
BBC Updates US Blockade's Punishment of Cuban Children

Please Study the Two Photos Below!! 

     The two photos above and six other similar photos like them were taken by Natalia Favre and all eight of them were used to illustrate an article written by Natalia Favre that was sent around the world by the worldwide reach of the London-based BBC News. The article graphically reports the punishment the U. S. economic Embargo/Blockade has eked out to generations of children in Cuba sinced 1962, including the two Little Girls shown above. While brilliant journalists/photographers such as Natalia Favre are truthfully reporting from Cuba on the prime victims of the endless U. S. sanctions against Cuba, Americans are still being told by propagandists in the Little Havana-aligned Miami Herald, the Jose Bezos-own Washington Post, etc., how wonderful the U.S.-backed Batista dictatorship was in the 1950s and how terrible Cuba has been since 1959 when the Cuban Revolution overthrew Batista and spawned rich & powerful Little Havana in nearby Miami.
   As an honest and brilliant journalist, photographer, documentarian, and filmmaker covering Latin America, Natalia Favre has used the worldwide coverage of BBC News to update the unconscionable punishment another generation of children in Cuba are receiving as the endless U. S. Embargo/Blockade of the Caribbean island flourishes into its Sixth Decade. While Americans routinely get their Cuban news from propaganda sources catering to Miami and Washington opinions that justify the extreme cruelty of the endless Embargo/Blockade, real honest and brilliant journalists such as Natalia Favre tell the world about the prime victims of such self-serving Miami/Washington decisions. So, Please...take just a moment to study the photos below as Natalia Favre tells the world about the prime victims of the cruel, endless Embargo/Blockade that the U. S. has imposed on Cuba since 1962.
    As Natalia Favre reminds us, as far as we know these Little Cuban Girls never harmed anyone in Miami or Washington.

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