
Cuba Braces For Nov. 15th Coup

 Will Protests Next Week Recapture Cuba?

 The photo above today is by the powerful CANADIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION. It shows a group of everyday Cubans on the island gearing up with clubs to try to protect the Cuba Revolution during the Protests/Coup that will start next week -- on November 15th-2021. These Cubans are active on Social Media and they are being told by the U. S. media that...for the first time since January of 1959...the latest attempt to overthrow Revolutionary Cuba WILL FINALLY SUCCEED starting next week, November 15-2021.
     Cubans are being told that dissident Yunior Garcia Aguilera this time has enough support from the U. S. and from other dissidents on the island to finally topple the Cuban Revolution that back on January 1 of 1959 defeated the Batista dictatorship that was supported by the U. S., the Mafia, and by massive U. S. tourism and U. S. businesses.
    Actually, this week Cubans in Cuba...this last week before Nov. 15th-2021...are very happy that the results of a massive vaccination campaign with homemade vaccines is apparently curbing what was a massive COVID-19 surge. Just a month ago there were thousands of new cases and about a hundred deaths per day on the island but now those numbers are miniscule in comparison. In the past 24 hours, for example, there have been only 483 new cases and only one 1 death. {See above}Yes, Cubans believe their government's numbers and its own vaccines...and daily the Cuban media minutely updates those numbers with every name listed that is a new case or new death, so Cubans can see the names and make sure someone they know who should be on the list is included.
     With Cuba's success in curbing the pandemic, the island...not coincidentally...is opening its classes in its universities and public schools by Nov. 15th-2021 and also reopening its borders to international terrorism. Therefore, countries that don't knuckle down totally to the U. S. Blockade are now resuming air flights to Cuba...especially including tourist-minded flights from Canada, Spain, Russia, China, Vietnam, Mexico, etc.

 For example, new airlines like Mexico's MAGNI has scheduled flights to Cuba starting next week. MAGNI is beginning regular flights from Cancun to Holguin in eastern Cuba.
    The new Spanish airline Sunwing is flying tourists to Cuban beaches such as Veradero.
Between them, Melia and Iberostar the two giant Madrid-based Hotels & Resorts chains have dozens of 4-star and 5-star properties in Cuba...and both of those Spanish giants are lavishly promoting tourism to Cuba.

     A few miles southeast of Miami, Cuba's Varadero Beach has been listed as the #1 Best Beach in the World by international travel writers.
     This image of Varadero Beach is from a new international print & video ad by Spain's Iberostar Hotels & Resorts that has dozens of world-class properties in Cuba awaiting the island's winter 2021-22 tourism season.
    Right below Florida, the Cuban beaches such as Varadero and Cayo Santa Maria are rated high on any lists of the Best Beaches in the World, much higher than any beaches in nearby Florida. While Varadero is more famous, in 2021 Cayo Santa Maria has been listed as the #2 Best Beach in the World. Of course, the U. S. media and U. S. government lavishly promote tourism to Florida but lavishly try to block tourism to Cuba. Of course, back in the 1950s both the U. S. and the Mafia lavishly promoted tourism to Cuba!
     Today -- on November 9th-2021 -- the TOP CUBA HEADLINES -- included, as usual, the Miami Herald trying to attack Cuba for having the audacity to resume "flights to Havana, but now U. S. travel rules pose a challenge for Cubans." OF COURSE, such U. S. media sources are busy reminding Cubans on the island of what really awaits them next week starting on Nov. 15-2021, which is the end of their Cuban Revolution, which has endured such threats since Jan. 1-1959.
 Even the CBC -- the powerful Canadian Broadcasting Corporation -- seems to be predicting that the Protests/Coup in Cuba next week starting Nov. 15-2021 will be the end of Revolutionary Cuba "just in time for the tourism season." WOW!! In other words, if the Protests/Coup next week succeed, perhaps Cuban lures will be allowed to compete with those of nearby Florida during the 2021-22 winter "tourism season."
    But...tuh...will everyday Cubans on the island accept dissident Yunior Garcia as there new leader??????????????????????????????????
     A revolutionary flag has flown over Cuba since January 1, 1959...after a Revolution took power on the island from the Batistianos, the Mafia, and the United States. Prior to Jan. 1-1959 Spain had dominated and looted Cuba for a century...till the United States gained dominance of the island after the 1898 Spanish-American War. What followed after 1898 WAS NOT DEMOCRACY but such things as the theft of Guantanamo Bay in 1903 and the brutal Mafia-riddled Batista dictatorship starting in 1952, which only ended at 3:00 A. M. on January 1, 1959. Now next week, will the Cuban flag fly over Revolutionary Cuba for the last time??
STAY TUNED!!! After all, since 1492 Cuba has certainly been the World CHAMPION when it comes to surprises!!







An Old Embargo, A New Coup, & No Shame

 Americans are Programmed to Accept It!!

