
WOW. A major nation has courage to HELP Cuba!!

 Hard to Believe!!!

       This Associated Press photo shows Giorgia Meloni, the first-ever female Prime Mnister of Italy. She has held that position sternly since 2022 and prior to that she was a non-political factor before her brave and stern speeches boosted her to the top spot in Italian politics. Because the United States has incomparable worldwide influence financially and militarily, most nations don't dare try to help the dire economic situation in Cuba. But Giorgia Meloni is, uh, not your normal world leader. She is not afraid to help the drastic economic crisis devastating masses of Cuban families.
     As Prime Mnistter of Italy, Giorgia Meloni is a political conservative that now happens to have dear friends such as South African-born Elon Musk, the world's richest person who now happens to be a powerful force in U. S. politics since January of 2025 when Donald Trump returned as President of United States.
      Today is February 25th in 2025 and if you Goggle the Top Cuba News Items circling around the world today you see the Top Two as shown above. One reveals that Cuba's legendary Cigars  are bucking the U. S. Embargo of the island and actually regaining some of its worldwide sales. And, thanks to Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, Italy has started the Linea Verde Project designed to help Cuban families who are suffering from dire shortages of food, medicine, electricity and other necessities.
       In this last week in February in 2025 most of the headlines related to Cuba tell the world of the impending "economic collapse of the island" while U. S. President Donald Trump and his top cabinet member Marco Rubio tighten the already drastically tight economic sanctions against Cuba. But, at least today, some help from Italy and the newly found Asian appetite for Cuban cigars appears to show two positive signs for the maligned Cuban families.
     But what Cuba needs the most is for the nearby United States to allow tourists to freely visit the Caribbean's largest and most beautiful island-nation, the way the U. S. flooded Cuba with tourists in the 1950s during the US-friendly and Mafia-friendly Batista dictatorship.
      Back in the 1950s ubiquitous U. S. ads like this promoted massive tourism to CUBA. Since the triumph of the Cuban Revolution in 1959, such spigots have been shut.
     Since 1959 Cuba still has some of the "World's Best" tourist attractions, such as Varadero Beach. And, of course, Varadero is on Cuba's northern coast just a few miles from Key West, Florida. But the endless six-decade-old Embargo doesn't like Varadero Beach, and so there is nothing Cuba can do about it.


Has Cuba Collapsed OR Is It Still Trying?

In the 63rd Year of the U. S. Blockade!!

     At the start of his second 4-year term as President of the United States, Donald Trump has continued to drastically tighten the U. S. Embargo-Blockade of Cuba that has existed for 63 Years since 1962. After the air-land-sea military attack known as the Bay of Pigs in 1961 failed to overthrow the Cuban Revolution, which overthrew the US/Mafia-backed Batista dictatorship in January of 1959, Cuba became the target of numerous assassination attempts as well as the economic Embargo/Blockade that was, indeed, designed to "starve, deprive, and make misrable" the Cuban people to induce them to rise up and overthrow their Revolutionary government. It has not worked, at least not yet. But starting in January of 2025 President Donald Trump appointed two of the most vicious Miami-Little Havana Cuban-Americans -- Mauricio Claver-Carone and Marco Rubio -- to apparently finish off the demise of Revolutionary Cuba. Rubio, as the ultra-powerful U. S. Secretary of State, is now America's top anti-Cuban official. And now as Trump's Envoy to Latin America, Claver-Carone seems to now have the power to fulfill his lifelong dream of overthrowing Revolutionary Cuba.
         Now, for sure, most observers believe that Rubio and Claver-Carone will have an easy time of ending Fidel Castro's Cuban Revolution once and for all. For example, even top international forums such as YouTube are telling the world that "Cuba Has Collapsed." So, tap and study the YouTube video shown below:
     But yet, in these last few days in February of 2025, poor little drastically out-numbered and out-gunned Cuba is still trying to survive Trump, Rubio, and Claver-Carone. While also trying mightily to survive dire food, medical, and other shortages, Cuba now is having to battle frequent nationwide power blackouts that further make living conditions on the island almost unbearable. But, instead of capitulating to the nearby Superpower, Cuba has created a "PARQUE FOTOVOLTAICO" that might alleviate the frequent power blackouts.
Yes, Cuba has somehow survived the drastic U. S. EMBARGO since 1962.
       And, YES, Revolutionary Cuba has surprised the world since 1959 by surviving historic events such as the 1961 Bay of Pigs military attack, having the ultra-modern U. S. Military Base on Cuban soil at Guantanamo Bay since 1903, etc., etc.
     But now in 2025 Little HavanaMiami has its two most determined native sons -- Maurico Claver-Carone and Marco Rubio -- with enough unchecked powers to finally finish off the pugnacious Cuban Revolution. Will it HAPPEN??? This time it seems to be when, and not if.


