
U.S. Scares Key Cuban Friend

Canada Bows Down to Rubio!!
     For decades...from Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau to today's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau...Cuba has had one key friend in the Western Hemisphere -- Canada. But, it seems that it has only taken the Batistiano-aligned Trump administration in Washington to scare Canada into supporting a regime-change in Cuba along with regime-changes to Cuban allies in Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Bolivia. And now this week, Canada has decided to reduce its diplomatic staff in Havana from 16 to 8...apparently at the dictation of Counter Revolutionary zealots who have risen to the forefront of the Trump presidency. Canada's excuse for gutting its diplomatic staff in Havana is the same that Trump's war-mongering Rubio-Bolton-Pompeo/Claver-Carone quartet has used to totally gut the Obama-resurected U. S. embassy in Havana -- the MYSTERIOUS sonic attacks that allegedly are targeting United States and Canadian diplomats in Havana.
      For almost two decades Josefina Vidal has been Cuba's all-time most famous and most effective diplomat. So after negotiating a near-normal Cuba-U.S. relationship with the Obama administration, Vidal was named Cuba's Ambassador to Canada. Vidal is Cuba's best expert regarding U. S. relations...and, knowing how vital a good relationship with Canada is to Cuba, she sought and received the Canadian ambassadorship. And Vidal well knows now that Canada is showing fear of the Rubio-led assaults on Cuba that also include Cuba's Caribbean, Latin American, and North American friends -- INCLUDING Canada. Vidal posted the photo depicted above on her Twitter page and included comments that Canadian and Americans should read. Yes, Vidal accused Canada of being afraid of the unchecked Rubio and the Little Havana extremists who made him an incumbent in the U. S. Senate and even a, uh...presidential candidate. Vidal pointed out that Cuba is the nation that, for two years, has worked diligently with U. S. and Canadian experts to try to solve the sonic-mystery that is hurting Cuba but gifting Rubio with a grenade to assail Cuba. If you check this photo and Vidal's Twitter page, you will see her exact comments, such as: "This behaviour favours those who in the United States use this issue to attack and denigrate Cuba. It's well known that some individuals with high level positions with U. S. foreign policy are trying very hard to create a climate of bilateral tension seeking to portray our country as a threat." Both Americans and Canadians should go to Josefina Vidal's Twitter page to read Cuba's sane position. Of course, Americans & Canadians are programmed to accept only the Little Havana narrative regarding Cuba...and, of course, beyond that the American & Canadian media are both afraid to challenge anything the Batistianos do or say.
     The USA and Canadian media will not admit it but such fates as that which befell Miami's brave Cuban-American newsman Emilio Milian constitute a paradigm that still shapes coverage of Cuba. Saddened by unchecked terrorist bombings that killed innocent Cubans, such as all aboard Cubana Flight 455, Emilio Milian on the air lamented unchecked Miami terrorists targeting innocent Cubans. Emilio was then silenced by Miami's most famed terrorist tool -- a car bomb. To this day Americans & Canadians, including the media, are not supposed to even GOOGLE such names as Emilio Milian or Cubana Flight 455 to comprehend what happened to them. Therefore, Josefina Vidal this week ignored requests from the media to be interviewed about Canada's capitulations to Marco Rubio's insanely cruel targeting of totally innocent Cubans on the island. Instead, she posted her own photo and her own comments on Twitter...and despite what the U.S./Canadian media suggest, it is legal for Americans and Canadians to GOOGLE things so they can make judgments on their own instead of being stuffed with self-serving propaganda.
      Canada cutting its embassy staff in Havana from 16 to 8 is considered by Cuba to be a rare Canadian capitulation to Miami's Little Havana.
         After President Obama had bravely reopened the U. S. embassy in Havana for the first time since 1961, and tried desperately to fully staff it, the Trump administration, taking its orders from a few anti-Cuban extremists, quickly gutted the embassy.
   In Canada Cuba's Ambassador Josefina Vidal is well-liked and respected. She is shown above with Canada's Tourism Director Alaina Lockhart. Over a million Canadians visit Cuba each year.
      Overflow crowds of Canadians recently helped celebrate the 60th anniversary of the triumph of the Cuban Revolution.
      This photo shows Cubans who live and work in Canada with Ambassador Josefinal Vidal. That's Vidal in the middle standing above the lady who is kneeling. Vidal for almost two decades has been Cuba's top diplomat and expert regarding all issues with the United States. She worked positively with Obama but she, not unexpectedly, is finding yet another Republican administration, Trump's, totally dancing to whatever tune emerges from Little Havana in Miami. And at the moment, Cuba and Vidal, in the 60th year of Revolutionary Cuba, are losing out to Little Havana.
     And now early in 2019 -- with Canada opposing Cuba and siding with Little Havana, not Havana, at every turn -- the island is having to adjust to the growing components of an anti-Cuban Perfect Storm.


