
The Cuban Mystery. Really?

OR:  Is It Business As Usual?
{Updated for: Monday, October 16th, 2017}
    If you study the above graphic, you MIGHT have the answer to the MYSTERIOUS sonic-wave attacks in Cuba that have injured a couple dozen Americans and a few Canadians. It documents "The Tourism Boom in Cuba" that followed President Obama's brave and Herculean efforts to normalize relations with Cuba, with Obama being the only U. S. President with both the courage and patriotism to undertake that dangerous task. All less heroic efforts in the past, since the Cuban Revolution overthrew the U.S.-backed Batista dictatorship in 1959, have been met with violent actions by counter-revolutionary elements who essentially and quickly reestablished their rule on U. S. soil after fleeing the Cuban Revolution. For example, the most violent CIA/Cuban counter-revolutionary, still living freely in Miami, openly bragged that his role in the bombings of Cuban hotels was to discourage tourism to Cuba. In 1996 when it was apparent that President Clinton intended to normalize relations with Cuba, another famed counter-revolutionary in Miami began teasingly and threateningly flying airplanes over Cuban waters and Cuban land, well knowing that Cuban pleas to the US and UN would go unheeded. When Cuba ended up shooting down two of the planes, President Clinton not only dropped his plans to normalize relations with Cuba but was forced to reluctantly sign the Batistiano-friendly Helms-Burton Act into what now seems to be a everlasting "legal" means to totally counter the Cuban Revolution. So a newspaper in Miami posting the graphic above about "The Tourism Boom in Cuba" is surely going to spur counter-actions in Miami and in the U. S. Congress, judging by the numerous acts of past history.
    The "MYSTERY ATTACKS ON THE DIPLOMATS IN CUBA" have already caused President Donald Trump to sharply curtail the embassies in Washington and Havana that a much braver and more decent President Obama had reopened for the first time since 1961. And, for sure, President Trump will continue using such things as the "Mystery Attacks" or whatever else it takes to cruelly dismantle all of President Obama's overtures even though they have helped millions of Cubans and millions of Americans while also easing the unanimous -- 191-to-0 -- vote in the United Nations condemning and ridiculing America's very vicious Batistiano-driven Cuban policies.
      Using the mystery attacks as an excuse, President Trump will continue to make "CUBA CHANGES" to revert back to the pre-Obama Cold War era when America's Cuban policies -- the Bay of Pigs attack, hundreds of assassination attempts, hotel bombings, airplane bombings of sugarcane and tobacco fields and seaside fishing cabins, the embargo, etc. -- were designed solely to enrich and empower a few selected counter-revolutionary Cubans while also sating their revenge for losing the Cuban Revolution in 1959 and the Bay of Pigs attack in 1961. And it is well known that during the Trump presidency, if the MYSTERY ATTACKS don't pan out to be enough of an excuse, something else will be concocted because the U. S. taxpayers who pay for such things are too afraid or too proselytized to complain and if the U. S. government for over half-a-century, except for Obama, has condoned such atrocities in its name, there is surely no incentive to cease with hotel bombings, sonic attacks or whatever will hurt Cuba and help the Batistianos.
      So, last week when Trump "warned Americans not to visit Cuba," it was as predictable as a sunrise. Yes, the bombings of five major Cuban hotels in the 1990s severely hurt tourism to Cuba. And it doesn't take a genius to understand that Cuba depends mightily on tourism and the last thing it would want is to discourage visitors to an island that American experts like Collin Laverty call just about "the safest place to visit" on the planet. But for those reasons, unchecked counter-revolutionaries in Miami and the U. S. Congress clearly understand that scaring off tourism to Cuba will help make up for all the other failed and nefarious counter-revolutionary schemes.
      When Trump "Warns Americans against Visiting Cuba," it is merely doing what every Republican President since Eisenhower in the 1950s has done, which is to let a handful of only the most vicious and self-serving Cubans or Cuban-Americans dictate America's Cuban policy and America's Cuban narrative. This has been going on for over half-a-century in the world's superpower democracy although the majority of Cuban-Americans desire normal relations with Cuba. For example, when Trump cut the "embassy staffs" in Havana and Washington, the first and foremost to be hurt were the majority of Cuban-Americans who not only desire free contact with relatives and friends on the island but also each year send several billions of dollars to Cuba to help Cubans. But countering such decent money from Miami to help Cubans are billions of tax dollars that have supported the terror bombings of Cuban hotels, airplanes, fishing cabins, sugarcane and tobacco fields, and even cars to silence a Cuban-American newsman in Miami who opposed such un-American-like terrorism.
       The graphic above reflects the fact that not even the Trump administration is ready to blame Cuba for the "Mystery Attacks" and the U. S., at the eager invitation of Cuba, has been on the island investigating them for over a year...along with the Canadian Mounties at Cuba's request. Even anti-Cuban Bush zealots like Michael Palmly, who worked for President Bush at the U. S. Interests Section in Havana from 2005 till 2008, discount Cuban involvement. Palmly, and most other Cuban experts, believe the sonic-wave attacks are the work of someone who would benefit -- such as rogue elements in Miami or even rogues in Cuba who oppose close ties between Cuba and the U. S. Meanwhile, Cuba is blamed to suit the vile Batistiano agendas.
