
Cuba Still Tries to Survive By Stressing Fidel's Quotes

     Today is December 11th in 2024 in the closing days of the 65th aniversary of Fidel Castro's victory in the Cuban Revolution that shockingly overthrew the dictatorship of the US/Mafia-backed Fulgencio Batista rule in Cuba on January 1st of 1959. For sure, 65 Years is a long time for revolutionary control of Cuba to survive. Today -- December 11th, 2024 -- the words of Fidel Castro incredibly remain the prime strength of the Revolution although he died at age 90 in 2016. Cubans today were reminded of the above quotation from fidel Castro's speech exactly 63 years ago on December 11, 1961. Translated to English he said: 
    "We know that wilh each passing day, each passing month, and each passing year, there will be more of us working for the Revolution. That with each passing day, each passing month, and each passing week, there will be more of us revolutionaries."



Miami's Marco Rubio now has the POWER to end Revolutionary Cuba!!

Starting on January 20th Rubio will the US Secretary of State.

       The photo and headline shown above in December of 2024 is from CNN News and the long "analysis" foreshadows what will certainly be the end of the Cuban Revolution's rule in Cuba that began on January 1, 1959. As CNN reports, on January 20th in 2025 the new U. S. Secretary of State with be Marco Rubio in the new adminstration of President Donald Trump. Since 2011 as a power in the U. S. Senate from Miami, Rubio has stringently tightened the U. S. Embargo/Blockade on Cuba and now, finally, as Secretary of State he will have the full power to finish off the Cuban Revolution that his Cuban parents fled. Below are some excerpts from the CNN article that explain why, as Secretary of State under President Trump that Rubio will be able to fulfill his lifelong dream of overthrowing the Cuban Revolution that  in 1959 overthrew the US/Mafia-backed Batista dictatorship. You can dial up the entire article on the Internet or tap to enlarge some of the key paragraphs listed below.
     The well-researched analysis by CNN News excerpted above surely suggests the demise of Revolutionary Cuba early in 2025, and actually it will not take the new U. S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio very long to make it happen. That is because in 2024, the 65th year since the 1959 triumph of the Cuban Revolution, the Cubans have suffered mightily from food shortages, medical shortages, nation-wide power blackouts lasting for days, etc., etc.

      In December of 2024 the headlines shown above have told the world how extremely vulnerable the revolutlonary rule of Cuba is, with the government unable to prevent the nationwide power blackouts and also unable to provide sufficient food and medicine for its citizens.
    It is well known that, beginning early in 1959, that Fidel Castro proclaimed that the "reason" for his "do or die revolution" was because the previous rulers of Cuba -- meaning dictator Batista, the Mafia, and the United States -- had "raped and plundered our homeland while never even tossing crumbs to the majority peasants." Indeed, during the Revolutionary War from 1952 to 1959 and after the victory by Castro's rebels, the majority of poor Cuban families supported the Revolution. Within days of ruling Cuba in 1959 Fidel Castro decreed that top priorities would be "to provide all Cubans free education through college, free medical treatment for life, and free food and other necessitives when needed." In various forms, those gigantic promises were kept even after Fidel Castro died at age 90 in 2016. However, by the end of 2024 the Revolution is unable to fulfill those promises.
    This updated photo of Miami's Senator Marco Rubio is courtesy of CNN News. Starting on January 20th in 2025 he will have full authority to fulfill his dream of overthrowing the Cuban Revolution. This time, considering the nationwide blackouts and other dire deprivations, the Revolution will now be unable to resist the foreign intervention from a neighbor that happens to be the strongest and richest nation in the world. During his tenure in the U. S. Senate since 2011 Marco  Rubio has craved his roles as the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Committee, from which he has powerfully tightened the Embargo/Blockade around and on Cuba. Starting on January 20th in 2025, he will have the full power to fulfill his lifelong dream when he becomes President's Donald Trump's Secretary of State, the most important cabinet post in the White House. What that bodes for Cuba is well known to observers of the historic, current, and future relations between the Caribbean's largest island and the neighboring United States. It simply means the end of Revolutionary Cuba.
2024 has been the 62nd year of the U. S. EMBARGO.
2025 will see the end of the EMBARGO


What Would Fidel Castro Say About Cuba Today?

     Today is December 7th in 2024. The photo and caption above shows Fidel Castro and what he was thinking back on December 7th in 1976. Each day in 2024, on social media forums, it seems that a lot of Cubans are still asking, "What would Fidel be thinking today now in this 65th year of his victorious Cuban Revolution? Well, it probably would still be...the U. S. Blockade.
      The United States calls it an "EMBARGO" while Cuba calls it a "Blockade." But whatever it is called, it has existed for over six decades -- since 1962 -- and many in Cuba call it "genocidio" and many people around the world use their own word for "genocide." 
      If he was still alive on December 7th in 2024, I think Fidel Castro would mostly be thinking about the 62-year-old U. S. "Economic Blockade of Cuba." 
      On January 1st in 1959 Fidel Castro's Cuban Revolution triumphed over the US-backed/Mafia-backed Batista dictatorship. Come Hell and High water --- and there has been a lot of both in Revolutionary Cuba since 1959 -- that is particularly true in this very dreadful year of 2024, which happens to be the 65th Anniversary of Fidel Castro's victoriious Cuban Revolultion. In 2024 headlines have told the world about the  Cuban people facing constant hardships such as nation-wide power blackouts, shortages of food, shortages of medicine, etc., etc. Cuba says the EMBARGO/Blockade is the cause; the United States says that Cuba's Revolutionary rulers are at fault. And on December 7th in 2024 that is where the hardships on the island remain.
At age 90 in 2016 in Havana, Fidel Castro died.
Many Cubans think he is still looking out over his island.
      For sure, however, Fidel Castro's Cuban Revolution has incredibly survived deep into its 65th {and mostly its last full year} anniversary of the heralded victory in 1959.
       With Cuba's capital citiy of Havana just a few miles south of Key West, Florida, the Caribbean's  largest and most beautiful island will also always have the United States as its very close northern-most neighbor. That, of course, should be a good thing. But, of course, both historic and current facts say that is simply not so.  
While Cuba's future is unknown, its location stays the same.


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