
Little Havana War Drums Still Beat Loudly

 Now Into A Second Week!!

      This photo from NBC-10 News in Miami/Little Havana illustrates the Counter Revolutionary media in the U. S. fanning the flames of the imminent and anticipated overthrow of Revolutionary Cuba. The effort from the rich and politically powerful Little Havana stronghold in Miami has fervently had the backing of the U. S. government since January of 1959 to regain control of the Caribbean's largest and most beautiful island, which is 90 miles from Miami. January of 1959 was when the Cuban Revolution overthrew the U.S.-backed and Mafia-backed Batista dictatorship...which then fled to Miami where it created the Little Havana stronghold. Since then Little Havana has increasingly gotten richer and more powerful as it controls the Cuban narrative as well as dictating U. S. Cuban policies. The narrative includes saturating U. S. media with the lie that the nice Cubans are in Little Havana and that the bad Cubans are in Havana. Of course, when decent Cuban-American journalists in Miami, alarmed about deadly terrorist attacks from and in Little Havana against innocent Cubans and Cuban-Americans, the most decent and bravest journalist in Little Havana, Emilio Milian, was car-bombed for having the audacity to loudly denounce such terrorism.
       This, actually, is what NBC-10 News in Miami/Little Havana, and other such U. S. media, is telling its viewers and readers, which is: Only Little Havana's self-serving opinions are allowed about the July-2021 efforts by Little Havana to finally, after 6+ decades, re-capture Havana. Miami/Little Havana is unchecked when it informs Americans that the U.S.-backed and Mafia-backed Batista dictatorship from 1952 till 1959 was the best and kindest government in all of Western Hemisphere history while since 1959 the Revolutionary Cuban government is the worst and most brutal government in Western Hemisphere history. Of course, such insatiable propaganda has made a lot of millionaires and billionaires in Miami and has seen a steady stream of only vicious Counter Revolutionary Little Havana-like Cubans entering the U. S. Congress since 1989 when the Bush Dynasty put Havana-born Iliana Ros-Lehtinen in Congress for three decades...followed shortly by the Diaz-Balart brothers Lincoln and Mario, the sons of the former powerful Minister in the Batista dictatorship before he and other Batista leaders were chased to South Florida as rich and powerful Counter Revolutionaries by the Cuban Revolution in January of 1959.
     Superbly powered by the Bush Dynasty in the 1980s -- CIA Director/VP/President George H. W. Bush, two-term President George W. Bush, and two-term Florida governor Jeb Bush -- Little Havana emerged from not just dominating the economy and politics in Florida but by the 1980s began dominating all Cuban policies emanating from Washington...enacting their own laws such as the Helms-Burton Act that from 1996 until July-2021 has massively enriched Little Havana Cubans...while also also massively assaulting successive generations of Cuban families on the island!!!! Since the 1950s all Republican administrations in Washington have been fully aligned with the Batistianos, first in Havana and since 1959 in Little Havana. But now, beginning in 2021, and for the first time, the Democratic administration headed by President Biden is also dominated by Little Havana USA!!! Americans, of course, are not supposed to know or understand that basic fact but, nevertheless, it is true.
     In the USA's two-party political system, you should know that Democrat Bob Menendez is the Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee in the U. S. Senate while Republican Marco Rubio, of course, would have that powerful Chairmanship if the Republicans were in the majority in the Senate. Both Menendez & Rubio owe their unchecked political power as Cuban-Americans to their extreme radical Counter Revolutionary desires. Making sure that Counter Revolutionary Cubans dominate the U. S. Senate and the House of Representatives {such as first Havana-born Lincoln Diaz-Balart did and now his younger brought Mario Diaz-Balart along with two new 2021 Little Havana additions to Congress, Havana-born Carlos Jimenez and Miami-born Maria Elvira Salazar!! Thus, only extreme Cubans control Cuban policies in the U. S. Congress. The only check on that was when Democratic presidents such as Carter and Obama were in the White House. Now in July of 2021...although a Democrat, Joe Biden, is the President...the extreme financial and political power of Little Havana has erased all checks-and-balances