
Poor Cuba & The U. S. Media


      This photo, courtesy of NBC News, was taken in Miami, Florida. From January of 1959, when the Cuban Revolution caused the creation of Little Havana in Miami, the U. S. media has used photos like this to highlight articles that have constantly, for over six decades, told Americans that Cubans in Miami are the salt of the earth and the Cubans in Havana are worthy of being starved, deprived, and made miserable to induce them to overthrow their post-Batista revolutionary government.
    Thus, in this last week of October in 2022, the "Homeland or Life" photo from Miami/Little Havana was used by NBC News to front this typical anti-Havana/pro-Little Havana article. The gist appears to promote the demise of Revolutionary Cuba because the island's most talented young people are continuing to accelerate the huge tsunami of "arrivals" to the U. S. from Cuba...with most of the young and talented Cuban arrivals sure to further deprive Cuba while greatly boosting the U. S., a process that supposedly is finally finishing off the lingering hopes of Cuba's revolutionary supporters.
    The prime NBC News journalist who tells the world about Havana and Little Havana is Carmen Sesin. And like most such journalists in the mainstream U. S. media, she is extremely pro-Little Havana and extremely anti-Havana.
     And thus, in this last full week of October of 2022 -- as in all U. S. weeks since January of 1959 --- NBC News tells Americans a biased view of "new arrivals to the U. S." from Cuba. Never mentioned is the prime reason for the "new arrivals", which is the Little Havana-beloved economic Blockade of the island that has tormented Cubans in Cuba for over six decades.
    Located by the whims of geography that leaves Cuba forever directly south of Miami-Little Havana, how happy and how prosperous would Havana and all of Cuba be if it is not saddled with the historic "Genocidio Bloqueo" that has existed for the past six decades? Perhaps one day NBC News and Carmen Sesin might try to answer that question.

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