If the Cuban Revolution is Overthrown, Who Becomes Cuba's President?

 A Prediction!!

     But first...today is February 19th in 2025 and the two headlines shown above correctly reflect what is happening today in Cuba. The London-based worldwide Reuters news agency honestly updates dire shortages in Cuba such as energy power, food, and other deprivations. And the other headline today from Ciber Cuba honestly explains that the Cuban government is working tirelessly to curb the foreign-supplied drug trade plaguing communities in Cuba. But now the prediction about a Marco Rubio-fueled future leader of Cuba!!

        Above: Miami's Marco Rubio and Havana's Yoani Sanchez.

     If Miami-born Cuban-American Secretary of State Marco Rubio has been tasked by President Trump to overthrow Cuba's revolutionary leaders, as most observers believe, a question becomes this: Who will become Cuba's new leader? My predictiion is it will be Yoani Sanchez...who is shown above visiting Miami to speak on Radio-TV Marti about the demise of Revolutionary Cuba.
      Internationally recognized as the most effective dissident in Cuba, Yoani Sanchez has worldwide support, financially and otherwise, to daily use her media and internet platforms to demean Cuba's revolutionary government. The photo above shows the awesome support she has had for two decades from the two most powerful Cuban-Americans in the U. S. Senate -- Marco Rubio and Bob Menendez. Born in Miami, Rubio had been in the U. S. Senate since 2011 until back in January when he was named the ultra-powerful U. S. Secretary of State by President Trump. Born in Newark, NJ, Menendez was in the U. S. Senate from 2006 till 2024 when he was convicted of multiple fraud charges involving foreign sourcess. During their long stints in the U. S. Senate both Republican Rubio and Democrat Menendez often alternated as Chairmen of the powerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee, depending whether Republicans or Democrats had the majority power in the Senate. For sure, Yoani Sanchez in Cuba depended on Rubio and Menendez for their massive support as she worked furiously to dethrone the revolutionary leaders of Cuba.

    Above are suggestions that Yoani Sanchez, Bob Menendez, and Marco Rubio surely agree on the six-decade-old U. S. Embargo/Blockade of Cuba. "Estoy" means "I am."  
        Above are some of the comments from Yoani Sanchez on two of her forums to lavish Marco Rubio's new role as U. S. Secretary of State, which affords him massive influence on the USA's Cuban policies. From Havana Yoani Sanchez above said: "The Havana regime swallows dry in the face of the new winds blowing in Washington. The presence of Marco Rubio, the son of Cuban exiles, as Secretary of State will be one of the bitterest pills for Havana."
     In contrast to Yoani Sanchez's counter revolutionary diatribes in Havana, above are comments about Marco Rubio by revolutionary supporter Johana Tablada in Havana. Note that Johana Tablada says that Rubio was 'the author of the extreme measures that Trump imposed on Cuba during his previous term and that it caused so much loss and pain to Cuban families and to our economy and public services." After reading that comment, know that Johana Tablada believes that in Trump's second term as President that Marco Rubio now has full authority to impose even more "extreme meaures" on Cuba.
    Above you can see more of what Johana Tablada says about Marco Rubip: "Marco Rubio never tells the truth. Even less so when it comes to Cuba. He says he doesn't want to come to Cuba until he overthrows the 'regime.'"
     But regardless of Johana Tablada's views about Marco Rubio, she seems correct to assume that, as Secretary of State, it appears that he has full authority from President Trump to finally overthrow Revolutionary Cuba, which has been Rubio's lifelong dream. And if he does so, I predict that the new leader of Cuba will be Rubio's dear friend Yoani Sanchez.
    While President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Marco Rubio are now at the top of the superpower U. S. government, Johana Tablada is still smiling in Havana and she speaks for the Revolution. But why is she smiling? She says, "We have survived so much from our superpower northern neighbor since 1959 -- murders and murder attempts, military attacks like the Bay of Pigs, terror attacks such the bombing of the civilian Cubana Flight 455, and daily lies from the U. S. government and U. S. media. But we are still here, even with Miami heroes Rubio and Claver-Carone in 2025 now in total charge of the superpower's current Cuban policies."


