
Can Revolutionary Cuba Survive Both Trump and Rubio?

     On January 20th in 2025 Donald Trump began his 2nd 4-year term as President of the United States and then quickly appointed Cuban-American Marco Rubio as essentially the second most powerful person in the world. The 53-year-old Rubio has spent his entire adult life as a ultra-powerful Counter Revolutionary force in both his hometown of Miami and in the U. S. capital of Washington, D. C. Now as U. S. Secretary of State many US-Cuba observers believe Rubio will now with ease quickly finally overthrow the Cuban Revolution that has ruled Cuba since 1959. But, at least as of March 10th in 2025, the overthrow of the Cuban Revolution has not yet happend.
      In the 1950s Fidel Castro's Cuban Revolution shocked the world by overthrowing the US-backed/Mafia-backed Batista dictatorship on Jaanuary 1, 1959. But, even more SURPRISING, is the sheer fact that Revolutionary Cuba has survived since 1959.
    Above in March of 2025 the Miami Herald headlines anti-Cuban articles such as the one above to suggest that the always precarious Revolutionary rule in Cuba is now more precarious than ever now that the ultra-powerful Trump-Rubio forces seem to hold all of the primary cards.
      Above is one of the reports on YouTube that explain the dire financial situations in Cuba that apparently leave the Revolution with no hope of surviving any longer. The video above tries to explain things such as the money-lavishing "The USAID Program" that lavishes money on anti-Cuba programs, not on Embargo-ravaged Cuban families. And the video above explains how anti-Cuba Miami programs such as the supposedly benevolent "Brothers to the Rescue" planes nfluenced vast anti-Cuban programs such as "The Helms-Burton Act" that have spent decades starving and depriving Cuban families in Cuba while wildly benefiting Cubans in Miami.
    But since 1959 the best U. S. journalists covering Cuba -- such as Tracey Eaton and Jon Kofman -- have repeatedly reported on the vast advantages that counter revolutionary Cuban-Americans in Miami and Washington have had over the revolutionary Cubans in Cuba. Three decades ago Jon kofman at ABC News vividly explained how easy it has been for Cuban-Americans to enact whatever U. S. laws they want to enact to starve/overthrow Revolutionary Cuba while, of course, enriching and empowering themselves. Jon Kofman, for example, was the first to detail how such anti-Cuban entities such as the Radio-TV Marti broadcasts in Miami get millions of tax dollars to repeatedly broadcast anti-Cuban programs but -- as vividly reported by Jon Kofman at ABC News -- the main reason for the existence of Radio-TV Marti in Miami is to lavish counter revolutionary Cubans in Miami with millions of tax dollars. Other highly respected U. S. journalists and Cuban experts -- such as the great Tracey Eaton -- have also written uncontested articles echoing what Jon Kofman first reported decades ago about money-devouring programs such as Miami's Radio-TV Marti.
     As indicated above, it doesn't matter how many U. S. politicians describe Miami's beloved projects such as Radio-TV Marti as "political payouts," they are easy to be made into everlasting U. S. laws in Washington.
     Financed for decades by millions of tax dollars, Radio-TV Marti has helped make counter revolutionary top Cuban-based dissident journalists like Yoani Sanchez as international counter revolutionary Cuban superstars.
      And, of course, Yoani Sanchez also knows full well that her fame as well as such well-financed projects such as Radio-TV Marti in Miami thrive as long as top counter revolutionary U. S. politicians such as Marco Rubio and Bob Menendez are prime and uncontested proponents of anti-Cuban projects in the United States.
    The map above shows that Cuba's famed Varadero Beach is just a few miles south of the U. S. tourist-obsessed mecca of Southern Florida. It doesn't matter that Varadero has been voted "The World's Best Beach" in international tourist polls. U. S. laws -- such as the Embargo, Helms-Burton Act, etc. -- make sure that Revolutionary Cuba doesn't profit from such treasures as...Varadero Beach.
     But, of course, back in the 1950s prior to the victory of the Cuban Revolutionary over the Batista dictatorship, vastly popular Cuban tourist attractions such as Varadero Beach were wildly promoted by the U. S. government and by the U. S. media. WHY? Batista in the 1959s, in return for massive kickbacks, permitted major U. S. companies to partake in the vast tourist-ruled financial windfalls being lavished on Batista's Cuba. All of that, of course, ceased on January 1st in 1959 with the victory of the Cuban Revolution. But, supposedly in 2025, the tides of change will once again swing back around to reveal throngs of tourists flocking back to Varadero Beach.




