
All Cuban-Americans DON'T Want to Starve Cubans in Cuba

   Since overthrowing the US-backed/Mafia-backed Batista dictatorship in 1959, Revolutionary Cuba has faced daily attacks such as the 1961 Bay of Pigs air-land-&--sea military attack, the EMBARGO/Blockade that began in 1962 and has continued for over six decades, and many, many other attacks from the U. S. and individual U. S. Cuban-Americans. So it is not surprising that the great London-based Reuters News Agency in July of 2024 reports on another such attack. In the Reuters article this week, the last paragraph shown above says: "...a Cuban man residing in the United States arrived on the island by jetski, armed with guns, ammunition and military gear, to recruit others and commit acts of Violence."

     Let it be known too that there are many Cuban-Americans in the United States who vehemently denounce the Batista-Mafia dictatorship that ruled Cuba prior to the Revolution and also vehemently denounce the U.S.-backed efforts to overthrow the Cuban Revolution, which somehow has managed to not be overthrown for the last 65 YEARS. One such supporter of Revollutionary Cuba is award-winning journalist Liz Oliva Fernandez.

A dedicated journalist and producer of documentaries, Liz Olivia Fernandez reports frequently about topics such as "The War On Cuba" and "Inside Biden's Cuba Policy." So, perhaps Cuban observers should get to know Liz Olivia Fernandez.

     If you take time to study the passionate reporting of Liz Olivia Fernandez on the US-Cuba conundrum, you will see that she often goes to the two most anti-Cuban enclaves ruled by counter revolutionary Cuban-Americans -- namely, Little Havana in Miami and Havana on the Hudson in Hudson County, New Jersey, and in the famed Hudson River area in New York.
    In the video above watch how Liz Olivia Fernandez confronts the powerful U.S. Senator Bob Menendez, the leader of the ultra-strong U. S.. sanctions on Cuba. Liz above meets Menendez on a street in his backyard in Union City, New Jersey.
      In the video above you will see and hear Liz Olivia Hernandez expertly discuss, in a key interview, the U. S. sanctions on Cuba...explaining how and why they have existed since 1962 "and now are tougher than ever on the Cuban people."
     Yes, award-winning journalist Liz Olivia Fernandez is passionate about Cuba and her documentaries on YouTube and elsewhere attest to the fact that she denounces the past Batista-Mafia-US rule of Cuba and she also denounces ongoing and current attacks on Revolutionary Cuba.

      Above you can tap and then see 12-minutes of a YouTube documentary "The War On Cuba" -- by the passionate Liz Olivia Fernandez.


June Ends As Miami Closes In on Havana in JULY.

