
Has Cuba Collapsed OR Is It Still Trying?

In the 63rd Year of the U. S. Blockade!!

     At the start of his second 4-year term as President of the United States, Donald Trump has continued to drastically tighten the U. S. Embargo-Blockade of Cuba that has existed for 63 Years since 1962. After the air-land-sea military attack known as the Bay of Pigs in 1961 failed to overthrow the Cuban Revolution, which overthrew the US/Mafia-backed Batista dictatorship in January of 1959, Cuba became the target of numerous assassination attempts as well as the economic Embargo/Blockade that was, indeed, designed to "starve, deprive, and make misrable" the Cuban people to induce them to rise up and overthrow their Revolutionary government. It has not worked, at least not yet. But starting in January of 2025 President Donald Trump appointed two of the most vicious Miami-Little Havana Cuban-Americans -- Mauricio Claver-Carone and Marco Rubio -- to apparently finish off the demise of Revolutionary Cuba. Rubio, as the ultra-powerful U. S. Secretary of State, is now America's top anti-Cuban official. And now as Trump's Envoy to Latin America, Claver-Carone seems to now have the power to fulfill his lifelong dream of overthrowing Revolutionary Cuba.
         Now, for sure, most observers believe that Rubio and Claver-Carone will have an easy time of ending Fidel Castro's Cuban Revolution once and for all. For example, even top international forums such as YouTube are telling the world that "Cuba Has Collapsed." So, tap and study the YouTube video shown below:
     But yet, in these last few days in February of 2025, poor little drastically out-numbered and out-gunned Cuba is still trying to survive Trump, Rubio, and Claver-Carone. While also trying mightily to survive dire food, medical, and other shortages, Cuba now is having to battle frequent nationwide power blackouts that further make living conditions on the island almost unbearable. But, instead of capitulating to the nearby Superpower, Cuba has created a "PARQUE FOTOVOLTAICO" that might alleviate the frequent power blackouts.
Yes, Cuba has somehow survived the drastic U. S. EMBARGO since 1962.
       And, YES, Revolutionary Cuba has surprised the world since 1959 by surviving historic events such as the 1961 Bay of Pigs military attack, having the ultra-modern U. S. Military Base on Cuban soil at Guantanamo Bay since 1903, etc., etc.
     But now in 2025 Little HavanaMiami has its two most determined native sons -- Maurico Claver-Carone and Marco Rubio -- with enough unchecked powers to finally finish off the pugnacious Cuban Revolution. Will it HAPPEN??? This time it seems to be when, and not if.

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