to Little Havana's absolute dictation of Cuban policies...as well as many other policies...in Washington. In that milieu during the Trump presidency, Rubio, a Republican, dictated U. S. Cuban policy that included genocidal policies such as activating Title 3 of Helms-Burton, which even President George W. Bush refused to activate because he well knew it legalized genocide against totally innocent Cuban families on the island. But Trump dictated to by Rubio did activate Title 3 of Helms-Burton, which Americans are not even supposed to know about. But now in 2021, with the Biden presidency dictated to by Menendez, Title 3 of Helms-Burton remains very much activated, and Title 3 of Helms-Burton is still, in July of 2021, imposing genocide against Cuban families on the island...legally, of course...even as the island is also direly plagued by the deadly COVID-19 pandemic.
     Because the Democratic Biden administration has continued the activation of Title 3 of Helms-Burton that Trump-Rubio activated, the world's 8 billion people, excepting 340 million Americans, know that Title 3 of Helms-Burton is still being activated in 2021 by the current Biden administration...even, as noted above, Cuban families on the island are reeling from the deadly effects of COVID-19. Thus, in July of 2021 the internationally acclaimed Carlos LaTuff graphic above continues to inform the world that the U. S. is taking advantage of the deadly pandemic to expand the Title 3 of Helms-Burton genocide against Cuban families on the island.
     In July of 2021 to understand how Little Havana in Miami has control of the Cuban narrative and Cuban policies in the United States, you need to know the history and topicality of the photo montage above. On the left is Rafael Diaz-Balart, the patriarch of the Diaz-Balart political dynasty in first Cuba and, after 1959, in the United States. He was mayor of Banes, Cuba. In 1926 his son, also named Rafael, was born in Banes...the same year that Fidel Castro was born in nearby Biran, Cuba. Fidel and Rafael were classmates at the University of Havana Law School, and Fidel married Rafael's sister Mirta. But Rafael became a powerful Minister in the Batista dictatorship where he was a key Interior Secretary and also the Majority Leader of the Cuban House of Representatives during Batista's brutal reign. When Fidel Castro's Cuban Revolution overthrew the Batista dictatorship on Jan. 1-1959, Rafael Diaz-Balart was one of the major Batista leaders who fled to nearby Miami, Florida. Flush with money and his hatred of Castro, Rafael created the very first paramilitary group in South Florida that he called the "White Rose" and used it viciously to eliminate Fidel Castro and Revolutionary Cuba. His fervent efforts to do so were not successful by the time he died in Key Biscayne, Florida in 2005...but two of Rafael's four sons -- Lincoln and Mario -- have viciously continued their father's war against Revolutionary Cuba from 2005 until July-2021 both in Florida and in the U. S. Congress in Washington, D. C.
         This is Mario and Lincoln Diaz-Balart. Born in Havana in 1954 in Batista's Cuba, Lincoln represented Little Havana in the U. S. Congress from 1993 until 2011, when he retired his safe seat to resume other White Rose-like anti-Counter Revolutionary efforts. Rich and powerful, Lincoln in 1996 co-wrote the infamous Helms-Burton Act, the congressional law that exists to this day in July of 2021 and continues to enrich and empower Little Havana and torment Cubans on the island. Lincoln's younger brother Mario was born in 1961 in South Florida. Mario has represented Little Havana in the U. S. Congress since 2002. So at least one of the Diaz-Balart brothers have been in the U. S. Congress from 1993 till today.
      Little Havana in Miami began controlling Florida's economy and politics in 1959 but the photo above shows the moment that Little Havana began controlling Cuban policies in the whole United States in 1989. In 1989 Havana-born Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, with Jeb Bush as her Campaign Manager, was elected as Little Havana's first member to enter the U. S. Congress. From a vehement anti-revolutionary Cuban family, her election to Congress later, of course, made Jeb Bush a two-term Governor of Florida. And with the powerful financial and political power of the Bush dynasty, Ros-Lehtinen served in the U. S. Congress from 1989 till 2020 as a vehement Counter Revolutionary leading Little Havana's charge against Havana.
