
Cuba Tensions Reach New Heights


    Virtually every day since January 1st of 1959 there have been dire predictions that Cubans in Florida, with the omnipotent help of the United States, would regain control of Cuba from Cuba's upstart revolutionary government. But, perhaps, on March 28th-2022 -- as Tension Rises In Cuba -- many insiders in both Florida and Cuba believe that the demise of Revolutionary Cuba is imminent, perhaps as soon as April of 2022.
    The Latino Affairs Reporter for the Tampa Bay Times is Juan Carlos Chavez. Tampa is second only to Miami when it comes to the ultra-powerful Cubans in Florida.
     Above is the start of the prime article penned by Juan Carlos Chavez in the Tampa Bay Times today -- on March 28th-2022. It explains that Guillermo Farinas, the long-time dissident MOST FAMED for being the most passionate Cuban obsessed with overthrowing Revolutionary Cuba's government, seems poised to finally get his wish. The first three paragraphs shown above pinpoint the avalanche of tensions that supposedly are about to accomplish that fervent and long-standing goal. Keep reading below:
     On his latest visit to Florida, this time to Tampa, Guillermo Farinas seems to be explaining that the time is ripe for a new democracy in Cuba...although, of course, there are a lot of long-suffering embargoed-blockaded Cubans on the island who would like to know exactly when Cuba has ever had Democracy, certainly not when the Mafia and the United States profited so massively during the pre-revolutionary years when they supported the brutal Batista dictatorship in Cuba.
    For sure, Guillermo Farinas has suffered mightily for his dissidence in Cuba. Now 60-years-old, as indicated by his array of international prizes and honors, he continues to  garner massive support off the island.
    As you can note from Senator Ted Cruz's congressional page above, the most powerful Cuban-Americans have long wildly supported Guillermo Farinas's efforts to dethrone Revolutionary Cuba; and if you are supported wildly by unchallenged U. S. Senators like Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Bob Menendez, the wonder is...why has Guillermo Farinas not dethroned Revolutionary Cuba years ago!!!????
    All Cuban dissidents since 1959 have had the massive support of all key Republican politicians in the USA's two-party political system. But, as shown above, Guillermo Farinas has also had the massive support of the top Democratic leaders, even President Obama, who has been the only United States President in history who has had the courage to defy the ultra-powerful and ultra-rich Counter Revolutionary Cuban-Americans, especially the normally unchallenged Cuban-Americans that control the political power in the Cuban-led cities of Miami, Tampa, and Newark.
      Today on March 28th-2022 this article in the Tampa Bay Times indicates that Guillermo Farinas is closer than he has ever been to overthrowing Revolutionary Cuba, perhaps as early as APRIL OF 2022!!!! If you deny that, I suggest you re-read today's first three paragraphs shown above from the March 28th-2022 Tampa Bay Times.


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