Credit: Timothy A. Clary-AFP-Getty Images.
The photo above tells a Cuban truth that the mainstream U. S. media is too politically correct, too incompetent, or too afraid to tell you...and that's been so, I believe, since brave Cuban-American journalists, like Emilio Milian in Miami, got car-bombed or otherwise silenced when they tried to report fairly about U.S.-Cuban issues. But guess what? There is one primary media source today that actually has both the courage and the integrity to tell the truth about even the most contentious U.S.-Cuban issues and, ironically, that source is...the Miami Herald. A case in point is a major article, illustrated by the photo above, that was written by Mimi Whitefield and published by the Miami Herald on October 24, 2018. The article is entitled: "Pompeo Lambastes Cuba's Childish Temper Tantrum At the U. N.; Cuba Lashes Back." If President Trump's visceral Counter Revolutionary Secretary of State Mike Pompeo succeeded in nuking Cuba, the mainstream U. S. media would probably join the Counter Revolutionary extremists and justify the evisceration by saying it was necessary because Cuba was...for example...about to destroy the United States or something akin to that. But, almost as a Lone Wolf, the Miami Herald would denounce Pompeo's nuclear evisceration of innocent Cubans. With that backdrop, permit me to explain the Miami Herald's use of the above photo this week.
The photo shows two young female diplomats at the United Nations rising to their feet and shouting down a Pompeo-Trump lawyer who was reading a long tirade at the UN depicting Cuba as, essentially, the worst and most brutal nation in the history of the planet. The two young Cuban females, soon joined by others, vehemently and loudly voiced their objections to the lies about their homeland, an island they know well.

This is the Pompeo-Trump lawyer, Kelley E. Currie, reading that ridiculous anti-Cuban tirade at the United Nations, which served to remind the UN attendees yet again of how biased the USA's bullying of Cuba can be. Currie is shown above the very moment she looked up from her prepared script and stared at the two young Cuban females leading the uproar that Currie then, to no avail, begged UN "security" to silence by removing the Cubans and their supporters.
Actually, sometimes what Secretary Pompeo calls Cuban "temper tantrums" have been justified since the 1950s, as illustrated by the above photo. It shows the typical fate of everyday Cubans in Batista's Cuba from 1952 till 1959 while the Batistianos, the Mafiosi, and rich U. S. businessmen were robbing Cuba at will. Temper tantrums by the majority of Cubans reacting to this situation created the Cuban Revolution.
In the 1950s Americans were aware of brave Mother Marches in Cuba like the one above but, for the most part...they didn't care then and three later generations of Americans have been programmed NOT to care NOW.

But the "temper tantrums" in Batista's Cuba that fueled and sustained the Cuban Revolution is illustrated by definitive photos such as the one above. Instead of throwing at least some crumbs to the Cuban peasants, Batista's Cuba inflamed mothers like these with what the posters documented as murders..."asesinatos"...of "our children"..."nuestros HIJOS." Take note that the posters were signed by "Cuban mothers"..."madres Cubanas." Take particular note of the mother on the left in the white blouse and sunglasses. She was the mother of little Willie Soler. He and three of his playmates were murdered and left in a warehouse apparently as a warning against dissent. Today a major children's hospital in Cuba is named for William Soler in honor of his mother and other mothers like her. So, yes, sometimes Cuban women in the 1950s like the two young Cuban women at the UN in 2018 could justify their "temper tantrums."

The "Temper Tantrum" by the two young Cuban women at the UN a few weeks ago that irked Secretary Pompeo actually pales compared to the Temper Tantrums by Haydee Santamaria and Celia Sanchez back in the early 1950s. Haydee and Celia, as shown above, became do-or-die guerrilla fighters against the Batista horrors...and their "Temper Tantrums" doomed the Batista-Mafia rule in Cuba, chasing it to Miami's Little Havana neighborhood on January 1, 1959.
After the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, three ultra-powerful former guerrilla fighters -- Vilma Espin, Celia Sanchez, and Haydee Santamaria -- immediately put their stamps on Cuba by creating the still very viable Federation of Cuban Women and the block-by-block Committees for the Defense of the Cuban Revolution.

But the photo above makes perhaps the most important statement about post-Batista Cuba. To make up for the fact that the Batista-Mafia rule had left millions of Cuban peasants illiterate, 400,000 volunteers spread all across the island to teach Cubans how to read and write. The young woman on the right above was one of those volunteers and, as a teenager, she had been a fierce guerrila fighter against supposedly vastly superior Batista soldiers. This photo, and many others, chronicle Revolutionary Cuba's vast Literary Campaign that taught young mothers like the one above to read and write...and this Campaign continued unabated from January of 1959 till December 22nd, 1961, when it was deemed successful. After that, and until this day, all Cubans have been guaranteed free educations through college and free health care for life.

