
Cuba's Impossible Journey

And A Unique Survival!!
     If you take time to study the above logo you may begin to comprehend the impossible...not just improbable...survival of Revolutionary Cuba since 1959. CARICOM since 1973 has been a mutually beneficial "community" of Caribbean nations. It currently consists of 15 Members, 5 Associate Members, and 8 Observer Members, with the latter 8 nations merely having some relationship with actual Caribbean nations. While CARICOM today embraces 28 nations, Cuba -- the largest Caribbean island -- is not one of them. That relates to the omnipotent economic & military power of the USA, which since 1959 has supported the most vicious vestiges of the overthrown Batista-Mafia dictatorship in its never-ending goal of destroying and recapturing Cuba. The fact that hasn't happened in the past 6 decades reflects one of the world's most improbable and impossible phenomenons -- the mere survival of Revolutionary Cuba, the nearby island that so pugnaciously has defied the world's Superpower every day for six decades. To put that in perspective...it is highly unlikely that much larger nations -- including Canada and Mexico -- could have survived the economic, military, and terrorist assaults that Cuba has endured since 1959. And nations like Canada and Mexico, instead of being targeted by the U. S., have greatly benefited from being two vital U. S. trade partners.
       If you re-read the CARICOM logo, note that its theme is "A Community for All." Of course, all EXCEPT Cuba. The isolation of Cuba is because the 15 Members, 5 Associates, and 8 Observers meekly succumb to the threats of a few vicious anti-Cuban Batistianos-Mafiosi located in Miami and in the United States Congress.
     In other words, the incomparable power of the United States economically and militarily supports or tolerates all the CARICOM nations except Cuba, and since 1962 the United States officially -- based on de-classified U. S. documents -- has tried to starve, deprive, and make miserable the lives of Cubans on the island to appease a handful of Cuban exiles and their easily acquired rogue sycophants within the bowels of the American government. It you study the 15-member Caribbean nations shown above, rest assured that none of them could have survived the antagonism from the nearby world Superpower that Cuba has alone survived for the past six decades.
      A few weeks ago -- on Feb. 7th, 2018 -- U. S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson flew to Jamaica, the island due southeast of Cuba. Both Cuba and the Jamaica Observer assumed that Tillerson's Jamaican trip was to use U. S. muscle to "firm-up regional partners" in  Rex Tillerson's effort to "strangle the Cuban ecnomony."
     The Prime Minister of Jamaica, Andrew Holness, is Cuba's friend. But U. S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson seems well aware that the U. S. economic power can purchase even Cuba-friendly leaders in the Caribbean in the latest U. S. effort to starve, deprive, and make miserable Cubans on the island. Tillerson, prior to becoming President Trump's anti-Cuban Secretary of State, was the Top Man at oil giant ExxonMobil. Thus, Tillerson as well as ExxonMobil appear aligned in the Miami-Congress-White House effort to reconquer Cuba. The Jamaica Observer, the best Caribbean newspaper, even hints that Tillerson on behalf of ExxonMobil discussed with Prime Minister Holness the OIL advantages for nations helping to hurt Cuba.
     For example, yesterday -- Wednesday, Feb. 28th, 2018 -- the Houston Chronicle used the photo above to illustrate EXXON-MOBIL's burgeoning oil interests in the Caribbean, which one day may include Cuba if Revolutionary Cuba is defeated. ExxonMobil yesterday heralded its "7th" major oil discovery in the waters of Guyana, which is a northeastern South American nation but if you re-visit the CARICOM map above you will see that Guyana is also one of the 15 CARICOM members. ExxonMobil has just discovered more oil in Guyana's Pacora Well after drilling down 18,363 feet in 6,781 feet of water, according to ExxonMobil's own figures. And yesterday ExxonMobil announced that Guyana's oil production now "exceeds 500,000 barrels daily." According to the Jamaica Observer, Secretary of State Tillerson's visit to Jamaica was to remind "regional United States partners" of the help they can receive if they help the United States starve, deprive, and make miserable Cubans in Cuba, a process that has existed officially from Washington since 1962, and a process that long ago would have doomed many nations much, much larger than Cuba.
 The Carlos Latuff graphic above accurately reflects how all the Caribbean nations...and all the nations of the world as reflected by the 191-to-0 UN vote...feel about the U. S. embargo of Cuba that was first imposed in 1962 to INDEED starve, deprive, and make miserable the lives of Cubans in Cuba. In 2018 -- 6 decades AFTER the continuous Cuban embargo was first imposed -- U. S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's recent visit to Jamaica apparently was designed to tighten the USA's stranglehold on the island of Cuba even more. After all, Rex Tillerson surely realizes that the Batistiano-controlled Cuban narrative in the United States will assure that this generation of Americans is too ignorant, too timid, and too unpatriotic to give a damn about rich and revengeful thugs in a Superpower starving, depriving, and making miserable two generations of totally innocent people in a much weaker nation.
      For sure, Fidel Castro wasn't supposed to live to be 90-years-old, but he did. And his Cuban Revolution wasn't supposed to live for six decades and counting, but it has. The question for Democracy Lovers is this: How in the hell did it happen?? I believe the best answer was provided by the great revolutionary heroine, Celia Sanchez.
     To quote Celia Sanchez: "We rebels...get far too much credit for winning the revolution. Our enemies deserve most of the credit, for being greedy cowards and idiots." In other words, according to Celia Sanchez, the greatest architect/chronicler of the Cuban Revolution, she and the other rebels ran to the front-lines to fight while her enemies ran to Miami to hide behind the skirts of the world's mightiest Superpower.

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