Trump Has Tasked 2 Men to Overthrow Cuba's Government

 Little Havana/Miami-Florida will celebrate!!

 Since the triumph of the Cuban Revolution in January of 1959, generations of Cubans in the Little Havana section of Miami Florida have tried mightily to overthrow Revolutionary Cuba's government, with considerable help from the superpower U. S. government. After 66 years it is shocking that Cuba's revolutionary government is still ruling Cuba in the first two months of 2025. But, finally, in mid-February of 2025 two men have been given the directive and the wherwithal to fulfill the 66-year dreams of rich and powerful Cubans in Little Havana Miami Florida. Those two men are Mauricio Claver-Carone and Marco Rubio. Born in Miami 50 years ago, Claver-Carone has spent his entire adult life trying to overthrow Revolutionary Cuba. And Rubio, born in Miami 53 years ago, has also spent his entire adult life trying to overthrow Revolutionary Cuba. Now both men have been given all the tools to accomplish that goal by U. S. President Donald Trump who, on January 20th in 2025, began his second 4-year-old term as the President of the World's Superpower.
      For sure, Maurivio Claver-Carone has spent his adult life in powerful positions such as a lobbyist, money-raiser, talk show host, head of the money-fueled Inter-American Development Bank, and key advisor on Latin American {Cuban} Affairs in Trump's first presidential term. From such positions Claver-Carone almost took down Revolutionary Cuba starting in 2017. But now in 2025 in Trump's second presidential term, Claver-Carone's new job as Trump's Special Envoy for Latin America {Cuba} gives him the power to complete his job of reshaping Cuba.

 Actually, of course, Claver-Carone's direct boss is his Little Havana Miami buddy Marco Rubio. Starting off in Miami politics as the protege of extreme Counter Revolutionary Cuban-born Cuban-Americans such as Iliana Ros Lehtinen and Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Rubio from 2011 till 2025 represented Little Havana Miami in the U. S. Senate as an ultra-powerful Counter Revolutionary Cuban-American in Washington. As a Senator Rubio several times believed he was about to overthrow Revolutionay Cuba but now he has the direct authority to do so as Trump's ultra-powerful Secretary of State. So, yes, it was not surprising Rubio named Claver-Carone, his Little Havana Miami pal, as his and the USA's Special Envoy on Latin American {Cuba} Affairs.

      Anwering only to President Trump, who is now by far the most powerful person in the world, Mauricio Claver-Caroe and Marco Rubio -- the two Miami-Little Havana heroes -- now clearly have all the tools they need to finally overthrow Revolutionary Cuba as well as changing the regimes of Cuba's friends such as Venezuela and Nicaragua. The question is when not if.
     Meanwhile, from Cuba's standpoint, the ubiquitous voice of Johana Tablada keeps tabs on the island's bitter enemies Marco Rubio and Mauricio Claver-Carone. The two Miami-born Cuban-Americans -- Tablada now fully realizes -- have been given unchecked superpower means to finally overthrow Revolutionary Cuba, which is in its 66th year of ruling the island after overthrowing the US/Mafia-backed Batista dictatorship in 1959. Above tap to enlarge the latest diatribe posted on social media today by Tablada about Rubio and Mauricio Claver-Carone.
     And above are pertinent headlines that predict the "imminent" demise of Revolutionary Cuba, most likely as soon as the spring in 2025.
      Meanwhile, of course, heading into the last half of February in 2025 Cuba is having dire problems apart from Marco Rubio and Mauricio Claver-Carone. Cuba finds itself almost alone because even nations friendlly to Cuba are too afraid to defy the incomparable economic and military influence of the United States. Thus the embargoed-blockaded Cubans are facing island-wide power blackouts, shortages of food and medicine, and other dire deprivations.
     This Politico montage in Washington, by the way, shows a firm President Donald Trump suggesting he is determined to dethrone the leaders not only in Cuba but also punish countries deemed friendly to Cuba, which have also long been priotities of Rubio and Claver-Carone. And for sure, fueled by the very strong election that has given him a second 4-year term as U. S. President, Donald Trump feels he is unchallenged as he has positioned two vicious Miami-born men -- Mauricio Claver-Carone and Marco Rubio -- with the superpower tools they are currently using to finally end the historic Cuban Revolution.