       With the financial and political muscle of both Little Havana and the Bush dynasty, Ros-Lehtinen began making sure that other prime Little Havana Counter Revolutionaries were elected to the U. S. Congress, including both Diaz-Balart brothers, Lincoln and Mario.
      Soon, Ros-Lehtinen had a long string of her prime Little Havana Counter Revolutionaries in the U. S. Congress -- including the Diaz-Balart brothers, Senator Marco Rubio, etc.
      Even after she retired after three decades in Congress, Ros-Lehtinen can still get her vicious Counter Revolutionary Little Havana proteges elected from Miami to the United States Congress. That includes Maria Elvira Salazar who was elected to Congress from Miami starting in January of 2021. Already in July of 2021 Congresswoman Salazar is ubiquitously appearing on Fox News and all the other right-wing outlets promoting Little Havana's current overthrow of Havana that began in earnest on July 11th-2021 with demonstrations in Little Havana and in Cuba. Taking full advantage of Little Havana's full control of the Cuban narrative in the U. S. media, Salazar has even been loudly preaching on national TV that "THERE IS NO U. S. EMBARGO AGAINST CUBA, just the murderous Castro regime brutalizing the Cuban people in Cuba." Of course, with it tight grip on all the Cuban cards in the United States deck, Little Havana can get away with any lie it chooses.
      This is the world's view of the U. S. Embargo against Cuba that was first imposed in 1962 for the purpose of "starving, depriving, and making miserable" Cubans on the island to induce them to overthrow their Revolutionary government and re-install Miami/Little Havana Cubans as the rulers on the Caribbean island. The longevity of the EMBARGO easily makes it history's longest and cruelest EMBARGO ever imposed by any powerful nation against any much-weaker nation. Yes, it has existed since 1962 because cowardly generations of U. S. citizens -- afraid of Little Havana -- have allowed it to exist!!
     It was Little Havana-produced Rubio's dictation of President Trump's Cuban policies that activated Title 3 of Helms-Burton and expanded the cruel U. S. Embargo into a genocidal Blockade, which continues full-bore in July, 2021.
      Unfortunately, in the USA's two-party political system, the Republican TRUMP-Rubio presidency has been followed by the Democratic BIDEN-Menendez presidency. That means that in July of 2021 only extremely radical Counter Revolutionary Cubans still dictate the USA's genocidal Cuban policies. Unfortunately, the USA's money-crazed political system creates lifelong incumbencies, such as Biden who has been a Senator, Vice President and now President dating back half-a-CENTURY!! And the controversial Menendez has been ultra-powerful in the U. S. Senate since 1996 although his last six-year term as Senator came when he was easily re-elected right after an expensive hung-jury verdict ended in serious federal felony U. S. charges against Menendez NOT BEING re-tried.
     And thus, Little Havana continues its grip on the USAs's Cuban policies even though a Democratic administration has replaced Republicans as the power-broker in Washington in both the Congress and the White House. You see, money is all-powerful. The entire world opposes the Embargo-Blockade as the UN vote each year reveals. OXFAM, the London-based organization that has powerful offices in Washington and other major cities around the world, currently is focused on ending the U. S. genocide against Cubans in Cuba with it's massive program build on the universal belief that Cuban women and children "DON'T DESERVE TO BE FACING A BLOCKADE!!!" And, in fact, it even doesn't matter if ultra-powerful Democratic members in the U. S. Congress such as Alexandria Ocasio Contez rail against the genocidal Little Havana assault on masses of Cubans on the island. As you can see above, the Congresswoman known as AOC decently and loudly, like the rest of the non-Little Havana world, decries the "ABSURDLY CRUEL" embargo of Cuba.
      Worldwide, leaders who are not under Little Havana's grip decried the genocide against Cubans in Cuba that appeases Cubans in Little Havana, in Congress, and in the White House. Typical is the quotation shown above from Alberto Fernandez, the President of Argentina: "If we are really concerned abut Cuba, let's end the blockades." In other words, President Fernandez of Argentina, like most other world leaders, bows to the USA's unique economic and military power...but they will loudly denounce one facet of the USA's democracy, and that is the genocide against masses of Cuban families in Cuba even as the policy continues to enrich and empower some USA families.



