
Is Cuba Being Drawn inta a WAR Between Nuclear Superpowers?

 Headlines on June 7th-2024 say "YES".

      Throughout the first six months of 2024 worldwide headlines have chronicled the true facts reporting that the island-nation of Cuba is facing massive food shortages, medical deprivations, and power blackouts. Cuba, of course, says the reason is the U. S. EMBARGO that has existed since 1962 -- which easily makes it the longest and tightest EMBARGO any powerful nation has ever imposed on any small nation. The United States, of course, says its famed and endless EMBARGO has no part in Cuba's problems because, prior to 1959 when the U. S. loved dictator Batista's Cuba, the United States helped the island become extremely rich thanks to U. S. companies championing tourism while other money-making schemes...such as gambling, drugs, and prostitution -- were luring massive tourists with lots of money to spend. Of course, billions of people around the world since 1959, after the Revolution overthrew Dictator Batista, have come to believe that both Cuba and the United States are lying about who is to blame for the island's dire problems. Nevertheless, the prime victims in U.S.-loved Batista's Cuba and in U.S.-hated Revolutionary Cuba have been and still are the millions of Cuban men, women, and children on the devastated island, an island cruelly surrounded by its northern Superpower neighbor.
     The images of Cuban farmers using oxen to plow their fertile fields have been uniquitous during the six-decades+ that the U. S. EMBARGO of Cuba has existed. Obviously, as revealed by worldwide headlines about families in Cuba facing starvation, the Cuban farmers have needed some modern farm equipments, not just oxen, to prepare their crops. If the ultra-rich Superpower neighbor United States continues to maintain its tight economic EMBARGO that Cuba says is causing starvation on the island in 2024, obviously the island nation is forced to beg for help from other nations...even from nations that are considered serious U. S. enemies.
      Meanwhile, on June 7th in 2024 the Cuban media is telling the Cuban people that the island is trying to help them...such as acquiring these ultra-modern tractors that are being provided to farmers in the ultra-fertile Pinar Del Rio province southwest of Havana. But even as these vital new tractors are being delivered to Cuban farmers, the top Worldwide Cuba Headlines on June 7th in 2024 are suggesting that little Cuba is being drawn into what might soon become a nuclear war between the two top nuclear Superpowers in the world -- namely, the United States and Russia. If you doubt that possibility, please study the Top Cuban Headlines flashing around the world today -- on June 7th in 2024:
The Cuban Headlines on June 7th-2024!!
    The headline and article shown above are on June 7th-2024 from The Guardian, the London-based worldwide news source. The U. S. is currently providing weapons to Israel in Gaza and to Ukraine in its bloody war with Russia. While the U. S. is awash with nuclear weapons, so is Russia -- and both have pinpoint delivery systems from the ground silos, missiles, ships, and submarines. The Guardian, as shown above, is among the many international news sources deeply worried in June of 2024 about Russia complaining loudly last week that the U. S. is providing precision weapons that Ukraine can now send across the border to strike inside Russia. Cuba says that the Russian ships that will dock in Havana in mid-June of 2024 will not be armed with nuclear weapons..."but......"
    The entire world in June of 2024 well remembers the "The Cuban Missile Crisis that -- for 13 days in October of 1962 -- had the entire world deadly afraid about a possible Nuclear War between the Soviet Union {Russia} and the United States. For sure, the Cuban Missile Crisis way back in October of 1962 is still considered the closest the world has ever come to a Nuclear War. The world today also understands that the newly discovered bombs dropped on Japan in 1945 destroyed two big Japanese cities, causing Japan to finally quit in World War Two. And please understand...between 1945 and 2024 both the United States and Russia have developed nuclear weapons and delivery systems that -- BY COMPARISON -- would make the 1945 bombs to be  like mere TOYS.
The two leaders in 1962 who barely averted a nuclear war.
     Next week judging by the above headlines -- in mid-June of 2024 -- the world is hoping that the current leaders of Russia and the United States can also avert a nuclear war...even as nuclear-armed Russian warships and submarines are at this moment supposedly heading towards docking at the southern doorstep of the United States in the waters of Cuba.
    This map shows where the unwanted U. S. military base at Guantanamo Bay is located on the southeastern tip of Cuba. It also shows where the Bay of Pigs U. S. military land-air-sea attack designed to overthrow Revolutionary Cuba landed on Cuban soil near the southern coastal city of Trinidad in April of 1961, but it was a gigantic U. S. failure that was then followed by such things as the U. S. EMBARGO of Cuba in 1962. And, moreover, this map also shows Cuba's capital of Havana that is just a few miles from the United States. It appears, if all those worldwide headlines are correct, Russian nuclear ships and submarines will be docked in Havana's waters in a few days. For sure, remembering the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, the world hopes that the United States, Russia, and little Cuba can avert a nuclear war in June of 2024. And, for sure, there are already too many non-nuclear wars in the world...but, SO FAR there has never been a nuclear war.



