
Cuba Says the Revolution will ":Survive" in 2025


But most observers don't think so!!
      On January 1st in 1959 Fidel Castro's Cuban Revolution shocked the world by overthrowing the US/Mafia-backed Batista dictatorship. But even more shocking is the fact that in 2024 was the 65th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution actually being able to still rule Cuba...eight years after the death of Fidel Castro at age 90.
     Cuba's current President Miguel Diaz-Canel is shown above telling the Cuban people at the close of 2024 to not believe the rampant rumors that the revolutionary rule in Cuba will finally end in the New Year of 2025. His words above said: "We are an optimistic people , resilient and creative." 
    The YouTube video above shows President Diaz-Canel telling Cubans that: "The Cuban Revolution has survived and will stay that way in 2025." 
     But, for sure, 65 Years is an extremely long time for the Cuban Revolution to defy the continuous attempts to overthrow it by a close neightbor, the United States, that happens to be the richest and strongest nation in the whole world.
   It took the Cuban Revolution six years -- July 26-1953 till January 1-1959 --to "triumph" over a powerful dictator, Batista, who was supported by the strongest criminal organization in the world, the Mafia, and by the strongest nation in the world, the United States. But I agree that 2024 will likely be the 65th and last full year of the Cuban Revolution being independently and totally in control of the Caribbean's largest and most beautiful nation.
     The continuous U. S. efforts to overthrow the Cuban Revolution since 1959 include the air-land-sea Bay of Pigs military attack in 1961. Fidel Castro himself raced to the frontlines to famously defeat that invasion, which remains a humiliation for the U. S. and a glorious epic for the Revolution
     But in 1962, after 1961's disastrus Bay of Pigs attack, the U. S. imposed a massive economic EMBARGO against Cuba. It has existed for an amazing 62+ Years and has been tightened even more in the past five years by the Trump-Biden presidential administrations. The purpose of the EMBARGO was and is to restrict or block two financial lifelines for Cuba -- trade and tourism. In 2024 the EMBARGO has been the harshest it has ever been for Cuban families who head into 2025 with shortages of food, medicine, hygiene products, etc., and also are facing continuous island-wide power blackouts. Therefore in 2025 Cuba must make concessions to the United States during the second four-year presidential term for Donald Trump or Cuba will either totally collapse financially or risk being overwhelmed physically by the world's economic and military Superpower. The U. S. EMBARGO was unmercifully tightened at the end of President Trump's first term in 2016 when he placed Cuba on the Sponsor of Terrorism List and President Biden has refused to remove Cuba from the drastic Terror List, and therefore in 2025 Cuba must submit to the U. S. or negotiate.
     Whatever Donald Trump's 2025 Calendor portends for Cuba remains to be seen. But his second 4-year term as President of the United States, which starts on January 20th in 2025, will show him as a stronger U.S. and world leader than he was during his first 4-year term as President. This time he is coming off a smashing victory in the November 5th-2024 presidential election when he won a whopping 312 electoral votes, won all seven of the so-called "swing" states, and also won the overall national votes although he is vehemently opposed by most of the U. S. media and by the USA's most populated and richest states of New York and California. And this time President Trump starts with a majority support in the Supreme Court, both branches of Congress, and the White House that are the FOUR prime pillars of the U. S. government. Most observers believe that Trump in 2025 will burnish his Cuban legacy by overthrowing the Revolution in Cuba. But Trump is nothing if not unpredictable. He is a quintessential deal-maker, which made him a multi-billionaire. He admires Cuba's vast financial potential and, indeed, once sent a top echelon of business assocaites to Cuba to scout out the best places to build his new hotels, golf courses, etc. 
       But the suggestion IS THIS: In 2025 President Trump will have the power to either overthrow Revolutionaly Cuba or negotiate a deal that might change leadership positions on the island but also be beneficial to both Cuba and the United States.
    Another interesting factor about Cuba heading into 2025 is the fact that Raul Castro appears to be physically and mentally healthy as he heads toward his 94th BIRTHDAY on June 3rd in 2025. From the start of the Cuban Revolution on July 26th in 1953 until Fidel Castro died on October 25th in 2016 at age 90, the two Castro brothers fought together side-by-side.  And Raul remains the greatest defender of Fidel's legacy. And, yes, in 2025 if President Trump overthrows the Cuban Revolution or makes a deal with it, Raul may play a part in either process.
    And by the way: exactly 43 years ago on December 31st in 1971, Fidel Castro closed out 1971 with this quotation:


NY Times Pinpoints Cuba's Disaster on Dec. 27, 2024.

