A Continuing Violation of International Law
{Thursday, January 9th, 2014}
The photo on the left was taken on January 1, 1959 in Santiago de Cuba. It shows Fidel Castro making his first declaration of victory over the U.S.-backed Batista-Mafia dictatorship. The guerrilla movement had remained alive in the Sierra Maestra Mountains and its foothills when as few as 30 rebels out-witted vastly superior Batista armies. By the time he made this victory speech, Fidel's rebel army numbered just over 9,000 -- many of them defectors from Batista's army. The decisive battle -- the Battle of Jigue -- lasted ten days in July of 1958 when about 300 rebels, brilliantly led by Fidel Castro and Celia Sanchez, defeated a 14,000-man Batista army that had warplanes and tanks the rebels could only dream about. After the Battle of Jigue, the Batista commander and his troops were provided water, food, cigarettes, and medical help instead of being shot. Thus, the commander and many of his men "switched sides" and fought the rest of the war with, not against, Castro. While Fidel and Celia Sanchez secured Santiago and the Sierra Maestra region, a rebel army led by Camilo Cienfuegos and Che Guevara raced far to the west with orders to capture Santa Clara. They did. On New Years Eve 1959 Batista was hosting a party when word came that Santa Clara had fallen. Fearing the advance of the rebels, Batista and his cronies already had five getaway airplanes and a plethora of ships and boats loaded and ready to flee. They did, although Camilo Cienfuegos would later say, "I was hoping as we raced from Santa Clara to Havana that the Batistianos would stand and fight us." {Top reference for this: "Revolutionary Cuba" by Terrence Cannon}

The photo above shows Cuban President Raul Castro on January 2, 2014 making a speech in Santiago de Cuba commemorating the 55th anniversary of the triumph of the Cuban Revolution. He spoke in the very same building in Cespedes Park where his brother Fidel had first announced the defeat of the Batista-Mafia dictatorship. In this speech {January 2, 2014} Raul made headlines by stating that Cuban intelligence had learned of "renewed subversive activity to undermine our island. These subversives are attempting to bring neo-colonial and neo-liberalistic thinking into Cuba. A global power is introducing new strategies. It's been 55 years of constant struggle against the plans of 11 U. S. administrations that, with varying hostility, have not stopped in their goal to recapture this island on behalf of two generations of Batista and Mafia exiles. We and those that follow us must remain vigil. We may not hold off Goliath forever but it is my hope we can for 55 more years."
This 1958 photo shows Fidel and Camilo Cienfuegoes the day Camilo left the Sierra to capture Santa Clara.
The photo above shows Fidel Castro in the thrall of victory 55 years ago this week. The bespectacled Fidel chose to hold this spontaneous news conference in front of a mural depicting the ousted dictator Fulgencio Batista astride a horse. By the time this photo was taken Batista had flown in a getaway airplane to the Dominican Republic where his friend, the brutal U.S.-friendly dictator Rafael Trujillo, ruled. Meyer Lansky and other Mafia figures in the Batista-Mafia dictatorship had fled to South Florida, where Lansky, Batista and others of their ilk already had mansions. Caribbean and South American magazines, as well as Herbert L. Matthews of the New York Times, had already reported that the "top 21 officials" in the Batista regime each had Swiss bank accounts exceeding $1 million {in 1950s dollars} and it was presumed that the bulk of their Cuban loot -- from lucrative gambling, drug, prostitution and kick-back operations -- had been forwarded to banks in the Mafia havens of Miami and Union City, New Jersey. Of course, they would later say they fled Cuba "penniless."

