The PROPAGANDA-obsessed Media!!
In today's nuclear-powered, digitally-wired world, there are seven billion decent citizens who need accurate and unbiased information provided not by their governments but by trusted news sources. Unfortunately, even in the world's strongest democracies, such media outlets are increasingly hard to find, but there are exceptions. For example, Orla Guerin is a brilliant investigative broadcast journalist who is permitted by her international network, the London-based BBC, to dispense vital and accurate reports to a worldwide audience on events vital to the entire world.
In these final days of February-2019, the Venezuela Crisis that is bubbling toward what might be a bloody and long-lasting Latin American War is an event that demands accurate world-wide coverage, the type shown the BBC's most skilled and daunting journalist -- Orla Guerin.
Because of the BBC's massive reach, most of the world's nations know from Orla Guerin's brilliant reports that SOMETHING must be done to alleviate what is happening in Venezuela. Yes, in oil-rich Venezuela millions of people are without proper food, medicine, and other necessities. And yes, the already bloody impasse that pits the U.S.-funded and U.S.-backed Juan Guaido as opposition President against questionable incumbent President Nicolas Maduro is an intolerable situation that should be brokered by honest and unbiased entities such as...the UN, the EU, the Catholic Church, etc. But the image above that shows RENOWNED WAR-MONGERING AMERICAN JOHN BOLTON as the mediator between Guaido and Maduro is a disaster for Venezuela, Latin America, the Caribbean, and perhaps the entire world. It is a well-known fact that Bolton and the extreme Counter-Revolutionary Cubans in Miami and in Washington view the Venezuelan crisis mostly as a means to finally regain total control of Cuba, where a rather famed Revolution chased the Batista-Mafia dictators to Miami and Washington in 1959, now several generations ago. Those facts, coupled with extreme war-mongers like Bolton, Elliott Abrams, Otto Reich, etc., are well-known to every Latin American government and every historian. Thus, injecting shown above...directly between Guaido and Maduro is a perpetration by the latest Batistiano-fueled Republican administration in Washington that almost certainly portends a conflagration written in blood that should be chronicled by peace-lovers. THE WORLD TODAY ALREADY HAS ENOUGH PROXY WARS. Of course, war-hardened President Eisenhower way back in 1960 in his famous Industrial Complex Speech warned that profiteering war-mongers were the biggest threat to the United States...because of the immense profits they could make from wars or the threat of wars. Even when Republicans are not in control of the White House, it seems that war-mongers like John Bolton bide their time as highly paid consultants, highly paid "Fellows" at conservative and right-wing "Think Tanks" and as massive fund-raisers to buy-off current and future politicians. Then when a Republican becomes Commander-in-Chief...BINGO!!!
When the mainstream media in the U. S. is either too biased, too afraid, or too incompetent to tell the American people the truth about, say, a John Bolton, then that scenario is probably more dangerous to America and Democracy than having war-mongering zealots from Miami in charge of America's Cuban policies, both of which have a direct bearing on what's happening in Venezuela. The Batistiano-benefactors in the George W. Bush administration once played a joke on Democracy and the American people by naming John Bolton to the prestigious position of U. S. Ambassador to the United Nations, which requires confirmation by the U. S. Senate. Because Bolton is well-known as an extreme war-monger against small countries, such as Cuba, President George W. Bush, of course, just made Bolton "a recess appointment" as UN Ambassador, withdrawing it PRIOR TO SEEKING Senate approval. Yet, to this day, even the so-called mainstream U. S. media calls Bolton "the former UN Ambassador," ascribing prestige to him that he does not deserve. Therefore in 2019 the latest Batistiano-directed Republican president, Trump, can name Bolton America's National Security Adviser, which puts him in a position to direct the long-desired regime-change in Cuba...starting with the regime-change in Venezuela, following by the regime-change in Nicaragua, etc. That, of course, belies the historic Latin American facts that direly include genocidal U. S. regime-changes in...El Salvador in 1953, Chile in 1973, etc., not to mention siccing the Mafia on Cuba in 1952...all to enable rich U. S. businessmen to partake in the economic fleecing of those nations.
The ever-lasting impact that the Cuban Revolution's 1959 triumph has had on the USA and its Democracy is reflected by the above graphic, so please study it. The U. S. gained dominance over Cuba in 1898 via the Spanish-American War, providing the U. S. with the golden opportunity to made the Caribbean's largest and most beautiful island a world-class DEMOCRACY. But that's not what happened. It was made into an imperialist piggy-bank for rich Americans. In militarized U.S.-dominated Cuba, in 1903...for example...the U. S. simply stole Cuba's plush Guantanamo Bay "in perpetuity" according to "papers" that confirmed the theft as a "Treaty." U. S. companies controlled the Cuban economy through one U.S.-approved government after the other, including the first Batista dictatorship. Then, filthy rich, Batista spent 8 years in South Florida where his best friends were Mafia kingpins like Meyer Lansky, Lucky Luciano, and Santo Trafficante. Then one day in Miami Lansky told Batista, "I've always wanted the Mob to own its own country." While some great historians as well as the famous "Godfather" Mafia movies have acknowledged that famed Lansky-Batista historic nexus, TO THIS DAY the mainstream media in the United States is too afraid to mention it.
But truth be know, that's precisely how the U.S.-backed Luciano-Lansky-Batista dictatorship brutally plundered Cuba beginning in 1952, all the while MAKING DAMN SURE to maintain the support of the U. S. government by taking kick-backs for allowing selected U. S. businessmen to partake in the rape and robbery of the helpless island.