Americans Need to Know About it!!

      Today is December 27th in 2024 and above is the glaring headline and sub-headline today in the New York Times. It is an extremely long and extremely important update about the severe tragedy unfolding just below the USA's southern border in Cuba. And the superpower United States is largely responsible although the majority of Americans have for decades been programmed not to give a damn.
    Above is the start of the New York Times article on December 27th in 2024 that is telling the world of the severe tragedy everyday families in Cuba are experiencing without any help from the nearby United States, and, in fact, largely because of the United States. For decades, of course, democracy-loving Americans like me have been told to pretend that the U. S. was right to lavishly support the thieving and brutal Mafia-fueled Batista dictatorship in Cuba until it was amazingly overthrown in 1959 by the Cuban Revolution. And since 1959 the United States has cruelly punished Cubans on the island as one of the many drastic schemes to get them to help overthrow their revolutionary government. Today's huge New York Times article explains all that but, as usual, Americans are programmed not to care.
      Today's New York Times article today -- on December 27th in 2024 -- reported that only once since 1959 has the U. S. tried to normalize relations with Cuba. That, of course, was when President Obama visited Cuba in 2016 and used a nationwide radio & television broadcast to tell the Cuban people: "Cuba Does Not Need To Fear A Threat From The United States." The New York Times today reported that, thanks to President Obama, Cuban families for the next "two and a half years" breathed huge sighs of relief, but then soon learned that Obama's promise became just another U. S. lie.
      When another generation of Americans are persuaded to accept what many believe are genocidal measures by the U. S. against innocent Cubans, the four short paragraphs shown above in the long New York Times article on December 27th in 2024 is what citizens in the U. S. democracy need to know. As revealed each year by the almost unanimous vote of the 189 nations at the United Nations in New York, the rest of the world EACH YEAR begs the United States to treat Cuba the way the U. S. treated Batista's Cuba in the 1950s and the way it has treated Cuba's neighbors since 1959, such as allowing Cuba to also have trade and tourism dollars reach the island of Cuba.
    Indeed, as the New York Times tells the world on December 27th in 2024, the United States showers its Caribbean neighbors with massive tourism dollars including having major money-creating events-such as golf, basketball, etc., tournaments in the Bahamas, Jamaica, etc., and having all of the 30 Major League Baseball Teams having very lucrative year-around baseball facilities operating in the Dominican Republic, etc. Meanwhile...the word "GENOCIDIO" is something that Cubans on their island see on billboards everyday. The New York Times today -- on December 27th in 2024 --- seems to be asking this question: "WHY HAS THIS TRAGEDY EXISTED FOR ALL THESE MANY DECADES?"



Little Cuba vs. Big US Heading into 2025


CUBA is now a Billion-to-One UNDERDOG!!

After mostly being only a million-to-one underdog since 1492.

    On October 28th in 1492 the explorer Columbus discovered the New World when he landed on the island that became Cuba. Columbus claimed the island for Spain and named it "Juana" after a Spanish princess. Also very famously, as Wikipedia and other historic sources proclaimed, Columbus posted in his diary that "Juana is the most beautiful land that human eyes have ever seen." That epic discovery and that famous depiction of the island along with its strategic geographic location meant that, for all the centuries since 1492, the island known as Juana/Cuba would be wildly coveted and fought over by all the world's MOST POWERFUL nations and empires.
      The map above shows North America in 1794 as emerging countries included Mexico, Canada, the United States, and Cuba.
     The most famed Founding Father, Thomas Jefferson, wrote the U. S. Declaration of Independence {from England} in 1776, became the third U. S. President, etc., etc. As his quotation above explains, Mr. Jeffersson from the beginning of the United States craved possessing Cuba as a political, geographical, economic, and practical necessity.
      But through it all, as this image by Kerne Erickson mentions, "Cuba became the Paradise of the Tropics and the Caribbean." This happened even as all the imperative powers -- especially Spain and the United States -- fought over who would dominate it.
    Not surprisingly, as it evolved into a superpower economically and militarily, the nearby United States dominated Cuba after the U. S. easily won the Spanish-American War that was fought in Cuba in 1898.
     But in 1959 Fidel Casstro's Cuban Revolution defeated dictator Fulgencio Batista's powerful forces, and Castro quickly ended the vast United States business enterprises that Batista, because of huge financial kickbacks, had allowed to thrive, along with vast profiteering by Mafia goldmines such as gambling, tourism, prostitution, etc.
       But, when the Cuban Revolution ended, the Batistiano, Mafiosi, and American business enterprises in Cuba ended but starting in 1959 became CUBA in MIAMI
       Starting in 1959 LITTLE HAVANA began to dominate nearby MIAMI FLORIDA, and that remains the case 65 years as 2024 turns into 2025!!! And as its wealth and political power increased, Little Havana in Miami Florida soon was powerful enough to dictate Cuban policies nationally from the White House and U. S. Congresss in Washington.

