
Only A Few Benefactors Approve of Cuban Embargo

 Yet...it has existed for over 6 decades!!

While more-and-more consider it Genocide.

     For decades Oxfam, the influential worldwide human rights group that closely monitors the plights of women and girls, has begged the United States to lift its ageless blockade of Cuba because women and girls in Cuba "have a right to live without a blockade." Of course, from its offices in Washington and around the world Oxfam's pleas have always been totally ignored by decision-makers in Washington that, many believe, have taken orders regarding Cuba only from a few extreme anti-Cuban zealots or benefactors.
     Every year for decades almost every one of the 190 nations in the United Nations have voted strongly for the United States to end the Embargo against Cuba, usually with only the U. S. and Israel voting to keep it. Of course, the superpower U. S. has always totally and routinely ignored such worldwide pleas regarding Cuba. Meanwhile, decades of cowardly generations of Americans have been easily programmed not to be ashamed about the image depicted above that defines how the multitudes of the world's braver and more compassionate people view the Embargo.
    Unfortunately, when it comes to politicians or journalists, there are only a scant few Americans who have the integrity or expertise to openly oppose the U. S. Embargo/Blockade of Cuba. But professor/author/journalist William M. LeoGrande has spent decades telling everyone about the plights of masses of Cuban families on the island being starved, deprived, and made miserable -- or worse -- to appease a handful of rich and politically powerful Americans. As we enter the second week in December of 2022 Mr. LeoGrande, not surprisingly, has penned the best update on the USA's unpopular assaults on the Cuban people.
    In his article this week William M. LeoGrande, as shown above, points out that in December of 2022 Cuba remains the greatest "symbol" of the USA's imperative designs on Latin America...namely, "Washington's policy of coercive regime change {which President Donald Trump extended to {Cuba's friends} Venezuela and Nicaragua reminds Latin Americans of the bad old days...!!" In other words, in December of 2022, Mr. LeoGrande has the courage and intelligence to remind everyone of the "bad old days" when the U. S. backed coups to eliminate a democratically elected President of Chile, Fidel Castro's dear friend Salvador Allende, because President Nixon-Henry Kissinger got a ultra-brutal Chilean dictator named Augusto Pinochet that would allow U. S. companies to rape & rob Chile at will...for the next 17 brutal years. The death of Allende and the emergence of Pinochet in Chile responds to the "bad old days" when the powerful and unchecked U. S. ran roughshod over Latin America to appease greedy U. S. businessmen. At least in December of 2022 a great supreme expert on Latin America, William M. LeoGrande, "hopes" that the current era of the Trump-Biden administrations can refrain from "reminding" everyone of how the U. S.'s "bad old days" throughout Latin America should at least finally end. Study or further dial-up Mr. LeoGrande's words. LeoGrande's plea below starts with the words "Might we hope..."
    The date was September 11, 1973 when the democratically elected President of Chile, Salvador Allende, died in his presidential office after he had repeatedly fired his rifle {an engraved inaugural gift from Fidel Castro} from an upstairs window at Pinochet tanks and soldiers in the street below. Thus, Latin American experts like Professor LeoGrande in December of 2022 still remember SEPTEMBER 11-1973 as a historic reminder of the "bad old days" in Latin America when the U. S. had friendly relations with dictators like...Pinochet, Somoza, and Trujillo -- all of whom shared the USA's hatred of Revolutionary Cuba, of course.
   After the death of President Salvador Allende in the coup on September 11-1973, Augusto Pinochet was Chile's dictator until 1990. There are historic reasons why Pinochet's reign reminds many historians of Latin America's "bad old days." And both historically and topically, Cuba poignantly -- perhaps more than any other nation -- was/is a prime catalyst in all that history.
"The bad old days."
For Latin America, Chile, and Cuba.
     Meanwhile...for over six decades Americans have been told to accept the premise that this is a lovely image of the United States of America. But the rest of the world, and a few Americans like William M. LeoGrande, have both the courage and the intelligence to disagree.



Post-Batista Hatred for Cuba

  And from 1959 till 2023 it always starts with sanitizing Batista's, the Mafia's and the USA's Cuba from 1952 till 1959!!

