
January 28th Is Jose Marti's Birthday


      Today is January 28th in 2024. On January 28th in 1853, as shown above, Jose Marti was born in Havana. He soon became an international celebrity in the United States and around the world as an author and poet. But he returned to Cuba to fight in the War of Independence against the long-time brutal Spanish dictatorship. He was killed in the Battle of Rio Cauto on May 19th, 1895. From that day till today in Cuba, the memories of Jose Marti are cherished and celebrated even though he didn't live to ever see Cuba emerge from foreign dominance.
      Since his death in 1895 until today in 2024, quotations of Jose Marti, such as the two shown above, are very important to Cubans that still love him dearly.
    While Jose Marti died fighting in 1895 againsst the Spanish dictatorsship in Cuba, Fidel Castro on January 1st in 1959 shocked the world by defeating the US/Mafia/Batista dictatorship in Cuba. Incredibly, although Fidel Castro died at age 90 in Havana in 2016, his Revolution still rules Cuba all these decades later!! Yet, the dichotomy...the history...of these two men are vastly different: Jose Marti is loved and cherished in Cuba, the United States, and around the world!! But Fidel Castro, while he is still cherished by most Cubans in Cuba, he is massively reviled and hated in the United States and in the parts of world deeply influenced by the United States power and media. Yet...today -- on January 28th of 2024 as the birthday of Jose Marti is being wildly celebrated in Cuba, as the dual photo shown above indicates, in Cuba the island's two greatest Independence Fighters are both almost equally revered and loved.
    Today is January 28th of 2024 and Jose Marti was born on January 28th of 1853. It is a BIRTHDAY that will always be cherished in Cuba.

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