The Helms-Burton Act, crafted and designed to benefit a handful of visceral Cuban exiles while harming everyone else, has been an entrenched United States law since March 12, 1996. It personifies America's nefarious entanglement with the richest and most powerful remnants of the U.S.-backed Batista-Mafia dictatorship in Cuba, which was overthrown by the Cuban Revolution on January 1, 1959. And because it sates the revenge and power motives of a few Cuban exiles through two generations, the U. S. democracy has been forced to embrace Helms-Burton although it defies all aspects of International Law and, for going on two decades now, has grossly angered all of America's best world-wide friends. The Helms-Burton Act was immediately condemned by the Council of Europe, the European Union, Britain, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, and all other U. S. allies. Everyone of these governments have argued strenuously that Helms-Burton is contrary to international law and sovereignty. Unbiased sources agree that Helms-Burton was primarily authored by a tiny foreign-tinged minority strictly for their benefit and against the best interests of Cubans, Americans, and citizens of the world. So how did Helms-Burton become a steadfast law in the world's most powerful democracy? And why has it been allowed to remain such an indelible anti-democratic, anti-decency image for the United States of America? The answers attest to the power of a government-in-exile. It also reveals why the Cuban Revolution says more about the United States than it says about Cuba.
President Bill Clinton very reluctantly signed Helms-Burton into law on March 12, 1996. At the ceremony {right} benefactors -- Menendez, Ros-Lehtinen, Diaz-Balart, etc. -- hovered over President Clinton much like scavengers. Earlier in 1996 President Clinton had indicated his intention to begin the process of normalizing relations with Cuba and easing the U. S. embargo against the island that has been in place since 1962, much to the chagrin of all other democracy-loving countries. So, what brought President Clinton to that signing ceremony that all of his astute political and humane instincts opposed? Cuba and the other nations who oppose the embargo clearly remembered that a previous Democratic President -- John Kennedy in November of 1963 -- had, like Clinton, decided to begin normalizing relations with Cuba. Kennedy's efforts ended, coincidentally or not, with his assassination and, later, with the "mysterious" death of Lisa Howard, the beautiful journalist who had courageously brokered Kennedy's decision to normalize relations with Cuba. Thus, in 1996 when President Clinton was attempting to normalize relations with Cuba, it was anticipated that something major might be in the works to derail it. Those anticipations were soon realized. A series of events in the Florida straits between Miami and Havana thwarted President Clinton's plans and gave birth to Helms-Burton.
Jose Basulto was born on August 8, 1940 in Santiago de Cuba. Along with Luis Posada Carriles, Orlando Bosch, Rafael Diaz-Balart, Jorge Mas Canosa, etc., he was among the most vehemently anti-Castro exiles to emerge in Miami after the January, 1959 overthrow of the U.S.-backed Batista-Mafia dictatorship in Cuba. Like Posada, Canosa, etc., Basulto was extensively trained by the U. S. government in the bid to overthrow Cuba's new revolutionary government. Basulto, in fact, was in Cuba prior to the Bay of Pigs attack in April of 1961 to commit acts of sabotage to soften the island for the attack. He has recounted how, once the U. S. warplanes began bombing the island, he scrambled over the fences at the Guantanamo Naval Base. With the revolutionary government still in charge of the island, Basulto founded Brothers to the Rescue in 1991 and described it as a humanitarian organization with airplanes intent on locating, assisting and rescuing raft refugees emigrating from Cuba. From the outset, Cuba considered Basulto a terrorist and Brothers a terrorist organization, using the humanitarian aspect as an excuse to antagonize the island.
The above is a sanitized depiction of Jose Basulto and Brothers to the Rescue from his own book.
Basulto's airplanes operated out of Miami into the Straits of Florida but supposedly didn't violate Cuba's territorial waters or the island itself. At the start of 1996 Cuba was loudly protesting harassing flights deep into its territorial waters, which by international law extended 12 miles out from its shores. {Note the line just above the word "Havana" to designate Cuba's territorial waters}. Cuba believed the excursions were designed to provoke a confrontation that would prevent the rumored intentions of the Clinton administration to ease or end the embargo and begin the process of normalizing relations with Cuba. The Cuban government complained bitterly about the overflights to the U. S. State Department, but to no avail. Then Cuba complained bitterly to the United Nations, but again to no avail because the U. S. has a veto vote in the UN. Meanwhile, what Cuba considered gross, purposeful violations of its sovereignty continued unabated. The Cuban complaints to the State Department and the UN were mocked on radio talk shows in Miami. One particular taunt that kept resonating in Havana was the assertion that all Cuba could do was "whine" because it didn't have either the courage or the means to do anything about the overflights by Brothers to the Rescue planes. The people publicly airing those taunts knew they had the firm backing of the U. S. government.
