As Cuba "Tantalizes"Counter Revolutionaries!
The image above, I believe, chronicles why America's Batistiano/Mafiosi-dictated Cuban policies defame America and Democracy more than any other issue since the United States became the USA in 1776. The three dates that crystallize that belief are: {1} 1898 when the U. S. used the bloody explosion of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor as the pretext for the Spanish-American War, which was successfully concocted to finally give the U. S., not Spain, the sole dominance over Cuba; {2} 1952 when right-wing thugs in he Eisenhower administration sicced the top echelons of the Mafia on Cuba so rich Americans could partake in the rape and robbery of the island; and {3} 1959 when the victorious Cuban Revolution chased the Batista-Mafia leaders back to U. S. soil where Little Havana in Miami became their new capital and headquarters in the decades-old quest to recapture Cuba while hiding behind the skirts of two omnipotent powers -- the USA & Democracy.
And so, you ask, "How in the hell does the image at the top of this essay remind us of how Mauricio Claver-Carone epitomizes why and how America's Cuban policies since 1898-1952-1959...take your pick of the starting point...have done more harm to America's image and Democracy's image than any other single issue since 1776?" Good question; glad you asked. First off, the depiction above of Claver-Carone as a "Democracy Advocate" is a cruel joke, the type of propaganda that has been thrust down the throats of Americans since 1959. Every day of Claver-Carone's adult life on U. S. soil has been spent as the most visceral, most successful, and most unchallenged advocate for overthrowing Revolutionary least since the Bush dynasty back in the 1980s assigned that chore to emerging billionaire Jorge Mas Canosa, one of the Cuban graduates from the Brigade 2506 class at Fort Benning that was trained to make the infamously disastrous attack on Cuba in April of 1961 that is known as the Bay of Pigs.
All his adult life Mauricio Claver-Carone has been obsessed with regime change in Cuba. Always de-emphasizing the extreme brutality and thievery of the Batista-Mafia dictatorship from 1952 till 1959, Claver-Carone is now the most prominent of the Counter Revolutionary extremists who have, for decades, gained enormous personal wealth and power in the USA even though their extreme efforts to regain control of Cuba have summarily failed and those efforts have harmed totally innocent everyday Cubans so much that the rest of the world voted 191-to-0 to grossly condemn the USA's Cuban policies in the UN in 2016, a condemnation that the decent USA President Barack Obama, in the last year of his two-term presidency, agreed with. But Obama has been replaced as President by Donald Trump, the 6th Republican U. S. President since the 1950s to be tightly aligned with the Batistiaano-Mafiosi gangs that direly, now into a third generation, still want to rule Cuba. And of those six Republican presidents since the 1950s, the unpredictable and unqualified Trump is the most dangerous when it comes to potentially using drastic military means to execute an overthrow of Revolutionary Cuba. President Trump, as expected, has turned America's Cuban policy, in the post-Obama era, back over to only the most extreme and self-serving Counter Revolutionaries. His most glaring move, which will not register with thoroughly propagandized Americans, is Trump's appointing Mauricio Claver-Carone to dictate America's Western Hemisphere Affairs. Cuba, of course, is in the Western Hemisphere and is a Foreign Country -- and those two Committees in the U. S. Congress are what Cuban-American extremists like Rubio, Diaz-Balart, Ros-Lehtinen, etc., always crave and then use to assail Cuba -- "legally," of course. But putting Claver-Carone in charge of America's Western Hemisphere Affairs while President Trump is distracted by trying desperately not to be impeached is the closest step since 1961, I believe, to the U. S. seriously considering a military strike against Cuba. Such a calamity, if it happens, would, of course, follow some appropriately concocted excuse -- which would be called "a pretext" -- perhaps not unlike the "still mysterious" explosion of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor that was used as the pretext to justify the Spanish-American War in 1898 that, at least till the triumph of the Cuban Revolution in 1959, gave Cuba to the United States and its puppets.
The current weakness of the United States democracy is personified by the above photo. When President Donald Trump can go to Little Havana in Miami and stand before a huge Bay of Pigs Brigade 2506 Assault Banner and proclaim that he is reversing all of former President Obama's sane and decent advances toward Cuba, it was up to both the U. S. citizens and the U. S. media to at least show a degree of patriotism and decency by weighing in on Trump's brazen capitulation to a handful of Counter Revolutionary extremists. But, of course, this generation of American citizens and the current American media have neither the guts nor the patriotism to question Trump on one particular topic -- Cuba. And that sadly includes the extreme left-wing media -- the NY Times, the Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, and ABC -- that are engaged in a fierce media conspiracy and coup designed to overturn the 2016 election and remove Donald Trump from the White House.
But this, I believe, is the photo that represents the biggest threat to not only Cuba but to America itself. President Trump's anointment of Senator Marco Rubio as America's new Cuban dictator will not be challenged by either this unpatriotic generation of Americans or by the current incompetent and dysfunctional left wing/right wing tilts of the present status of the media. Thus, while Trump tries desperately to avoid impeachment and depends on Miami's Little Havana extremists, Rubio is free to dictate Cuban policy for the U. S. government. Just in recent days Rubio has positioned a cadre of the most visceral and most self-serving Counter Revolutionaries in the most powerful positions to overthrow Revolutionary Cuba. And neither the American people nor the U. S. media, by and large, have either the guts or the patriotism to care.