    By far the most famous and most influential journalist that lives in Havana is Yoani Sanchez. Her unending hatred of Revolutionary Cuba manifests itself in vitriol that is spread around the world daily via her 14yMedio columns that are internationally published in multiple languages and lavishly heralded by the vast multitude of anti-Cuba zealots around the world, especially in the nearby United States. Above, in this first week of December of 2022, this is Yoani Sanchez's latest anti-Cuba diatribe spread around the world by the powerful Paris-based AFP News Agency, which headlined Yoani Sanchez's claim about a new wave of "oppressive fury" being unleashed by the Cuban government against its citizens, especially targeting journalists she deems controlled by the government. She created these latest anti-Cuban headlines not from Havana but while attending an International Book Fair in Guadalajara, Mexico.
     Of course, Yoani Sanchez also made news when, stopping off in her beloved city of Miami, she made the above broadcast on Radio-TV Marti.
   And of course, on a stopover in Washington, Yoani Sanchez had wonderful meetings with her two favorite U. S. Senators -- Mario Rubio of Miami and Bob Menendez of Newark.
    And of course, Yoani Sanchez is not worried about rumors that she is Made in the USA because she is aware that the mainstream and international U. S. media will support anything and everything she writes from her home in Havana. So...her latest worldwide headline in this first week of December-2022 resonates unchecked around the world: "Dissident Says Cuba Regime Has Unleashed 'Repressive Fury.'"
     In December of 2022, as shown above, Yoani Sanchez is using her vast forums to tell the world that Cuba is engaging in a new wave of "repressive fury" against its people, especially Cuba's non-government journalists. As usual, Yoani Sanchez and other similar extreme Cuban dissidents imply that the Batista-Mafia-USA dictatorship that preceded the 1959 triumph of the Cuban Revolution was a supremely loving administration that showered love and kindness on everyday Cuban citizens, not just the Batistianos, the Mafiosi, and the U. S. businessmen that were verily raping and robbing the island at will.
     But the Batistianos, supported by the ultra-powerful Mafia and the ultra-powerful United States, robbed the island blindly while not seeing any need to toss a few crumbs to the non-Batistianos, the non-Mafiosi, and the non-Americans.
       So...in Batista's money-crazed Cuba conditions such as this spawned serious rumblings of a do-or-die Revolution.
    But...in 1952 and 1953 the utter poverty of the non-Batistianos probably would not have fueled a revolution against such a powerful dictator as Batista...but his reaction to the initial rumblings regarding the lack of education and health care for the everyday Cubans did fuel a viable revolution. To blunt the rumblings about poverty, Batista sent his goons out to kidnap and kill children, believing it would quiet their parents. But what it did was spawn massive marches by the mothers, the madres, who bravely took to the streets to protest. One of them shown above, in the sunglasses and white blouse, was the mother of Little Willie Soler whose body, along with three other boys, was left in an abandoned warehouse to be found as a dire warning.
    Today -- in December of 2022 -- this is the largest and most important Children's Hospital in Cuba. It is located in Havana and it is the William Soler Children's Hospital. It is important, I believe, why and how it got its name.
   You see...Little Willie Soler will always be an historic part of why there was a Cuban Revolution and why the Cuban Revolultion actually won.



Are A Million U. S. Cuban Sanctions Enough?

    Today is December 2nd-2022. Today the United States paved the way for more sanctions against Cuba by adding the island to yet another list that appears to be yet another excuse for the U. S. to levy more sanctions against Cuba...adding to the million or so that have been added since 1962 when the Embargo-Blockade began after the 1961 Bay of Pigs military attack failed to overthrow Cuba's Revolutionary rule, which had replaced the U.S./Mafia-backed Batista dictatorship in 1959. Thus, the 1962 economic Embargo-Blockade was intended to starve, deprive, and make miserable Cubans on the island to induce them to rise up and overthrow their own government. It hasn't worked...but it seems every day for over six decades new U. S. sanctions have been added to the Embargo-Blockade, often by first adding Cuba to some new list, such as the Sponsors of Terrorism list. Today -- on December 2nd-2022 -- the Agence France-Presse News Agency, founded in Paris in 1835 and still a Global Giant, headlined that the U. S. has put Cuba on yet another list that apparently means...uh..."more sanctions."
     As you can see in the first paragraph above, the AFP News Agency informs the world that the U. S. today -- December 2nd-2022 -- has added Cuba to another list that portends "opening the path to potential sanctions." Wow. More sanctions added to the million or so added since 1962!! Nice.
     For over six decades the world has begged the United States to end the Embargo/Blockade against Cuba because of what it afflicts on everyday Cubans on the easily blockaded island. Yet...the AFP News Agency reports today on December 2nd-2022 that the U. S. is contemplating more "potential sanctions."