BUT some others Are Ashamed

     Because he lives in the capital of Canada {Ottawa}...Bill Ryan is permitted to feel ashamed about what he believes is the endless and genocidal Blockade against Cuba that, he feels, has especially and drastically deprived children on the island of their deserved happiness. Being a Canadian, Bill can legally try do something about it. In his obsession to help Cuban children, Bill does things such as...sending 200 excellent bicycles in one shipment to Cuba along with 500 spare parts as well as hundreds of spare tires. Of course, because there are a lot of other decent people in North America, Bill...my Facebook amigo...is supported by many people via Social Media and by the Canadian media. Meanwhile, in November of 2021 the U. S. media saturates its readers and viewers with whatever extreme vitriol Cuban dissidents in Florida and in Cuba are blabbing and planning, which includes, of course, another massive round of Protests in Cuba starting on Nov. 15-2021 designed to overthrow the island's Revolutionary government that back in 1959 overthrew the thieving & brutal Batista dictatorship, which the U. S. media still implies was a real nice and fair GOVERNMENT.
       In that milieu, the photos below show what the decent Canadian Bill Ryan is doing in November of 2021 to try to make children in Cuba happy.

    In the photos above, you can see how ashamed Bill Ryan...a Canadian...is about the U. S. Embargo/Blockade that he feels has so drastically impacted three generations of children on the island. At least Bill hopes that his bicycles will bring a smile to the faces of children in Cuba.
    The U. S. EMBARGO/BLOCKADE that Bill Ryan in Ottawa is so ashamed of is not SHAMEFUL to Americans who tolerate and fund it. The Embargo began in 1962 after the 1961 Bay of Pigs air-land-sea military attack was defeated by Revolutionary Cuba. The purpose of the EMBARGO was...to starve, deprive, and make miserable Cubans on the island to induce them to rise up and overthrow their Revolutionary government. In the past 6+ decades, the EMBARGO has not persuaded Cubans on the island to overthrow Revolutionary Cuba. But in the past 5 years both the Republican Trump and the Democratic Biden administrations have cruelly expanded the ageless cruel EMBARGO into what many decent and concerned people consider to be a genocidal assault on Cuban families on their island.
     In Canada, and thus not programmed by the obsessive money-crazed Counter Revolutionary U. S. media, a decent man named Bill Ryan is obsessed with defying the ageless U. S. EMBARGO that he believes has starved, deprived, and made miserable three generations of Cuban children on the island to appease rich and powerful Cubans in Miami and in the U. S. Congress. THANK YOU...BILL RYAN!!


10 Days Away: A Coup in Cuba?


 One of the Caribbean's best photographers, Roberto Suarez, took this photo today -- November 5th, 2021. It shows famed Varadero Beach already opening to tourists and ten days from now, on Nov. 15-2021, Cuba will fully open its other tourist-friendly beaches. That same day, thanks to a strong positive result from its own COVID-19 vaccines, Cuba in ten days will reopen its schools and universities.
     And already Cuba this week has reopened its movie houses and other entertainment venues. But interestingly enough, many sources in Little Havana/Florida as well as some in Havana-Cuba have picked ten days from now -- Nov. 15-2021 -- as the day to commence protests in Cuba that apparently will be designed to spark a coup to overthrow the Revolutionary rule...something that has repeatedly and powerfully been tried without success since January of 1959!!!
     Today -- Friday, November 5th, 2021 -- above you can see the Top Headlines in the U. S. media pertaining to Cuba. Such blaring chants, of course, are beating the drums for the anticipated protests/coup set for ten days from now -- Nov. 15th-2021. In Washington the powerful The Hill chirps about how the U. S. Congress is weighing in on little Cuba's demise. In Miami the Cuba-obsessed Miami Herald also referred to politicians taking sides on the predicted end of the Cuban Revolution in the next ten days or so. And CNN today is telling its viewers that Revolutionary Cuba, unlike the kind and nice Batista dictatorship that preceded it, was already being brutal to the expected coup/protest-leaders. The CNN article today, as you see above, headlines this stupid news: "CUBA IS CRACKING DOWN ON CRITICS. This UNLIKELY Dissident Says He'll Protest Anyway." Of course, the "unlikely dissident" lauded by CNN is the protest/coup leader that Cubans, including everyday Cubans on Social Media sites, have mentioned repeatedly as being not only the leader of the Nov. 15th-2021 protest/coup but one, as usually, who they believe is wildly funded and supported by rich-and-powerful anti-revolutionary zealots in both Miami and Washington....not to mention the saturation attention and support he gets from the U. S. media.
The "unlikely dissident" is:
Yunior Garcia.
     This is one of the photos used by CNN in its article about Yunior Garcia, showing him at his home in Havana. CNN labeled Garcia the "unlikely dissident" but others consider him to have enough support from Little Havana/Miami, Washington, Newark, and Madrid to initiate a Protest/Coup in Cuba starting on Nov. 15-2021 that will finally overthrow the Cuban Revolution. Even CNN reported that an audio tape played by the Cuban media was indeed a phone call that Yunior Garcia answered in which the man calling was Ramon Saul Sanchez, a renowned leader of the famed and fierce Alpha 66 anti-Castro military group that formed in Southern Florida after the triumph of the Cuban Revolution in January of 1959.
Ramon Saul Sanchez
     Yes, even CNN this week mentioned the phone call from Ramon Saul Sanchez to Yunior Garcia Aguilera, and that Cuban television aired the audio of it.
    Of course, in the U. S. media there is seldom any mention of non-dissident Cubans on the island such as Adriana Perez O'Connor and her husband Gerardo Hernandez Nordelo. But...uh...obviously, Cubans like Adriana have opinions too!! One of Adriana's opinions is: "We are aware that one of the first things Garcia and the others will do is to provoke scenes that will send video back to Miami and the Internet that demeans Cuba and glorifies the coup-mongers. We are told that this will be the best-funded coup since 1959, but we have faced thousands of others funded by Miami and Washington. As for Cubans like me, especially the mothers, we will continue to keep our children safe from COVID and from the Blockade while also on November 15th,  when classrooms reopen again, we will take our children to school." Of course, I assume CNN and the rest of the U. S. media doesn't give one iota what Adriana Perez O'Connor says about November 15th-2021 but CNN and the rest of the U. S. media will lap up everything Yunior Garcia says about it!!