Little Havana's War on Havana Heats Up

 U.S. TV & Little Havana Promote Capture of Cuba!!

     Today -- Saturday, July 17, 2021 -- this is the typical headline in Miami/Little Havana promoting an intervention...a war...between the U. S. and Cuba. This headline blared on NBC-10 airways in Miami-Little Havana today heralding Little Havana zealots who have raced to Washington to persuade President Biden to take advantage of weeklong demonstrations in Miami/Little Havana and in Cuba to FINALLY make sure that Little Havana recaptures Havana after trying so hard to accomplish the feat since January 1st, 1959...the day the Cuban Revolution shocked the world by overthrowing the U.S.-backed and Mafia-backed Batista dictatorship.
     Today -- July 17-2021 -- not only are television stations in Miami/Little Havana demanding a recapture of Cuba but nationally television networks are also obliged to "demand" that the U. S. do something drastic about the bad people in Havana to appease the nice people in Little Havana. The blaring headline today was by Fox News, which is among the propaganda-obsessed network television stations in the U. S. clamoring for President Biden to help Little Havana zealots recapture Cuba. The U. S. since January of 1959 has been trying to overthrow Revolutionary Cuba, using such things as terrorist attacks, paying off and cultivating dissidents, the 1961 Bay of Pigs military attack, assassinations, and, of course, the genocidal Embargo/Blockade that started in 1962 with the intention of "starving, depriving, and making miserable" the Cubans on the island to induce them to rise up and overcome their government themselves. But for going on seven decades now, Revolutionary Cuba has somehow endured. But now...in July of 2021 Little Havana disciples believe their dreams will at last come to fruition on the heels of massive Counter Revolutionary demonstrations.