VENEZUELA: What is Next?

War or Peace!!!
{ON Monday, February 4th, 2019}
Two Presidents Spell One Big War.
Photo credit: Associated Press/Fernando Llano.
     The photo above, I believe, best defines what was happening on the first weekend in February in Caracas. This image fronted an AP article entitled: "Venezuelan Opposition Leader to Police: Leave My Family Alone." The U.S.-backed President of Venezuela, 35-year-old Juan Guaido, was quoted by the AP as warning President Nicolas Maduro with these exact words: "I hold you responsible for anything that might happen to my baby." Those words and the image above clearly confirm that Guaido right now has a definitive edge over Maduro as most of the world understands that SOMETHING needs to be done to correct the turmoil in Venezuela that is clearly on the verge...the precipice...of boiling-over in Latin America...and IN America.

     But a leading journalist in Miami by the name of Alvaro Fernandez -- the dynamo at the Miami-based Progreso Weekly -- also has a pertinent reminder this crucial week that should be factored into the equation.

     This Progreso Weekly Editorial Cartoon informs the world that the LAST TWO PEOPLE IN THE WORLD WHO SHOULD BE ORCHESTRATING WHAT IS HAPPENING IN VENEZUELA are John Bolton and Marco Rubio. The image above correctly references Bolton & Rubio as the hilarious pupeteers directing the puppet who is President Juan Guaido. Bolton is Washington's most famed long-time war-monger who has preached attacking Cuba for two decades. Rubio is the one-trick-pony from Little Havana in Miami obsessed with rewarding his financial and political mentors by using the U. S. military to recapture Cuba for them. The bravest of the Miami journalist, Alvaro Fernandez, is pointing out two things: {1} Venezuela is being used by Bolton & Rubio as the excuse to make the regime-change in Cuba with contaminant regime-changes in Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Bolivia tossed in for giggles; and {2} the fact that the mainstream U. S. media, including the left-wing/anti-Trump zealots, doesn't have the courage to point out this fact empowers self-serving thugs like Bolton & Rubio to forge ahead using the U. S. military and the U. S. treasury to carry out their selfish and dangerous goals.

      While Rubio & Bolton are scary as depicted in the Progreso Weekly Editorial Cartoon, Rubio & Bolton are even more scarier when captured in real-life PRIVATE DISCUSSION photos like this one. Surely, these two are the last war-mongering politicians on the planet who should be involved in the ongoing Venezuelan crisis. Yet, it is apparent to decent, unbiased observers that decent and unbiased experts need to try to devise the most peaceful means possible to correct Venezuela's problems. But as long as America and the world must deal with self-motivated extremists like Rubio & Bolton, both America and the entire world will remain enmeshed in grave and unnecessary man-made, war-like dangers.



