
Somewhere Over the Rainbow

An Ephemeral Sign of Hope!!
       A few hours ago this rainbow appeared briefly over the sea outside Havana. It was photographed by Daily Perez Guillen, a superb young journalist at Cubavision International. Daily's Facebook description of this photo says a lot more about what's happening in Cuba than all the articles you might read this weekend. Daily described it this way: "Que toda esa luz venga a nosotros como un barrdor de tristezas." {"May all that light come to us as a sweeper of sorrows."}. In other words, that ephemeral rainbow for a few moments in time represented a brief ray of hope for Daily. All this week Cuba has been trying to recover from the tornado that killed 6 people while destroying or severely damaging over 3,200 homes in Havana. But also Daily and almost every adult Cuban on the island is convinced that President Trump is allowing Marco Rubio & John Bolton to attack Cuba between now and April using the turmoil and quagmire in Venezuela as their long-sought excuse. And Daily along with other Cubans are not just expecting attacks from the ever-tightening U. S. sanctions but...this time...an attack from ultra-modern U. S. military weapons, a virtual Bay of Pigs on steroids.
    While working full-time as a skilled broadcast journalist in Havana, Daily Perez Guillen is also the loving mother of two precious young children, a boy and a girl. As a democracy-loving American, I am glad that Daily, a few hours ago, found some comfort in that rainbow that shone briefly over the sea back toward the Florida Keys. Daily, you see, is a far more decent human being than unchecked miscreants like Rubio & Bolton who are dire threats to Daily's two young children. In fact, I believe Daily is a far superior human being than the working mothers in the USA who don't care what Rubio & Bolton have planned for Cuba...replicating working USA mothers back in the 1950s who didn't care what Batista & Luciano were doing to Cubans as long as rich American businessmen, via kickbacks, could also partake in the thuggery made possible by extreme imperialist brutality.
     For Americans in February of 2019 to sit back like ignorant cowards and allow a Rubio to anoint a Bolton as Trump's unchecked National Security Adviser shows zero respect for America that has had more than its share of war-mongered wars since the necessity of World War II. Bolton has a well-earned reputation as the USA's most salacious war-mongering zealot, at least when it comes to small, vulnerable nations. After the regime-change in Venezuela, the ensuing attack on Cuba will bear Bolton's ignorant and salacious stamp, thanks to the ignorance and cowardice of the U. S. citizens who allow things like that to happen in America's name while sanctimoniously criticizing "bad countries."
     As the Progreso Weekly in Miami pointed out with this astute cartoon, the American people might deserve John Bolton and Marco Rubio as self-serving puppeteers hiding behind the superpower U. S. government, but Cubans on the island in 2019 don't deserve Bolton and Rubio ANYMORE than Cubans on the island deserved Batista and Luciano in the 1950s. Yet, agreeing with Miami's Progreso Weekly, Cubans on the island equate Bolton and Rubio in 2019 with Batista and Luciano in the 1950s.
    Indecent and cowardly Americans who allow miscreants in the USA to threaten Daily Perez Guillen's two young children should be ashamed of themselves. But like I said, a few hours ago Daily...ever so briefly...found some comfort in the rainbow that appeared momentarily over the sea back toward the Florida Keys. SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW there may be an answer to this question: WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO THE U. S. DEMOCRACY THAT ALLOWS RUNTS LIKE RUBIO & BOLTON TO BE DECISION-MAKERS?
     Yet today the U. S. media and the U. S. citizens are programmed to accept THIS PHOTO as being as American today as Apple Pie once was to more intelligent, more patriotic, and more courageous generations of Americans. INDEED, what the hell happened to Democracy?