     But what was wrong with the USA's obsession with Cuba in the 1950s is the same thing that is wrong today in July of 2021. In fact, the USA's greed-filled obsession with Cuba grew to a breaking point in 1898 when the U. S. warship Maine happened to blow up in Havana Harbor killing 261 young U. S. sailors. That was the convenient "Remember the Maine" pretext to declare war on Spain so the U. S. could gain control of Cuba from Spain. And the easy victory in the 1898 SPANISH-AMERCAN WAR did that!! So, starting in 1898 the United States, the world's most renowned Democracy, could easily have made Cuba a world-class Democracy. That never came close to happening. By 1903 the U. S. had stolen plush Guantanamo Bay from Cuba, created a document legalizing the use of troops in Cuba whenever the U. S. desired, etc. Thus, like Spain had done for many decades prior to 1898, the U. S. also viewed Cuba as a piggybank, not a Democracy. But then Washington knew that foreign Democracies would not readily allow other nations to strip them of their natural resources but, via kickbacks, dictatorships would. So, from 1898 till 1952 there were various "pretend" Democracies in Cuba but by 1952 there was no longer even a pretense. In 1952 the U. S. teamed with the Mafia to support the brutal and thieving Batista dictatorship in Cuba. Starting in 1952, the Batistianos, the Mafiosi, and rich U. S. businessmen made fortunes in Cuba, which had been made into a veritable playpen for tourists. But as soon as 1953 the Batista dictatorship didn't think it had to toss even a few crumbs to the majority, everyday Cubans who were left with virtually no food, no health care, and no education. Batista believed murdering a few dissidents would warn everyday Cubans not to resist. When that didn't work, Batista ordered his goons to kill children as a warning to their families not to resist. And when that didn't work either, Batista shut down the University of Havana because it was the cradle of much of the burgeoning anti-Batista outrage. Famously, Batista's henchmen hunted down University leaders and gruesomely murdered them, with the most famous being student leader Jose Antonio Echevarria who today has many edifices named for him in Revolutionary Cuba. Also, four student leaders who believed they were hiding in a safe house were captured and murdered; that is known to history as the Humboldt Avenue Massacre. A huge bounty was put on young teacher Frank Pais because he was a prime recruiter of anti-Batista rebels and supplies, so Frank's 17-year-old brother Jesus was gruesomely murdered and then Frank himself was gruesomely murdered. By 1957 the massive killings of Cubans like Frank Pais and Jose Antonio Echevarria were routine. You may Goggle their names and learn how much they are remembered in Revolutionary Cuba today.
        But, as I will discuss later in this post, Batista's biggest mistake was when he authorized the killing of Cuban children in the belief that would quell the dissent. And, also unknown to Americans {I believe} is the fact that long before 1898 and the Spanish-American War, the United States of America had a FANTISTIC OBSESSION with Cuba. For example, read and study the historic facts listed below!!!!!!!!
       Yes, in the list above you will see that Thomas Jefferson in 1817 proclaimed: "If we seize Cuba, we will be masters of the Caribbean." Thomas Jefferson -- the most-famed Founding Father, the 3rd President, and the writer of the USA's Declaration of Independence -- in 1823 proclaimed: "I candidly confess that I have ever looked on Cuba as the most interesting addition which could be made to our union of States." Beyond those two Jeffersonian proclamations about Cuba, you can read above other quotes from famous political and newspaper moguls regarding the USA's age-old obsession with Cuba. It was assumed, after the U. S. attained dominance of Cuba after the 1898 Spanish-American War, that Cuba would indeed become a major state in the United States...like Alaska and Hawaii or like the now 28 more traditional continuous states. But, for two reasons, Cuba has never become one of the U. S. states: {1} Excessive U. S. greed relating to Cuba; and {2} Cuba has always had a love for sovereignty and an insatiable love for independence. For example, just before the 1898 Spanish-American War, Cuba fought two losing Wars for Independence against Spain in which famed and revered men such as Jose Marti and Antonio Macea died on Cuban soil fighting Spanish soldiers. Then in 1959 the Cuban Revolution finally defeated Batista, the Mafia, and the United States to gain what to this day it reveres as its sovereignty. In 1961 Cuba again shocked the world when it defeated the U. S. at its Bay of Pigs military attack on Cuba. In July of 2021 the question is...would and could Cuba again survive another military attack from the United States, the world's military Superpower?? I don't know but I believe it would TRY. And further I believe if Cuba lost a foreign war in 2021, those still alive would begin to start another revolution on Cuban soil.
    This photo was taken in 1957 in Batista's Cuba. In the United States today this photo is not supposed to be included in the history of US-Cuban relations. But permit me to explain it. This photo shows Mafia kingpin Meyer Lansky leaving one of his hotels carrying a satchel holding some of that day's loot from his gambling, prostitution, drugs, tourism, etc., enterprises in the halcyon days in the 1950s when the powerful Batista dictatorship was supported wildly by the world's strongest criminal organization, the Mafia, and by the world's strongest nation, the nearby United States of America.
      So PLEASE, take a moment in July of 2021 to finally study the above photo from 1957. When it was taken, of course, neither Meyer Lansky nor anyone else in the world believed that the ultra-powerful, brutal, and thieving Batista dictatorship could ever be overthrown by the severely over-matched people of Cuba. When this photo was taken Meyer Lansky, for example, was still spending $12 million dollars of his own loot to build his own luxurious hotel in Havana!!! But history reveals that on Jan. 1-1959 that Batista and his dearest friend from Miami, Meyer Lansky, and the other leaders of the Batista regime in Havana, were chased off the island by the Cuban Revolutionary rebels, quickly spawning what today is the ultra-rich Little Havana section in nearby Miami.