    Cuban Meteorologist Yinelis Bermudez is important to Cubans because of the many terrible Hurricanes that target the Caribbean island.
     But the prime U. S. EMBARGO SURROUNDING CUBA FOR THE PAST SIX DECADES remains the biggest problem for Cuban families.
     Daily Cuban Headlines flashing around the world remind anti-Revolutionary/anti-Cuban sources to keep things such as U. S. stactics as the EMBARGO in place in hopes that it will overthrow Cuba's Revolutionary government "any day now!!" But now well into July of 2024 the Cuban Revolution that overthrew the U.S.-backed/Mafia-backed Batista dictatorship in 1959 has still, somehow, not been overthrown yet.
      As a troubled world views June of 2024 in the rear mirror and now encounters July of 2024, the island-nation of Cuba faces exactly what it has faced since 1959, which is ultra-powerful Cuban-Americans such as Senator Bob Menendez enjoying near dictatorial Powerss over the US's Cuban Policies, which have been disastrous for masses of Cubans in Cuba but extremely lucrative for Cuban-American politicians in Miami and in Washington since 1959. Whether your last name is Menendez, or Rubio, or Ros-Lehtinen, or Diaz-Balart, or Fanjul, or Canosa, etc., if you are an extreme anti-Cuban Counter Revolutionary stalwart in the United States, you can easily get elected to the U. S. Congress from Cuban strongholds such as Miami and Newark. And then, once in Congress, such Cubans immediately routinely end up as the ultra-powerful CHAIRMEN or CHAIRWOMAN in the U. S. Congress Senate or the U. S. House of Representatives, which are the two ultra-powerful branches of the U. S. Congress.
      Here at the end of June of 2024 a massive federal trail is raging that charges massive bribery charges against Senator Bob Menendez involving foreign nations. Back in 2015 Senator Menendez barely survived a federal trial that charged him with many masssive bribery charges that involved a millionaire friend in Miami and included the Dominican Republic. But the 2015 trail resulted in a hung jury, after which Menendez ran for another six-year term in the U. S. Senate and, of course, easily won again. Regarding Cuban policies and other foreign policies, Bob Menendez has been an ultra-powerful Democratic U. S. Senator from New Jersey since 2007 and, of course, loves being the ultra-powerful Chairman of the Senate's Foreign Affairs Committee.
  As shown above, the TOP HEADLINES regarding Cuba heading into late June in 2024 include "Bob Menendez and Biden's Cuban Policy." Despite the news media focused on the 2024 presidential election pitting President Biden against former President Trump, CBS News and the rest of the mainstream media cannot totally ignore the current Menendez Trial. A CBS News update is shown below:
      Since 1959 only Counter-Revolutionary Cuban-Americans such as Senator Bob Menendez have seemingly had a firm grip on the U. S. Cuban Policies.
     Therefore, since 1962 the U. S. has maintained a cruel EMBARGO against Cuba although the UN and almost the rest of the entire world OPPOSES the ultra-controversial EMBARGO. Yet...the EMBARGO has existed for over six decades thanks to a handful of anti-Cuban Revolution Cuban-Americans...regardless of how much harm it does to the Cuban families and how much harm the EMBARGO also does to the international image of the U. S.
     Since 1959, the year the Cuban Revolution shocked the world by overthrowing the US/Mafia-backed Batista dictatorship, rich and powerful Cubans starting in 1959 created Little Havana in the heart of Miami and began to dominate the economy and political landscape in Miami and Florida and, when it came to overthrowing the Cuban Revolution, the Little Havana Cubans also have easily dominated U. S. presidential and congressional policies regarding Cuba. That includes extreme counter revolutionary Cuban families such as the Diaz-Balarts, the Fanjuls, the Canosas, etc., etc., and individuals that became ultra-powerful politicians in Washington such as Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Mario Diaz-Balart, Bob Menendez, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Marco Rubio, etc., etc., etc. But from January of 1959 until July of 2024 BY FAR the most powerful Cuban counter revolutionary in the history of Miami and Washington has been Jorge Mas Canosa, who was born on September 21, 1939 in Santiago de Cuba and died at age 58 from lung cancer in Coral Gables, Florida on November 23, 1997. All of the prime parameters that dictate U. S. policy today...in July of 2024...were primarily put in place by Canosa -- and that includes the Bay of Pigs military attack in April of 1961, the 1962 EMBARGO of Cuba that still exists in JULY of 2024, the exceedingly cruel Helms-Burton Act that has devastated Cuban families from 1991 until July of 2024 while also vastly enriching and empowering Cubans in Little Havana/Miami. Canosa himself became a billionaire via his Miami company Mas Tec but he also vastly increased his popularity by spreading the wealth. For example, for over three decades Canosa's influence made sure that Miami's Radio-TV Marti broadcasting empire has received many millions of tax dollars from Washington to operate Miami's huge and lucratic anti-Cuban media facilities even though many highly respected journalists {Kofman, Eaton, etc.} have repeatedly reported that Radio-TV Marti exists for two reasons -- to overthrow the Cuban Revolution and to provide tax dollars to its employees. Till his untimely death in 1997 at age 58, Canosa's ultra-powerful guidance of the U. S. Cuban policy included both Republican and Democratic PRESIDENTS meekly bowing to Jorge Mas Canosa and ONLY to Canosa...but laws and Cuban policies put in place by Canosa remain!!
Canosa and President Ronald Reagan.
President Bill Clinton and Canosa.
President George H. W. Bush and Canosa.
    The man most responsible for the unchecked power of Jorge Mas Canosa was, of course, George H. W. Bush. During the 1960s & 1970s Bush held powerful political jobs such as the Director of the CIA. Then Bush was Vice President from 1981 till 1989 during Ronald Reagan's 8 years as President. Then from 1989 till 1993 Bush served his own 4-year term as President. Thus, thanks to the power of Bush, from the 1960s into the 1990s Canosa had extreme and undeniable control of the U. S. policies regarding Cuba...including the Bay of Pigs, the EMBARGO of Cuba that started in 1962, Cuban terror that included some of Posada's most historic and infamous episodes, Canosa's ultra-powerful Cuban American National Foundation, the unchecked Helms-Burton Act, ect., etc. etc.
      Of course, when George H. W. Bush was President from 1989 till 1993, Bush signed bills into law that drastically hurt Cuba but helped Canosa and other rich U. S. Cubans. At the presidential signing shown above, please note that President Bush grinned triumphantly while Jorge Mas Canosa, of course, was the man standing directly behind President Bush has he signed a bill into law!!
     And since March 12 of 1996, as shown above, the cruel pro-Miami and cruel anti-Cuba Helms-Burton Law has for almost three decades cruelly harmed Cuban families in Cuba but also greatly helped Cuban-American politicians, especially those in Little Havana in Miami. In 1996 the truth is that President Bill Clinton planned to ease the stringent anti-Cuban sanctions but he was forced to instead sign into law the cruel Helms-Burton Law. You ask WHY? Well, as President Clinton reluctantly signed Helms-Burton Law you can see that the rich and powerful Cuban-Americans included Bob Menendez and Ileanna Ros-Lehtinen, both of whom spent many years as the ultra-powerful Chairs in the U. S. Senate and U. S. House where they, as disciples of Canosa, led the anti-Cuban policies of the United States.
       Located in the heart of Miami, Little Havana USA for many decades has flourished while powerfully influencing massive anti-Cuban laws. The prime architect of Little Havana USA was Jorge Mas Canosa who was born in Santiago de Cuba and died from lung cancer at age 58 in 1997 in Coral Gables, Florida. For many reasons, in the Miami area till this day there are many schools and other landmarks named for Canosa because of the prime anti-Havana/pro-Little Havana USA laws that have drastically enriched Miami Cubans while starving and depriving Cubans in Cuba.
     Again, the images directly above reveal the historic truth about the day in 1991 when the reluctant President Bill Clinton signed the Helms-Burton ACT into law while the two people ominously just above his right shoulder happened to be Bob Menendez and Ileanna Ros-Lehtinen!!
    All U. S. Presidents such as the Democrat Bill Clinton, as indicated above, made their Cuban policies as dictated to them by Jorge Mas Canosa...and that included Republican Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, etc. That is an historic fact even though in America's two-party political system, biased policies EVEN INVOLVING CUBA should not be allowed to prevail while being decided by a handful of politicians with their own special motives.
And all the while the US-Cuban facts are well known.


