Election DAY: Sept. 25, 2022

Revolutionary Cuba is not known for its nationwide elections, but this weekend -- Sunday, September 25th, 2022 -- a widely anticipated Nationwide Election will be held, indicating changes in the drastically targeted island nation that is reeling because of the expanded and ageless U. S. Blockade/Embargo that is currently trying to finally and totally starve the Cuban economy; and that is happening even as Cuba emerges from the Pandemic and this Monday & Tuesday expects to be blasted by a tropical Hurricane. This weekend the photo shown above -- by Yamil Lage, the Cuban who works on the island for the Paris-based AFP News Agency -- is being flashed around the world by the Washington Post and other major newspapers. The Washington Post paragraph highlighted above says: "After 79,000 neighborhood meetings, months of discussion, and an outpouring of more than 300,000 suggestions from citizens, Cubans will vote in a referendum Sunday that could redefine family rights -- including legalizing same-sex marriage." In other words, despite many of other worldwide issues, the world understands that the election Sunday, September 25th, 2022 in Cuba is very important...and so does Cuba's Revolutionary government.

The Cuban people Sunday-Sept. 25th-2022 will be voting on a new Family Code. The Washington Post article above says, "The proposed new Family Code would be among the most progressive in Latin America, defying a long tradition of machismo in Cuba. In addition to approving same-sex marriage, it would allow gay couples to adopt, and increase the rights of women, the elderly and children." In the next paragraph above, as you can see, the Washington Post points out that some powerful forces, including the Catholic Church, "have expressed unusually vocal dissent" against the new Family Code proposals.

But the Revolutionary government in Cuba is strongly promoting the drastically new progressive issues in the Family Code bill that Cubans across the island will be voting on Sunday, September 25th, 2022. In the photo above two of Cuba's most popular News anchors were a part of a panel that kicked off this weekend with a Family Code discussion that was aired in primetime on nationwide television. For sure, it will be an important election in Cuba.