Rubio Closer to Cuba Takeover

A HUGE Step Closer TODAY!!
Above photo-graphic courtesy of: Associated Press/Andre Penner.
     The image above reflects how Senator Marco Rubio's insatiable quest to regain control of Cuba to satisfy his mentors in Miami's Little Havana sector took a powerful step forward today. Rubio has been blessed with Donald Trump as U. S. President and extreme right-winger Zair Bolsonaro as President of Brazil, Latin America's superpower. Today Bolsonaro had his top diplomat, Ernesto Araezo, in Washington HUDDLING WITH MARCO RUBIO. Afterward, as reported in a major Miami Herald article today, both anti-Cuban war-mongers blamed Cuba for Latin America's ills, specifically the problems in Venezuela. "We totally agree," was Araezo's exact quote, followed by Rubio's latest comments about mentioning the Cuban regime-change as more important than the regime-change in Venezuela.
     In maneuvering five extreme anti-Cuban zealots to top positions in the Trump administration, John Bolton's appointment as Trump's National Security Adviser is by far Rubio's most significant triumph. Bolton, the planet's most egregious anti-Cuban war-monger, is more dangerous than all of the other of Rubio's anti-Cuban zealots, even more-so than career zealot Mauricio Claver-Carone becoming Trump's Western Hemisphere chief. So, within hours of extreme right-winger Jair Bolsonaro becoming President of Brazil, FOR DAMN SURE Bolton {as shown above} quickly flew to Brazil to get Bolsonaro's permission to attack Cuba. Thus, today -- February 8th, 2019 -- Bolsonaro's top diplomat -- Ernesto Arauzo, WAS IN WASHINGTON finalizing those plans with Marco Rubio. And now the bills will be paid in Blood and dollars while, with history as our guide, the likes of Rubio and Bolton will never be held accountable.
       In other words, today's Brazilian mission with Marco Rubio in Washington puts Rubio one giant step closer to rewarding the Little Havana extremists with their regime-change in Cuba. It will happen in a matter of days, not months. Afterward, Americans will pay the bills...in blood and dollars...for Rubio's ignorance, cowardice, and lack of concern for America as he, a flyweight, is allowed to rework his Batista-revamped ideology into the fabric of America's once-cherished democracy. For meekly allowing it to happen, this pusillanimous generation of United States citizens deserves Rubio's Batista fanaticism much more than Cubans on the island deserve its return to their vulnerable nation, a little country that chased the Batistianos and their Mafiosi brothers to their new headquarters, Little Havana in Miami, way back on January 1, 1959.
    At the moment, these are the three Little Havana kingpins being allowed to move the region into a war-footing to finally fulfill their obsession to regain control of Cuba. From left to right above are: Mauricio Claver-Carone, Marco Rubio, and Mario Diaz-Balart {whose father was a key Batista Minister before becoming one of the richest and most powerful Counter Revolutionaries in Little Havana}. As a democracy-loving American, I'm afraid that a Democracy that is unable to rein-in this trio is a Democracy in a precipitous decline. And I say that with heart-wrenching regret.

