
Raul Castro Flies to Caracas

Remembering Hugo Chavez 

     The President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, posted this photo on his Twitter page today -- March 6th-2023. It shows him meeting in Caracas with Cuba's revolutionary icon Raul Castro who is now 91-years-old but in good health.
     Cuba is memorializing the life of Hugo Chavez, the powerful leader of Venezuela until he died of cancer on March 5th, 2013. Till his death Hugo Chavez had been Revolutionary Cuba's best and most important friend.
      This photo of the three Castro brothers was taken in 1940 in Santiago de Cuba near their birthplace in Biran, Cuba, and near the foothills of the Sierra Maestra Mountains where the Cuban Revolution started on July 26th of 1953 when Fidel and Raul led the ill-fated attack on Batista's Moncada Army Barracks in Santiago de Cuba. The three Castro brothers all lived into their 90s but at age 91 Raul is the only one still alive.

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