     Meanwhile, the America flag in front of the U. S. Embassy in Havana still waves in the warm Caribbean breezes. BUT FOR HOW LONG? In my opinion, not much longer.
     In the post-Obama era in American politics, America's Cuban policy reverts back to the hands, fists and mouths of vicious, self-serving counter-revolutionaries in Miami and in the U. S. Congress. Neither the U. S. media nor the U. S. citizens have the courage or patriotism to confront this situation that President Obama tried so hard to correct. But that's only one-half of the reason I think U.S.-Cuban relations in the near future will begin decades of total separatism...unless the second generation of counter-revolutionaries can persuade a U. S. President to launch an all-out military attack that would put the Batistiano back in full charge of Cuba. The other half of my reasoning relates to the transition that is already taking shape on the nearby island.
      In a few months -- February of 2018 -- Miguel Diaz-Canel will officially be the leader of Cuba. Age, not the counter-revolutionaries, caught up with Fidel Castro, who died at age 90 back on Nov. 25-2016, and his 86-year-old brother Raul. As President, Raul and his top aides worked closely and directly with U. S. President Obama and his top aides to massively restore numerous decent and mutually beneficial relations between the two neighboring countries. But Miguel Diaz-Canel -- who will shortly be the first non-revolutionary and the first non-Castro to lead Cuba since 1959 -- is much more of a hardliner than Raul was when it comes to relations with America. The 57-year-old Diaz-Canel -- in observing the U. S. transition from an Obama to a Trump -- believes Cuba is wasting its time trying to have normal relations with the U. S., or at least relations that would not endlessly target the island. Instead, Diaz-Canel believes many days wasted dealing with Cuba's enemy, America, should be time devoted to Cuba's friends. And he will take that philosophy with him when he takes over.
And by the way:
       Miguel Diaz-Canel's staunch philosophy regarding Cuban sovereignty and the counter-revolutionaries basking in the nearby United States is patterned after that of the prime architect of the Cuban Revolution -- the petite doctor's daughter Celia Sanchez. Her dominant role in chasing the Batistianos-Mafiosi to Miami, as well as her famous quotation above, seem to be guidelines for Diaz-Canel, Cuba's next leader: "We rebels...get far too much credit for winning the revolution. Our enemies deserve most of the credit, for being greedy cowards and idiots." Indeed, Diaz-Canel has mentioned Celia's historic quote in reference to: "The Castro greatness relates, yes, to the historic Revolution's win but that greatness was also crowned by such greedy, cowardly, and idiotic things as the Bay of Pigs attack, the blockade, murders of Cuban children in Batista's reign and afterward during such things as the bombing of Cubana Flight 455, and other endless crimes such as those. Yes, the Castro greatness and the Revolution's fame, in the eyes of history and the world, were crowned by the actions of cowards and idiots in Cuba and then in the United States." It's a quote, attributed by students to Miguel Diaz-Canel when he spoke in their classroom, and it indicates his fondness for the historic quotation by Celia Sanchez depicted above.
And speaking of Celia Sanchez:
      Cuba's incomparable recruiter of rebels and supplies coupled with her fearless guerrilla fighting and her brilliant leadership during the Revolution and in Revolutionary Cuba, stamps her firmly as history's greatest revolutionary heroine.
    A very feminine 99-pound doctor's daughter from Media Luna, Cuba, Celia Sanchez was the most important Cuban who decided early-on, just as 1952 turned into 1953, that the U.S.-backed Batista-Mafia dictatorship had to be defeated. The odds against her were at least a billion-to-one, but she whittled the odds down to zero.
     From the moment he joined her revolution in the Sierra Maestra Mountains of far eastern Cuba, Fidel Castro made sure that Celia Sanchez was the top decision-maker in both the Revolution and in Revolutionary Cuba...till the day she died of cancer on Jan. 11, 1980. Marta Rojas is the greatest living expert on Celia, Fidel, the Revolution and Revolutionary Cuba. In 2005 Marta told me, "Since Celia died of cancer in 1980, Fidel has ruled Cuba only as he precisely perceives Celia would want him to rule it."
    The photo on the left shows the two extraordinary recruiters-guerrilla fighters Haydee Santamaria and Celia Sanchez showing Fidel Castro a weapon they gave him when he joined their guerrilla war in the Sierra Maestra Mountains. The photo on the right shows Celia Sanchez and famed Commander Juan Almeida Bosque keeping eyes peeled for a U. S.-supplied warplane that Batista regularly used to bomb any known movements or campsites in the Sierra Maestra or its foothills.