MiamiCubans Dictate US Cuba Policies

 Both in the Government and News Media!!

      The Little Havana enclave in Miami Florida began dictating the USA's Cuban policies soon after the Cuban Revolution overthrew the US/Mafia-backed Batista dictatorship in Cuba on January 1st of 1959. From 1959 till today -- in June of 2024 -- daily efforts to overthrow Revolutionary Cuba have included the air-land-sea Bay of Pigs military attack in 1961; the world's longest Embargo/Blockade of any small nation that began in 1962 and continues to this day; terrorists attacks on Cuba such as the bombing of the 1976 civilian Cubana Flight 455 airplane that killed all 72 passengers; a world record number of assassination attempts on Fidel Castro; etc., etc. Yet, while Revolutionary Cuba in 2024 is celebrating its 65th year in power, the yeoman efforts of Miami, Florida, and WASHINGTON -- despite incomparable efforts backed by incomparable financing and power -- Revolutionary Cuba incredibly still rules the island.
      In the 1950s the vile Batista dictatorship accepted huge financial kickbacks from the rich U. S. companies that were then allowed to make fortunes in Batista's Cuba. But when the Cuban Revolution shocked the world by overthrowing Batista, many of the key Batistianos fled to nearby Miami where they quickly created Little Havana, from where they expected the U. S. to return them to Cuba shortly after easily overthrowing the Cuban Revolution. But, INCREDIBLY, that herculean effort by the Batistianos and the superpower U. S. government In June of 2024 remains a work in progress.
      But, as indicated above, Little Havana in Miami is a mere few miles from Cuba's Havana, meaning that the rich and politically powerful Cuban-Americans who can dictate politics in Miami, in Flirida, and in Washington can wreak havoc on Cubans in Cuba even though they have not subdued them YET!! 
     In this first week of June of 2024 above are the top Cuban Headlines flashing around the United States and the World. Take a moment, if you will, to enlarge and study these headlines.
     As you can judge today from the top Cuban Headlines on June 5th of 2024, the U. S. people and most people around the world are daily spoonfed anti-Cuba "news" from counter-revolutionary sources such as Nora Gamez Torres and the Miami Herald. Thus, for the past 65 years, Americans especially have been told that the Batista dictatorship in Cuba prior to the 1959 Revolution was nice because it permitted rich American companies to get MUCH RICHER!! 
     But, if the truth is known, vile dictators are not good guys merely because they help rich U. S. companies GET MUCH RICHER.


Raul Castro turned 93-years-old TODAY!!