The map on the right shows the line that indicates Cuba's 12-mile territorial limit extending out north of Havana. It has been documented that not only did Brothers airplanes violate that space but on January 9th and 13th Brothers planes even dropped leaflets that fell on the island and scared Cubans who were well aware that other small planes from Miami had often strafed tobacco fields and coastal dwellings with cannon fire! Later, one of the brothers pilots bragged that 50,000 leaflets were dropped from his plane on January 13th. It was talk radio in Miami that alerted Cuba to the fact the violations were designed to lure Cuba into a reaction that would scuttle President Clinton's plans to normalize relations. Revolutionary Cuba has not survived all these decades by providing the superpower U. S. pretexts or excuses to launch an all-out military attack on the vulnerable island. Yet, Cuba felt -- after repeated protests to the U. S. and the UN were ignored -- that it had to defend its sovereignty. On February 24th, 1996, three Brothers planes headed toward Cuba. Cuban radar showed the planes were just north of the 24th parallel when Cuba scrambled a MIG-29 and a MIG-23. The Cuban pilots were identical twin brothers -- Alberto Perez-Perez and Francisco Perez-Perez. The map above shows U. S. and Cuban radar that marked partial flights of the three airplanes, which were Cessna 337 Skymasters. Basulto himself was piloting one of the planes. The Perez-Perez brothers shot down the other two planes killing Carlos Costa, Armando Alejandre Jr., Mario de la Pena, and Pablo Morales. Basulto's plane turned and made it safely back to Miami. The incident was investigated by the International Civil Aviation Organization, which concluded that Cuba had warned the U. S. and the UN about the overflights and the ICAO also confirmed that at least on one occasion, on January 13th, a Brothers plane had indeed dropped leaflets over Havana. The ICAO also found that America's FAA had earlier warned Basulto about the possibility of getting shot down and that he replied, "You must understand that I have a mission in life to perform." It was also obvious that the U. S. radar closely monitored the Cessnas and the two MIGS on February 24th and even after two Cessnas were shot down no U. S. F-15s were scrambled from the nearby Homestead Air Force Base, apparently because the U. S. government had warned Basulto and perhaps the U. S. had determined Cuba was within its right. In any case, the U. S. chose not to challenge the MIGs.
Prior to the shoot-down of the two Brothers airplanes, President Clinton had, at least privately, expressed some admiration for and fascination with Fidel Castro. {Even as a kid growing up in Hope, Arkansas Clinton's fascination with world leaders resulted in a youthful Clinton shaking John Kennedy's hand}. Thus, at the UN as President he went out of his way to meet and shake the legendary Cuban's hand {left}. Also, unlike most U. S. politicians, President Clinton admitted that the Batista-Mafia dictatorship Castro booted out of Cuba was not exactly a "wholesome group of saints!" And he also clearly understood that the prime leaders of the exiles in Miami didn't qualify as saints either. Therefore, President Clinton at the start of 1996 fully intended to begin the process of normalizing relations with Cuba, starting with an easement of the embargo on the path to dismantling it. He believed he had the political currency to defy the powerful Miami exiles. And he did -- right up until the shoot-down of the two Brothers airplanes on February 24th, 1996. Even after that incident, quite aware of the warnings Basulto had ignored, President Clinton didn't alter his plans until the U. S. media pounded one-side of the two-sided issue, the side that loudly proclaimed that Cuba had, out of pure meanness, shot down two harmless, unarmed little airplanes that were merely in the Florida Straits to seek and rescue rafters -- nothing else. Within days, President Clinton comprehended that the shoot-down had staunchly weakened his hand and strengthened the self-serving aspects of the anti-Castro zealots in Miami, just as Cuba had suspected. Instead of ending the embargo and normalizing relations with Cuba, by the end of February, 1996 President Clinton realized that Jorge Mas Canosa, by far the richest and most powerful anti-Castro exile since his adornment by the Reagan-Bush administration back in the 1980s, was now in a position to drastically strengthen the embargo and totally destroy any hopes of normalizing relations with Cuba. Jorge Mas Canosa, not Clinton, had become more presidential than Clinton as far as Cuba was concerned. And Clinton knew it!
