
The UN Vote and the Cuban Albatross

It's Around America's Neck Too!
{Updated: Friday, November 1st, 2013}
The UN voted Tuesday on the vile U. S. embargo against Cuba.
It's a yearly reminder that the entire world opposes this abomination against Cuba's people.
Of course, the Albatross is really around America's neck.
        At the United Nations in New York Tuesday {Oct. 29th} every nation in the world with the lone exception of Israel expressed its horror that the United States of America, the world superpower, has had history's cruelest and longest embargo against the Cuban people. Declassified documents prove it was instituted way back in 1962 to create hunger and deprivation on the island to induce the Cuban people to overthrow or assassinate Fidel Castro, which the United States and powerful Cuban exiles from the Batista/Mafia dictatorship had been unable to do, even with the military attack at the Bay of Pigs in 1961. America's Founding Fathers who created the world's greatest democracy would surely cringe at the past two generations of American people who have been too cowardly, too unpatriotic, too proselytized, and too stupid to raise their voices above a whimper to denounce the cruel, salacious embargo of Cuba.
           The vote at the UN Tuesday was 188-2 against the embargo. The only nation in the world that sided with the U. S. was Israel. The rest of the world understands that Israel had no choice because, since 1948, it has depended on the billions of U. S. dollars each year in economic and military aid that has enabled tiny Israel to become a powerful nuclear military power. And the whole world is amazed that the ultra-rich and ultra-powerful U. S. cannot buy off or scare off at least one other nation besides tiny, dependent Israel to support its hateful, revengeful Cuban embargo.
Israel should be ashamed that its hard-earned independence can be bought with dollar bills.
       Cuba's Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Tuesday at the UN told the nations of the world that the U. S. embargo is a genocidal act against helpless and innocent people and that the genocide against the Cuban people has been aptly defined and classified as such by not only the nations of the world but by such international directives as the Geneva Convention. Rodriguez pointed out that the United States, as it does each October, will veto the UN vote even though, in the eyes of the world, it brands the U. S. as "a world-class bully." America's capitulation to a handful of hateful Cuban exiles truly astounds the entire world!
       Cuba's Bruno Rodriguez this week told the world at the United Nations: "Our small island poses no threat to the national security of the superpower. The human damages caused by the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States against Cuba are incalculable -- at least $1.126 trillion in dollar terms and much more than that in torture terms. Seventy-six percent of Cubans on the island have lived under its devastating effects since the day they have been born. It provokes hardships and is a mass, flagrant and systematic violation of human rights. The fact that 53 years later the same policy still prevails is something extraordinary and barbaric." As he spoke those words Tuesday, the rest of the world agreed with Bruno Rodriguez. Other diplomats went to the podium to excoriate the United States for "sullying the history of mankind," "year-after-year subjecting innocent Cubans to Nazi-like tactics because it has the power to do so," "establishing and crowning the United States as the world's biggest and most publicized bully," etc., etc.
         American envoy Ronald Goddard, like a sacrificial lamb, had the unenviable task of speaking at the United Nations this week on behalf of the U. S. embargo against Cuba. Mr. Goddard insouciantly told the world:
"The United States is a deep and abiding friend of the Cuban people."  
With all due respect, Mr. Goddard, that is a lie.
And this week's vote at the UN again confirms that the entire world considers it a lie. 
President Obama should be ashamed.
We who voted for Mr. Obama should be ashamed.
We Americans who love democracy should be ashamed.

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