What You Need to Know about Cuba-US Relations Today

 On February 13th & 14th in 2025!!!

    Because of its beauty, location, and size, the island of Cuba has been wildly desired by imperative nations since 1492, the year it was discovered by explorer Columbus who famously noted in his diary that it was "the most beautiful land that these eyes have ever seen." From that day in 1492 tiil today in 2025  the wild fights and shenanians to control Cuba have, indeed, been riveting!!! To prove that just GOOGLE today's Top Cuban Headlines {as shown below} and I think you will agree.
       As you study the Top Cuban Headlines today, shown above on February 13th-14th in 2025, note that the new U. S. administration led by President Donald Trump and Miami's U. S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio is/are expected to dominate Cuba early in 2025. But take close note of the You Tube/Firstpost headline entiled "Putin's Migration War: Cuba..." Below I post that 7-minute "You Tube" video:



May I Please Ask Andres Oppenheimer 3 Questions?

Just 3 Questions...and a few addendums??

    Almost since January in 1959 -- when the Cuban Revolution overthrew the Miami/Mafia/U.S.-backed Batista DICTATORSHIIP in Cuba -- the Miami Herald has daily promoted the demise of Revolutionary Cuba while implying that dictator Fulgencio Batista, who wildly allowed U. S. companies to partake in his massive Mafiosi-fueled financial windfall, was a U.S.-friendly leader and the rebel leader Fidel Castro was a anti-U.S. fiend. In  February in 2025, as he has done for many years, Andres Oppenheimer uses his forums such as the Miami Herald to one-sidedly present only Little Havana's views regarding US-Cuba Relations.
    Now in February, 2025 -- if you research Cuba News on Google...you will see the two headlines shown above. One headline regards "UN experts express concern over Trump decision to reinstate Cuba as a State Sponsor of Terrorism." The other top Cuban headline was written by Andres Oppenheimer in the Miami Herald: "Trump's foreign aid cuts are a boon to dictators in China, Venezuela and Cuba." As has been the case for decades, Oppenheimer and the Miami Herald today are appalled that ANY hint of ANYTHING that might help the starved and deprived Cuban people must receive an even STRONGER HIT from the endless embargo and blockade from the U. S.
   Born 73 years ago in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Andres Oppenheimer was well educated at Colombia University, etc. He loves the Cubans in Miami/Little Havana but seems to massively hate the Cubans in Havana.
    Therefore he is unquestionably allowed to have as many forums in the United States as he chooses...such as a columnist, paid speaker, author, etc.
   As an 84-year-old American who is a lifelong and pasionate democracy-lover, I would like to ask Mr. Oppenheimer about his Cuban-Miami rants and about his self-proclaimed honesty related to journalism. I happen to believe that even honest media coverage of Cuban-U.S.-Relations is crucial to Democracy in the USA. So, Mr. Oppenheimer, will you take time to at least ponder my three main questions and, if possible, even try to answer them.
              Mr. Oppenheimer, you seem to believe that all Cubans in Miami Florida are saints and thus should be rich and politically powerful while all Cubans in Cuba are fiends that thus should be starved into oblivion. But as a Democracy-lover I believe that a few rich and powerful people in any superpower nation should not be allowed to lump masses of everyday people in a much-smaller nation as being worthy of being "starved, deprived, and being made miserable." Thus, remembering the Miami-backed purposes of the six-decade-old EMBARGO/blockade of Cuba, my first question to you, Mr. Oppenheimer, is: "Explain to me why you think a few rich and powerful Cuban-Americans in a superpower nation should be allowed to starve and deprive vulnerable masses of people in a nearby, much weaker nation
