
Cuba's Stance on the Ukrainian War


  Cuba's veteran Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez speaks for Cuba and his official statements about Russia's bloody invasion of Ukraine are generally well-received around the world, including in the United States.
     This is Bruno Rodriguez's official statement for Cuba on the Russian-Ukrainian War, which calls for a "serious, constructive and realistic diplomatic solution to the current crisis, one that guarantees the security and sovereignty of all, as well as peace, stability and regional and international security."
    The top Cuban headlines today -- March 4th-2022 -- include even a Miami Herald headline that surprisingly spotlights Cuba in a true light: "Ukraine's top diplomat in Havana: Cuba's vote at the U. N. 'gives us cautious hope.'" In the UN, indeed, Cuba refused to support Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
Of course, the media that is obsessed with only anti-Cuban propaganda continues to draw wedges between Cuba and anyone that desires honorable relations with the Caribbean's largest island nation. The headline above comes, not surprisingly, from Yoani Sanchez's well-funded digital newspaper 14YMEDIO that is based in her Havana apartment and then flashed around the world.
      Of course, Yoani Sanchez has powerful friends in Miami at Radio-TV Marti.
    And, of course, Yoani Sanchez has some ultra-powerful friends in the United States Senate.
      So, on any normal day the media devoted to undermining Cuba prevails in the United States and around much of the world.
      At NBC News Carmen Sesin has been one of the USA's highest-profile anti-Cuban/pro-Miami journalists in the United States. But, surprisingly, this week she and NBC News have penned true journalistic-style articles about Cuba's own very effective COVID-19 vaccines and now she pens a fair article entitled: "U. S. Boosts Embassy Personnel in Cuba."
    This is Carmen Sesin's article for NBC News that surprisingly gives Americans an honest view of a topical U.S.-Cuba perspective this week.
   A respected spokesman for Cuba, Bruno Rodriguez is rarely recognized in the mainstream U. S. media. But when a source such as NBC News at least quotes Mr. Rodriguez, then perhaps it is a sign that the dismally low rating the U. S. media has with the American people is being uplifted.

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