canel with supporters last night on the eve of what he and they knew would be the start of another round of Protests designed to topple the Revolution. Diaz-Canel firmly believes that most Cubans on the island support him and, moreover, he believes most Cubans on the island supported the Revolution from 1953 till 1959, and that is why it triumphed...against all odds!!
 Both last night and today -- Nov. 14-15, 2021 -- President Diaz-Canel has been on the streets or at the reopening of schools and businesses as he shared his leadership with his supporters. And as the island's former Education Minister, Diaz-Canel also is very skilled at using state-wide television to communicate with Cubans across the island. Below are some of his new quotes:
    For sure, Cuba's leader, President Diaz-Canel, believes that most Cubans in Cuba support him.
    Today -- on Nov. 15th-2021 -- schools reopened that had earlier used just virtual teaching with computers and television for months during the pandemic. Shown above in the front row in the white shirt, Diaz-Canel personally attended several of those school openings today.

    Since the 1950s the American people have been told blatant and self-serving lies regarding the relations between the United States and Cuba. I believed every one of those lies until the George W. Bush administration, which had perpetrated many of those lies, surprisingly permitted me to actually visit Cuba. On my first day in Havana I met Tracey Eaton, the great U. S. journalist who at the time was stationed in Cuba by the Dallas Morning News. But mostly, in Cuba I hired a driver and purposely visited and stayed overnight with everyday Cubans, including families I spotted near their homes or working nearby fields, some with oxen. From that 2004 visit to now, I remain a Democracy-loving American but one who is ashamed that the United States doesn't have a media that tells the truth about its relations with Cuban families on the island. I believe pure greed has predicated that situation since the 1950s related to Batista's Cuba, Castro's Cuba, and now Diaz-Canel's Cuba. And moreover, from the days when the most notable Founding Fathers like Thomas Jefferson began this American experiment in Democracy, the United States has had an incredibly greedy obsession to own the island of Cuba. In that regard, here are some true facts about that obsession:
    As you can see above, Thomas Jefferson in 1817 said: "If we seize Cuba we will be masters of the Caribbean." It so happens that in 1898 the United States finally SEIZED Cuba by concocting and then easily winning the Spanish-American War. As a Democracy-loving American, I am ashamed, starting in 1898, that the U. S. didn't make sure that Cuba became the greatest Democracy in the Western Hemisphere. But the United States refused to do that in 1989 or since, and instead viewed and views Cuba as a piggybank...stealing plush Guantanamo Bay in 1903 and even in 1952 TEAMING WITH THE MAFIA TO ROB & RAPE CUBA AT WILL. Lying about such things from 1898 till 1903 till 1952 and till November of 2021, I believe, clearly reveals that the biggest threat to the U. S. democracy is its dishonest media. And furthermore, I believe that Thomas Jefferson would agree with that assessment.
Thank you, Mr. Jefferson!!!


Today Is Nov. 15-2021 In Cuba

 The Island is Braced for the Start of a Coup

Will It Be Defeated??? {Again?}

     The photo above and the three photos below were taken last night and this morning -- November 14th & 15th-2021 -- in Park Central in Old Havana. All four photos and 8 others were taken by Roberto Suarez, a notable photo-journalist. He was pointing out that from January 1st of 1959 until November 15th of 2021 that there have always been a majority of Cubans on the island who will fight fiercely...even to the death...to support the Cuban Revolution. Roberto Suarez believes that was true at the Bay of Pigs in 1961 and during the many times between 1959 and 2021 that U.S.-backed forces so often tried desperately to overthrow Revolutionary Cuba. Roberto Suarez says he is well aware that Americans since 1959 have been told the exact opposite...that almost all of the Cubans on the island hate their revolutionary leaders, love for a return of the U.S./Mafia-backed Batista regime that preceded 1959, and that most Cubans in Cuba today either want to be in Miami or to be ruled by the wealthy Miami Cubans who...uh...might share their wealth with them in Cuba. But that belief that is so much embedded in the minds of Americans is not true, according to Roberto Suarez and other experts who have lived all their lives in Cuba with the last two generations of Cubans in Revolutionary Cuba. And Roberto Suarez says that if most Cubans on the island didn't support Revolutionary Cuba that Miami Cubans and the United States would have regained control of Cuba "MANY, MANY DECADES AGO."
      The Roberto Suarez photos here show Cubans massing in Park Central in Havana in reaction to what they have been told...and have seen on Social Media...are the massive anti-Cuba protests in Miami Sunday leading up to the well-publicized protests/coup that supposedly today -- Monday, November 15th, 2021 -- will begin the imminent destruction of the Cuban Revolution and replace it with Miami-friendly dissidents, including some on the island and some from Miami. Roberto Suarez says pro-Revolutionary Cubans in Havana last night and this morning were reacting to Sunday's anti-Cuba caravans in Miami...and Roberto Suarez believes that such Cubans today -- Monday, November 15-2021 -- represent the majority of the 13 millions Cubans in Cuba. Indeed, starting today we make learn if these Cubans represent the majority of Cubans in Cuba...whether or not THEY PREVAIL!! And I sincerely hope there is no bloodside on either side.
     The U. S. media seems obligated, or anxious, to tell the American people that all the good and brave Cubans are in Miami and in the U. S. Congress while all the bad and cowardly Cubans, except for Miami-friendly dissidents, are still in Cuba. And, of course, that is simply not true...as these photos taken in Havana last night {Sunday} and this morning {Monday} by Roberto Suarez!!!

Tomorrow: Much Bloodshed in Cuba?