Beginning with the famed Cuban Literary Campaign that began in January of 1959, and lasting to this very day, the excellent and totally free educational opportunities and healthcare for all Cubans remain hallmarks of the Cuban Revolution...surviving such things as the Bay of Pigs military attack in 1961 and the U. S. embargo that dates from 1962 till today with the intention, according to de-classified U. S. documents, of making life "so miserable" on the island that Cubans would be induced to rise up and overthrow their revolutionary government. But it hasn't happened because Cubans on the island comprehend the difference between Batista's Cuba and Revolutionary Cuba.
Yes, America!! The Cuban Revolution's 3-year Literary Campaign -- January-1959 till February-1961 -- is historically famous and, I sincerely hope, in 2018 it is safe for Americans to actually Google it.
And just for the historic record, the photo above shows some of the 400,000 young Cubans who volunteered right after the triumph of the Cuban Revolution in January of 1959 to spread across the island and teach Batista-deprived Cubans how to read and write.

There is nothing fabricated or false about the above photos nor about the comments. Yet, Americans to this day are not supposed to Google such things as the Cuban Literacy Campaign nor, if people like Secretary Pompeo or Senator Rubio have their way, are Americans supposed to have the freedom to travel to Cuba to judge it for themselves. If they manage to do so, they will see healthy, well-educated Cubans like the two who had that "Temper Tantrum" at the UN because...let's face it...they prefer being healthy and well-educated in Revolutionary Cuba as opposed to what they knew Batista-Mafia rule represented back in the 1950s, such as the aforementioned photos depicted extreme poverty as well as outraged anti-Batista mothers having "Temper Tantrums" when they accused Batista of routinely murdering their "hijos" -- their "children" like little Willie Soler. When U. S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo blasted two young Cuban women for their "Temper Tantrum" at the UN, Pompeo was assuming that American propaganda has been so effective that anything he says about Cuba will be believed by Americans unwilling to Google the truth.

Now back to those two outraged young Cuban protesters at the UN as they shouted down Kelley E. Currie's self-serving Pompeo-Trump nonsense and bullying. Currie's tirade was scripted on multiple pages but the young Cuban women reacted extemporaneously out of pure respect for their island nation. In their starring role in yet another David vs. Goliath setting, these two young women epitomized why, against all odds, Revolutionary Cuba has survived for all these decades...and counting!!
But after 8 years of decency towards Cuba orchestrated by Democratic President Barack Obama, the latest Republican administration in Washington, Trump's, represents the biggest threat to Revolutionary Cuba since the Bay of Pigs military attack in April of 1961. Trump's two primary advisers on foreign issues happen to be America's two most anti-Cuban/Counter Revolutionary bullies -- National Security Adviser John Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

For sure, Bolton-Trump-and-Pompeo are indeed dire threats to Cubans on the island because they are career war-mongers against small, vulnerable nations -- but surely not against big boys like Russia or China or even nuclear-armed North Korea. Bolton-Trump-and-Pompeo are also collectively a threat to the U. S. democracy, I think. Perhaps they may orchestrate another Bay of Pigs-type humiliation for the United States in Cuba, but it also creates this realization: With two war-mongers as his chief foreign advisers, and as Commander-in-Chief of the world's strongest military, President Trump can easily and quickly destroy small nations like Cuba while being far too afraid to challenge China, Russia, or, yes, North Korea.

The video of President Trump saying how much he "loved" North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un has been aired many times on U. S. television by the five left-wing networks engaged in a media coup designed to topple Trump. But there has been just one high-profile journalist in the U. S. with the guts to suggest that instead of giving thumbs-up to dictators like Kim, Trump should be meeting with Cuba's new President Miguel Diaz-Canel in his own backyard. Do you know which journalist that is?

Born in Matanzas, Cuba, Fabiola Santiago came to the United States as a child in 1969. Since 1980 she has been a top journalist and now a top Editor at the Miami Herald. She has lambasted Trump for meeting with and at times praising people like Kim and Putin while giving self-serving Cuban-American Counter Revolutionaries like Marco Rubio free reins to destroy Revolutionary Cuba, which, according to Fabiola, would mean annihilating about 11 million Cubans on the island who are more honorable humans than Rubio. And Fabiola's Miami Herald this week spotlighted two such Cubans, so let's take another look at them in admiration of their fervor in defense of Cuba.

These are the two young female Cuban diplomats and their spontaneous reaction to a U. S. lawyer at the United Nations reading a brutal script that depicted Cuba as essentially the worst nation on the planet, apparently laying the groundwork for an all-out Bolton-Trump-Pompeo coup against the island. It seems that democracy-loving Cuban-American Fabiola Santiago at the Miami Herald supports the outrage demonstrated by these two young Cuban women. In other words, America needs more Fabiola Santiago-types and far less Rubio-Trump-Bolton-Pompeo-types.
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