Cubans Suffer as Relentless U. S. Sanctions Take Tolls


    This Washington Post photo was used to illustrate an article that headlined this fact: "Cuba's Cascading Crises Mean Milk Shortages for Children." It is an interesting and honest photo that enhances an interesting and honest problem that direly concerns two neighboring nations -- Cuba and the United States. While six+ decades of U. S. sanctions designed to destroy the Cuban economy have mostly impacted Cubans like the little girl shown above, Americans for decades have condoned the sanctions without seriously asking who they benefit in the U. S. and whose lives in Cuba do they most harm...and surely considering the ongoing generations of Cuban children who are harmed the most simply have never factored into the equation.
     While the Washington Post photo and article got little traction, the Voice of America photo and article shown above  got more attention. The caption to the photo explained that it was an anti-Cuban protest in the Little Havana section of Miami.
     The best revelations of Cuba in the western world actually are from a few great journalists/authors who actually report from Cuba...such as the great Marc Frank.
     As the month of December of 2022 arrives, the Marc Frank article shown above is being sent around the world by the London-based REUTERS News Agency. It updates the dire trip Cuba's President Miguel Diaz-Canel made to China, Russia, Algeria, and Turkey hoping to get financial help that might enable the island nation to survive tragic obstacles such as the U. S. sanctions.
       As Reuters Marc Frank explains in the first sentence shown above: "Cuba has little choice but to ask friends for help." In the second paragraph above, Marc Frank points out that the U. S. sanctions deprive Cuba from engaging with entities such as "the International Monetary Fund or World Bank, where many countries are seeking post-pandemic relief."
      From the Marc Frank and Reuters revelations about Cuba's updated hurdles heading into December of 2022, let's go back to that Washington Post photo of the little Cuban girl's face as she was finally getting some of the powered milk her mother said that neither she nor the Cuban government had been able to provide her. Indeed, this little Cuban girl is a victim. And indeed...as Marc Frank explains in his latest reflections, "Cuba has little choice but to ask friends for help."



Cuba's Superstar Minister

Alejandro Gil is an important Cuban. 

    It appears that Alejandro Gil Fernandez is Cuba's most out-spoken and perhaps its most important official at this point in time as the ever-tightening U. S. economic Embargo/Blockade leaves the island in a historic predicament. First off, Gil says, "Let me state what others don't have the courage to say, and that is this: If the U. S. had a desire to dominate either Canada or Mexico, and used its unchecked power to accomplish it for the last 60-plus years, Canada or Mexico would have likely capitulated many years ago. So, relate that to us and admit that much-smaller Cuba has refused to submit to such pressure. Then if you have the courage and fairness to admit that, also admit that Cuba has the right and obligation, if it is to survive as a sovereign nation, to ask for assistance from nations we believe also believe that we have the right not to be owned or dictated to by a foreign power. And that is why, in November of 2022, Cuba had the right to partake in four official state visits in countries that agree that we have the right to be a sovereign country too."
     During the 4-nation trip in November of 2022 to Algeria, Russia, Turkey, and Xi-Jinping's China, all four nations bucked the U. S. Embargoes/Sanctions and agreed to help Cuba during its latest economic crisis. As shown above, all four nations...especially China...lavishly heralded ceremonies celebrating the visits of Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel. And behind the scenes, Cuba's Economic Minister Alejandro Gil orchestrated some serious help for the island.
   As confirmed by the Chinese media {above}: "Cuba's Deputy Prime Minister Alejandro Gil, who is is also economy minister, said China had also donated US$100 million to help Cuba cope with basis good shortages and an energy crisis worsened by Hurricane Ian, which decimated western Pinar del Rio province in September."


President's Trip Was Important

    On his four-nation trip seeking help from Algeria, Russia, Turkey and China, Cuba's President Miguel Diaz-Canel was warmly...even lavishly...received by the four key foreign Presidents -- Tebboune, Erdogan, Putin, and Xi. But most observers have concluded that the promises that China's Xi Jinping personally gave to President Diaz-Canel are the most important.
     The USA's top News Agency, the Associated Press, as you can see above, reported from Beijing just how important Xi Jinping's promises to Miguel Diaz-Canel were, stressing that China now says that Cuba's economic survival is considered one of China's "core interests." The AP explained it this way: "China generally defines core interests as the defense of its economic and political development aims, along with control over territory it claims, especially self-governing Taiwan. No specific issues or other countries were mentioned in the Chinese government news release. Diaz-Canel's visit is a further sign of how China is trying to jump-start its in-person diplomacy after a virtual shutdown of such exchanges during the pandemic." China is generally considered the prime...or only...threat capable of overtaking the United States as the world's economic and military Superpower.
       The AP article above also said: "Diaz-Canel was quoted as saying his visit 'shows that we attach great importance and attention to the friendly and cooperative relationship between Cuba and China.'" And the AP also concluded: "China is Cuba's second largest trading partner after key oil producer Colombia, and has provided buses, locomotives and other equipment for the island's drive to upgrade its decrepit infrastructure. Chinese firms have also invested in mineral extraction in Cuba but on a limited scale."
    Today is November 25th-2022. On November 25th-2016 revolutionary icon Fidel Castro died at age 90 in Havana.
    On the anniversary of his death on November 25th-2016 millions of Cubans are remembering things such as...Fidel Castro's revolutionary victory in 1959, many of his quotations, his defense of his revolution at the Bay of Pigs in 1961, the world-record assassination attempts that he survived before dying of old age at 90 in 2016, etc., etc., etc.


cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story)

cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story) : Note : This particular essay on  Ana Margarita Martinez  was first ...