The Starvation Plan Is Now 62-YEARS Old!!
The sole publisher of Cubaninsider, Rich Haney, has passionately studied Cuba day and night since the 1980s and he has visited the island. He is a fiercely pro-democracy conservative Republican from Virginia and he believes the Cuban Revolution and Revolutionary Cuba say more about the United States than they say about Cuba.
Trump-Biden Cuban Starvation Tactics
US Sends Genocide To Cuba
As COVID Takes Full Advantage!!
Cubans Die; Does US Senate Rejoice?
Senators Menendez & Rubio Celebrate!!
With Another Anti-Cuba Senate Bill!!
Of course, the rest of the world is outraged that any powerful nation keeps expanding a genocidal EMBARGO-BLOCKADE against families in a much-smaller nation, especially when the deadly COVID-19 pandemic is ravaging the very nearby and vulnerable island!!!
Cuba Proud After Tokyo Olympics
Cubans in Cuba Cheering August 8, 2021!!
Early this Sunday morning -- August 8th, 2021 -- Cubans on the island got up early to watch Andy Cruz win yet another boxing Gold Medal in the Olympics in Tokyo!! A 25-year-old superstar from Matanzas, Andy Cruz won his gold for Cuba this morning by beating the American Keyshawn Davis by a 4-the-1 score. Cubans on the island, reeling from the ever-tightening Trump-Biden Blockade and from the deadly upsurge of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in the cities of Matanzas and Havana, finally had something to cheer for.
War vs. China Over Cuba?
Hopefully Not, But Stay Tuned!!
cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story)
cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story) : Note : This particular essay on Ana Margarita Martinez was first ...
And from 1959 till 2023 it always starts with sanitizing Batista's, the Mafia's and the USA's Cuba from 1952 till 1959 !! ...
Eternally Entwined by History *** Essay updated: Friday, November 28th, 2014 *** Spain's leading newspaper, El Pais , is...
Three of 7 Siblings Still Live { Thursday, March 30th , 2017 } On Sunday, March 27th in Havana, Augustina Castro died at ag...