     This photo in Revolutionary Cuba shows the determined countenance of Celia Sanchez, the person most responsible for chasing the Batistianos, the Mafiosi, and U. S. businessmen off her island. After the shocking revolutionary victory on January 1, 1959, it was Celia Sanchez who laid down this equally shocking mantra: "The Batistianos will never regain control of Cuba as long as I live or as long as Fidel lives." Only a person as great and as determined as Celia Sanchez could have created such a doctrine on a vulnerable island and made it stick for all these many decades.
     The photo above shows Celia Sanchez in 1959. By then the doctor's daughter had become a chain-smoker. It was lung cancer that took her life on January 11, 1980.
        But the photo above is said to be Fidel Castro's all-time favorite image of Celia Sanchez. It was taken in the summer of 1957 in the foothills of the Sierra Maestra at a time when Batista had put his all-time biggest bounty on her revolutionary head.
     Another prescient quotation by Celia Sanchez is the one above: "Tired old rebels like me, I reckon, are still out-gunned and out-numbered. We can make history but we still don't get to write it." That was in reference to the fact that the Batistianos she chased to the superpower United States dictated the Cuban narrative as they still do in America and in areas dominated by the U. S. Therefore, lies about Celia Sanchez and her Revolution resonate to this day. Her reaction is the quote above.
     The historic photo above shows Celia and Fidel reading by candlelight at a campsite {they had a generator} during a crucial time during the war. Fidel often read Earnest Hemingway novels but Celia always studied war-related updates, such as reports on the movement of Batista's armies. The best American Castro biographer, Georgie Anne Geyer, in her famous book revealed that in Revolutionary Cuba Celia still said the happiest time of her life was fighting the war: "We were all so happy then, weren't we? We will never be as happy again, will we? Not ever!" The amazing statement was made on the Isle of Pines while Fidel was questioned by a bevy of newsmen and Celia interjected the comment after one of his answers.
     In addition to daily barrages of Batistiano lies about Cuba in the U. S., even notable authors have told half-truths about the Cuban Revolution. The book cover above is a half-truth as it shows Fidel Castro relaxing in a rocking chair on Celia Sanchez's porch in Revolutionary Cuba while the CIA, the Batistianos, and the Mafia were determined to assassinate him. The book-cover is a half-truth because it shows only one-half of that photo, eliminating the half that shows why Fidel could relax in this manner.
    The whole photo, as above, includes the half on the left that shows Celia Sanchez, as always, hard at work studying to make the decisions vital to her beloved Cuba, decisions that Fidel would fully support whether or not he agreed with them. Of course, Celia was famous for "giving Fidel aspirin if he had a headache or directing every detail of his security from would-be assassins." Also in her book, Geyer correctly pointed out that Celia could "over-rule Fidel" with his blessing at anytime.
     Fidel directed that there was never to be statues of him on the island but, of course, tourists like the ones above can have their photos taken in front of Celia Sanchez statues...at least until or if the Batistianos RE-CAPTURE the lush island. 
      But the Bastistianos will never be able to destroy the legend of Celia Sanchez. What she was and what she did is far more indelible than anything they did or will do. "Greedy cowards and idiots" -- as she described them -- hiding behind the skirts of the world superpower can never rival the history carved out by Celia.


America's Cuban Bad Guys

Dictate America's Cuban Policy!!
        I don't necessarily believe in coincidences but I'll mention one that resonates with me. The Cuban photo above was posted this week on Bethany Scott's Facebook page as she reminisced about her visit to Cuba last year. Bethany is my sister's daughter and she is one of hundreds of relatives in my extended, very large family across several American states. Bethany is the only one of my relatives, as far as I know, who agrees with me that America's historic and topical bellicose assaults on innocent Cubans shames both America and democracy. On October 8-2017 Bethany, the mother of a young daughter named McKenzie, posted the above photo on her Facebook page with this exact comment:
                           "McKenzie looking at photos reminded me that one year ago today my week of adventure in Cuba began. I've been saddened lately with our government taking steps backward in our relation with Cuba. Kicking out diplomats -- ours in Havana and Cuban diplomats in Washington -- and no longer issuing visas in Havana. Beautiful country, wonderful people."
           And therein lies the coincidence. In my large, extended family, Bethany and I are the only two who have been to Cuba. And coincidentally, Bethany and I are the only ones who have not been successfully propagandized all our lives about agreeing with the vilest of America's unending assaults on Cuba. Of course, counter-revolutionary Cubans in the U. S. being able to dictate that everyday Americans are the only people in the world without the freedom to visit Cuba is designed to support their propaganda about the island. Masses of proselytized people are not what America's great Founding Fathers envisioned.