     So indeed, study this photo on one of Meyer Lansky's typical days in Havana during 1952 till 1959 when the top echelon of the Mafia ruled Cuba...with the support of the United States. This photo led up to the morning of Jan. 1-1959 when the impossible happened -- the Mafia-infested Batista regime was overthrown by history's most improbable Revolution. And it happened because of an indominable do-or-die attitude from Cuban rebels and  two crucial mistakes made BY the Mafia, the United States, and all the Batistiano leaders: {1} While raking in tons of loot each day in Cuba, the Batistianos didn't have the intelligence or concern to at least toss some crumbs to the non-Batistiano Cubans, who constituted the vast majority of people on the island despite the vast influx of U. S. companies and tourism from the United States; and {2} to quell dissent from the everyday Cubans, Batista ordered his goons...including many policemen and soldiers who had been trained at the secretive Army of the Americas at Fort Benning, Georgia...to murder Cuban children and leave their bodies out in the open to serve as a warning to their parents and others not to resist what was happening to their Cuba. So PLEASE, remember the two {2} things that spawned the Cuban Revolution and made it necessary.
       And now, after studying the photo of Mafia kingpin Meyer Lansky in 1957 toting his money-filled satchel, study the two photos below that reveal the truth about the two {2} reasons that spawned the Revolution and also made it incredibly successful!!!
       Because Batista's Cuba in the 1950s didn't have the intelligence or the compassion to even toss a few crumbs to the majority non-Batistiano Cubans, this is a true and typical photo showing the plight of the Cuban children in Batista's Cuba -- scarcely no food, no decent shelter, no education, nor any access to healthcare.
     In contrast, this is an actual modern and true photo of Cuban children in Revolutionary Cuba. Yes, while Americans are not supposed to know it, they can actually Google this true fact: Immediately after winning the Revolution on Jan. 1-1959, Revolutionary Cuba began what is called history's "most successful" Literary Campaign. The "Cuban Literary Campaign" known to history consisted of Revolutionary Cuba sending a couple of hundred thousand literate revolutionary Cubans all across the island to teach illiterate Cubans how to first of all learn to read and write. At the same time, in 1959 Revolutionary Cuba decreed that, as long as the revolutionaries remained in power, all Cubans would have free food if needed as well as free shelter if needed, and have educations through college as well as lifetime free heath care. In the U. S. since 1959, Americans have been lied to about such facts, but the fact is...come hell or high water, since 1959 Cuban children in Revolutionary Cuba have fared a lot better than the children in Batista's Cuba!!  Yes, above the black-and-white photo in Batista's Cuba contrasted with the modern color photo in Revolutionary Cuba are real and true facts.
            But PLEASE remember, the extreme poverty of non-Batistiano children in Batista's Cuba was not even the main reason that spawned the necessary and successful Cuban Revolution in 1953. Instead...the main reason was and is shown by the real and true black-and-white photo depicted above. It, along with many others like it from the 1950s I could show you, shows outraged Cuban mothers..."MADRES"...bravely marching in Cuban cities holding placards proclaiming to the world that Batista goons were routinely murdering their children...their "NIJOS"...and leaving the bodies in the open to be found as a warning not to resist. But history shows that Cuban mothers did resist and by doing so they started the Revolution and provided the necessary resolve to even win it!!
        And now, if I may, I would like to say something personal about the photo shown above. The brave lady wearing the light-colored jacket in the front row was the mother of Little Willie Soler. Yes, history confirms that Little Willie and three of his closest friends were all murdered by Batista goons and their bodies left in a warehouse so they could easily be found and then serve as a warning to the non-Batistiano Cubans not to resist. TODAY -- July  2021 -- the top Children's Hospital in Cuba is famously named "William Soler Children's Hospital." Yes, you can Google Little Willie Soler's name, and you can also Google the children's hospital that is named in Havana for him. And now, if I may, I will explain why the photo above is so personal to me in July of 2021 while the latest Little Havana-US attempt is underway in Cuba and in Miami to finally overthrow Revolutionary Cuba.
       The lady shown above who had just taken down her COVID-19 mask to tell something to an assistant is...Dr. Susett Gonzalez. I know Susett. She is a dear friend of mine. She is a vital life-saving doctor at William Soler Children's Hospital in Havana. While she works tirelessly...during the Pandemic and during the U. S. Blockade...she also has a little one-year-old baby boy of her own named Roman who is being cared for by his grandparents while she works so diligently saving other lives at William Soler Children's Hospital. Yes, Dr. Susett knows why William Soler Children's Hospital got its name. She knows about Cuban mothers, like Little Willie's mother, who risked their lives to defeat the Batista dictatorship on behalf of the Cuban Revolution. Of course, Americans don't know that, and Americans don't believe that in Cuba today that there are a lot of  women like Dr. Susett Gonzalez who will be willing to die fighting for the Cuban Revolution, the revolution that gave William Soler Children's Hospital it's name.
             Again...look at this face, the face of Dr. Susett Gonzalez at William Soler Children's Hospital in Havana. She is saving the lives of children during COVID-19 while her precious work is being massively hampered by the U. S. Blockade, even if Americans are programmed not to believe it or to simply not care. There is no greed, revenge or gluttony in Dr. Susett Gonzalez's heart. I wish I could say the same about many American mothers who are supposed to hate her or to not understand her because she had rather be in Cuba saving the lives of Cuban babies instead of living in a mansion in Miami or anywhere else.