In South Florida there is an army of lawyers eager to represent Cuban exiles in lawsuits against Cuba. It's somewhat like shooting big fish in a small barrel because the defendant, Cuba, is not represented and city, county, state, and federal judges in South Florida tend to be anti-Castro. So, for sure, Jose Basulto {right} and a plethora of others sued Cuba in friendly Cuba-exile courts over the shoot-down of the two Brothers airplanes. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been easily won in such lawsuits although, of course, unrepresented Cuba itself doesn't pay up. The U. S. government, according to numerous unbiased sources, often helps the collectors by dipping into the U. S. treasury or procuring "frozen Cuban assets" that are routinely turned over to lawsuit winners. The families of the four Brothers pilots who died in the shoot-down collected vast sums of money. Even Jose Basulto was awarded a $1.7 million judgment. Money, for sure, was a prime motivation for the Batista-Mafia dictatorship in Cuba in the 1950s and, since 1959, has been a prime motivation for Cuban exiles, especially in South Florida. However, the twin motives of revenge and the burning desire to re-claim Cuba from the Castro brothers rival financial concerns. And that's what the Helms-Burton Act was and is all about.
Jesse Helms of Helms-Burton fame was born in the little town of Monroe, North Carolina in 1921 and, reportedly, became a good policeman and fireman. He was elected to the U. S. Senate in 1973 and stayed for thirty years, five terms, until 2003. An ultra-conservative...some say right-winger...his longevity made him a power in the Senate where his influence was enormous nationally and not just on behalf of his constituents around his hometown of Monroe. While Helms is the first name in Helms-Burton, he had little to do with crafting the calamitous law...except for his selling out to a higher power, an even more ultra-conservative Cuban exile.
Dan Burton of Helms-Burton fame was born in Indianapolis, Indiana in 1938. Since 1983 he has represented that area in the U. S. House of Representatives although, at age 75, he has announced his retirement. Like Jesse Helms, his ultra conservative/right-wing power in the United States Congress is based on his longevity thanks to the voters around Indianapolis. And like Jesse Helms, he had very little to do with crafting the calamitous Helms-Burton Act...except for selling out to a higher power, an even more ultra-conservative Cuban exile.
Jorge Mas Canosa was the architect of the Helms-Burton Act and to this day his indelible stamp dominates the negativity related to U.S.-Cuban relations. He was born in Santiago de Cuba on September 21, 1939 to a well-to-do family that sent him to North Carolina for schooling. After the overthrow of the U.S.-backed Batista-Mafia dictatorship by the Cuban Revolution in 1959, Mas ended up in Miami in 1960. Like his friend Luis Posada Carriles and other vehemently anti-Castro Cubans, Mas graduated from Fort Benning's infamous Army School of the Americas and became a major participant in the multiple attempts to overthrow and eliminate Fidel Castro forever. Before he died from lung cancer at the young age of 58 in November of 1997, Mas had been anointed by the Reagan-Bush administration as the leader of what amounted to the Cuban government-in-exile. After being advised to copy Israel's ultra-powerful Political Action Committee, Mas founded the ultra-rich-and-powerful Cuban American National Foundation that quickly in the early 1980s took over dictation of the U. S. belligerence toward Cuba. He founded Radio-TV Marti that has captured massive amounts of tax dollars to send anti-Castro broadcasts to Cuba and those tax dollars continue flowing to this day to Radio-TV Marti in Miami although Cuba continues to easily block the signals. Like most ultra-powerful Cuban exiles, Mas reportedly left Cuba "penniless" and quickly emerged as a multi-millionaire in South Florida. He and his wife had three sons in Miami and his company, Miami-based MasTEC, is today a multi-billion-dollar telecom powerhouse. The ascendancy and the legacy of Jorge Mas Canosa -- Jorge Mas Canosa Middle School is just one of his numerous memorials in and around Miami -- define the current status of U.S.-Cuban relations as well as the aftermath of having an overthrown U.S.-backed dictatorship in Cuba quickly {permanently?} reconstituting itself on American soil.