The Bush Dynasty Ghosts

They Return To Dictate Cuban Policies!
      Reappearing like a Ghost from the Bush Dynasty's Past, the Newsweek cover above from the Year 2002 should be dusted off and carefully studied to understand what is happening, from Latin America's standpoint, in the Year 2019. The 2002 cover story concerned "BUSH'S POINT MAN" Otto Reich having been the POINT MAN of President George W. Bush's 2002 coup in Caracas that briefly overthrew Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Now in February of 2019 Otto Reich, the insatiable Cuba-born Counter Revolutionary zealot, is one of President Donald Trump's POINT MEN in the coup that is about to overthrow Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, who was doomed anyway because of the dastardly economic conditions in oil-rich Venezuela. So, having coup-mongering, Cuban-born zealots like Otto Reich involved, even behind the scenes, in ousting Maduro in 2019 highlights the gross arrogance and stupidity of the crowd directing Trump's incredibly CUBAN-INSPIRED Latin American ventures. But the prime point I hereby make is this: Since the Eisenhower-Nixon administration in the 1950s, all Republican administrations, especially the three Bush dynasty terms, have been 100% linked to the Batista-Mafia Cuban dictatorship and its aftermaths...and that includes Cuban extremists from Orlando Bosch to Mafia kingpins like Lucky Luciano. So, it should surprise no one that the Bush dynasty Cuban zealots resurface in EVERY REPUBLICAN ADMINISTRATION, including Trump's, and while Republicans are not in the White House their anti-Cuban endeavors are restricted to such things as fund-raising, lobbying, and anti-Cuban propaganda.
    The extreme power of Cuban-born Counter Revolutionaries became indelible during one year, 1976, when George H. W. Bush, was CIA Director and then the 8 years G.H.W. Bush was Vice President in the two-term Ronald Reagan administrations. That's when, as shown above, many Counter Revolutionary Cubans such as Otto Reich became extremely powerful and very wealthy Counter Revolutionaries.
   Between the Bush #1 and Bush #2 presidencies, the likes of Otto Reich concentrated on financial and propaganda schemes against Cuba -- well aware that even the Democratic presidencies of Carter, Clinton, and Obama were not strong enough to ever hold them accountable even for extreme and self-serving anti-Cuban activities.
      At a Republican National Convention, that is Otto Reich himself obviously making a point regarding what the Counter Revolutionary extremists expected from the Republican Party. Since the 1950s, Republican Party politicians have danced like puppets to whatever puppeteers like Otto Reich demanded. That's how Reich got to be the undisputed "Point Man" in President George W. Bush's 2002 coup that briefly ousted Venezuela's Cuba-friendly President Hugo Chavez. And, resurfacing in the current Republican administration, of course Reich is one of the Point Men making sure Venezuela's current Cuba-friendly President Nicolas Maduro is dethroned. In one week's time the BBC and The Guardian in London as well as the Associated Press, NY Times, Wall Street Journal, etc., have all had articles alluding to the fact that the resurfaced Bush ghosts fully expect to regain control of Cuba soon after Maduro is taken care of.
     Of course, the conservative and right-wing media in the United States support everything zealots like Otto Reich espouse. But even more shamefully, even the liberal and left-wing U. S. media has been too afraid to challenge Counter Revolutionary Cuban zealots OR to hold enablers like the Bush dynasty accountable for enabling Otto Reich-types...and even Orlando Bosch-types, Luis Posada Carriles-types, etc...to carry out dastardly deeds against Cuba and, I believe, against Democracy.
    Of course, the enablers who have empowered and enriched Counter Revolutionary Cubans have themselves been richly rewarded both economically and politically. For example, in the 2000 presidential election, the Democrat Al Gore got the most votes but the Republican George W. Bush was hand-delivered his two-term presidency thanks to the Cuban/Little Havana influence on Florida's decisive electoral votes. As indicated by the graphic above, the entire world watched day-after-day for the final, highly controversial election results to finally emerge from Florida. Not surprisingly, when at last rendered they put the Bush dynasty's George W. Bush in the White House...NOT the more qualified Al Gore who actually got the most nationwide votes. Once in office, of course, Bush #2 like Bush #1 danced to every Counter Revolutionary tune that Little Havana Counter Revolutionary zealots in Miami could concoct.

      The image above lingers from 2000 as a part of U. S. history as it shows the famous "hanging chad" counting of the Florida votes that put another Bush, not Gore, in the White House. Since 1898, since 1952 and ESPECIALLY since 1959, the "hanging chads" are just one of thousands of examples that prove that Cuba says a lot more about the United States than Cuba says about Cuba.
     Each day for the rest of this week I will add to this essay to document its theme, which is this: BUSH DYNASTY GHOSTS resurface during each Republican administration, including Trump's, to be afforded the economic and {even} military power of the United States in their 6-decades-old quest to recapture Cuba. I will resume later today with how the BUSH-anointed and Cuban-born Jorge Mas Canosa emerged as America's all-time most powerful Cuban dictator on United States soil, even more powerful than the U.S.-backed Batista was in Cuba. In the meantime, as always on Cubaninsider, I suggest you GOOGLE-search any name or event I mention so you can judge them or it for yourself.


