
Cuba Still Tries to Survive By Stressing Fidel's Quotes

     Today is December 11th in 2024 in the closing days of the 65th aniversary of Fidel Castro's victory in the Cuban Revolution that shockingly overthrew the dictatorship of the US/Mafia-backed Fulgencio Batista rule in Cuba on January 1st of 1959. For sure, 65 Years is a long time for revolutionary control of Cuba to survive. Today -- December 11th, 2024 -- the words of Fidel Castro incredibly remain the prime strength of the Revolution although he died at age 90 in 2016. Cubans today were reminded of the above quotation from fidel Castro's speech exactly 63 years ago on December 11, 1961. Translated to English he said: 
    "We know that wilh each passing day, each passing month, and each passing year, there will be more of us working for the Revolution. That with each passing day, each passing month, and each passing week, there will be more of us revolutionaries."


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