
NY Times Pinpoints Cuba's Disaster on Dec. 27, 2024.

Americans Need to Know About it!!

      Today is December 27th in 2024 and above is the glaring headline and sub-headline today in the New York Times. It is an extremely long and extremely important update about the severe tragedy unfolding just below the USA's southern border in Cuba. And the superpower United States is largely responsible although the majority of Americans have for decades been programmed not to give a damn.
    Above is the start of the New York Times article on December 27th in 2024 that is telling the world of the severe tragedy everyday families in Cuba are experiencing without any help from the nearby United States, and, in fact, largely because of the United States. For decades, of course, democracy-loving Americans like me have been told to pretend that the U. S. was right to lavishly support the thieving and brutal Mafia-fueled Batista dictatorship in Cuba until it was amazingly overthrown in 1959 by the Cuban Revolution. And since 1959 the United States has cruelly punished Cubans on the island as one of the many drastic schemes to get them to help overthrow their revolutionary government. Today's huge New York Times article explains all that but, as usual, Americans are programmed not to care.
      Today's New York Times article today -- on December 27th in 2024 -- reported that only once since 1959 has the U. S. tried to normalize relations with Cuba. That, of course, was when President Obama visited Cuba in 2016 and used a nationwide radio & television broadcast to tell the Cuban people: "Cuba Does Not Need To Fear A Threat From The United States." The New York Times today reported that, thanks to President Obama, Cuban families for the next "two and a half years" breathed huge sighs of relief, but then soon learned that Obama's promise became just another U. S. lie.
      When another generation of Americans are persuaded to accept what many believe are genocidal measures by the U. S. against innocent Cubans, the four short paragraphs shown above in the long New York Times article on December 27th in 2024 is what citizens in the U. S. democracy need to know. As revealed each year by the almost unanimous vote of the 189 nations at the United Nations in New York, the rest of the world EACH YEAR begs the United States to treat Cuba the way the U. S. treated Batista's Cuba in the 1950s and the way it has treated Cuba's neighbors since 1959, such as allowing Cuba to also have trade and tourism dollars reach the island of Cuba.
    Indeed, as the New York Times tells the world on December 27th in 2024, the United States showers its Caribbean neighbors with massive tourism dollars including having major money-creating events-such as golf, basketball, etc., tournaments in the Bahamas, Jamaica, etc., and having all of the 30 Major League Baseball Teams having very lucrative year-around baseball facilities operating in the Dominican Republic, etc. Meanwhile...the word "GENOCIDIO" is something that Cubans on their island see on billboards everyday. The New York Times today -- on December 27th in 2024 --- seems to be asking this question: "WHY HAS THIS TRAGEDY EXISTED FOR ALL THESE MANY DECADES?"


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