On January 31st in 2024!!!
On January 31st, to end the first month in 2024, today I believe Americans should study the TOP Headlines related to Cuba, the island nation just a few miles south of Florida. As you can see, the great London-based Reuters News Agency is telling the world today that Revolutionary Cuba, as it has done each each since January of 1959 when the Cuban Revolution overthrew the U.S./Mafia-backed Batista rule in Cuba, is "rallying" support to keep from being overthrown by powerful forces in nearby Florida and in Washington. Another headline on this last day of January-2024 is from The Tico Times reporting on the startling "exodus" of Cubans trying to leave the island as the six-decade-old U. S. Embargo/Blockade is finally creating its desired starvation, deprivation, and misery that the Embargo/Blockade intended when it began back in 1962. And also note above that the USA's NBC News is reporting today that one of Miami's extreme Counter Revolutionary members of the U. S. Concress, "Republican Rep. Maria Salazar," is blocking Democratic Representative Barbara Lee from enen speaking in Congress because Lee doesn't believe that the U. S. should keep starving, depriving, and making miserable Cubans on the island to appease rich and powerful Miami Cubans such as Salazar that can dictate Cuban policies in the U. S. Congress. But please note that the TOP Cuban Headline on the last day of January-2024 is an unbiased headline from the London-based The Guardian: "DIVE INTO THE SURREAL: STRANGE VIEWS OF CUBA -- IN PICTURES"!!!!!! One of those amazing pictures is the one I show below that depicts, along with the many others posted today by The Guardian, a real story in Cuba.

The haunting photo above is one of the many photos posted worldwide today by The Guardian and taken by notable photographer Raul Canibano who was born in Havana in 1961, two years after the victory of the Cuban Revolution. This photo was taken in Vinales, Cuba. It shows the haunting facial expressions of a grandmother and mother looking hauntingly at their grandson and son...three generations of Cubans who have lived in Revolutionary Cuba and are targets of the U. S. Embargo/Blockade that began in 1962 and, in the past four years, has been severely tightened by the Trump and Biden presidential administrations in Washington. As you can study the sadness and wonder coating the faces of the grandmother, mother, and child in the photo above, please permit me to show you in the photo below that shows that there are indeed some people in the United States that actually care about generations of people in the small nation of Cuba who have spent all their lives embargoed/blockaded by people in a much-more larger and more powerful nation.
Above is a photo and headline today -- January 31st, 2024 -- about the top Children's Hospital in Havana. As you can see, the update on "William Soler Pediatric Hospital" explains that two U. S. organizations -- Code Pink and Bridges of Love/Puentes de Amor -- have somehow been allowed to actually donate some much-needed help to Cuba's main Children Hospital, notably "one thousand pounds of powdered milk" and "71,000 pancreatin tablets for patients suffering from cystic fibrosis." In contrast to the positive report on U. S. help donated to "William Soler Pediatric Hospital" in Havana, there also have been constant reports from doctors at the hospital that the endless Embargo/Blockade of the island by the U. S. blocks many vital supplies from reaching the hospital, including much-needed material and medical equipment that Cuba is not allowed to purchase from the U. S. or from other foreign companies that must comply with the U. S. Embargo/Blockade of the island.
Above is a recent photo of "William Soler Pedriatic Hospital" in Havana, a hospital vital to Cuban children. A quick Google search will inform you of the history of why this key Children's Hospital is named for "William Soler" and, also, that the hospital is a piece of Cuban history that is well known, except in the United States.
This great lady, Dr. Susett Gonzalez, is fiercely devoted to saving the lives of Cuban children at William Soler Children's Hospital in Havana.
This photo shows Dr. Susett Gonzalez and her husband at William Soler Hospital soon after their own child, a boy named Roman, was born.
This photo shows Dr. Susett Gonzalez and three other doctors at William Soler Children's Hospital in Havana as they take a short rest break before returning to save the lives of children. It seems that Americans, since 1962, have supported or tolerated the Embargo/Blockade of Cuba because, apparently, they are told that the endless sanctions are meant only to harm Revolutionary Cuba's leaders. Well...I believe such Americans should ask Dr. Susett Gonzalez about who the Embargo/Blockade hurts the most and she believes it harms the Cuban children the most.
The very historic photo shown above says a lot about the Cuban Revolution and, after the triumph of the Cuban Revolution in January of 1959, it also says a lot about why William Soler Children's Hospital in Havana got its name. You see...the woman on the left in the sunglasses and wearing the white blouse was the mother of a little boy named "Willie Soler." His mother and other outraged Cuban mothers were bravely marching to protest the murders of their children by the much-hated Batista dictatorship...and these brave mothers believed the purpose of such killings was to make them so afraid that it would deter them from protesting anything the Batista regime was doing to their families. This march, and many others like them, was brave enough to tell Batista to "STOP KILLING OUR CHILDREN" and, as you can see above, it was signed: "Madres Cubanas"/"Cuban Mothers."
Without a doubt, marches by Cuban Mothers protesting the Murders of Their Children played a vital role in the eventual victory of the Cuban Revolution in January of 1959. And please understand that the Mothers shown above were bravely protesting a particularly gruesome "assassination" -- that of little Willie Soler and three of his classmates whose bodies were left in a vacant warehouse to apparently make these Mothers too afraid to resist. The two photos above, and other like them, played a massive part in the Cuban Revolution and also explain why and how, after the victory of the Revolution, Havana's William Soler Children's Hospital got its name!! It is named after Little Willie Soler.
A Cuban-American professor in Seattle, Carlos Lazo, is an American that cares about Children in Cuba. He has ridden his bicycle coast-to-coast from Seattle to Washington to protest the U. S. Embargo/Blockade of Cuba. And the caption to the article shown above says: "Carlos Lazo getting ready to start his march from Miami to Washington, D.C. Credit: Tighe Barry." Since he founded his foundation, Bridges of Love, Carlos Lazo has personally flown supplies that included medicine, powered milk, boxes of can food, etc. to help Cuban families.