Help Cubans? HEY, It's Legal

But Mostly Prohibited in the USA!!
    A deadly tornado struck Havana this week leaving thousands of Cubans like this lady without their homes or possessions. Millions of Americans and Cuban-Americans would love to help these Cubans but, with another Republican administration in Washington, a handful of Counter Revolutionary miscreants once again seem to rejoice in any natural or man-made tragedies that assault Cubans on the island.
     A Trump administration in Washington that departs 100% from the decency of the previous Obama presidency and turns Cuban policies back over to the likes of Rubio, Pompeo, and Bolton is as indecent to America and to Democracy as it is to Cuba. Of course, the mainstream media -- even including the vast left-wing media trying so desperately to dethrone Trump -- is too afraid of hard-line Cubans like Rubio to even comment on the most dire Cuban issues or challenge anything a Rubio is empowered to do during right-wing Republican administrations.
    The Center for Democracy in the Americas is the prime anti-Rubio force in Washington. Today the CDA suggested how Rubio can be bypassed so Americans and Cuban-Americans can help Cubans on the island devastated by the tornado. The CDA recommends that people who want to help the Cuban people go to the Caritas Cubana website.
A LEGAL WAY to help Cubans.
    In Washington the antipathy of Marco Rubio is the brilliant, brave, and decent Emily Mendrala. Emily is the Executive Director of the Center for Democracy in the Americas. In that capacity Emily fights fiercely on behalf of Democracy and on behalf of innocent Cubans on the island routinely and unmercifully targeted by self-serving Washington miscreants like Marco Rubio. Of course, even the left-wing U. S. media trying so hard to dethrone Trump is too afraid to even mention Emily Mendrala but always available to promote the cruelty of Mr. Rubio.
    Other decent and heroic U. S. organizations totally ignored by the intimidated or politically correct mainstream U. S. media work hard every day to bring sanity and decency to America's Cuban policies. CAfE -- Cuban Americans for Engagement -- is, like the CDA, another such worthy group compassionately helping Cubans.
  Another compassionate U.S.-based organization trying to help Cubans on the island is OnCubaNews.com. I urge you to dial it up now.
   The Website OnCubaNews.com has posted the above photo of tornado-devastated Cubans it is trying to help...and that site has a major article entitled: "How You Can Help the Victims of the Tornado in Cuba."
     This stunned little girl and her beloved puppy are now homeless in Havana because of this week's tornado. Because of the vitriol coming out of Rubio's mouth and being lavishly and cruelly spewed out by vast Batistiano propaganda machines, Americans are propagandized to believe that this little girl is a dire threat to the United States. That is not true but since 1959 such simplistic truths are often drowned out by those who dictate the Cuban narratives in a drastically transformed USA.
Of course NOT.......!!!!!!