USA's One-Sided Cuban News

 Dictated by Anti-Revolutionary Extremists

Just Like USA's Cuban Policies

        Today -- on July 15, 2021 -- these are the three top headlines if your Google search asked for "Cuba News." It reflects the current status of mainstream media in the United States, which most Americans now...for the first time...consider to be mostly propaganda, not news. That's because mainstream media outlets are now owned by individuals such as Jeff Bezos, the world's richest person, or by corporate near-trillionaire companies such as Comcast, Disney, A T & T, etc., etc. Thus what Americans get from the likes of CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, Bezos' Washington Post, the New York Times, etc., is mainly extreme left-wing propaganda. On the other hand, Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, etc., mainly dispense only extreme right-wing propaganda. Thus, no longer is real news readily available to Americans.
      Sadly for America and for Democracy, in the United States the media, including the mainstream that is either left-wing extremist or right-wing extremist, is unable or unwilling to tell the truth about US-Cuban relations, both before and especially after the 1959 Cuban Revolution that immediately chased the extremist Batista leaders to the U. S., namely to Miami/Little Havana.
         The three headlines shown above regarding Cuba News today particularly reveal the drastic decline of the overall U. S. media. Since 1959, when the Cuban Revolution shocked the world by overthrowing the U.S.-backed and Mafia-backed Batista dictatorship, the U. S. democracy itself has been drastically shocked...politically and media-wise. For example, in 1976 the best and most honest journalist in Miami/Little Havana was Emilio Milian. When Emilio reported on the car-bombings and other terrorist acts being perpetrated in Miami against U.S. Cubans who disagreed with such things, Emilio himself was car-bombed when he tried to leave his Miami radio station.
   This was the great Cuban-American newsman Emilio Milian Broadcasting in Miami on April 30th, 1976...the same year that such other terrorism frequently occurred, such as a child-laden civilian airplane -- Cubana Flight 455 -- being blown into the ocean by a terrorist bomb, killing all 72 innocents aboard, including two dozen teenage Cuban athletes aged 14 to 15.
     This photo from April 30th, 1976, shows Emilio Milian after the car-bombing. He had been broadcasting acute denunciations about Cubans in Miami-Little Havana terrorizing innocent Cubans in both the U. S. and in Cuba. To this day many decent Cubans, Cuban-Americans, and people around the world believe that the U. S. democracy should deal with such THINGS better and much more bravely.
     But in July of 2021 the U. S. media is still reporting that Americans should not be ashamed of this worldwide image of the United States of America.
      Thus, this week in mid-July of 2021 the U. S. media is giddy about making sure that the only people talking about the anti-Cuban events taking place are extremists like the two U. S. Senators Menendez & Rubio who dominate the "News" airways talking about how murderous Revolutionary Cuba is while always implying how nice the U.S.-backed and Mafia-backed Batista dictatorship was in the 1950s prior to being chased to Miami/Little Havana by the Cuban Revolution on Jan. 1-1959. Such depictions in the U. S. since 1959 have made generations of Cuban-Americans rich and powerful...such as Menendez & Rubio.
          The U. S. media allows the likes of Menendez, Rubio, and any of the political leaders in Miami/Little Havana to loudly proclaim that "Cuba's problems are all because of its murderous regime and the Little Havana-inspired Embargo-Blockade of the island has nothing to do with hurting everyday Cubans on the island." But, of course, the world's decent 8 billion people know better, such as Alberto Fernandez, the President of Argentina who is shown above. If allowed to do so by the U. S. media, people like President Fernandez would tell the American people the truth, which is: "If we are really concerned about Cuba, let's end the blockades."
     Except for Americans, the other 8 billion people in the world believe this Carlos LaTuff image shown above. The Trump-Biden adminstrations have both taken advantage of the deadly COVID-19 pandemic to tighten the screws on Cubans on the island...to appease a few rich and powerful U. S. Cubans such as Rubio, a Republican, and Menendez, a Democrat. And that is why many decent Americans believe that America's two-party political system now is badly in need of a DECENT THIRD PARTY!!!
       And So, today -- July 15th, 2021 -- if Americans seek and depend on the mainstream U. S. media for honest news about the U.S.-backed anti-Cuban demonstrations taking place in Cuba and in Miami/Little Havana, all they will get is either extreme left-wing propaganda or extreme right-wing propaganda...as espoused by Democrat Menendez or by the Republican Rubio.
      For Sure, Americans in July of 2021 finally need honest information and not fake news about Cuba. After all, it was the United States that teamed with the Mafia in 1952 to support the brutal and thieving Mafia-riddled Batista dictatorship in Cuba!! Uh, why did the U. S. want a brutal, thieving Mafia-run Cuba in 1952? Answer: Nixon, the Dulles brothers, etc., believed a Democracy in Cuba would not allow rich Americans to partake in the rape and robbery of the island while a Mafia-run dictatorship would allow it TO HAPPEN! And so...that is exactly what DID HAPPEN from 1952 till 1959, till the Cuban Revolution intervened! And, of course, all the news and information about Havana and about Little Havana since 1959 should include THAT FACT!
U.S.-backed Cuba from 1952 till 1959!!!
Cuba from 1959 till July of 2021!!!


