
WHY Biden Continues Trump's Cuban Genocide?

 Best Answer is by William M. LeoGrande!!!

William M. LeoGrande

     A renown Professor of Government at American University in Washington, D.C., William M. LeoGrande has also been, for decades, America's premier expert on U.S.-Cuban Relations. His books include "THE HIDDEN HISTORY of NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN WASHINGTON and HAVANA." Because of his impeccable integrity, LeoGrande's vital expertise is usually shunned by the USA's left wing/right wing media biases that basically cater only to extreme propagandists. But in books, articles, essays, and speeches about U.S.-Cuban Relations, those interested in the truth about the USA's contentious involvements with Cuba often depend on William M. LeoGrande's accurate and unbiased viewpoints.
         So in these final days of June-2021 William M. LeoGrande, not surprisingly, has best answered why the Democratic Biden administration has continued the extremely cruel genocide imposed on Cuban families in Cuba by the Republican Trump administration. His must-read article originated this week in The Hill, one of Washington's prime political sources.
   The excerpts above are a part of William M. LeoGrande's extremely long and important article that best EXPLAINS why President Biden has continued President Trump's extreme genocide against Cuban families on the island to appease the extreme Counter Revolutionary Cuban profiteers who control Florida's vital political system that Biden believes will dictate whether the Democratic Party can perpetuate its left-wing political agenda on the national level. The extreme greed of the Republican Party since 1959 has drastically exploited the extreme Batistiano Cubans who fled the Cuban Revolution and created Little Havana in the heart of Miami. Now the Democratic Party under Biden has decided to do the EXACT SAME THING. And, as the great William M. LeoGrande explains above, the Democratic Party under Biden is willing to impose genocide on Cuban families in Cuba to appease the Cubans in Miami and in Congress who, in turn, will supposedly make sure that the Democratic Party wins Florida's political support that the Republican Party under Trump captured because Trump was willing to impose genocide against Cubans in Cuba and, of course, Trump also gave the Miami Cubans a vast plethora of financial windfalls to buttress their already huge bank accounts. Now Biden's Democratic Party is willing to do exactly what Trump's Republican Party did from January-2017 till January-2021. Unfortunately, the USA has only a two-Party political system...and both now subscribe to Little Havana's two prime inducements: {1} Financial windfalls; and {2} Genocide against Cuban families on the island.
           When only a few American experts, such as William M. LeoGrande, have both the courage and the integrity to tell the truth about U.S.-Cuba relations, a U. S. government dictated to by Little Havana is coming to fruition now that Little Havana can dictate to the Democratic Party just as it has dictated to the Republican Party since the 1950s. And YES, Americans who don't give a damn about the genocide being imposed on Cuban families on the nearby island should at least be concerned about Little Havana's GRIP on BOTH of the USA's POLITICAL PARTIES.

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