Regime-Changes in That order???
{Friday, February 1st, 2019}
    Along with the AP and Reuters, the Agence France-Presse make up the world's three biggest news agencies. AFP photos like those above and below have illustrated this week's most pertinent headline: "Russia and the U. S. Have Had Chilly Exchanges at the United Nations Over the Venezuelan Crisis." It seems that anti-Cuban Cuban-American zeolets and profiteers like Rubio, Claver-Carone, the Diaz-Balarts, Menendez, etc., view the Venezuela crisis as an excuse to finally execute a regime-change in Cuba. It also seems that Russia this time is not willing to allow the U. S. to become the dominant force in Venezuela, and that's not just because Russia is aware that Venezuela's oil reserves are unequaled in all the world. While the U. S. economy dwarfs that of Russia, Russia's military and nuclear arsenals match those of the United States...two factors that might make Russia less apt to shy away from a fight over Venezuela. TRUMP vs. PUTIN in charge of the world's two prime nuclear powers is somewhat of a scary proposition, especially with Rubio's success at maneuvering anti-Cuban zealots into positions as Trump's National Security Adviser, Secretary of State, and the head of the State Department's anti-Cuban Western Hemisphere division.
      In the volatile Venezuela tender-box the anti-Cubans guiding Trump's current Latin American strategies, according to their own statements, seem merely waiting for an incident involving Maduro's police that could be used to touch-off U. S. military interventions that would be launched either from Colombia or Brazil. After that, if it happens, the reactions of Putin and Maduro take Center Stage...one way or the other. Either way, innocents suffer the most.
 Trump & Putin -- scary!!
 Trump & Rubio -- even scarier!!
Maduro & Putin -- scary!!
 Trump & Bolsonaro -- even scarier.
      One week ago the United States, quickly followed by many other countries, recognized 35-year-old Juan Guaido as the President of Venezuela, tightening the reins on President Nicolas Maduro. Today -- Jan. 31, 2019 --  the New York Times photo above topped an article entitled: "Juan Guaido Says Venezuela Opposition Had Secret Talks With Military." If the military, or even a significant portion of it, turns against Maduro, he will be quickly doomed. And unless Maduro accepts the amnesty that Guaido has on the table, considerable bloodshed could be inevitable. In any case, oil-rich but destitute Venezuela, Cuba's close ally, is destined for drastic changes and in short order, hopefully without a Latin American War or a United States-Russia conflict.
     Somehow since the Cuban Revolution ousted the U.S.-backed Batista-Mafia dictatorship on Jan. 1-1959, the eternally vulnerable and coveted island of Cuba has ACTUALLY been a sovereign nation -- ruled by people in Cuba and not by imperial powers such as Spain and the United States. "STRENGTH FOR OUR CUBAN FAMILIES AND BROTHERS." The image above, once again, has been revived on this last day of January-2019 to once again boost the stamina and the resolve of 11.4 million Cubans on the targeted island. Always anticipating destructive natural and man-made hurricanes, Cubans today are being blind-sided by a historically devastating tornado and by a virtual PERFECT STORM that has developed in Latin America to benefit and enthrall the latest group of fierce Counter Revolutionaries lurking in Miami and in Washington. Since January of 1959 the odds of Cuba surviving as a sovereign nation have been extremely low; on this last day of January in 2019 those odds are practically ZERO. A second generation of Batistianos, spawned quite rich and politically powerful in Miami's Little Havana capital city, will be back in charge of Cuba by April, 2019. I'll explain. You may, or may not, digest those words...but then, ready or not, here is MY explanation and analysis.
      Yesterday -- Jan. 30th-2019 -- Juan Guaido, the 35-year-old President of Venezuela as recognized by the United States first and then many other nations, talked by phone with U. S. President Donald Trump...and with key military leaders in Venezuela. Such revelations continue to spell doom for Venezuela's President of the last six years, Nicolas Maduro.
     So now it's not a question if Juan Guaido replaces Nicolas Maduro as the lone President of Venezuela, but when.
    Then with a vast infusion of foreign economic and military help, the Venezuelan flag will fly steadier...at least for a time. But U. S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, the world's two top nuclear-powered military leaders, both will vie for dominance of Venezuela.
    The U. S. military presence across Venezuela's border in Colombia has been bolstered and is being directed at assuring the regime change in Venezuela. With millions of Venezuelans, deprived of vital necessities such as food and medicine, fleeing into Colombia, it is understood that something must be done to revitalize destitute but oil-rich Venezuela. A gripping new BBC report from inside Venezuela this week showed and heard from young Venezuelan men desperately grappling in garbage dumps seeking whatever food scraps they could find. But the regime-change in Venezuela should not be directed by the USA, which feasted on greedy and bloody regime-changes in Latin America from 1953 till 1973...Guatemala to Chile...including overthrowing democratically elected governments to install murderous but U.S.-friendly dictators such as Pinochet. And if Americans don't accept that analysis, it's only because they have been successfully and easily lied to by the U. S. government and by the U. S. media. So, unless war-mongers want to benefit from endless guerrilla-style wars in Latin American or the threat of a nuclear war with Russia, some United Nations-directed unbiased nations should broker the Venezuela crisis. That would mean that Donald Trump's four prime anti-Cuban/war mongers -- Marco Rubio, John Bolton, Mike Pompeo, and Mauricio Claver-Carone -- should keep their greedy and grubby paws off what's developing in Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Brazil, and Colombia.
      AND MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT THIS: Massively distracted by a myriad of other problems, Trump's impending Latin American War is being directed by Marco Rubio and Rubio's two prime war-mongering mouthpieces Mike Pompeo and John Bolton. And, beyond that truth, this other key fact should be entered into the equation: Rubio, Pompeo, and Bolton are primarily concerned with blessing Little Havana in Miami by finally regaining control of CUBA. Those three long-time anti-Cuban war-mongers believe they have stumbled into the Perfect Storm -- an easily malleable Trump, an extreme right-wing anti-Cuban President in Brazil, and a right-wing anti-Cuban President in Colombia, which borders Venezuela.
  Once extreme right-winger Zair Bolsonaro became President of Brazil, it is for damn sure that Rubio made sure that a lifelong anti-Cuban zealot was quickly dispatched to Brasilia to meet with Bolsonaro.