      This week President Donald Trump, while he was walking on the White House lawns after a trip on Air Force One, was asked why he was tightening the screws on Cuba. He paused, stopped, and replied, as U. S. newscasts showed, "There are bad things happening in Cuba." Propagandized Americans, of course, are supposed to assume without further consideration that those "bad things" are being routinely perpetrated daily against innocent Cubans by the Cuban government. However, more enlightened Americans...especially those who have visited the island and minutely studied its relations with the U. S...understand that most of the "bad things" happening to innocent Cubans on the island are perpetrated from U. S. soil at the behest of the most vicious of two generations of Cubans booted off the island to the U. S. in 1959 by the Cuban Revolution's overthrow of the vile Batista-Mafia dictatorship. Cubans on the island provide vivid testimony to this fact and that, of course, is why U. S. counter-revolutionaries have bombed many Cuban hotels and enacted many Congressional laws aimed at preventing Americans from visiting Cuba where they, heavens forbid, might judge it for themselves. Trump's "bad things" comment resulted from his selling out to the counter-revolutionaries who, Americans are told, have never done any "Bad Things" to innocent Cubans, and that's a bald-faced lie.
       For example, while some Americans have heard about such historic things as the Bay of Pigs attack, deadly hotel terrorist bombings, hundreds of assassination attempts, etc., they are not supposed to know about such things as...The Attack at Boca de Sama on October 12, 1971. But such attacks involving the Batistiano stronghold of Miami still have vast repercussions today for totally innocent Cubans.
       At age 15 Nancy Pavon was asleep in her bed beside her young sister in a seaside cabin in the fishing village of Boca de Sama. Two huge speedboats armed with machine guns on tripods attacked...killing two adults and injuring the Pavon sisters. Nancy's right foot was blasted off "As if sliced off by a machete."
      Since that "bad thing" happened to Nancy in 1971, all of her medical care has been paid for by the Cuban government and, because of the severe and very painful nerve damage caused by the terrorists, some follow-up operations have been necessary.
     For anyone caring to listen, Nancy Pavon will provide all the details in private or in public about her ordeal, contrasting her praise for the Cuban government that has cared for her with "the other government who still protects the machine-gunners."
     Boca de Sama still has Cubans as innocent as the teenage Nancy Pavon was in 1971...people my relative Bethany called, "Wonderful people, beautiful country."
        One of the most powerful counter-revolutionary Cuban-Americans is Robert Menendez, the entrenched United States Senator from Newark, New Jersey. Newark and Miami are the two prime American cities where leading elements of the ousted Batista-Mafia regime settled. This week, taking advantage of the sonic-wave mystery saga in Havana, Menendez loudly bellowed, "Cuba remains as repressive today as ever." He urged President Trump to crack down hard on "Havana's disregard for basic human security." Also this week in Newark, Senator Menendez is being charged with massive corruption by the United States government. For 18 days the U. S. made its expensive case against Menendez before concluding its evidence on Oct. 11-2017.
        However, no one really believes that a staunch counter-revolutionary Cuban-American will be convicted of anything, surely not in Newark or Miami courtrooms.
     The photo above was used by the United States government to show Senator Robert Menendez "living large" with Salomon Melgen, a wealthy Miami multi-millionaire tied to massive medicare fraud in South Florida, the "epi-center" for such things based on many USA Today articles. The photo above was used in the trial. 

      The above photo was also used by the United States government in its prosecution of Senator Bob Menendez who is second from the right above. Much of the corruption-bribery charges against Menendez involve his relationship with Melgen, at the center-top-above, in Miami and in the Dominican Republic. Not coincidentally, in January of 1959 when the Batista-Mafia dictatorship was overthrown, Mafia kingpins like Meyer Lansky fled to their homes in Miami or Newark while the first stop for Batista's getaway airplane was in the Dominican Republic that was ruled by ruthless U.S.-backed dictator Trujillo. Melgen's lavish villa in the Dominican Republic is known to have been frequented by powerful U. S. Senator Bob Menendez who is accused of accepting brides in exchange for helping Melgen in the Senate in regards to such things as massive medicare fraud.
       The ongoing corruption-bribery trail of U. S. Senator Bob Menendez in October of 2017, of course, has an eerie nexus with President Clinton's signing of the infamous Helms-Burton Act in 1996. That bill, the product of counter-revolutionary extremists, legalized and strengthened the harshest assaults on Cuba that persist to this day and can only be altered by the U. S. Congress, which has long been a lapdog for counter-revolutionary Cubans. The ultra-controversial Helms-Burton signing by a scared President Clinton came just days after the counter-revolutionary Cubans were convinced that Clinton planned to normalize relations with Cuba. At the signing above, what appears to be the scared Clinton is shown glancing warily up at...Senator Bob Menendez. The second man from the left peering down over Clinton's right shoulder is the Havana-born Lincoln Diaz-Balart whose father Rafael was a key Minister in the Batista dictatorship and then one of Miami's all-time richest and most powerful anti-Castro counter-revolutionaries. Mario Diaz-Balart followed his older brother Lincoln to the U. S. Congress from Miami and today -- along with Marco Rubio, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, and Carlos Curbelo in the U. S. Congress from Miami, perhaps President Trump today is as scared as President Clinton was in 1996. Meanwhile, Americans seem not to care that only vicious counter-revolutionary Cubans get elected to the U. S. Congress even though most Cubans, even in Miami, favor normal relations with Cuba. The easily anticipated "innocent" verdict in the current very expensive Bob Menendez corruption trial will be something else to contemplate.
