
Are Cuba-Friendly Nations Targeted?

Evo Morales Thinks It's Happening!!
       This photo shows Evo Morales' predicament the night after his ouster on the night of November 10-2019 as the President of Bolivia, a job he had held since 2006.  Here are Evo's exact words describing this photo: "This was my first night after leaving the presidency forced by the coup and Comacho with the help of the police. So I remembered time of leader. Very grateful to my brothers from the federation of the tropic of cochabamba for providing us with safety and care." Evo seems convinced of two things: {1} Cuban-friendly nations like Bolivia, Venezuela, and Nicaragua are targeted by factions that are primarily "funded" from Miami and Washington that are mainly focused on recapturing Cuba while Trump remains in the White House; and {2} it is apparent that Evo believes he will face assassination because the indigenous Bolivians still "love me so much." Soon after spending time on his Smart Phone and then leaving his blanket-pallet, Evo Morales accepted political asylum in Mexico and then boarded a Mexican government airplane.

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