US & Russian Warships Visit Cuba in June, 2024

 Cuba Missile Crisis 2.0!!

     The worldwide headline "THE CUBAN DEJA VU" flashed around the world in June of 2024 when the world's two strongest nuclear powers -- Russia and the United States -- both had competing nuclear-powered warships in Cuban waters. It echoed October of 1962 when "The Cuban Missile Crisis" created what remains the closest the world has ever come to a nuclear holocaust when the Soviet Union/Russia and the United States came close to a nuclear war. Of course, nucelar missiles and their delivery systems in 1962 were tame compared to what nuclear missiles in 2024 are.
     Above are the TOP CUBAN HEADLINES posted around the world on June 24th-2024...with the YouTube video getting the most attention.
     But Children in Cuba since 1962 have been more concerned about the U. S. EMBARGO than they are concerned about Cuba being a pawn in a Nuclear War. Children in Cuba as well as their Parents and Grand-Parents have suffered all their lives from the U. S. EMBARGO that has existed since 1962. It appears that only two cities in the whole world -- Miami and Washington -- approve of the EMBARGO. Yet, over six decades after it started in 1962 the EMBARGO is tighter than ever -- creating in June of 2024 food {hunger} shortages on the island as well as power blackouts, medical deprivations, etc. You see, when you are hungry and deprived of necessary things that other children take for granted, you don't worry too much about pending Nuclear Wars.
     Most nations around the world bow meekly to the unmatched economic and military power of the United States and are, thus, not brave enough to help Cuba. When Cuba seeks help from U. S. competitors, such as Russia and China, it also is not usually of much help...yet, with bloody proxy wars taking place now with more on the horizon, "Cuba Missile Crisis 2.0 that just occurred in June of 2024 spawned reminders of 1962 when "Cuba Missile Crisis 1.0 shook the whole world. It is believed, by comparison, that the nuclear missiles in 1962 were toys compared to the nuclear missiles of 2024. Above is a YouTube video that graphically summarizes the week in June of 2024 when the two strongest nuclear powers -- Russia and the United States -- each had nuclear-powered warships in CUBAN PORTS.