    Meanwhile, this is the face of Cuba today -- Rosy Amaro Perez. A brilliant young broadcast journalist, the well-educated Rosy watched the April 16th live broadcast in Cuba of President Trump's vehement anti-Cuban speech in Little Havana as he addressed Miami's counter-revolutionary choir. Then Rosy wrote on her Facebook page, "The Cuba that Trump described is not the Cuba I know. And I've lived here all my life." However, it is the Cuba that self-serving or scared U. S. politicians have depicted since 1959. But that is not the Cuba that Rosy knows nor is it the Cuba that I know, because I've been there. And it's not the Cuba that my only relative who has been to Cuba, Bethany, knows...and that's why Bethany's Facebook post this week bemoans America's treatment of Cuba, which Bethany described as, "Beautiful Cuba, wonderful people." Politicians like Trump would have to be real brave to utter such words.
 The face of Cuba's future -- Rosy's daughter
       In addition to her own little girl, Rosy Amaro Perez is very proud and very protective of other Cuban children, like the baby girl above. Such children in a foreign sovereign nation do not deserve to be punished all their lives by American policies revengefully and self-servingly dictated by the likes of Senator Menendez.




Cuba's Next Leader

An Anti-Imperialist Hardliner!
{Updated: Wednesday, October 11th, 2017}
      The best and surely the sanest article this week on the U.S.-Cuban conundrum was written by Mark Feierstein. It appeared on October 10-2017 in The Hill, the top Washington-based political website/magazine. The article is entitled: "America Should Strengthen, Not Abandon, Relationship With Cuba." During the Obama presidency, Mark Feierstein was the Senior Director for Western Hemisphere Affairs on the National Security Council. Mr. Feierstein certainly realizes that America's decades-old, Batistiano-ruled Cuban policy not only shames America's international reputation but also constitutes a major threat to America's security. Working sanely with Cuba, as Obama did, means cooperation on such things as drug and human trafficking utilizing Caribbean waters and islands as well as vital cooperation on environmental issues affecting the region. Mark Feierstein has the background to understand all that, and he also has the guts to express it. The problem is...there are simply not enough Americans in this generation with his insight, intelligence, or concern for America. That has left America's reputation and security door wide open, enabling a handful of vicious Batistiano-types in Miami and in Congress to dictate America's Cuban policy much like Cuba was roiled by the Batista-Mafia dictatorship back in the 1950s. The Mark Feierstein article updates the stupidity, cowardice, and lack of patriotism that has permeated the U. S. democracy since 1959, the year Batistiano leaders reestablished their rule on U. S. soil -- PERMANENTLY, it seems. 
       For the first time since 1959, the next leader of Cuba will not be a Castro. Fidel Castro died at age 90 on November 25th, 2016, and the tired 86-year-old Raul Castro will step down as Cuba's President in February of 2018. His successor will be Miguel Diaz-Canel who was born 57 years ago in Villa Clara, Cuba. The photo shown here taken by Juvenal Balan shows Diaz-Canel on Sunday, October 9th, 2017, making a major speech in Santa Clara, Cuba, honoring revolutionary icon Che Guevara. Raul Castro was in the audience but Diaz-Canel made the major speech, which is already his role. Much of the world awaited what Diaz-Canel would say Sunday...and he said a lot. His enemy in Miami, the Miami Herald, focused on his comments about the so-called "sonic wave" attacks in Havana that have supposedly injured about two dozen Americans connected to the U. S. Embassy. Diaz-Canel believes Cubans in Miami or on the island who oppose normal relations with the U. S. are behind the attacks and he believes much of the information provided to the press in the United States is fabricated to hurt Cuba and thereby create excuses for President Trump to greatly weaken the embassies in Havana and Washington but also to "warn" tourists not to visit Cuba. Of course, Cuba depends mightily on tourism. Diaz-Canel equates the sonic-wave attacks to documented examples of Cuban hotels being bombed by famed Miami terrorists who openly explained it was to discourage tourism to Cuba. The Miami Herald October 9th quoted Diaz-Canel as saying in this insightful speech: "Some spokespeople and the media lend themselves to propagating unbelievable tall tales, without any evidence, with the perverse purpose of discrediting the impeccable performance of our country, universally considered a safe destination for foreign visitors, including Americans." But the Oct. 9th Miami Herald article significantly pointed out that, when it comes to the U. S., Diaz-Canel is more of a hardliner than Raul Castro, who worked closely with the Obama administration to normalize relations between the two countries. The Miami Herald stated: "Above all, Diaz-Canel hinted that he does not support the rapprochement with the United States." And the Herald, this time, got that right!!
      In preparation for his impending role as Cuba's next leader, Miguel Diaz-Canel has traveled quite extensively to meet with world leaders. In the photo above he was in Brussels, Belgium, meeting Federica Mogherini, the top official with the EU.
