For many years Cubans believed Miguel Diaz-Canel when he was their Education Minister and now, in the closing days of October of 2023, he is asking them to trust him as the President of Cuba, the role he has had for the past five years. An excellent communicator, President Diaz-Canel often walks the streets in Cuban cities speaking to the Cuban people and, as shown above today, he also makes strong use of Cuba's excellent line-up of nationwide television stations. Above this week in late October of 2023 he is shown using that effective medium to tell the Cuban people, "For over six decades the U. S. blockade has targeted us to starve and torment us, with the effort stronger than ever this year, by attacking our economy in the hope the food shortages and the electric blackouts will encourage the overthrow of our revolution, which triumphed in January-1959 a few months before I was born. The terror, blackouts, and the food shortages test us daily but we will survive and then thrive. We are lessening the terror attacks and we are making strides in improving the electric grid, and -- as a top priority -- we are trying desperately to produce more food from our own soil. Revolutionary promises guaranteed such things as free educations through college and free food, if needed. The blockade, for example, made us buy things such as milk powder from New Zealand and when travel problems blocked those purchases I cringed seeing our babies suffer from losses of some of their milk rations. That convinced me anew that we must produce our products, despite the blockade, and that means having farm machinery to till our soil and our own milk cows. As this news station reported as I visited such fields to analyze the progress we are making, the people are seeing for themselves that, despite the blockade, we are making strides to alleviate the food shortages, which is the place that I believe we should start in our efforts to survive the blockade." As President Diaz-Canel said, it is important that the Cuban people themselves see the progress the island is making in its all-out efforts to produce more-and-more food. One of the world's greatest News Agencies -- the Paris-based Agence France-Presse -- has a great journalist-photographer named Yamil Lage posted in Cuba. Today the seven photos shown below reveal that Yamil Lage is reporting that Cuba, indeed, is making major strikes in trying to produce more food on the island.
For sure -- as reported above this week by Yamil Lage/Agence France-Presse -- Cuba is trying to alleviate its food shortages.
In addition to producing more-and-more of its own food, Cuba also has massively encouraged more-and-more private entrepreneurs to open their own businesses. Above...a new entrepreneur named Maduro has opened his own market to sell food products produced by an influx of Cuban farmers.
Also today President Diaz-Canel told his nationwide television audience: "We have to be able to produce and distribute the little we have with the greatest concept of equity and social justice." This exact quote from the Cuban president is also shown on several Social Media forums today.