US & Canadian Hypocrisy Hurts Everyday Cuban Children

     Since 1903 the United States has had an expensive and controversial U. S. Naval Base on Cuban soil on 45 plush acres at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba...although the U. S. also has many military bases in the Caribbean/Puerto Rico and in nearby Florida as well as other states. And since 1962 the United States has imposed a starvation-inducing economic EMBARGO on Cuba that in June of 2024 is indeed creating international headlines about starvation and blackouts in Cuba. The U. S. since 1903 and 1962 has justified its Cuban military base and its EMBARGO by merely claiming that "we are the good guys and the Cubans since 1959 are the bad guys.'" That reference to 1959 refers to the year that the Cuban Revolution overthrew the brutal US-backed and Mafia-backed Batista DICTATORSHIP, which of course permitted rich U. S. companies to rake in vast fortunes prior to 1959. Although almost all the rest of the citizens in the entire world strongly oppose both the U. S. Military Base in Cuba and the EMBARGO of Cuba, because the U. S. is the strongest and richest nation in the world those two things have been allowed to exist FOR DECADES...so it doesn't matter who are the good guys or the bad guys!!
     The glaring headline shown above is flashing around the world in late June of 2024 from the powerful Reuters news agency based in London. It is a reminder that other Democracies, such as Canada, bow to the Superpower U. S. when it comes to things such as the endless EMBARGO and the endless U. S. Naval Base in Cuba.
    Canada, as a supporter of  the U. S. Cuban policies, believes Cuba should just submit to the foreign superpower and not seek help from other nations that MIGHT try to help.
      Meanwhile, in June of 2024 there are indeed some children in Cuba who need assistance with food, as this Washington Post photo points out. This Cuban child doesn't know about the EMBARGO nor does she know about the reason for the powerful U. S. Naval Base in Cuba. But she knows hunger. And please understand that this little Cuban girl is not the "bad guy" in this cruel food cycle, and that fact begs the question about who are the "Bad GUYS" who don't like this little Cuban Child?????



June 18-2024: El Pais says Cuba has collapsed

And "capitalism" is next!!!

     Just 90 miles from the United States, Cuba has been visited by competing Russian and United States {and Canadian} nuclear-powered warships in June of 2024. Russia is upset that the United States has supplied Ukraine with sophisticated missiles that have U. S. permission to hit Russsia during the bloody Russia-Ukraine War. Meanwhile, as usual, little Cuba is a mere pawn between warring or imperative powers as all honest observers now agree that 11 million Cubans in Cuba are suffering from food shortages, medical and other dire deprivations, and constant power blackouts. Russia blames Cuba's woes on the tightened U. S. Embargo/Blockade that has existed since 1962 while the United States blames Cuba itself. Regardless of what or who is to blame, Cuban families once again realize that they are mere pawns in war or imperative battles between foreign powers, and finally it now seems that the pugnacious island-nation in June of 2024 is finally collapsing completely around them. Revolutionary Cuba's economy and government somehow made it into the 65th year since it defeated the US/Mafia-backed Batista dictatorship in January of 1959.
     Most Cubans, most Americans, most Canadians, and most people around the world want an end to the six-decade-old U.S. EMBARGO/Blockade of Cuba that has existed since 1962. Yet...even as Cuba has collapsed financially in June of 2024 the EMBARGO/Blockade continues. WHY? Obviously some powerful people in Miami and Washington want it to continue while the masses of people that suffer in a small country are simply at the mercy of whatever goals superpowered rich people in rich countries want.
     Born in Cuba in 1934, Carmelo Mesa-Lago -- as a writer, author, and lecturer -- has long been a renowned and top international expert on the Cuban economy, which he now says has finally collapsed in June of 2024. In the pages of El Pais, he says that Cuba now has no choice except to submit to the United States and become a capitalist-run country. Based in Madrid, El Pais also has major offices in Barcelona, Mexico City, Washington, and Sao Paulo. The current article by Carmelo Mesa-Lago in El Pais is entitled "TODAY'S CUBA IS A CATASTROPHE." 
     Meanwhile, on June 18th in 2024, above are the other TOP Cuban headlines also flashing around the world today. As you can, the Russian-U.S.-Canadian nuclear-powered warships that chose to visit poor little Cuba still are creating news.


cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story)

cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story) : Note : This particular essay on  Ana Margarita Martinez  was first ...