    Then, of course, Bolsonaro had a definitive meeting with Rubio's most famed and most notable war-mongering mouthpiece, John Bolton. After the Bolsonaro-Bolton meeting, America's best expert regarding U.S.-Cuban relations, Tracey Eaton, said that he would "not be surprised" if the U. S. launched an attack on Cuba "from Brazil." And since then, the U. S. and Brazil have had joint military maneuvers but so in the last few days have Russia and Venezuela.
      As January fades out and February arrives in 2019, the BBC graphic above depicts the players involved directly in the Venezuela crisis. But as in other international jostling, this boils down to the United States vs. the two giant nations shown in red in the upper-right above -- military Superpower Russia and military Superpower China, which...like the USA...is both an economic and military Superpower. Long before the current Venezuelan denouement was upon us, both Russia and China had decided to compete with the USA for dominance in Latin America, and Russia now has its first military base in the region on a Venezuelan island about 150 miles from Caracas...with nuclear-armed Russian jets and bombers already taking advantage of it. As the USA directs Venezuelan oil money and other assets toward its chosen President Guaido, there are reports from the UK today that a huge airplane loaded with Venezuelan gold bars is headed for an "undisclosed location," meaning Russia.
    The three world powers -- the U. S., China, and Russia -- all would like to dictate Venezuela's economy, which is destitute right now but remains a mineral-rich nation that has the world's largest known oil reserves. The BBC chart above shows where Venezuela sold its oil in 2017, the last year of known statistics. Up until recent years, Venezuela also was shipping over 100,000 barrels of oil a day to Cuba. Also, as the chart above was being registered, the U. S. overtook Saudi Arabia and Russia to become the world's #1 producer of oil. Yet, the U. S. doesn't want Russia or China to have strong access to Venezuela's enormous oil reserves...and vice versa.
     What all this adds up to is this: A lightweight named Rubio is directing prime strategically placed war-mongers like Bolton towards a dangerous Latin American War for the main purpose of finally putting Rubio's Little Havana mentors in Miami back in charge of Cuba. Rubio is neither smart enough nor concerned enough to weigh the costly, bloody, and long-term repercussions -- endless guerrilla-style revolts in America's backyard, to say the least, or even a nuclear war with Russia that the USA will not win and neither will Russia but a patient China might win about two decades down the road.
     Thus, in the coming days, expect Trump in Washington and Bolsonaro in Brasilia to grin and bask in the short-term glory of masterMINDING regime-changes in Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, and, OF COURSE, Cuba. But long after Trump & Bolsonaro are historical footnotes, their two powerful nations will still be trying to recover from the weird circumstances that made such men the leaders of the world's strongest nation and Latin America's strongest nation.
Rubio's Cuban excuse: Venezuela.
    Every regime-change in Latin America involving the United States of America -- from 1953 till 2019 -- has supposedly been for the purpose of bringing Liberty and Democracy to those nations. But if that were so, how is it that popular democratically elected Presidents like Allende were killed so murderous U.S.-friendly dictators like Pinochet could make a few rich Americans richer?????
     In 1952 right-wing thugs in the Eisenhower administration sicced the highest echelon of the Mafia on Cuba. In 1959 the Cuban Revolution chased the brutal-thieving Batista-Mafia dictators off the island all the way to Little Havana in Miami. Into the 7th decade since 1959, NBC/MSNBC and the rest of the extreme left-wing media in the U. S. is trying desperately to execute a coup to dethrone the Trump presidency without waiting for a democratic process to do it. And YET, not even NBC/MSNBC has the guts or the integrity to report on Trump's most egregious wrong, which is turning America's  post-Obama Cuban policies back over to a mere handful of Counter Revolutionary extremists. Thus, not even the rich and powerful left-wing media in the U. S. is journalistic enough to challenge the self-serving Little Havana-based Cuban zealots...so, as shown above, NBC/MSNBC and its ilk allow Havana-born anti-Cuban benefactors to dictate the pro-Batista/anti-Revolutionary propaganda just like the conservative and right-wing media in the U. S. does. Therefore, I believe, one of the lessons America's Cuban insanity should have taught us includes the disastrous transition of America's media from a vital news gathering source to a disastrous propaganda machine.
     And so, on this first day of February, an unqualified President leans down to get his Cuban and Latin American instructions from a lightweight politician from Little Havana: "Venezuela first, then Cuba. But why not also make regime-changes in Nicaragua and Bolivia too. They are Cuban allies, you know. Don't worry. Russia won't interfere and no one else scares us." Yes, Rubio has clearance from both the troubled Trump and the gutless U. S. media to get his Latin America War for the purpose of presenting the island of Cuba back to his cronies in Little Havana. After that, in all likelihood, the ashes will still be warm and bloody as the gutless mainstream U. S. media scrambles to tell its viewers and readers all about THE GREATEST FAILURE of a predictably failed President and THE TOTAL INSANITY of allowing a lightweight little miscreant act as the puppeteer Commander-in-Chief of a world-renowned military.
      Rubio's unchecked Cuban obsession today reminds me of perhaps the all-time best quote related to America's Cuban policies. Penelope Purdy was the top Latin American expert and Editorial Writer at the Denver Post when she wrote: "America's Cuban policy for all these decades has been conducted with the IQ of a salamander." No sane person can disagree with that comment about "America's Cuban policy..."
       Yet, the brilliant quotation by Penelope Purdy is not totally fair to Salamanders. After all, these little guys can be assumed to be smarter and more decent creatures than those who have "conducted America's Cuban policies for all these decades," to quote Penelope Purdy.