     As the Miami Herald opined, Miguel Diaz-Canel, the next Cuban leader, is less trustful of the United States than current Cuban President Raul Castro is. In that Sunday speech, Diaz-Canel said, "You CAN NOT TRUST IMPERIALISM, not even a little bit, not at all." Unlike Raul Castro, who was very willing to negotiate friendly terms with President Obama, Diaz-Canel wants to avoid the United States as much as possible. Shown above with his wife, Diaz-Canel wants to use the time avoiding the U. S. "to be devoted to our many friends," including Canada but also African, Asian and European nations. Interestingly, Diaz-Canel is supported by older hard-line Cubans who don't want friendly relations with the United States and by the all-important young-adult generation of restless Cubans who do want friendly ties to America.
      Among Americans in Miami, Collin Laverty knows the most about U.S.-Cuban relations. He is President of Cuba Education Travel and thus has close working relationships with both governments, including intricate legalese details. He adamantly opposes punitive U. S. actions against Cuba such as using the sonic-wave mystery as an excuse to warn travelers against visiting Cuba, like the warnings that arose from the Havana hotel bombings by Miami terrorists. Laverty says it is well known that "Cuba is one of the safest places in the whole world for visitors."
      The Collin Laverty photo above was used in his explanation about Cuba being one of the world's safest countries. Laverty, like Miguel Diaz-Canel, believes the sonic-wave attacks are being perpetrated by people -- in Miami or in Cuba -- who want to discourage the island's vital tourism industry, which Cuba wants to protect. Laverty's photo above points out that the young lady visiting Cuba feels very safe.
      As expressed by this letter, Collin Laverty has gone into great detail about the sonic-wave attacks being used to hurt Cuban tourism, the last thing Cuba would want to hurt. To solve the mystery, Cuba has begged top U.S. CIA and Canadian Rocky Mounted investigators to come to Cuba and "uncover the culprits." In the above letter, four paragraphs from the bottom, Laverty writes, "Moreover, pulling out of Cuba will set a terrible precedent for the U. S. presence around the world. If there are targeted attacks, the culprits could use the same technology and techniques elsewhere."
      While anti-Cuban counter-revolutionaries in the U. S. are using the sonic-wave mystery to pound Cuba anew, even Bush dynasty stalwarts like Michael Palmly, President Bush's head of the U. S. Interests Section in Cuba from 2005 to 2008, says Cuba itself would never do such things but that U. S. or Cuban operatives trying to drive a deeper wedge between the two nations would. Palmly says Cuba is in a transition period "searching for the soul of the Revolution." While not a friend of Cuba, Palmly is far more honest and decent than the counter-revolutionaries.
       Americans...HEAVENS FORBID!!...are not supposed to have the slightest idea what the photo-montage depicted above means. But it means quite a lot to the understanding of U.S.-Cuban relations, including perhaps the current sonic-wave attacks, so permit me to explain it. On the left is Fabio de Celmo. In the center is his father Guistino de Celmo. And on the right is Luis Posada Carriles, the all-time most infamous CIA-connected Cuban terrorist who today is still a very honored citizen of Miami, Florida. Fabio, a 32-year-old Italian, was killed in a hotel bombing in 1997 during which smuggled plastic explosives were used to bomb many hotels in Havana including the Nacional de Cuba, Capri, Melia Cohiba, Copacabana, etc. After the murder of his son, Guistino moved permanently from Italy to Havana. Posada has bragged for decades about such terrorist attacks on Cuba and he plainly explained that the hotel bombings were to discourage tourism to Cuba. When notable author Ann Louise Bardach, in an article for the New York Times, asked Posada about Fabio's death, Posada called it "collateral damage." But of course, that's not what Guistino and the rest of the non-U.S. world call such things.
And by the way:
     Shown at the Pegasus Hotel in Kingston, Jamaica, Wes Edens is an American billionaire and Chairman of New Fortress Energy. He is investing heavily in Jamaica and his company will supply massive amounts of liquefied natural gas to the Caribbean island. He told the Jamaica Observer, "I give Jamaica an A. I absolutely do with pride. Our experience in Jamaica is among the top we've had anywhere in terms of working with a government." The Jamaican investments by Wes Edens' company also include a large truck-loading facility on Montego Bay on the island's northwest tip.
      As you can see above, Jamaica is due south of southeastern Cuba. Of course, Cuba is the only Caribbean nation that overthrew a U.S.-backed dictatorship that quickly resettled in the U. S. in 1959, resulting in, among other things, a U. S. embargo against Cuba since 1962. The embargo by the nearby world superpower even penalizes some other nations that might want to do business with Cuba. Much of the rest of the Caribbean is composed of island nations that are territories of rich, imperialist-minded nations such as the US, the UK, France and the Netherlands. But Cuba has been sovereign since 1959. So, billionaires like Wes Edins can invest billions in nations like Jamaica but the U. S. would turn warlike if Cuba received such treatment under the 1962 U. S. premise that if the Cubans on the island are starved and deprived, they might rise up and overthrow their government. But countries like Jamaica only need to worry about natural hurricanes, not U.S.-made hurricanes.