Pence Confirms Cuba Coup

{Thursday: February 7th, 2019}
     This week -- Tuesday, Feb. 5th -- it was confirmed that Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwell will visit Cuba this spring. That's big news because never before has a member of the British Royal Family been in Cuba. Baroness Hale, the President of the Brit's Supreme Court, said, "They are not only going to the Anglo Caribbean, they are going to Cuba as well. Camilla especially is very much looking forward to visiting Cuba." The visit will be this spring, which is also interesting. The first reaction to one UK journalist was: "By the time Charles and Camilla get to Cuba this spring, they'll probably be seeing Walmart's and Starbucks all over Havana." Many Brits, Americans, and Cubans believe that...based on what Vice President Mike Pence said in Little Havana {Miami} Monday...that BY SPRING the Trump administration in Washington will have returned Cuba to the eager Counter Revolutionaries that have ruled Little Havana and all REPUBLICAN ADMINISTRATIONS since 1959.
      This photo shows United States Vice President Mike Pence being greeted Monday in the famed Cuban-exile Versailles Restaurant in Miami's Little Havana. It is the perfect place to go if you are a spokesman for the current Republican administration and want to assure the Versailles customers that, at LONG LAST, Revolutionary Cuba will soon become Little Havana's Cuba. At Versailles Pence trotted out his stump line for his later speech, and that line was and is: "It is time to liberate Venezuela from Cuba." That afternoon the BBC in London was telling the world about that quote, reminding everyone what was already known, which is this: The Trump administration is ecstatic over being able to use the turmoil in Venezuela to finally deliver Cuba back to the Cuban-exile extremists who, for decades, have huddled at venues like the Versailles Restaurant in Little Havana trying to use Big Money and Political Clout to persuade a Republican Commander-in-Chief to return Cuba to them. In Trump, they struck gold beyond their fondest dreams.
  At the Versailles Restaurant Monday Pence celebrated "Make America Great Again" and "You People Will Have Cuba Back In A Matter of Days." This was one of those celebrations in Miami's Little Havana.
    This photo reveals that the Trump administration months ago began courting the Venezuela crisis as their pathway to a successful coup in Cuba. In this photo that is Vice President Mike Pence meeting with Venezuelan opposition figures in April of 2018 in Lima, Peru. Of course, as with Cuban exiles, Venezuelan exiles flock to Miami if they want to finalize a coup. That, of course, was the case in 2002 with the coup that briefly overthrew Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. And so now it becomes clear that the Trump administration no longer has to pretend that CUBA is the catalyst for the regime change in Venezuela. Pence at the Versailles Restaurant in Little Havana successfully tested his prime line: "TIME TO LIBERATE VENEZUELA FROM CUBA." Of course, the Trump White House and Little Havana are convinced it'll all be as easy as eating a piece of Cuban cake at the Versailles Restaurant. MAYBE. Or.....MAYBE NOT.
     The BBC graphic above indicates some of the many nations supporting President Guaido, those supporting Maduro, and those, led by the EU, who are supporting the more peaceful "for new elections."
    As far as the U. S. is concerned, the Trump White House is still getting away with a looming tragedy for the region and possibly the world by letting Senator Marco Rubio, a flyweight one-trick-pony from Little Havana, direct the USA's Venezuelan input, which Rubio considers to be the pathway to recapturing Cuba. The criminally insane aspect of Trump's stupidity is proven by Rubio's maneuvering only well-known anti-Cuban war-mongers into the Venezuelan quagmire -- including, incredibly, the most zealous anti-Cuban war-mongers on the planet such as Mauricio Claver-Carone and a virtual Who's Who of Bush dynasty Cuban extremists like Otto Reich...all now meshing with extreme war-mongers John Bolton and INCREDIBLY even Elliott Abrams who famously needed a Bush pardon to avoid prison for his incessant war-mongering against supposedly vulnerable smaller nations.
       As of today - - February 6th, 2019 -- the U.S. anti-Cuba decision-makers -- Rubio, Bolton, Claver-Carone, etc., etc. -- don't have enough rationale...sanity, really...to either comprehend or care about the above photo. But if President Maduro has the firm backing of Russian President Putin, it might result in war-mongers like Rubio in 2019 doing what war-mongers like Reich in 2002 did after the coup that ousted Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez -- at least FOR A FEW HOURS -- which is to hide away in the hopes that neither the government nor the media would hold them accountable, which is generally the case. At the moment Putin has a nuclear arsenal equivalent to Trump's...and if push comes to shove, Rubio, who will never be held accountable for what he is masterminding, might at least want to duck.