Beyond Russia or any other topic confronting America, the prime reason President Trump should be impeached is his Cuban policy that now, for example, includes putting the extremely dangerous Counter Revolutionary extremist Mauricio Claver-Carone in charge of America's Western Hemisphere Affairs, which primarily means Cuba and ALL COUNTRIES IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE that might be supportive of Cuba. Of course, any Western Hemisphere country that will support Claver-Carone's anti-Cuban extremism can now expect lush rewards...courtesy of United States taxpayers.
The Washington Post -- now owned by Cuban-American Jeff Bezos, the world's richest man -- used the above Abel Padron photo to illustrate a major Editorial about Cuba's new Constitution that was recently drafted by its parliament. The Post, supposedly representing left-wing U. S. propaganda, defined the new Cuban Constitution as "Tantalizing." Wow!! I guess the reference was to the drastic changes Cuba's new Constitution proposes now that Cuba has a new non-Castro, non-Revolutionary President named Rafael Diaz-Canel.
The Cuban National Assembly with its newly proposed Constitution mandated that...criminal defendants are innocent until proven guilty, that marriage is between two individuals that are not necessarily a man and a woman, that private enterprises and foreign investments will constitute the hallmarks and cornerstones for improving the economy to better counteract the U. S. embargo that has existed since 1962, etc., etc. Those drafts will now be debated and then likely ratified via a referendum vote at 35,000 polling place across the island early in 2019.
Cuba's President as of April 19th, 2018, is Miguel Diaz-Canel, shown above in the lower-left at that "tantalizing" National Assembly session. Born in 1960 after the triumph of the Revolution, Diaz-Canel has elevated Homero Acosta Alvarez {center, front row} to be Secretary of the National Assembly and Salvador Valdes Mesa {right, front row} as the new First Vice President, which was Diaz-Canel's former position. Before that, Diaz-Canel was Cuba's Education Minister.
Now Cuba's Minister of Education is Ena Elsa Velazquez Cobiella, which means she is one of the most powerful Cubans. She is also beloved on the island although, with Counter Revolutionaries in control of the Cuban narrative in the U. S., Americans are told that the likes of Rubio and Claver-Carone are more interested in helping Cuba's children than Ena Velazquez is and that, of course, is typical of the damn lies that shame America far more than they shame Ena Valazquez's Cuba.
With a new President and a new Constitution, Revolutionary Cuba is quite aware that U. S. President Donald Trump has turned America's Cuban policies over to only the most extreme Counter Revolutionary extremists like Marco Rubio and Mauricio Claver-Carone. One of the responses across the island has been a plethora of large posters proclaiming "Cuba es Nuestra" -- "Cuba is Ours." And that means CUBA BELONGS TO CUBANS ON THE ISLAND, not a few self-serving Cubans in Miami and in the U. S. Congress who are newly emboldened by yet another Republican President {Trump} tightly tied to the Cuban extremists, and that is an American shame whether or not Americans have the guts or the patriotism to admit it.

Cuba's new President Miguel Diaz-Canel seems to be very popular with everyday Cubans and with long-time Cuban officials. He is shown above on July 19th honoring Josefina Vidal, the island's former top diplomat regarding all U. S. issues. Vidal is now Cuba's Ambassador to Canada.
Vidal & Diaz-Canel.
Well-known as the island's former Education Minister, President Miguel Diaz-Canel, as mentioned, is also very popular with everyday Cubans. He believes the two priorities they are demanding he concentrate on are: {1} To follow the revolutionary ideals of Fidel Castro in defending Cuban independence; and {2} to improve the decimated economy that has been harmed by the endless U. S. embargo and by what he admits are Cuba's own bureaucratic internal mistakes.
Even prior to becoming President on April 19th, Diaz-Canel had chaired meetings in which he insisted that "we need to stop wasting our time hoping the U. S. will have another president as decent as Obama and start using that wasted time to concentrate on dealing with friendly nations, including old and current friends but also the cultivation of new friends."
As the first non-Castro leader of Cuba since 1959, President Miguel Diaz-Canel will rule the island as he believes his revolutionary idol, Fidel Castro, would want him to rule it. However, Diaz-Canel, shown above paying homage at Fidel's tomb in Santiago, is aware that Cuba "must adjust to modernity, to a new digital world and continue to resist to the death the old, illegal blockade administered by the nearby world superpower. Such realistic problems, as well as ongoing nuanced ambiguities, will challenge us as before but also anew. But for the revolution's sake and for sovereignty's sake, we must be willing to perish in order to keep alive our basic ideals...namely the revolution and the independence it achieved. A return to Mafia rule...American out of the question for us, now and forever."
With a distracted, unstable, malleable, and unpredictable President Trump as Commander-in-Chief, a Marco Rubio left unchecked by the American people and by the American media as he points menacingly, cruelly, and self-servingly from Little Havana across the Florida Straits to Havana is an insult not only to innocent Cubans but especially to the United States and to Democracy. Cuba doesn't need another foreign American dictator and America doesn't need propped-up and ill-intentioned Rubio-types posing as rich choirboys as they dictate Cuban policies no democracy-loving American should tolerate or accept.
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