And then there is this:
      International headlines this week are telling the world that B-1B Lancers, America's incomparable bomber, are flying over the Korean Peninsula to remind North Korea what its bellicose nuclear threats might mean, which is annihilation.
      A single B-1B Lancer can drop dozens of conventional bombs with laser-guided pinpoint accuracy {as above} OR deliver nuclear bombs or missiles against any selected target. Not even nuclear-superpower Russia can match the B-1B Lancer.



America's Unending Infamy

Right-Wing Thugs Attacking Children...
That Live in a Foreign Nation!!
{Updated: Tuesday, October 10th, 2017}
      The AP/Ramon Espinosa photo above reflects the huge transition that will saturate Cuba in just a few months -- February of 2018 -- when the island will be led by a non-Castro for the first time since January of 1959. The big man upfront is Miguel Diaz-Canel and he will replace the retiring 86-year-old Raul Castro shortly. Diaz-Canel is 57. This photo shows him hosting Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife on their Cuban visit. Diaz-Canel was born on April 20, 1960, in Villa Clara, Cuba. A Beatles fan, motorcycle enthusiast, and a strong backer of educational opportunities, Miguel Diaz-Canel has considerable popular support on the island. Last week -- Sunday, October 8th, 2017 -- Diaz-Canel made a PERTINENT SPEECH.
      The next big man in Cuba, Miguel Diaz-Canel on Sunday was the prime speaker at an important Cuban commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Che Guevara's death. His comments are traveling around the world: "Changes needed in Cuba will solely be carried out by the Cuban people. Imperialism can never be trusted, not even a tiny bit, never. Cuba will not make concessions to its sovereignty and independence, nor negotiate its principles or accept the imposition of conditions." Those words, quite obviously, were aimed directly at U. S. president Donald Trump and were deemed necessary by Diaz-Canel after Trump, last Friday at an anti-Cuban Hispanic gathering in Washington, excoriated Cuba and indicated the U. S. is about to harden its Cuban policy that former President Obama had remarkably and bravely softened. Diaz-Caneland many impartial observers agree, believes that the current sonic-wave attacks in Cuba are being perpetrated by elements in Cuba or Miami that oppose normal relations between the U. S. and Cuba. Diaz-Canel used these exact words: "Some unnamed officials are propagating unusual nonsense without any evidence, with the perverse aim of discrediting the impeccable reputation of our country as a safe destination for foreign visitors, including from the United States." 
         Meanwhile, as has been the case since 1959, Revolutionary Cuba is trying to keep the U.S.-backed Batistianos in Miami and in the U. S. Congress from recapturing the island, and doing so just as hard as the Cuban Revolution tried to defeat the U.S.-backed Batista-Mafia dictatorship in the 1950s. The photo above reflects that effort. It shows a birthday party held last week for a little Cuban girl, the one wearing the cone-hat to make her more ubiquitous. In 1962 -- after the 1961 Bay of Pigs military attack and after countless CIA-Batistiano-Mafiosi assassination attempts and after endless Cuban-exile terrorist attacks -- the U. S. imposed an embargo/blockade on Cuba that, based on de-classified U. S. documents, was designed to starve and deprive Cubans on the island for the purpose of inducing them to rise up and overthrow their Revolutionary government. The embargo-blockade is still in effect for that very reason, yet it has failed miserably even though it is now registered as the longest and cruelest embargo ever imposed by a strong nation against a weak nation. Understandably, the nations of the world currently oppose the malicious, genocidal-intended embargo by a 191-to-0 vote, surely the only issue that could possibly attain such unanimity in a very diverse world. Yet, the U. S. democracy, at the mercy of Batistianos, is unable or unwilling to challenge a few Cuban-American extremists. 
     Thus in October of 2018 totally innocent Cuban children on the island, like the ones shown above at that birthday party, are being punished in the guise of a bald-faced lie that maintains they must be punished because of the necessity to punish "the Castros." Because the last two generations of Americans have had neither the guts nor the patriotism to even enter the fray on behalf of their democracy, the parents and grandparents of the children shown above have been punished by American miscreants and liars who are still punishing and depriving these precious children. 
      Because the Batistiano-Mafiosi exiles have been allowed to dictate the Cuban narrative in the U. S. since 1959, cowardly and propagandized Americans have been too afraid to challenge the lie that the most vicious Batistianos-Mafiosi in Miami and in Congress are far better human beings than Cubans on the island. The photo above illustrates the mammoth dimensions of that gross distortion. The totally decent young Cuban parents shown above at the birthday party for their little girl are, according to proselytized Americans, inferior and worse humans than the Batistiano exiles who basically have total dictation of America's Cuban policy. Such lies have now gotten America universally condemned by that LOUD 191-to-0 vote in the United Nations. 