Today is June 3rd in 2024 and it is Raul Castro's 93rd Birthday!!
For being 93 years old, Raul Castro is healthy.
     On his 93rd birthday today, in Cuba Raul Castro is being celebrated as the second most important person from the Cuban Revoloution that shocked the world on January 1st of 1959 by overthrowing the Batista dictatorsship in Cuba. Above Raul Castro is shown with famed fellow rebel stragegist and guerrilla fighter Vilva Espin. Certainly two of the Top Five figures in both the Revolution and in Revolutionary Cuba, Raul and Vilma got married in January of 1959 right after they had helped win the Revolution. Vilma, who died at age 77 on June 18th in 2007, had two famous children with Raul named Mariela and Alejandro.
    These were the three Castro brothers that were born to Angel Castro and Lina Ruz in Biran, Cuba, which was near where the Cuban Revolution started in 1953 in southeastern Cuba when two of the Castro brothers -- Fidel and Raul -- launched an ill-advised attack on Batista's Moncado Army Barracks in Santiago de Cuba on July 26th of 1953. It was easily repelled and ended up with the two Castro brothers sent to a Batista prison from July of 1953 till May of 1955. The photo above shows Ramon Castro who was born on October 14, 1994 and died at age 91 on February 23, 2018. Ramon became a cattleman, not a rebel. In the middle above is Raul Castro who was born on June 3, 1931 and today on June 3rd of 2024 is celebrating his 93th Birthday. And on the right is Fidel Castro who was born on August 13, 1936 and died on November 25, 2016 at age 90. So all three Castro brothers lived into their 90s but Raul was the only one who lived to be 93 years old.
     From January 1st of 1959 till June 3rd of 2024 either the late Fidel Castro or the still-living Raul Castro have been the only top leaders of Cuba. That is true although since 2018 Miguel Diaz-Canel has held the title of President on the island. But as long as Raul is still alive, the Top Leader of Cuba will be a Castro.
     As shown above, in 2024 Cuba is celebrating the 95TH ANNIVERSARY that the Cuban Revolution has ruled Cuba, which is an astounding tribute to the two Castro brothers and, let it be known, that one of them, Raul, has been alive for all those 65 years.
      Of course, a few days before Fidel Castro died in 2016 at age 90 his brother Raul Castro was holding his beloved brother's hand.
      And, of course, it was Raul Castro who in 2016 placed Fidel Castro's ashes into the huge rock where they are now enshrined in Santiago de Cuba.
     In the 65 years since the Cuban Revolution defeated the western world's beloved but vile Batista dictatorship, the Castro brothers Fidel and Raul have been reviled for their deeds, with the ultra-powerful U. S. news media daily reporting the U. S. summations about how terrible the Castro brothers and their revolution was and is!! Of course, finding a truthful and unbiased U. S. history of the Cuban Revolution...and of the Castro brothers as well as of Batista...is extremely difficult to find. But, shown above, are three sort of unbiased and truthful paragraphs from the Associated Press, the top U. S. News Agency.
But history still says there was a Batista.
And history still says there was a Cuban Revolution.
And history still says there were Fidel and Raul.


US & Mexico Promise To Help Staving Cubans!!

      Today is MAY 29th in 2024 and for many months it has been well known that "Cuba is in a Crisis" with the island's 11 million people facing food shortages, medical deprivations, and power blackouts...drastically highlighting unprecedented economic problems.
       Cuba blames its dire problems on the six-decade-old U. S. EMBARGO that has existed since 1962 and has been recently more severely tightened by both the Trump and Biden administrations. The United States, of course, says the island itself is responsible for its problems. 
     Above are the TOP Cuba Headlines flashing around the world today on MAY 29th in 2024 and, as you can see, it appears that the United States is finally trying to ease some burdens for Cuban citizens. However, skeptics realize that the glaring headlines shown above may be without meaning but, meanwhile, everyday Cubans have no choice except to try to be hopeful.
     But the headline above on MAY 29th in 2024 is a glimmer of news that Cubans put the most stock in...because the London-based Reuters News Agency is the news source that Cubans trust for being both unbiased and truthful. So, "...oil shipments to Cuba from Mexico..." might help.




Will May-2024 Change US-Cuba Relations Forever?


