
Key Democrat Slams Biden About Cuban Genocide


    In 2016 the Democrat that persuaded President Barack Obama to try to end the Republican genocide against Cuban families in Cuba was Ben Rhodes. After the Obama administration left the White House in January of 2017 the Republican President Donald Trump immediately restored the genocide, to the dismay of Ben Rhodes. In the book above he had explained how he had steered Obama to end the genocide, but only to have the Trump presidency reinstate it to new heights starting in January of 2017. Then in January of 2021 Ben Rhodes believed that Trump's successor, the Democrat President Joe Biden, who had been Obama's Vice President for 8 years, would quickly stop the genocide. But now in September of 2022 Ben Rhodes is excoriating President Biden for not ending Trump's Cuban genocide.
     This week Reuters, Yahoo News, and other media are telling the world that Ben Rhodes, who orchestrated Obama's effort to end the genocide against Cuba, is blasting the Joe Biden presidency for failing to end the Trump-expanded genocide against the Cuban families: "Disappointed doesn't begin to scratch the surface of how I feel about the Biden-Cuba policy." Yes, even most Democrats now are direly disappointed with President Biden's Cuban policy but, in a political system now influenced by mammoth financial donations, money counts more than majority opinions.
     In his excoriation of fellow Democrat Biden, Ben Rhodes said what Americans -- Democrats and Republicans -- believe: "Granted it was Trump who initially reversed Obama's policy of normalizing relations with Cuba. But then Biden doubles down on Trump policies. Why would any Cuban official ever, ever negotiate anything with America ever again after this? We had Trump -- in the most grotesque, callous way -- politicizing this. But then to have a Democratic administration legitimize what Trump did by continuing it -- it's a gaslighting to those people in Cuba."
     In the USA's money-crazed political system, what 330 million Americans might think about Cuban policy bows to political financial power...as Ben Rhodes admits in September of 2022. The photo above shows President Obama and Ben Rhodes peering out the windows as the presidential airplane Air Force One flew over Havana in March of 2016. Ben Rhodes was the man who had persuaded President Obama to end the genocide against Cuban families...and it was Ben Rhodes who had persuaded President Obama to actually visit Cuba, becoming the first President to do that since Republican President Herbert Hoover had arrived in Cuba in 1928 on a warship.
    In addition to being a key advisor to President Obama, Ben Rhodes was also his boss's prime speech writer. So, yes, it was Ben Rhodes who wrote the words that President Obama cogently delivered in a live statewide radio and television broadcast when he told the Cuban people: "Cuba Does Not Need To Fear A Threat From The United States." But shamefully, for both America and Democracy, that promise lasted only for a few months...till the Obama presidency was replaced by Trump's on January 20th, 2017. NOW IN SEPTEMBER OF 2022 UNDERSTAND WHY DECENT PEOPLE LIKE DEMOCRAT BEN RHODES ARE SO DISMAYED THAT DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN IS PERMITTING THE GENOCIDE THAT REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT TRUMP HAD LEFT HIM.
     By the way, in the great book Ben Rhodes wrote to explain how he had orchestrated the Obama administration's effort to end the U. S. genocide against Cuban families, it is interesting to know the lengths Ben went to in order to do it. One thing he did was to make secret flights to Canada and to a Caribbean island to meet with Alejandro Castro Espin, the son of two Revolutionary icons Raul Castro and Vilma Espin. During their delicate negotiations in which Ben represented President Obama and Alejandro represented Cuba, the two men became friends.

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