      The photo above was taken at a news conference in Miami on Nov. 26-2016 and it shows Cuban-Americans celebrating the death of Fidel Castro at age 90 in Havana. On the left is Lincoln Diaz-Balart and on the right is Mario Diaz-Balart. Their father, Rafael Diaz-Balart, was a key Minister in the Batista-Mafia dictatorship in Cuba and then, after the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, Rafael Diaz-Balart was one of the richest and most powerful counter-revolutionaries in South Florida, and the creator, in fact, of the first anti-Castro paramilitary unit. Of course, with only vicious counter-revolutionaries elected from Miami to the U. S. Congress, both the Havana-born Lincoln first and then Mario were elected to the U. S. Congress. Most of the Cuban-Americans even in Miami favor normal relations with Cuba but Americans are not supposed to wonder why at least one of them can't get elected to Congress. But, of course, counter-revolutionary Carlos Curbelo...that's him second from the left...gets an easy ride from Miami to the U. S. Congress. And the lady at the microphones above, Havana-born Ileana Ros-Lehtinen...perhaps the most consistently vicious counter-revolutionary...has been entrenched in the U. S. Congress from Miami since 1989 when Jeb Bush was her Campaign Manager, which, of course, paved the way for his two terms as Florida's Governor. Since 1959, as this photo attests, the United States democracy has been revamped and reshaped...and not for the better. Today cowered Americans are supposed to ignore the updated color photos of the birthday party that show Cuban children, even on their targeted and embargoed island, being loved and protected. By the same token, for sure, Americans today are supposed to ignore definitive black-and-white photos and all other documentations from Batista's Cuba in the 1950s when non-Mafia children on the island were very callously mistreated. 
      Prior to 1959, I do not believe that any generation of Americans would have allowed totally innocent children in a foreign sovereign nation, like those above at that birthday party in Havana, to be unmercifully punished by self-serving miscreants operating freely from U. S. soil and hiding behind the big skirts of the superpower.
      The photo above shows a typical peasant mother and her two little children in Batista's Cuba. They were not even a mere afterthought while the Batistianos, the Mafiosi, and rich U. S. businessmen were robbing the island blind from 1952 till 1959.
      The photo above shows brave Cuban mothers marching in protest against the most egregious trait of Batista's Cuba -- the murder of Cuban children that was meant to quell resistance against the Batista-Mafia dictatorship. The courageous Cuban woman near the middle wearing the cut-off, light-colored jacket was the mother of the gruesomely murdered little Willie Soler. Today in Cuba a major Children's Hospital is named for...Willie Soler. It exists as a tribute to Willie and all the brave mothers.
   The three incomparable Cuban heroines depicted above -- Vilma Espin, Celia Sanchez, and Haydee Santamaria -- were not only prime guerrilla fighters and stupendous recruiters during the Revolutionary War, but after defeating the Bastista-Mafia dictatorship on January 1, 1959, this trio, truth be know, had more say-so in reshaping the new Cuba than the male quartet consisting of the Castro brothers, Camilo Cienfuegos, and Che Guevara. That pure fact is true because Fidel Castro made sure that Celia Sanchez was Revolutionary Cuba's main decision-maker and Celia, in turn, insisted that Vilma and Haydee join her in making the most important domestic decisions on the island, decisions such as guaranteeing totally free health care for life and totally free educations through college. If you disagree with that assessment, you are biased or you have simply been lied to about the transition from Batista's Cuba to Revolutionary Cuba. The two historic black-and-white photos above -- the one depicting the typical peasant mother-and-child in Batista's Cuba and the one showing outraged mothers protesting the murders of their children by Batista's goons -- explain why Celia, Vilma, and Haydee were left in charge of re-figuring priorities in Cuba, refigured priorities that favored mothers and children.
     Thus, the image above of Celia Sanchez is the one that lingers to this day on the island of Cuba. The 99-pound doctor's daughter was inspired by her passionate love of Cuban children. As the prime recruiter of both rebels and supplies, as a fearless guerrilla fighter, and as the prime decision-maker, Celia Sanchez was the most important figure in Cuba's Revolutionary War and in Revolutionary Cuba.     
     Of course, the very last things the counter-revolutionaries in Miami and in the U. S. Congress want to discuss are...Celia Sanchez and the definitive black-and-white photos from Batista's Cuba. Such discussions might supersede propaganda lies.
      This is the little Cuban girl that had that birthday party in Havana a few days ago. She is far better off to have been born in sovereign Revolutionary Cuba than in U.S.-backed Batista's Cuba. The fact that Americans are not supposed to know that simple, basic fact says a lot more about America than it does about Cuba, and it highlights how very much the U. S. democracy has changed since the seminal year of 1959.
And by the way:
       The excellent photo above is courtesy of Wendy Williams. The barrage of deadly hurricanes that have recently assaulted the entire Caribbean as well as significant parts of the United States seem unending by whatever names -- Harvey, Irma, Maria, Nate, etc., etc. But Wendy's seaside photo appears to flaunt the destructive nature of natural or man-made hurricanes while tauntingly celebrating the resilient nature of humans to survive with a fierce will to live. Wendy's message should resonate.

cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story)

cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story) : Note : This particular essay on  Ana Margarita Martinez  was first ...