
Who Is Starving Cuban Children?

 Is Cuba or U. S. to Blame??

    In 1989 the self-serving economic-obsessed & political-obsessed Bush Dynasty capped its mining of Florida when Jeb, on his way to being Florida's governor and positioning himself for the White House, became the Campaign Manager for Havana-born Iliana Ros-Lehtinen, who was the most notable anti-Castro zealot in Miami's very zealous Little Havana community. Except for Jeb's embarrassing failure to win the White House, the ploy {shown above} worked magnificently and fortuitously for both the Bush Dynasty and for Little Havana, which since 1989 has dictated the USA's Cuban Affairs...which vastly enriches & empowers Miami/Little Havana Cubans while vastly punishing Havana's and all other Cuban FAMILIES. {Please study this historic photo even if you disapprove what it still means today...all these Lucrative/Genocidal decades later}.
   Once the Bush Dynasty in 1989 put Havana-born Ileana Ros-Lehtinen from Little Havana in the U. S. Congress in 1989, the pipeline was forever fueled and unchallenged for all these subsequent decades. For sure,  Ros-Lehtinen remained for over three decades a prolific anti-Castro/PRO-Little Havana Superpower in Congress from 1989 till 2019, when she retired to devote herself to other Little Havana activities closer at home. Soon after she was elected to Congress in 1989, she was soon followed by Havana-born Lincoln Diaz-Balart, his little brother Mario Diaz-Balart, Marco Rubio, etc., etc. Of course, the Diaz-Balart brothers are the sons of the late Rafael Diaz-Balart who had been a Key Minister in the Batista dictatorship before, in 1959, becoming one of the all-time richest and most powerful anti-Castro superpower in Miami. But starting with the Bush-ordained Ileana Ros-Lehtinen in 1989 was when Little Havana began to have the political power to dictate the USA's Cuban policies...with the criteria being to be viciously anti-Castro and PRO-Little Havana, with moderate Cuban-Americans apparently not ever even being considered for political positions in either Miami or in Washington.
     And of course, the unending strings of Little Havana Cubans in the U. S. Congress have always been tied to Ileana Ros-Lehtinen's guiding mantra: "Rogue regimes never respond to anything less than hardball." Of course, she never meant that to be her mantra in Havana about Batista but devised it in Little Havana about Revolutionary Cuba, which since 1959 has been conveniently labeled a "rogue regime" in the U. S. while the rogue Batista/Mafia regime that preceded it is heralded as having been a marvelous, wonderful government!!! And that is why, from 1989 till today, tax dollars and self-serving laws flow from Congress in Washington to make Little Havana more-and-more richer & powerful while making Havana more-and-more weaker & less powerful. Indeed, hardball in favor of Little Havana and against Havana has evolved into a vast & lucrative Cottage Industry in the United States of America, especially since 1989...when superpower politicians like the Bush dynasty began to partake in the spoils of Little Havana rule in Miami just as superpower politicians & businesses in the 1950s partook so greedily in Batista's Cuba when it was all-greed-all-the-time!!
    For sure, Ros-Lehtinen in the U. S. Congress for three decades mentored many other powerful Little Havana stalwart politicians such as the Diaz-Balart brothers Lincoln and Mario.
      And for sure, even above the Diaz-Balart brothers Lincoln & Mario, the most powerful disciple mentored by Ileana Ros-Lehtinen has been Little Havana's prized darling, Senator Marco Rubio. During Trump's four years as President, Rubio dictated the USA's Cuban policies and during the first+ year of Biden's Presidency, Rubio has co-dictated the USA's Cuban policies with the equally zealous and controversial Newark-based Cuban-American, Senator Bob Menendez.
     Within the bowels of the U. S. democracy, it is not very democratic that two extreme anti-Cuba/PRO-Little Havana zealots -- Democrat Senator Menendez and Republican Senator Rubio -- are allowed to dictate the USA's Cuban policies...much like in the 1950s when the USA permitted Fulgencio Batista and Meyer Lansky to dictate Cuba as long as they permitted U. S. businessmen to also rob Cuba blind right till the Cuban Revolution changed things on January 1, 1959.
