
The Biggest Threat To Cuba

And...to America
      Cal Thomas is one of America's most ubiquitous syndicated columnists, with his columns supposedly appearing in over 500 U. S. newspapers. In addition to being a superstar propagandist for right-wing newspapers such as The Washington Times, the 73-year-old Thomas is, of course, a regular on right-wing propaganda machines such as Fox News. As a thuggish right-wing propagandist, Mr. Thomas represents what is the biggest threat to both Cuba and the United States. An example is his latest column entitled: "OBAMA'S APOLOGY TOUR COMES FULL CIRCLE IN CUBA." A religious fanatic, Thomas's views are so anti-democracy, pro-imperialism, pro-Israel that it is amazing that anyone who reads his obvious slander wouldn't cringe at its repetitious extremism. Yet, controlled and unchallenged propaganda is effective, accounting for the ubiquity of Cal Thomas, Fox News, etc. Right-wingers like Cal Thomas assaulting President Obama for trying to bring sanity and decency to America's Cuban policy is surely anticipated although the rest of the world that is not susceptible to thuggish propaganda fully agrees with Mr. Obama, not Mr. Thomas. Obama's trip to Cuba was not AN APOLOGY TOUR. It was a decent gesture for 11 million nearby Cuban people who have, for many decades, been punished by right-wing imperialist thugs that Cal Thomas champions. What Thomas did not have the guts to acknowledge was that Mr. Obama, when he left the friendly confines of Cuba, flew to Argentina where, INDEED, he was FORCED TO APOLOGIZE FOR THE RIGHT-WING THUGS IN THE U. S., SUCH AS HENRY KISSINGER, WHO SUPPORTED THE BRUTAL ARGENTINE DICTATORS WHO SLAUGHTERED THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE IN WHAT HISTORY CALLS "THE DIRTY WAR." Not only in Argentina, of course, but in Cuba, Chile, Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, etc., right-wing thugs in the U. S. that Cal Thomas loved supported military dictators who also slaughtered many innocent people. A fact that Cal Thomas and his ilk do not have the guts or integrity to admit. SO, YES, DECENT AMERICANS LIKE PRESIDENT OBAMA NEED TO APOLOGIZE WHEN THEY GO TO COUNTRIES LIKE ARGENTINA WHERE A HENRY KISSINGER WILL NOT VISIT BECAUSE HE MIGHT WELL BE ARRESTED IF HE DOES SO. Meanwhile, right-wing promoters like Cal Thomas will never write about such things as Argentina's Dirty War.
     After leaving Cuba, this is what greeted U. S. President Barack Obama when he landed in Argentina. "FUERA OBAMA" means "Obama Get Out." As a democracy-loving American and as a conservative Republican who deeply admires Mr. Obama and the office he holds, I was saddened to see signs like this. But I was not surprised. Although Obama is the antipathy to what unrepentant right-wingers like Kissinger did to Argentina and other Latin American nations, what awaited the American president in Argentina was anticipated. But American right-wing propagandists like Cal Thomas will continue to assault the decent, democracy-loving Obama BUT NEVER WILL THEY hold right-wing imperialists like Kissinger accountable for having created the reasons for "Obama Get Out" signs that awaited the U. S. President in Argentina.
      Americans, inundated with right-wing propaganda and denied data that is CLASSIFIED to protect the reputations of people like Kissinger, know little about The Dirty War in Argentina that generations of Argentines know all about and will never forget. And President Obama was reminded of that fact this week.
Burning U. S. flags awaited Obama in Argentina.
Innocent Americans suffer today because of The Dirty War.
President Obama traveled this Argentine street.
But Obama is ashamed of The Dirty War.
And it's a shame Cal Thomas isn't.
       This photo shows U. S. President Obama alongside Argentina's President Mauricio Macri. Mr. Obama is shown tossing flowers into a river in honor of the thousands of Argentinians murdered in The Dirty War as the two presidents stand on one of the many monuments to those victims. Yes, Mr. Obama, on behalf of the American people, was apologizing for the role American leaders played in The Dirty War. This photo is a vivid reminder that, perhaps, the 73-year-old Cal Thomas and the 92-year-old Henry Kissinger are the ones who should be making "apology tours" throughout many Latin American nations.
Cal Thomas.
Henry Kissinger.
President Obama apologizing to Argentina.
     Even when President Obama held an internationally televised news conference with President Macri, a monument to the victims of The Dirty War was right behind them, embarrassing many democracy-loving Americans.
      Even as America's very decent President shakes hands with his Argentinian counterpart, the huge "LAS VICTIMAS DEL TERRORISMO" memorial is an indelible reminder of the U. S. role in The Dirty War that raged throughout the 1970s into the 1980s. Cal Thomas, meanwhile, was assaulting President Obama for his "Apology Tour" to Cuba and Argentina. Instead, Cal Thomas should be assaulting those who made the apology tour necessary.
      Bernie Sanders is hanging around as a presidential contender because millions of young Americans {if not their parents and grandparents} are fed-up with right-wing politicians. In his speech depicted above, Mr. Sanders assailed "the destructive Henry Kissinger" and assailed his rival Hillary Clinton for "supporting Kissinger." Argentinians would understand what Mr. Sanders meant, even if many Americans {thanks to the likes of Cal Thomas} don't.

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