The Rest Condone It or Afraid of It!!

It can honestly be said that US-Cuba Relations began in 1492, the year that Columbus discovered both Cuba and the United States. By 1776, as the U. S. was becoming an independent nation, even Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the Declaration of Independence, was advocating that it was imperative that the U. S. "Take permanent hold of Cuba," the nearby Caribbean's largest, most beautiful, and most strategically located island. But Spain, for many decades, was strong enough to keep the USA's hands off Cuba...until 1898 when the U. S. warship Maine conveniently blew up in Havana Harbor, killing 261 U. S. sailors and providing the pretext for the Spanish-American War, which the U. S. easily won. After becoming the imperative power dominating Cuba, the U. S. had the wonderful chance, starting in 1898, to make Cuba a heralded Democracy. But that never happened. WHY? At the dawn of the 20th Century, the U. S. had written decrees that legalized U. S. troops in Cuba whenever the U. S. chose; it legalized such dastardly deals such as making the luscious Guantanamo Bay U. S. territory, and in August of 2021 the U. S. still has Guantanamo Bay where a famous U. S. military base resides as does a famous U. S. prison. Thus from 1898 until the 1950s the U. S. used Cuba as a luscious financial and political pawn. Then in 1952 the U. S., the world's most famed Democracy, teamed with the Mafia to support the thieving and brutal Batista dictatorship in Cuba. Again you ask, WHY? By 1952, as the U. S. burnished its role as an imperialist power, the powers-that-be in Washington decided that they wanted to support dictators such as Batista in Cuba, Trujillo in the Dominican Republic, Somoza in Nicaragua, etc., as opposed to building, demanding, and supporting Democracies. AGAIN WHY? It was assumed that Democracies in these much-smaller nations would make sure that most of their national resources would accrue to their own people, not to a foreign power. So, in the 1950s the U. S. supported "friends" like Batista, Trujillo, Somoza, etc., who were eager to accept kick-backs from the U. S. in the form of money, training their soldiers and police, and other U. S. support that included the acceptance of brutal methods being used by such dictators to keep their people in check. Of course, by 1953 one little nation...Cuba...began a Revolution to overthrow its U.S.-backed and Mafia-backed dictator, Batista. It was, at best, considered a billion-to-one chance of succeeding because, after all, Batista was a powerful dictator and he was supported by the most powerful nation in the world, the U. S., and by the most powerful criminal organization in the world, the Mafia. Yet, the billion-to-one odds little nation shocked the whole world on Jan. 1-1959 when the Cuban Revolution chased the Batistianos and the Mafiosi off the island...all the way to nearby Miami!! Thus, since January of 1959 the important city of Miami and the important state of Florida have been controlled financially and politically by Little Havana, the section of Miami that was spawned by the victory of the very determined and pugnacious Cuban Revolution.
Since January of 1959 when the triumph of the Cuban Revolution changed the world so drastically, the yearly highlights have been chronicled endlessly. Of course, all predictions were the same -- that the U. S. and Little Havana would recapture Cuba within a few weeks...or a few months at the most. Yet, at the end of August in the year of 2021 it remains an ongoing process, meaning that recapturing Cuba hasn't happened yet!!
As you study the two graphics above, contemplate how in the hell the little island nation of Cuba has been able for all these decades to keep from being recaptured by the United States at the vicious and determined behest of Little Havana. In other words, the billion-to-one odds that said the Cuban Revolution couldn't succeed in the 1950s have been eclipsed by the two billion-to-one odds that said it couldn't survive from 1959 until at least the end of AUGUST of 2021. After all, since 1959 until August-2021 both Little Havana and the United States have used their vast economic and military arsenals in the all-out and no-holds-barred efforts to recapture Cuba...including the Bay of Pigs military attack in April-1961, unchecked terrorist attacks, historic assassinations and assassination attempts, the longest and cruelest Embargo/Blockade {1962 till August-2021} ever imposed by any powerful nation against a much-smaller nation, etc., etc., etc.

Since 1492, since 1898, since 1952, since 1959, since 1961, since 1962, since 2016 {When Obama visited Cuba and shook Raul Castro's hand and in 2016 when Fidel Castro died at age 90}, etc., till the end of August in 2021, many people have tried to "EXPLAIN US-CUBA RELATIONS." Yet, few have succeeded in "explaining" the essence of US-Cuba Releations. For one thing, those relations have coursed through the darkest stages of U. S. history, certainly not befitting the basic tenets of what a great Democracy should embrace. Therefore, with Little Havana dictating the USA's Cuban policies and the Cuban narratives since 1959, Americans have been programmed to believe that Batista's Mafiosi-riddled regime in the 1950s was a great government and, conversely, that the Revolution's government since 1959 has been the worst regime in history. Of course, those two premises, riddled with self-serving propaganda, have successfully persuaded several generations of Americans to not only accept U. S. genocide against masses of Cubans on the island but to even fund it!!
And thus, unlike propagandized Americans, almost the rest of the entire world believes that the image above connotes and constitutes U. S. genocide against masses of Cubans on the island, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The United States once had perhaps the best and most respected news media in the world, but now the United States perhaps has one of the worst medias in the world, especially among the so-called Western Nations. Thus, now when the world's best media, such as the London-based BBC, report on U.S.-Cuba Relations they depend on un-propagandized experts such as Helen Yaffe. In the United States, on the other hand, the media is obliged to provide only the opinions of the most self-serving Counter Revolutionary zealots...and the American citizens are programmed not to object or question anything that Little Havana stalwarts such as Rubio, Diaz-Balart, Salazar, Jimenez, etc., say about Cuba although their self-serving and one-sided opinions are the antithesis of what great and unbiased Cuban experts such as Helen Yaffe reveal on forums such as the BBC.
As a great journalist and author, Helen Yaffe has been to Cuba many times and knows the island and its people extremely well. A Professor in Economics and Social History at the University of Glasgow, Helen Yaffe is one of the world's greatest experts on Latin America, especially Cuba.
Above you can see a Helen Yaffe post today on Facebook in which she says, "The U. S. has, in the most disgraceful, criminal way, used the pandemic to create double pressure on Cuba." I do not know of any unbiased expert or leader in Latin America that disagrees with her sentence above, or disagree with Helen Yaffe's words this week:
The updated views shown above by Helen Yaffe, a brilliant and internationally respected expert on Latin America and Cuba, should be a part of the U. S. media's reporting on the U. S. relations with Cuba, but it is APPARENTLY not allowed in the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave. Instead, the U. S. media seems only obliged to saturate Americans with the views of Rubio, Menendez, the
Diaz-Balart brothers, Salazar, Jimenez, etc.

And, yes, as a Democracy-loving American I believe Americans should be allowed to admit that "GENOCIDIO" is being committed in their names against precious little girls in Cuba. I further believe that Americans should be permitted to be ashamed about the Carlos LaTuff editorial graphic above that is telling the world about U. S. genocide against Cuba during the COVID-19 pandemic.