    And, as this photo illustrates, from her throne in Little Havana to this day Ileana Ros-Lehtinen continues to make sure that only extreme anti-Castro zealots like Maria Salazar make it from Miami to the U. S. Congress. Thus, for the past year Maria Salazar has used her perch in the U. S. Congress to project her extreme Little Havana views.
        Of course, Congresswoman Maria Salazar...the latest Little Havana darling in Washington...can go on National Television any hour of the day or night, without any rebuttal whatsoever, and say things such as, "There is no Embargo against Cuba!!!"
      Interestingly enough, during her three-decade stint as a Superstar TV anchor for Miami television stations/networks, Maria Elvira Salazar had two interviews with Fidel Castro, 25 years apart...including one of the last he gave before his death at 90 in 2016. You Tube provides those interviews, including the 46-minute one above. {Tap to watch; it is in Spanish, and very interesting}.
        Of course, the EMBARGO against Cuba began in February of 1962 and six decades later unchecked Little Havana Cuban-Americans like Maria Salazar have by February of 2022 easily  expanded into a genocidal Blockade.
       Of course, if you happen to be a brave, well-educated, and extremely decent mother trying to protect your little girl and little boy in Cuba in 2022, you know what a Blockade imposed by a large nation against families in a small nation can entail. While the U. S. media doesn't care or report what such mothers say, in this second week of February in 2022 Cuban mothers in Cuba are using their own Media News platforms and Social Media pages to explain that the U. S. Blockade is making it impossible for Cuban mothers to, for example, get enough milk for their children, and starting in 1959 the Revolution mandated that all children on the island were guaranteed free educations through college, free healthcare for life, and...YES...free milk!!!
    As you can see above, in February of 2022 the Paris-based AFP News Agency and even U.S.-based Yahoo News are reporting that the U. S. Blockade is a key factor in keeping Cuban children from getting their normal supplies of milk. Of course, it would take a brave U. S. journalist to ask Little Havana superpowers like Maria Salazar if it is acceptable...OK...if the U. S. Blockade blocks Cuban children on the island from HAVING their milk.
    As the AFP and Yahoo news agencies explain, Cuba would love to buy the milk it needs from the nearby United States, but the U. S. Blockade prevents that. So, Cuba's prime suppliers of milk are Blockaded Cuban Farmers and the faraway nation of New Zealand!!!
    On national TV in Cuba, this Cuban mother cried real tears when she said: "The lack of milk is just a microcosm of the pain the U. S. embargo causes families like mine everyday. Do the American people realize that there is practically unanimous and universal rejection of the embargo from around the world." Of course, 330 million Americans are not supposed to be brave enough or decent enough to care about this Cuban mother's tears!!!!
     And Yes, Cuban children and mothers in Havana cry too...like this sister and mother. They were waiting at the airport in Havana in 1976 for their brother and son to return from Caracas with 27 other teenage athletes who had won Gold Medals in a Central American sports tournament. But a terrorist bomb blew CUBANA FLIGHT 455 into the ocean, killing everyone on board.
     Declassified U. S. documents seem {see above} to have implicated the CIA's and Miami's two most famed Cuban terrorists.
    And prior to 1959, in Batista's Cuba, the Batistianos, the Mafiosi, and U. S. businessmen blinkly robbed the island but didn't bother to toss even a few crumbs to the non-Batista Cubans, such as this woman and the children under her care.
     Prior to the Revolutionary victory on January 1-1959, Cuba was a lucrative haven for the Mafiosi and for the U. S. businesses and for the Batistianos but a poor hellhole for Cubans not ALIGNED with Dictator Batista.
     The victory of the Cuban Revolution on Jan. 1-1959 not only shocked the world but also its longevity from 1959-2022 has shocked the world even more. And moreover, it has changed the superpower United States even more than it has changed Cuba itself.
    And if you Google the top worldwide Cuban headlines today -- on Feb. 10-2022 -- you will understand, I believe, how the Cuban Revolution has changed the superpower United States even more than it has changed little Cuba. So just for the record, here are today's HEADLINES:


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