
Six Decades+ of the U. S. Cuban Embargo

    Back in the 1950s the United States, the world's leading Democracy, and Cuba, led by the ruthless and thieving Mafia-aligned dictator Fulgencio Batista, were Good Friends. And top U. S. companies took massive advantage of that heralded friendship by sending hordes of tourists to Cuba to partake in the incredibly enticing lures such as sex, drugs, and gambling.
    But in 1959 something called the Cuban Revolution chased the Batistianos to safer havens, especially the nearby Dominican Republic and nearby Miami. Somehow in April of 2023 the Cuban Revolution, against all odds, still rules Cuba.
    Somehow in April of 1961 Revolutionary Cuba hugely fended off the massive air, sea, and land military attack known to history as the Bay of Pigs.
     And somehow Revolutionary Cuba since 1959 has survived six decades of other massive assualts.
     And somehow Revolutionary Cuba since 1962 has survived history's longest and cruelest Economic Embargo ever imposed by any Powerful Nation against any Much Weaker Nation.
    Meanwhile today -- April 13th, 2023 -- above are the Top Cuban Headlines circulating around the world and originating in places such as Miami, New Jersey, and London. Not surprisingly, no one is talking about the things that most concern the day-to-day lives of the besieged, embargoed, and blockaded Cubans in Cuba. In other words, on April 13th, 2023 no one is talking about things such as...the Embargo, the Blockade, the fact that Trump cruelly put Cuba on the very short list of Nations That Sponsor Terrorism and, just as cruelly, Biden has unfairly left Cuba on that very punitive {for Cuba} list that also, of course, is very lucrative for well-known benefactors in Little Havana USA.
Biden & Trump
Since 1959
Before 1959
     For sure, the captivating history of US-Cuba Relations includes Little Havana USA in Miami since 1959 and Batista's Mafia Cuba from 1952 till 1959. Yet...those two crucial facets of US-Cuba Relations will never garner any headlines in either the modern captivating history books or in the current propagandized-obsessed news media.


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