And Devote Their Lives to Ending It!!
Although the mainstream U. S. media and the plethora of anti-Cuban blogs and Miami-style 'journalists' have vehemently denied it for over sixty years, most Cuban-Americans are deeply ashamed of the endlessly cruel U. S. assaults on Cuban families on the island to appease a minority of rich and politically powerful Cuban-Americans in Miami, Newark, and Washington. Carlos Lazo is devoting his fervent life to helping Cuban women and children survive the unending barrage from the nearby Superpower nation.
So...who is the Carlos Lazo that the U. S. media, Miami, and the U. S. government fervently don't want you to know??? Well, Carlos Lazo is a Cuban-American professor in Seattle. He and some of his students rode their bicycles Three Thousand Miles from Seattle to Washington to beg President Trump to end his expansion of the Embargo up into the cruelest-ever genocidal stratosphere against Cuban women and children on the island. Of course, neither Trump nor the U. S. media would listen to a word Carlos Lazo said. And then he and some of his students walked the Three Hundred Miles from Little Havana in the heart of Miami to Washington to beg President Biden to stop trying to starve Cuban women and children in Cuba to appease a minority of Cubans in Miami, Newark, and Washington. Of course once again, neither President Biden nor the U. S. media had the courtesy or the integrity to even listen to a word that Carlos Lazo said.
Such blatant treatment from the U. S. government and the U. S. media has only made Carlos Lazo even more determined to keep the world Superpower from starving Cuban women and children on the island. He amassed a huge following on Social Media and created an organization called BRIDGES of LOVE/PUENTES of AMOR. And Carlos Lazo now flies planeloads of food and other supplies to Cuba. Recently one of his planes included, among other necessities, 5,000 cans of Tuna. Recently the U. S. media loudly tried to shame Cuba for not being able to keep its promises that all children on the island had milk. Of course, the U. S. media blamed Cuba for the shortage but Carlos Lazo blamed the Embargo-Blockade that forced Cuba to buy powdered milk it needed from faraway New Zealand, and when shipping problems blocked some deliveries, some Cuban children were unable to get their normal supplies of free milk. But this week -- in the last week of June-2022 -- Carlos Lazo's latest planeload of supplies to Cuban women and children on the island included many bags of powdered milk, AS YOU SEE IN THE PHOTO ABOVE.
In the front-center of the photo above, that is the great Carlos Lazo kneeling this week with a bag of his powdered milk...and note that the bag is about as tall as the little Cuban child that is with him. All the Cubans on the island now know who Carlos Lazo is, and they love him. Of course, Americans are not supposed to know who he is...and certainly not to love him.
Yes, children in Cuba sing the praises of Carlos Lazo and his PUENTES de AMOR/BRIDGES of LOVE and his planes that bring his food, clothes, toys, and other things that the U. S. Embargo deprives them of.
"Carlos to Biden: Could you show at least a tiny bit of humanity for Cuban families and lift the sanctions?"
This photo was taken on a hot day in July of 2021 when Carlos Lazo was about halfway on his 300 mile walk from Little Havana in the heart of Miami to Washington. His mission was to beg President Biden to ease the Embargo's starvation tactics against Cuban women and children in Cuba. Of course, neither President Biden nor the U. S. media care even a little bit about what Carlos Lazo says. Thus, Americans are not supposed to even know about Carlos because he happens to be a great Cuban-American who happens to love Cuban children in Cuba...and therefore doesn't think a few rich people in a powerful country should ever, and certainly not endlessly, assault children is a much-weaker country. Carlos maintains that Little Havana Cubans are "spewing propaganda" when they claim that the Embargo doesn't primarily impact women and children on the island..."while also making a few people richer and more powerful in the United States."
Yes, there are two sides to the two images above -- "The Embargo" and "Little Havana USA." And the side espoused loudly by Carlos Lazo should also be allowed to be heard.