Today is June 3rd in 2024 and it is Raul Castro's 93rd Birthday!!
For being 93 years old, Raul Castro is healthy.
On his 93rd birthday today, in Cuba Raul Castro is being celebrated as the second most important person from the Cuban Revoloution that shocked the world on January 1st of 1959 by overthrowing the Batista dictatorsship in Cuba. Above Raul Castro is shown with famed fellow rebel stragegist and guerrilla fighter Vilva Espin. Certainly two of the Top Five figures in both the Revolution and in Revolutionary Cuba, Raul and Vilma got married in January of 1959 right after they had helped win the Revolution. Vilma, who died at age 77 on June 18th in 2007, had two famous children with Raul named Mariela and Alejandro.
These were the three Castro brothers that were born to Angel Castro and Lina Ruz in Biran, Cuba, which was near where the Cuban Revolution started in 1953 in southeastern Cuba when two of the Castro brothers -- Fidel and Raul -- launched an ill-advised attack on Batista's Moncado Army Barracks in Santiago de Cuba on July 26th of 1953. It was easily repelled and ended up with the two Castro brothers sent to a Batista prison from July of 1953 till May of 1955. The photo above shows Ramon Castro who was born on October 14, 1994 and died at age 91 on February 23, 2018. Ramon became a cattleman, not a rebel. In the middle above is Raul Castro who was born on June 3, 1931 and today on June 3rd of 2024 is celebrating his 93th Birthday. And on the right is Fidel Castro who was born on August 13, 1936 and died on November 25, 2016 at age 90. So all three Castro brothers lived into their 90s but Raul was the only one who lived to be 93 years old.
From January 1st of 1959 till June 3rd of 2024 either the late Fidel Castro or the still-living Raul Castro have been the only top leaders of Cuba. That is true although since 2018 Miguel Diaz-Canel has held the title of President on the island. But as long as Raul is still alive, the Top Leader of Cuba will be a Castro.
As shown above, in 2024 Cuba is celebrating the 95TH ANNIVERSARY that the Cuban Revolution has ruled Cuba, which is an astounding tribute to the two Castro brothers and, let it be known, that one of them, Raul, has been alive for all those 65 years.
Of course, a few days before Fidel Castro died in 2016 at age 90 his brother Raul Castro was holding his beloved brother's hand.
And, of course, it was Raul Castro who in 2016 placed Fidel Castro's ashes into the huge rock where they are now enshrined in Santiago de Cuba.
In the 65 years since the Cuban Revolution defeated the western world's beloved but vile Batista dictatorship, the Castro brothers Fidel and Raul have been reviled for their deeds, with the ultra-powerful U. S. news media daily reporting the U. S. summations about how terrible the Castro brothers and their revolution was and is!! Of course, finding a truthful and unbiased U. S. history of the Cuban Revolution...and of the Castro brothers as well as of extremely difficult to find. But, shown above, are three sort of unbiased and truthful paragraphs from the Associated Press, the top U. S. News Agency.
But history still says there was a Batista.
And history still says there was a Cuban Revolution.
And history still says there were Fidel and Raul.
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