For Wednesday-January 30th TODAY!!
{Updated: A Sad Prediction}
     The photo above shows Venezuela's Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino Lopez at the podium on Friday-January 25th, surrounded by top Generals and Admirals, vowing loyalty to President Nicolas Maduro. But I believe Lopez is about to cave in and support the U.S.-backed and self-avowed President Juan Guaido, eliminating Maduro. Lopez will, I believe, accept amnesty. He fears facing international charges and the fact that Canada is among the nations siding with the U. S. position has tilted Lopez's flip-flop. The military was Maduro's last hope...and Lopez has concluded that neither Russia nor China will sufficiently support his Venezuelan military against U.S. forces.
     I am abundantly aware that change in Venezuela is both inevitable and badly needed. However, the quartet above -- Trump-Rubio-Pompeo-and-Bolton -- SHOULD NEVER be perceived as the prime perpetrators of the Venezuelan changes. Their extreme anti-Cuban biases and greed should rule them out and allow more decent humans to predicate Venezuela's immediate fate. But if this quartet is perceived as the key instigators, which appears possible, the ashes of the everlasting aftermaths will be especially bloody and far bloodier than necessary. It appears that Rubio-led war-mongers are awaiting some pretext, or excuse, to launch the military equation that will oust Maduro, with U. S. forces in both Colombia and Brazil primed. The New York Times has a major article  written by Peter Baker and Edward Wong entitled: "On Venezuela, Rubio Assumes U. S. Role of Ouster-in-Chief." And that's a tragedy. A smarter, more decent, and less biased person than Rubio is sorely needed in Washington to delicately direct America's inclusion in the Venezuelan process. But that's why, taking advantage of Trump's myriad of unquenchable problems, that Rubio has incredibly maneuvered extreme anti-Cuban war-mongering zealots like Bolton and Pompeo into his mouthpieces regarding Western Hemisphere operations. In other words, God Help the Western Hemisphere and what remains of the American democracy.

cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story)

cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story) : Note : This particular essay on  Ana Margarita Martinez  was first ...