
John Bolton THREATENS Cuba

What Does John Bolton Plan?
{Tuesday, March 27, 2018}
      Last week John Bolton replaced General H. R. McMaster as America's top National Security Adviser in President Trump's White House. That development, many liberals and conservatives believe, brings the U. S. and Israel one giant step closer to an actual military attack on Iran and an actual U.S.-backed coup in Cuba. Of all the war-hawks on America's extreme right-wing, Bolton is the most hawkish and dangerous.
     This Ethan Miller/Getty Images photo explains what is wrong with America's coerced Democracy. John Bolton is such an extremist right-wing warmonger that he couldn't possibly get the approval of the U. S. Senate for any important appointment. His "recess appointment" as U. S. Ambassador to the UN was brief and, of course, withdrawn by President George W. Bush before it faced Senate approval, one of the subtle little jokes the Bush dynasty has pulled on the American people. But right-wingers like Bolton as well as left-wingers on the other extreme in the political spectrum can become very rich and very influential by serving on propaganda Think Tanks such as Bolton's right-wing American Enterprise Institute. Also, of course, extremists like Bolton can hang around for decades making millions of political dollars with propaganda-powered Political Action Committees. Bolton has two extremely lucrative Super PACs -- "John Bolton Super PAC" and "John Bolton PAC". A key Bolton PAC donor is right-wing billionaire Robert Mercer, also a key supporter of the right-wing Breitbart News propaganda media farce. So using extremists like Bolton is how wealthy extreme entities can purchase what remains of the U. S. democracy. Yesterday -- Monday, March 26th, 2018 -- the USA Today's Editorial was entitled: "McMaster's Out. Bolton's In. Be Very Careful." That pertinent warning has reached Havana because Bolton has long violently targeted Revolutionary Cuba, and now as Trump's National Security Adviser he has his best chance to follow-up on his diabolical Cuban desires. "Bolton's In. Be Very Careful." Yes. Yes indeed, FOR SURE.
Is that why Trump chose John Bolton?
   A disciple of the war-mongering Bush dynasty, John Bolton pushed a false narrative -- Weapons of Mass Destruction -- to justify Bush's endless trillion-dollar war in Iraq.
     Retired U. S. diplomat Vicki Huddleston has a new book entitled "Our Woman in Havana." She was head of the U. S. Interests Section in Havana from 1999 till 2002 and earlier she was the Coordinator for U. S. Cuban Affairs from 1989 till 1993. Last week, alarmed that John Bolton was named President Trump's top National Security Adviser, Vicki Huddleston Tweeted that John Bolton accused Cuba of having Weapons of Mass Destruction in an apparent effort to have the U. S. military make an all-out attack on Cuba. As a product of the war-mongering Bush dynasty, Bolton led the false but successful charge that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction, and Vicki Huddleston worries about how much Bolton can influence Trump regarding Cuba.
      One example that could be cited to brand the U. S. news media as "Fake News" is the fact that, since 2006, John Boldon has been repeatedly referred to in the mainstream media as "the former U. S. Ambassador to the U. N.," which defers upon him an undeserved honor. Yes, Bolton was appointed by President George W. Bush as America's United Nations Ambassador but that is a misnomer unless it is quantified with this explanation: Bush well knew that Bolton was far too much of a war-mongerer to be confirmed by the U. S. Senate as the Ambassador to the UN. But Presidents incredibly can make short-lived "Recess Appointments" only to rescind them before the confirmation hearing in the Senate, which Bush surely did with John Bolton.
     While most Americans, including me, are staunch supporters of Israel, John Bolton and some right-wing Americans go beyond that and place Israel's welfare above that of America's. That is one reason Bolton spent 8 years vehemently denouncing and demeaning America's decent President Barack Obama. Bolton now can expound that extremism regarding any real or even perceived Israeli enemy.
      As a pro-Israel militant and extremist, John Bolton has urged America to attack Iran, something that Israel, an omnipotent nuclear power, is fully capable of doing all alone but especially in alliance with the U. S. such an attack now might be imminent.
      But closer to home, in the USA's backyard, John Bolton's appointment as President Trump's top National Security Adviser might well prove to be the final denouement to President Obama's sane promise: "Cuba does not need to fear a threat from the United States." But with Trump as President and with the right-wing/Counter Revolutionary extremist Bolton as his top militant adviser, Cuba is back in the cross-hairs the way it was in April of 1961 when less-extremist right-wingers crafted the Bay of Pigs attack aimed at recapturing Revolutionary Cuba many, many decades ago.
     Since April 16th, 2017 -- when President Trump visited Little Havana in Miami -- Cuba has considered the Obama-Trump transition the difference between war & peace, sanity & insanity. That was the day, with the huge Bay of Pigs Assault Banner 2506 as a backdrop, Trump essentially promised the few remaining anti-Castro hardliners that he would reverse the Bay of Pigs disaster for them. That promise...if indeed that's what it was...has taken on added meaning this week with Trump's new choice as America's National Security Adviser -- the war-mongering John Bolton.
      One thing is now for sure, The Dangers of John Bolton may represent the gravest danger for Revolutionary Cuba since the Bay of Pigs attack in April of 1961.

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