Perhaps the most definitive summation of Jorge Mas Canosa's remarkable life was written by Larry Rohter and published on November 24th, 1997 by the New York Times. It began with these words and remains readily available Online: "Jorge Mas Canosa, who came to the United States as a penniless refugee from the dictatorship of Fidel Castro and built the Cuban American National Foundation into one of Washington's most effective lobbying groups, died this afternoon at home. He was 58. Mr. Mas died of lung cancer. From the moment he arrived in Miami in 1960, Mr. Mas dedicated himself to seeking the overthrow of Mr. Castro, first as a conspirator in various armed plots and then for the last two decades in the halls of Congress. His organization was generous in its donations to office-holders willing to endorse its objectives. Many critics of Mr. Mas considered him the principle architect of an American policy they regarded as excessively rigid. Every significant piece of legislation on Cuba since 1980 has borne his imprint, from the establishment of Radio-TV Marti to last year's Helms-Burton Act tightening the economic embargo of Cuba. But his many detractors in the United States and abroad saw in Mr. Mas the same dictatorial streak, relish for power and intolerance of opposing views that characterized Mr. Castro's rule. Mr. Mas repeatedly questioned the patriotism of those who disagreed with him and threatened, in some cases, to ruin their lives or careers." {Larry Rohter; NY Times; Nov. 24-1997}
This is perhaps the most definitive photo of Jorge Mas Canosa's career. It shows him as a 2nd Lt. graduating from the infamous Army School of the Americas at Fort Benning, Georgia. He then, of course, became a part of Brigade 2506, South Florida's most vehement anti-Castro group about to be trained for the Bay of Pigs attack. In the 1950s when the U. S. began supporting dictators -- like Fulgencio Batista in Cuba, for instance -- the U. S. Army clandestinely created the School of the Americas to train selected soldiers from U.S.-backed dictatorships and then send those soldiers back to their countries to protect those dictators. Beginning in 1959 when the Cuban Revolution overthrew Batista the School of the Americas took on a new role -- training Cuban exiles to overthrow and/or assassinate Fidel Castro. The most zealous anti-Castro exiles, like Jorge Mas Canosa, were perfect fits for the School of the Americas. The true role of the School of the Americas was not revealed to the U. S. public until the 1990s, after which President Clinton held a news conference to at least apologize for it.
And after that Clinton news conference, the School of the Americas got a new name!
Of course, like Jorge Mas Canosa, Luis Posada Carriles also graduated as a 2nd Lt. from the Army School of the Americas at Fort Benning and then went on to join Brigade 2506 among his other infamous anti-Castro/CIA adventures. In a famous New York Times interview conducted by Ann Louise Bardach, Luis Posada Carriles said Jorge Mas Canosa sponsored some of his most nefarious terrorist bombing activities. He told Ms. Bardach: "Jorge controlled everything. Whenever I needed money, he said to give me $5,000, give me $10,000, give me $15,000, and they sent it to me." Posada at age 85 remains a heralded citizen of Miami after his rich political friends got him out of prisons in Venezuela and Panama and finally to the safe haven of Miami. Posada will forever be tied to such terrorist acts as the bombing of Cubana Flight 455 in 1976 that killed all 73 on board.
Next to Jorge Mas Canosa's 2nd Lt. photo, this is the most definitive photo of his career. It was taken the night President Ronald Reagan, at the behest of Vice President George H. W. Bush, anointed Canosa the leader of the anti-Castro exiles. For the rest of the 1980s and right up until his death in 1997, no one -- including Presidents and members of the U. S. Congress -- challenged Canosa when it came to America's Cuban policy. If, indeed, Canosa came to Miami "penniless" in 1960, the fact that he left his three sons a multi-billion-dollar company is more of a tangible fact than whether or not he had a "penny" when he arrived in the United States.