    For decades, Mr. Oppenheimer, Cubans in the U. S.. have supported U. S. laws such as Helms-Burton and the EMBARGO fully knowing they are designed to enrich and empower Cubans in Miami and starve, deprive, and make miserable Cubans in Cuba to entice them to rise up and overthrow their revolutionary government. And, Mr. Oppenheimer, you seem to have eagerly supported additions to such laws as PUTTING CUBA ON THE DREADED SHORT LIST OF NATIONS THAT SUPPORT TERRORISM. So my second question to you, Mr Oppenheimer, is this: "There are pitiful everyday families in Cuba who are suffering even more now that two rich and powerful men, Trump and Rubio, have put Cuba back on that list. Do you also not care, Mr. Oppenheimer, about families in Cuba who are still grieving about their close relatives that were killed by Batista terrorism in Cuba in the 1950s and by terrorism orchestrated by Cubans in Miami since 1959?" 
    Cuban madres {mothers} bravely marching in Batista's Cuba because Batista was killing their ninos {children} as warnings not to resist his rule. Cuban mothers like these, Mr. Oppenheimer, not only helped fuel the start of the Cuban Revollultion but also paid a huge role in winning it on January 1, 1959. The mother on the left in the white blouse and sunglasses was the mother of the murdered Little Willie Soler. Today the William Soler Children's Hospital in Havana is Cuba's largest children's hospital.
     In Revolutinary Cuba a sister and mother are shown above waiting at the Havana airport the moment they learned that their teenage brother/son, a prime athlete, had just been killed when the airplane he was is in had just been blasted into the ocean by a terrorist bomb, killing all 72 people on board. That mother grieved about it for the rest of her life; the sister is still grieving. "Mr. Oppenheimer, did well-known Cuban terrorists in Miami commit such terror against innocent Cubans?" At least, Mr. Oppenheimer, you should know that history and declassified U. S. documents have documented what happened to the civilian Cubana Flight 455.
     And so, Mr. Oppenheimer, have you written about Cuban-born Miami heroes such as Orlando Bosch and Luis Posada Carriles? And that third and last question to you includes this addendum: "Do you, Mr. Oppenheimer, agree that totally innocent sisters and mothers in Cuba are also capable of shedding uncontrollable and endless tears?" 
    And thank you, Mr. Oppenheimer, for perhaps allowing some consideration regarding my prime questions regarding your latest Miami Herald article  on the Havana-Little Havana conundrum. You endlessly seem to use your various forums to present only one-sided and distorted journalism about US-Cuban Relations. As an 84-year-old passionate United States-lover and Democracy-lover, I believe that the U. S. Democracy deserves and badly needs honest media coverage, not self-serving propaganda. And most of the time now we Americans believe we are not getting much-needed honest news from the media. The Gallup Poll and others confirm that sad fact. In decades past great journalists told us the truth, such as Edward R. Murrow in World War Two, Walter Cronkite during the Vietnam War, Bernard Shaw during the Iraq War, and more recently media giants such as David Brinkley, Peter Jennings, Harry Reasoner, John Chancellor, Chet Huntley, Tim Russert, Hugh Downs, Howard K. Smith, Eric Sevareid, Dianne Sawyer, Douglas Eswards, etc., etc. did the same. I believe that U.S.-Cuba Relations in recent decades has, among other undemocratic things, been at the forefront of the demise of honest journalism in the United States, a superpower that needs great and honest journalism to keep the tenets of democracy flourishing!!!
      As a print journalist at United Press International and then when he was a television journalist at CBS News, Americans believed what the great and honest Walter Cronkite told them. And that was important, Mr. Oppenheimer.

 What about Andres Oppenheimer's journalism now?


cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story)

cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story) : Note : This particular essay on  Ana Margarita Martinez  was first ...