Backed by the military muscle of the United States, the Batista dictatorship didn't believe it had to bother with even tossing crumbs to the majority peasants, as indicated above. And even when great journalists like Herbert L. Matthews of the New York Times, with articles and with photos, tried to inform Americans about the dire poverty of most Cubans while the island was being ransacked by Mafia-crooks supported by the U. S. government, Americans flocked to Batista's Cuba to revel in the Mafia's three flourishing schemes -- drugs, gambling, and prostitution...with the fourth very lucrative scheme being those kick-backs from U. S. businesses.
All the while, Batista and shown by the photo above...knew they were perfectly safe in treating the majority Cuban peasants horrendously. After all, their Mafia was the strongest criminal organization in the world and they were backed by the strongest nation in the world, the United States. Also, no nation had ever come close to overthrowing a U.S.-backed dictatorship...and the dire poverty of the Cuban peasants was not enough to spawn a viable anti-Batista/Lansky Cuban Revolution.
Batista, Lansky, and their supporters in Washington were actually stupid not to at least throw some crumbs and even some educational and health benefits to the Cuban peasants. But that neglect didn't inspire the Revolution that would actually challenge the Batista dictatorship. But historic photos like the one above DID INSPIRE a viable Revolution in Cuba. In Batista's Cuba children were routinely murdered as warnings to quell dissent. But it quelled the outrage of brave Madres Cubanas {Cuban mothers} like the ones shown above who took to the streets to let the world know how they felt about the murders of Nuestros Hijos {Our Children}. The woman second from the left in the white blouse was the mother of the gruesomely murdered Little Willie Soler, for example. Today, as an indication as to how successful such marches were, today in 2019 the largest children's hospital in Havana is named for...Little Willie Soler.
History registers the fact that the Fidel Castro-led Cuban Revolution chased the leaders of the Batista dictatorship out of Havana on January 1, 1959.
Ironically, the Cuban Revolution has had even more of an impact on the USA than on Cuba. That is because the Batista dictatorship was essentially "chased" out of Havana all the way to Little Havana, 100 miles away in Miami, USA.
For example, a key Minister in the Batista dictatorship, Rafael Diaz-Balart, quickly became one of the most powerful Counter Revolutionary Cubans in Miami, and HE quickly created the very first paramilitary unit on U. S. soil designed to quickly recapture Cuba. He called it the White Rose after a Jose Marti poem.
As it turned out, Rafael Diaz-Balart didn't recapture Cuba...and neither have the other similarly motivated Counter Revolutionary Cubans after all these years. In fact, they have reshaped America far more than rearranging Cuba. But along the way, for the past 6+ decades, they have severely punished totally innocent Cubans back on the island. That cruelty has, I think, best been described by this EXACT Editorial Comment by the New York Times: "There is, finally, something indecent about vociferous exiles living safely in Miami prescribing more pain for their poorer cousins." Batistianos arrived in Miami with enough money...and enough continuing support from the U. S. easily take over Miami economically and politically. Soon, while failing to regain control of Cuba, they did, in fact, gain control of Miami first, then Florida, and then least as far as anything regarding either Cuba or their already bulging bank accounts were concerned. With political dictation of the Republican Party, as well as powerful entities such as the Bush dynasty, CAPTURING the USA has proven to be a lot easier than RE-CAPTURING Cuba, as amazing as that might seem. But the first and second generations of the Rafael Diaz-Balart family in the USA explains that historic and topical phenomenon.
Ultra-powerful and ultra-rich, Rafael Diaz-Balart had four sons, all born with the proverbial silver...or golden...spoons in their mouths. From left-to-right flanking the matriarch is the namesake son Rafael, now a powerful banker. Second from the is left is Lincoln who was born in Havana in 1954 when his father was a key man in the Batista dictatorship. Second from the right is Jose and on the right is Mario. Nepotism is a wonderful advantage, especially in dictatorships but also in the capitalist-fueled USA. While son Rafael is a super-rich banker in the USA, Rafael Sr.'s other three sons are also euphorically rich and powerful. Lincoln was first elected to the U. S. Congress from Miami in 1993 and served there as a massively effective anti-Castro zealot till 2011, when he retired from Congress to concentrate on massive anti-Castro activities in Miami, as he lavishly announced at a news conference. Following Lincoln's well-groomed path, Mario has represented Miami and the anti-Castro zealots in the U. S. Congress since 2002. And that leaves the 4th son Jose, who was born in Fort Lauderdale 58 years ago.
On Feb. 22-2019 Jose Diaz-Balart was the anchor on NBC News telling Americans about the now deadly crisis in know, the crisis that many experts believe Counter Revolutionary Cubans from Miami are using to recapture Cuba. But, of course, neither NBC News nor the rest of the mainstream U. S. broadcast media has either the courage or the integrity to tell its viewers or listeners the truth about Counter Revolutionary Cuban zealots like Jose that have free-reign within the bowels of the mainstream U. S. media.
A U. S. media that allows a Jose Diaz-Balart to report on Cuban issues without letting Americans know about Jose Diaz-Balart's Cuban zealotry is a U. S. media that is lying to the American people. Yet, it is par-for-the-course in the U. S. media today.
As an ultra-rich and ultra-powerful television News Anchor on NBC, MSNBC, and Telemondo, Jose Diaz-Balart can fund an array of wonderful internships designed, I suppose, to perpetuate the Counter Revolutionary Cuban narrative even after the Counter Revolutionaries RE-capture Cuba. But that being said, let it be known that the Counter Revolutionaries ACTUALLY captured the USA before they RE-captured Cuba. {And that's why I say with confidence that the Cuban Revolution says more about the USA than it says about Cuba, and two generations of the Diaz-Balart family on U. S. soil, I think, is proof}.