      Having a Republican President is no excuse for the U. S. democracy allowing a pipsqueak like Senator Rubio instead of a decent, rational, and intelligent American like Senator Dick Durbin to have the primary input in the USA's delicate influence in the Venezuelan morass. Now 74-years-old and in the Senate from Illinois since 1997, Durbin has long advocated USA sanity and decency towards Cuba and well knows the insanity of leaving Cuban policy in the hands of only a few Little Havana zealots and the sycophants that they have the money and the political clout to readily and easily purchase. On the Editorial Page of the Feb. 4th-2019 USA Today, Senator Durbin, after personally talking with President Guaido, understands that something must be done in Venezuela. His last sentence was: "It's about democratic change coming from within Venezuela." Senator Durbin in his article reminded us that he is quite cognizant of the U. S. past roles in "ILL-FATED MILITARY COUPS AND U. S. INTERVENTION IN LATIN AMERICA." And now for the United States to allow the likes of Rubio, Claver-Carone, Bolton, Reich, etc., to even be perceived as orchestrating the denouement in Venezuela first and Cuba second would again make the United States Democracy look like it is being ruled by vicious, greedy imperialist  misfits and miscreants willing to dismiss the blood-letting {of others} in order to attain self-serving lucrative or revengeful goals.
     Every day since January 1, 1959, Americans have been saturated with un-contradicted  propaganda telling them that "There was no need for the Cuban Revolution because the sweet Batista government treated everyday Cubans like Mother Teresa would have lovingly treated them." The truth is...if there had been a Mother Teresa in Cuba between 1952 and 1959 the Havana Mafia Mob {see above} would have erased her as quickly at it did student leader Jose Echeverria, young teacher Frank Pais, Frank's 17-year-old brother Jesus, etc., etc. Shamefully, in the world's most famed Democracy, as Miami newsman Emilio Milian found out, it has also been unhealthy not to accept Batistiano and Mafiosi propaganda concerning pre-or-post-Revolutionary Cuba.
    Today in the so-called mainstream U. S. media, don't expect to ever see or hear true and honest Cuban experts...such as Peter Kornbluh at the National Security Archives in Washington...but Counter Revolutionary Cubans such as Humberto Fontova, the Diaz-Balarts, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, etc., etc., are seemingly provided such access 24-hours-a-day with never a contradiction to their rants. Despite such propaganda, of course, neither Cuba in Havana nor America in Little Havana deserve the cruel, elitists, and thieving rule that Cuba endured from 1952 till 1959. But, it seems, it took the Cuban Revolution to prove the weakness of the U. S. two-party political system when money and political clout can purchase all of one party, the Republicans, and most of the other, the Democrats. Without a viable third political party, that's an ongoing problem easily exploited by miscreants. So, it's rare indeed when one decent and brave Democratic President, Obama, can squeeze into the morass and attempt to bring sanity to America's Cuban policy, only to be replaced by another Batistiano-controlled Republican administration -- the Trump-Pence administration that Humber Fontova-types don't deserve, and neither does America.
    Thus, the photo above is the definitive image pertaining to the Venezuelan crisis so far this week. On Feb. 4th-2019 at the Versailles Restaurant in the heart of Little Havana this photo shows Vice President Pence stating clearly that Venezuela is the first step but the main step is the one that follows -- and that is returning Cuba to Cuban-exile extremists. The exact Pence quote was: "It is time to liberate Venezuela from Cuba." There are, of course, many Venezuelan exiles in Miami but Pence well knows that it's only Cuban exiles that dictate policy to the Republican Party and that's why Pence and all other major Republicans flock to Little Havana havens such as the Versailles Restaurant to get their orders. Americans too ignorant or too afraid to grasp the meaning on that sentence -- "It is time to liberate Venezuela from Cuba" -- explains why dangerous extremists in the Trump administration have the leeway to do what they are now doing...and if past Latin American history is a harbinger of future Latin American history, it can be expected that none of them will ever be held accountable for however much blood is shed initially or during the decades that will follow. {cuba...Cuba...CUBA}.