Yoani Earns Her Money

 U. S. Dollars Fuel Cuban Coup!!

     When Yoani Sanchez speaks...or writes...millions of her followers worldwide listen and read. She is the most famed anti-Cuban dissident residing in Havana, where she was born 45 years ago. Via her media empire and on Social Media she is currently fanning the anti-Revolutionary demonstrations that began in earnest in Cuba on July 11th, 2021...such as with her two Facebook diatribes posted today -- July 14th.

      The best promoted and presumably the best funded dissident operating in Cuba is the world-famed Yoani Sanchez. Above are two of her Facebook posts today -- July 14, 2021. From her apartment in Havana, Yoani operates a massive anti-Revolutionary newspaper and digital empire propelled by her signature 14Ymedio, DW, etc., etc.!!!! And as you see above, Yoani also lavishly uses social media forums such as Facebook to keep stirring up her hundreds of thousands of international followers. Obviously, Yoani believes that the massive anti-Revolutionary demonstrations that erupted in Cuban cities on July 11th will finally overthrow the Cuban Revolution that overthrew the U.S.-backed and Mafia-backed Batista dictatorship way back on January 1st, 1959.
     Above are the headline and the first paragraph of Yoani Sanchez's powerful and widely distributed Ymedio newspaper in Havana today -- July 14th, 2021. As always, she maintains that counter-revolutionaries in Cuba are not funded from the U. S. And, as always, she maintains that the USA's blockade of Cuba, from 1962 until July-2021, has not hurt Cuban families.
A case can be made that Yoani Sanchez...uh,
was made in the USA!!
    Of course, when Yoani Sanchez flies from Havana seeking U. S. dollars, she knows where to land.
     This photo shows Yoani Sanchez in the U. S. Senate in Washington flanked by Senator Marco Rubio from Little Havana/Miami and by Senator Bob Menendez from Union City/Newark. Of course, Yoani is smart enough to know that Rubio, a Republican, and Menendez, a Democrat, have dictated the USA's Cuban policy during the Trump administration and now the Biden administration. And, of course, Yoani is smart enough to know that the USA has only a two-party political system, so she has both avenues in Washington covered nicely.
        And, as you study the photo above, please know that the anti-Cuban demonstrations designed to overthrow Revolutionary Cuba on behalf of Little Havana/Miami and Union City/Newark are likely to AT LONG LAST succeed. After all, 340 million Americans are being told two things: {1} The U.S.-backed and Mafia-backed Batista dictatorship back in the 1950s was the best government in world history; and {2} Revolutionary Cuba since 1959 has been the worst and the most brutal government in world history. Just ask the well-known and well-funded Yoani Sanchez!!


"US Won't Attack Cuba": Menendez

 The U. S. Senator's June 13th Statement!!

    The controversial U. S. Senator Bob Menendez from New Jersey {he survived a very serious hung-jury trial just before he won his latest 6-year term} is considered the prime reason that President Biden, also a Democrat, has not eased the draconian and genocidal Cuban policies imposed by President Trump. This week massive anti-Revolutionary demonstrations took place in Miami's Little Havana section of Miami as well as in Cuban cities from Havana to Santiago de Cuba. Some Little Havana leaders have stated publicly that the U. S. should take advantage of the demonstrations to intervene militarily to at last overthrow Revolutionary Cuba, which on Jan. 1-1959 overthrew the U.S.-backed and Mafia-backed Batista dictatorship.

      But as you can see above, the Voice of America radio, television, and digital forums today -- Tuesday, July 13, 2021 -- headlined this news: "Bob Menendez: 'We are not going to have a military intervention in Cuba."

cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story)

cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story) : Note : This particular essay on  Ana Margarita Martinez  was first ...