     For many years Alejandro Gil was Cuba's Economic Minister and well-respected on the island and even in Miami. But in the first six months of 2024 -- still trying to recover from the Covid Pandemic and trying to survive the tightened U. S. Blokade that began in 1962 -- Cuba's economy hit new lows that have caused food shortages, blackouts, etc. Now in late May of 2024 the once-powerful Alejandro Gil has been accused on corruption charges, but many Cubans, including longtime supporters of the Revolutionary government, believe Gil is merely being unfairly treated as a scrapegoat for the government's dire economic problems.
     The fall of Alejandro Gil is a reminder that 77-year-old Gladys Maria Bejerano Portela for the past two decades has been Cuba's most powerful judicial expert...JUDGE...when it comes to criminality in Cuba. How she feels about what has happend to Gil might affect Revolutionary Cuba more than what the ultra-powerful Counter Revolutionary U. S. Cubans in Miami and Washington will dish out for the rest of 2024.
    Since 2018 Miguel Diaz-Canel has been Cuba's President and he has been a supporter of Economic Minister Alejandro Gil. Both as Education Minister and now as President, most Cubans like and support Diaz-Canel but now many of these Cubans believe Diaz-Canel has "betrayed" Gil. Therefore the crisis for Diaz-Canel might be more serious for the President than for Gil, the ousted Economic Minister.
     Cuba President Diaz-Canel, it appears, may be making the biggest presidential mistake he has made by allowing former Economic Minister Gil to be used as the scrapegoat for Cuba's dire economic problems. But that will play out in the coming crucial days for Diaz-Canel and Gil.
       It is surprising, as shown above, that Cuba's top judge Gladys Bejerano has spoken so candidly to the international EFE Spanish News Agency about the Alejandro Gil saga that is taking place in Cuba. It is up to the Cuban people to determine what she meant by "betrayal" by Gil or against Gil. Spain's EFE is one of the world's Top Four news agencies along with the Associated Press, Reuters, and Agence France-Presse.
Above is the start of the EFE article with Gladys Bejerano.
And above is Gladys Bejerano's 1 minute & 47 seconds comment.
     Meanwhile...in late MAY of 2024 the Biden administration has finally removed Cuba from its short list of Nations that Sponsor Terrorism, leaving only North Korea, Syria, Iran, and Venezuela on that List. The Trump administration had put Cuba on that List and it had strengthened the U. S. Embargo/Blockade against Cuba that has existed since 1962. Above the Bridges of Love movement in the U. S. founded by Seattle professor Carlos Lazo hailed the removal of Cuba from the U. S. Terrorism List.
     Above Cuba's longtime Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez used his X-Twitter page to mention Cuba's removal from the U. S. Sponsor of Terrorism List...and used the photo above to state that Revolutionary Cuba has been subjected to deadly terror attacks, such as the bombing of the civilian Cubana 455 Flight that killed all 72 aboard. The famous photo above shows the mother and other family members mourning a teenage Cuban athlete who was on the doomed Cubana 455 Plane.
      Another major headline for Cuba in late MAY of 2024 has been China's decision {above} to resume regular flights to Cuba to encourage Chinese tourists to visit the island. It is China's way of trying to help Cuba survive its current economic crisis.
    Germany's Condor Airlines, based mostly in Frankfort, is another major airline beginning to fly tourists to Cuba.
     Of course, Canada has long been the country that has most defied the U. S. Sanctions/Embargo/Blockade against Cuba by flying tourists to the island. Four major Canadian airlines fly to Cuba including Toronto-based Air Canada and Ottawa-based Sunway Airlines. In 2024 Cuba is hoping for 1.2 million Canadian tourists.
      Canadian families, despite discouragement from the United States, still try to visit Cuba {as shown above} because of Cuba's "Culture, history, people, and beaches. Others like Cuba for its price, safety, and lack of Americanization." 

cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story)

cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story) : Note : This particular essay on  Ana Margarita Martinez  was first ...