BIG Cuban News First Week in March-2025


      The MSNBC photo above shows Jose Diaz-Balart this first week in March of 2025 announcing the death of his brother Lincoln Diaz-Balart. Jose is a famous news anchor for both MSNBC and NBC News.
    In this first week in March of 2025 there are major headlines domestically and internatiionally concerning the United States but, as usual, somehow Cuban headlines keep seeping in. The two headlines shown above are examples --- one from the London-based The Guardian and one from The New York Times. One of the headlines tells about the dire hardships facing everyday Cuban families as the new Trump administration drastically tightens the U. S. Embargo/Blockade against Cuba, an Embargo/Blockade that has existed since 1962 and has drastically caused dire headaches for Cuban familes. And the other Top Cuban Headline shown above is about the death this week of Lincoln Diaz-Balart who was born in Havana in 1954 but, after the Fidel Castro-led Cuban Revolution on January 1st in 1959 overthrew the US/Mafia-backed Batista dictatorship, fled to Florida with his father Rafael who had been a top Minister in the Batista dictatorship. Rafael's son Lincoln grew up to become a highly educated lawyer and a vicious anti-Castro U. S. politician in Miami and in Washingtton. Below are pertinent excerpts from the superb book-length article in the The New York Times regarding the death this week of Lincoln Diaz-Balart, a frontline player in the historic and ongoing United States-Cuban saga:
The NY Times article above was published March 4th, 2025.
The map above also highlights the US-Cuba saga.


Havana-born Lincoln Diaz-Balart Has Died in Florida

He was a giant in Little Havana USA!!

     Despite two foreign wars that direly concern the United States, the death today at age 70 of Lincoln Diaz-Balart in Miami is headline news. He was born in Havana in 1954 during the height of the Fulgencio Batista dictatorship in Cuba and while the Fidel Castro-led Cuban Revolution was well underway in far eastern Cuba in the foothills of the Sierra Mountains, although in 1954 it was not a huge worry to the powerful dictator Batista in Havana. In 1954 one of Batista's top ministers/politicians was Rafael Diaz-Balart, who was Lincoln's father. On January 1st in 1959 things changed drastically with the victory of the Cuban Revolution that chased Batista to his getaway airplane, which was bound for dictator Trujillo's Dominican Republic. It also chased Rafael Diaz-Balart to southern Florida where Lincoln became a powerful lawyer and an even more powerful anti-Castro politician. As the headline today on March 3rd in 2025 from Washington by Axios News says, it was Lincoln Diaz-Balart "who put the Cuban embargo in law" in the superpower United States.
      In fact, Lincoln Diaz-Balart was a prime architect of all the major U. S. laws that were intended to destroy Revolutionary Cuba and to enrich and empower Cubans in Miami's Little Havana area. Those two major laws shown above, of course, have been the ageless Helms-Burton Law and the endless Cuban Embargo.
       So the death at 70 of Lincoln Diaz-Balart is resonating loudly today, especially in Havana where Lincola was born and in his beloved Little Havana USA in Miami.
     The father of Lincoln was Rafael Diaz-Balart who was born in Fidel Castro's hometown of Banes/Biran, Cuba in 1926 the very same year that Fidel Castro was born there. They were close friends through Law School but to say that they became bitter political enemies would be an historic understatement. Fidel became a rebel fighting to overthrow dictator Batista while Rafael became a key Minister in the Batista dictatorship. In fact, after Fidel's ill-advised attack on the Moncada Army Barracks on July 26th in 1953, Batista considered giving Fidel amnesty as a gesture to the majority of Cubans who loved Fidel madly. But the person in the Batista dictatorship that spoke successfully against the amnesty and advocated successfully for at least a long prison sentence was his childhood friend Rafael Diaz-Balart.
In fact, this photo shows Rafael Diaz-Balart in one of his forceful anti-Castro speeches that influenced dictator Batista to sentence Fidel to a long prison sentence in the Isle of Pines prison in 1953. In 1955 Batista did release Fidel because the U. S. advised him to do so to appease the Cuban peasants.