     While the superpower United States loved the Batista-Mafia dictatorship in the 1940s and 1950s, since 1959 little Cuba has continually had to survive drastic efforts by Miami and the United States to keep the Revolution intact and viable.
       Historically, the three most famed efforts by the United States to overthrow the Cuban Revolution were: {1} The air-land-sea Bay of Pigs military attack on Cuba in 1961; {2} the U. S. economic embargo on Cuba that started in 1962 and has continued to this very day over six decades later; and {3} the ungodly number of assassination attempts against revolutionary leader Fidel Castro, with one respected documentary saying there were 538 assassination attempts while another one says there were 634.
     Despite surviving the All-Time record number of assassination attempts, Fidel Castro died peacefully in his own bed in Havana at age 90 in 2016. And at the start of a new year in 2025 it is Fidel Castro's LEGACY last remains the best defense for his Revolution, which admittedly is barely holding on as it begins its 66th Year since ousting the US/Mafia-backed Batista dictatorship.
      At the end of 2024 dedicated Cubans such as Zaily Perez are working tirelessly to help Cuban families survive drastic shortages of food and medicines as well as other drastic deprivations such as island-wide power blackouts. Zaily says, "Yes, we plead with the United States to help us, not to starve us, or at least not punish us while we try our best to help ourselves. Three generations of Cuban mothers on this island have remembered how much the United States helped dictator Batista who did nother but brutalize everyday Cubans. Fidel Castro and the Revolution beat Batista but the United States should atone for helping Batista, not continue depriving normal Cuban families who have tried to exist for the generations since 1959. We in turn could help the United States in some ways."
     At the end of the 65th Year since the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, Cubans are abundantly aware that the return of Donald Trump as the U. S. President starting on January 20th in 2025 is the latest of the MANY PROBLEMS that the vulnerable island faces heading into 2025. The fact that President Trump will have Senator Marco Rubio from Miami as his powerful Secretary of State makes Cubans in Miami rejoice BUT makes Cubans on the island shiver!!
   Cuba's closeness to the United States, heading into 2025, scares Cubans more than ever, evoking memories of past Cuban-US Relations, including the Batista years.
        For sure, prior to 1959 Batista and the Mafia and the U. S. businesses loved the vast number of dollars that tourists flooded Cuba with. But by not tossing a few crumbs to the majority peasants, the BATISTA YEARS created the CUBAN REVOLUTION as well as LITTLE HAVANA in MIAMI.
     Since 1959 in Revolutionary Cuba, Varadero remains the "World's Best Beach" and it is still located on Cuba's northern coast right below Key West, Florida. But since 1959, and unlike during the BATISTA YEARS, the U. S. since 1959 has not wanted tourists or any other revenue to help Revolutionary Cuba. That will change drastically starting in 2025 if the Cuban Revolution is finally overturned.
     Meanwhile, starting in 2025, the two Spanish-owned Hotel and Resort giants --Iberostar and Melia -- still will have over forty 4-star and 5-star Hotels and Resorts on the island craving tourists to return to the Caribbean's largest and most beautiful nation, just as they flocked so famously to Batista's Cuba.
So in 2025, even if the end of the Cuban Revolution makes headlines, post-revollutionary Cuba will remain much more than iust a footnote in world history. And, moreover, Cuba in 2025 will still be just a little bit south of the United States.


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