Cuba on November 4th-2021


     This young Cuban scientist is Gladys Gutierrez Bugallo. She got her Masters in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Havana and she has just received a UN/Unesco Women in Science Award. From a lab in Guadalupe, this Caribbean superstar was asked about the new UN honor, and she said: "In this pandemic and in future pandemics, humanity needs science and science needs everyone -- women, men, the rich, and the poor."
     This photo was taken today {November 4th-2021} in Havana at the William Soler Children's Hospital. It shows a young, well-trained, and dedicated Neonatologist named Maite Romero Padron doing her vital job today, which is saving the lives of babies, including newborns known to have health problems at birth. Maite is very skilled and everyday Cubans appreciate her work. Of course, the Counter Revolutionary media in the U. S. {as well as the mainstream U. S. media} apparently are not allowed to mention young Cubans like Gladys Gutierrez Bugallo and Maite Romero Padron but, of course, the U. S. media is agog on November 4th-2021 about reporting on the latest Cuban dissident on the island, Junior Garcia, who is supposedly about to lead the overthrow of Revolutionary Cuba slated to start on November 15th-2021!!
     Allow me to repeat...I believe that on November 4th-2021 the U. S. media should maybe be fair-minded enough to mention great young Cubans like notable Scientist Gladys Gutierrez Bugallo and neonatologist Maite Romero Padron. Above, that is Maite holding a baby that she saved when it was known that, at birth, it had a serious health issue. The earlier photo of Maite showed her today doing exactly the same thing at Havana's William Soler Children's Hospital. The U. S. media, of course, will never tell us about Cubans like Maite nor how/why that important hospital got its name.
     The two historic and true photos above reveal what truly galvanized the vast everyday population in Cuba to seriously make the nascent Cuban Revolution in the early 1950s viable as a do-or-die Revolution capable of overthrowing the Batista dictatorship even though Batista was supported by both the Mafia and by United States. In the two photos above, in the white blouse was the mother of Little Willie Soler, whose murdered body along with three other children was left in a deserted warehouse to be discovered to warn their parents not to resist what was happening in Batista's Cuba. Such murders, including the murder of Little Willie Soler that was bravely and emphatically resisted by his mother, fueled the Cuban Revolution that shocked the world, including the MAFIA and the United States, on January 1-1959 by overthrowing Batista, who was considered unbeatable!!!!
      Today -- November 4th-2021 -- this is the image of FULGENCIO BATISTA that most Cubans on the island still remember...the Batista that "asinasinatos de nuestros HIJOS" -- meaning the Batista that was ordering the "murders of our CHILDREN."
    And today -- November 4th-2021 -- this is the William Soler Children's Hospital in Havana. As a Democracy-loving American, I believe that Americans have a right to be told why and how the William Soler Children's Hospital got its name. For sure, most Cubans on the island today know why and how it got its name!!!!!
       AND YES...today -- November 4th-2021 -- this photo was taken at Havana's William Soler Children's Hospital, which indeed was named for Little Willie Soler. This photo was posted on the world's giant Social Media outlets but the U. S. media appears to pretend that there is no decent Cuban like Maite nor is there a William Soler Children's Hospital in Havana!!!! Such knowledge, I guess, might tend to prevent tax-paying and voting Americans to reconsider genocidal policies against Cuban babies in Havana {like this one} to appease rich and politically powerful Cubans in Little Havana USA.
And welcome to Cuba!!!


cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story)

cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story) : Note : This particular essay on  Ana Margarita Martinez  was first ...