    This historic photo shows Rafael Diaz-Balart, in the center wearing a holstered pistol, at an anti-Castro/pro-Batista rally in Cuba. After Fidel Castro's Revolution overthrew Batista on January 1st in 1959, Rafael Diaz-Balart quickly formed in nearby Miami the very first anti-Castro organization on U. S. soil. That organizattion was called "The White Rose"/"La Rosa Blanca" and was named after a famous Jose Marti poem.
      This montage of photos show Rafael Diaz-Balart standing in the center next to his father who was also named Rafael. The two photos on the right show father Rafael's two sons Lincoln, who was born in Havana in 1954, and Mario, who was born in Florida. Lincoln was in the U. S. Congress from 1993 till 2011 when he retired back to Miami and was succeeded in the U. S. Congress by his brother Mario who remains there until this day in March of 2025. So from 1993 until today Rafael Diaz-Balart has had an anti-Castro son in the U. S. Congress. Both, of course, tried to bring an end to Fidel Castro's Cuban Revolution, which incredibly remains in power in Cuba although Fidel himself died at age 90 in 2016. And, by the way, Rafael also had two other sons -- one of whom is a nationwide news anchor at NBC News and another son that is a highly successful banker in Miami.
       The amazing history of the Diaz-Balart & Castro families intertwined wildly. Rafael Diaz-Balart's sister was Mirta Diaz-Balart and, incredibly, she became Fidel Castro's wife. They had a son named Fidelito.
        But today -- in March of 2025 -- the amazing Love-Hate saga of the Diaz-Balart and Castro families focuses on the death of Lincoln Diaz-Balart in Miami. And, of course, the reactions in Havana and in Little Havana USA are particularly profound.


WOW. A major nation has courage to HELP Cuba!!

 Hard to Believe!!!

       This Associated Press photo shows Giorgia Meloni, the first-ever female Prime Mnister of Italy. She has held that position sternly since 2022 and prior to that she was a non-political factor before her brave and stern speeches boosted her to the top spot in Italian politics. Because the United States has incomparable worldwide influence financially and militarily, most nations don't dare try to help the dire economic situation in Cuba. But Giorgia Meloni is, uh, not your normal world leader. She is not afraid to help the drastic economic crisis devastating masses of Cuban families.
     As Prime Mnistter of Italy, Giorgia Meloni is a political conservative that now happens to have dear friends such as South African-born Elon Musk, the world's richest person who now happens to be a powerful force in U. S. politics since January of 2025 when Donald Trump returned as President of United States.
      Today is February 25th in 2025 and if you Goggle the Top Cuba News Items circling around the world today you see the Top Two as shown above. One reveals that Cuba's legendary Cigars  are bucking the U. S. Embargo of the island and actually regaining some of its worldwide sales. And, thanks to Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, Italy has started the Linea Verde Project designed to help Cuban families who are suffering from dire shortages of food, medicine, electricity and other necessities.
       In this last week in February in 2025 most of the headlines related to Cuba tell the world of the impending "economic collapse of the island" while U. S. President Donald Trump and his top cabinet member Marco Rubio tighten the already drastically tight economic sanctions against Cuba. But, at least today, some help from Italy and the newly found Asian appetite for Cuban cigars appears to show two positive signs for the maligned Cuban families.
     But what Cuba needs the most is for the nearby United States to allow tourists to freely visit the Caribbean's largest and most beautiful island-nation, the way the U. S. flooded Cuba with tourists in the 1950s during the US-friendly and Mafia-friendly Batista dictatorship.
      Back in the 1950s ubiquitous U. S. ads like this promoted massive tourism to CUBA. Since the triumph of the Cuban Revolution in 1959, such spigots have been shut.
     Since 1959 Cuba still has some of the "World's Best" tourist attractions, such as Varadero Beach. And, of course, Varadero is on Cuba's northern coast just a few miles from Key West, Florida. But the endless six-decade-old Embargo doesn't like Varadero Beach, and so there is nothing Cuba can do about it.

cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story)

cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story) : Note : This particular essay on  Ana Margarita Martinez  was first ...