 Tomorrow Is: November 15-2021!!!

    The photo above is flashing around the world today -- on Sunday, November 14th, 2021. It was taken by the great photo-journalist Yamil Lage for the Paris-based AFP News Agency that covers Cuba fairly. This photo shows..."...Cubans arguing at El Quijote Park in Havana Sunday where dissident Yunior Garcia was scheduled to speak today." Tomorrow -- on Nov. 15th-2021 -- Yunior Garcia will lead "Protests in Cuba" that millions of Cubans on the island believe is meant to start "A Miami-backed COUP meant to overthrow the Cuban Revolution."

     Today -- SUNDAY -Nov. 14th-2021 -- the image above shows that the powerful TV-10 and other media in Miami is promoting the fact that tomorrow -- MONDAY -- might be a bloody day in Cuba.
     Today -- Sunday, Nov. 14-2021 -- these are the googled Cuban headlines. The NY Times claims that "Desires for Food and Freedom" are the reasons for the protests that will roil Cuba tomorrow. Cuba itself says the reason for the coup is Miami's decades-long desire to recapture Cuba as in the days of the Batista-Mafia rule on the island in the 1950s prior to the Cuban Revolution that created Little Havana in nearby Miami in 1959. As you see above, The Washington Post today heralds the fact that the "Cuban Government, Dissidents Head Toward Monday Confrontation." And The Washington Post is owned by Jeff Bezos, the richest man in the history of the world, and Jeff Bezos's step-father is anti-Castro/Cuban-born Miguel Bezos. And, as you see above, today TV-10 in Miami is promoting live coverage of demonstrations that are "SHOWING SOLIDARITY for those in Cuba...!!!!!"
         Of course, since 1959 the Little Havana section in Miami has been supported by the U. S. media, the U. S. government, extreme amounts of money, as well as extreme amounts of terror and military excursions...and still Little Havana has been unable to recapture Cuba. All the while, to obtain the support of U. S. citizens and U. S. dollars, Little Havana has loudly proclaimed that Cubans on the island hate their Revolutionary government and long for the U.S.-backed Batistiano/Mafiosi rulers that ruled Cuba in the 1950s and spawned the Cuban Revolution that in 1959 captured Havana and created Little Havana in Miami.
    While since 1959 Little Havana leaders in the U. S. have dictated their views to both the U. S. media and the U. S. government, but the views of Cubans on the island such as Adriana, an everyday Cuban, and Yadira, a journalist on Cuban TV, also have views...as Adriana on Social Media and Yadira {shown above reporting on a street in Havana today} would also like the world to know about the Havana-Little Havana conundrum. And their point is this: "Most Cubans on the island were do-or-die supporters of the Revolution and for all these decades since 1959 most of the Cubans on the island are still do-or-die supporters of Revolutionary Cuba. And if that was not or is not so, the Miami Cubans would have regained control of Cuba long ago." In other words, there are two sides to the Havana-Little Havana conundrum...and unless and until Adriana and Yadira are proved to be either idiots or liars, I believe that the U. S. media should EXPLAIN why Little Havana, with all its economic, political, and fire-power advantages, has been unable to recapture Havana since 1959!!
    Facing what Cubans on the island believe is a well-funded and powerful coup that will commence tomorrow -- Nov. 15th-2021 -- the photo above shows an outdoor concert in Havana last night -- Saturday, Nov. 13th -- that drew thousands of Cubans. Cuba's most beloved band, Buena Fe/Good Faith, told the audience on the live televised video, "We came here tonight to give the world, including Miami, a kiss and nothing else."
This afternoon -- on Sunday, Nov. 14-2021 -- the music-loving Cubans are attending other concerts on the eve of tomorrow's coup/protests. The concert above today, as you see above, was attended by Cuba's President Miguel Diaz-Canel.
   After that concert today, as you see above, President Diaz-Canel was facing a bevy of television cameras on TV and live on Social Media as he said: "In the 1950s brave revolutionaries were willing to give their lives to chase greedy and brutal leaders supported by a foreign power off our land. At the Bay of Pigs attack in 1961 and many other times, revolutionaries have been willing to die to save our country. Tomorrow we must be willing to do whatever it takes, as similar revolutionaries, to keep remnants of greedy and brutal foreign-backed forces from doing what the Batista and Mafia forces did to our people before the 1959 triumph of the our revolution. The first two things the coup tomorrow will try to do is get video to send back to Miami of the coup-mongers being brutalized, and we must not do that, and the second thing they want is for Yunior Garcia or someone like him to become your leader. I want to be your leader only as long as you Cubans want to be led by me, and not by Miami Cubans."
    Starting tomorrow -- Monday, November 15th, 2021 -- it appears that President Miguel Diaz-Canel is the underdog against Miami-supported dissidence. But he believes that since his days as Education Minister he has had the strong support of most Cubans on the island. But since its first-known existence in 1492, the island of Cuba has been a huge underdog against a vast array of supposedly much-stronger imperialist nations. And the only Revolution that defeated such forces was in 1959 when underdog rebels defeated the U.S.-backed & Mafia-backed Batista regime, creating the endless and ultra-powerful Little Havana faction on U. S. soil. Tomorrow will yet again be a major test for Cuba, and unfortunately once again foreign influence will be a deciding factor in the outcome...whether or not the U. S. calls it Protests, a War, or a Coup!!!
Little Havana vs. Havana!!
Tomorrow is: Nov. 15th-2021!!

cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story)

cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story) : Note : This particular essay on  Ana Margarita Martinez  was first ...