U.S. Scares Key Cuban Friend

Canada Bows Down to Rubio!!
     For decades...from Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau to today's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau...Cuba has had one key friend in the Western Hemisphere -- Canada. But, it seems that it has only taken the Batistiano-aligned Trump administration in Washington to scare Canada into supporting a regime-change in Cuba along with regime-changes to Cuban allies in Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Bolivia. And now this week, Canada has decided to reduce its diplomatic staff in Havana from 16 to 8...apparently at the dictation of Counter Revolutionary zealots who have risen to the forefront of the Trump presidency. Canada's excuse for gutting its diplomatic staff in Havana is the same that Trump's war-mongering Rubio-Bolton-Pompeo/Claver-Carone quartet has used to totally gut the Obama-resurected U. S. embassy in Havana -- the MYSTERIOUS sonic attacks that allegedly are targeting United States and Canadian diplomats in Havana.
      For almost two decades Josefina Vidal has been Cuba's all-time most famous and most effective diplomat. So after negotiating a near-normal Cuba-U.S. relationship with the Obama administration, Vidal was named Cuba's Ambassador to Canada. Vidal is Cuba's best expert regarding U. S. relations...and, knowing how vital a good relationship with Canada is to Cuba, she sought and received the Canadian ambassadorship. And Vidal well knows now that Canada is showing fear of the Rubio-led assaults on Cuba that also include Cuba's Caribbean, Latin American, and North American friends -- INCLUDING Canada. Vidal posted the photo depicted above on her Twitter page and included comments that Canadian and Americans should read. Yes, Vidal accused Canada of being afraid of the unchecked Rubio and the Little Havana extremists who made him an incumbent in the U. S. Senate and even a, uh...presidential candidate. Vidal pointed out that Cuba is the nation that, for two years, has worked diligently with U. S. and Canadian experts to try to solve the sonic-mystery that is hurting Cuba but gifting Rubio with a grenade to assail Cuba. If you check this photo and Vidal's Twitter page, you will see her exact comments, such as: "This behaviour favours those who in the United States use this issue to attack and denigrate Cuba. It's well known that some individuals with high level positions with U. S. foreign policy are trying very hard to create a climate of bilateral tension seeking to portray our country as a threat." Both Americans and Canadians should go to Josefina Vidal's Twitter page to read Cuba's sane position. Of course, Americans & Canadians are programmed to accept only the Little Havana narrative regarding Cuba...and, of course, beyond that the American & Canadian media are both afraid to challenge anything the Batistianos do or say.
     The USA and Canadian media will not admit it but such fates as that which befell Miami's brave Cuban-American newsman Emilio Milian constitute a paradigm that still shapes coverage of Cuba. Saddened by unchecked terrorist bombings that killed innocent Cubans, such as all aboard Cubana Flight 455, Emilio Milian on the air lamented unchecked Miami terrorists targeting innocent Cubans. Emilio was then silenced by Miami's most famed terrorist tool -- a car bomb. To this day Americans & Canadians, including the media, are not supposed to even GOOGLE such names as Emilio Milian or Cubana Flight 455 to comprehend what happened to them. Therefore, Josefina Vidal this week ignored requests from the media to be interviewed about Canada's capitulations to Marco Rubio's insanely cruel targeting of totally innocent Cubans on the island. Instead, she posted her own photo and her own comments on Twitter...and despite what the U.S./Canadian media suggest, it is legal for Americans and Canadians to GOOGLE things so they can make judgments on their own instead of being stuffed with self-serving propaganda.
      Canada cutting its embassy staff in Havana from 16 to 8 is considered by Cuba to be a rare Canadian capitulation to Miami's Little Havana.
         After President Obama had bravely reopened the U. S. embassy in Havana for the first time since 1961, and tried desperately to fully staff it, the Trump administration, taking its orders from a few anti-Cuban extremists, quickly gutted the embassy.
   In Canada Cuba's Ambassador Josefina Vidal is well-liked and respected. She is shown above with Canada's Tourism Director Alaina Lockhart. Over a million Canadians visit Cuba each year.
      Overflow crowds of Canadians recently helped celebrate the 60th anniversary of the triumph of the Cuban Revolution.
      This photo shows Cubans who live and work in Canada with Ambassador Josefinal Vidal. That's Vidal in the middle standing above the lady who is kneeling. Vidal for almost two decades has been Cuba's top diplomat and expert regarding all issues with the United States. She worked positively with Obama but she, not unexpectedly, is finding yet another Republican administration, Trump's, totally dancing to whatever tune emerges from Little Havana in Miami. And at the moment, Cuba and Vidal, in the 60th year of Revolutionary Cuba, are losing out to Little Havana.
     And now early in 2019 -- with Canada opposing Cuba and siding with Little Havana, not Havana, at every turn -- the island is having to adjust to the growing components of an anti-Cuban Perfect Storm.

cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story)

cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story) : Note : This particular essay on  Ana Margarita Martinez  was first ...