Jorge Mas Canosa's omnipotent power, like that of most ultra-powerful Cuban-exiles, depended on first being anointed by the Bush political dynasty. De-classified U. S. documents {see Peter Kornbluh's U. S. National Archives} reveal that George H. W. Bush's tight alignment with Cuban-exile extremists began in the early 1960s, not just in the mid-1970s when he was CIA Director or later when he was Vice President and then President. Of all the Cuban exiles who benefited from associations with the Bush dynasty {George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Jeb Bush}, Jorge Mas Canosa, from a political and economic standpoint, was easily the shrewdest and ultimately the most powerful. And that's why, as Larry Rohter of the New York Times and others have pointed out, Mas's "imprint" to this day dictates America's Cuban policy as exemplified by such ongoing controversial and unpopular acts as Helms-Burton, Radio-TV Marti, the U. S. embargo of Cuba, etc., etc.
The Bush dynasty and anti-Castro zealots have had a wildly beneficial mutual admiration society.
The rest of the world just meekly Pays the Piper.
The rest of the world just meekly Pays the Piper.
But Jorge Mas Canosa {above} also dictated Cuban policy to Democrats like President Bill Clinton.
The above photo reflects the fact that the Cuban exile domination of America's Cuban policy has now extended into a second generation. Thus, when President Barack Obama travels to South Florida now he must {above} check in for his marching orders with Miami's rich and powerful Jorge Mas Santos, the son of the late rich and powerful Jorge Mas Canosa. Jorge Mas Santos is Chairman of ultra-rich MasTek and also Chairman of the ultra-powerful Cuban American National Foundation. The Cuban Revolution and its aftermath weakened the U. S. democracy to such an extent that, beyond Jorge Mas Canosa and Jorge Mas Santos, a third generation will likely inherit that mantle because, after all, the awesome combination of money and nepotism rules supreme.
The continuation into 2014 of such anti-democratic cancers as Helms-Burton proves two things:
#1: The world's most powerful democracy should not install or support dictators.
#2: If a U.S.-backed dictatorship is overthrown, it should not resurrect itself on U.S. soil.
For further insight on Mas, Basulto, Posada, Helms-Burton, etc., these sources are excellent:
1 -- Ann Louise Bardach's book "Cuba Confidendial."
#2 -- Julia E. Sweig's book "What Everyone Needs to Know About Cuba."
#3 -- Jerry A. Sierra's History of Cuba at historyofcuba.com.

The photo above {AFP/Yamil Lage} was taken in Havana this week -- Tuesday, January 7, 2014. It shows Netherlands Foreign Minister Frank Timmermans {left} and Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez signing a series of documents finalizing agreements between the two countries related to social, political, and economic issues. The Netherlands, like all nations in the world, takes pride in its sovereignty and prefers that it, and not a foreign power, predicates how it conducts its affairs. The Helms-Burton Act -- designed to benefit only a few rich and powerful Cuban exiles -- outrages all nations around the world because it dictates that the superpower United States punishes foreign nations and companies that do business with Cuba. Helms-Burton reminds the world of imperialism, past and present. Helms-Burton creates sympathy for Cuba, enmity for America.
So...in Havana this week, the Netherlands shook hands with Cuba, defying the Helms-Burton Act.
And by the way..........
This AFP/Adalberto Roque photo was taken Friday, January 3rd, 2013 in Havana.
It shows Cubans staring at new and used cars that now can be bought and sold in Cuba.
But the prices are so astronomically high that purchases are out of the question.
This photo shows Cubans {January 3, 2013} stunned by the high prices of the cars.
Oh, well! The U. S. also experienced growing pains with, uh...capitalism.
Oh, well! The U. S. also experienced growing pains with, uh...capitalism.
29-year-old Monica Spear {above} was Miss Venezuela in 2004. She and her 39-year-old British husband Thomas Berry and their 5-year-old daughter Maya lived in the United States but were vacationing this week in Venezuela. Monday night they were driving between Merida and Caracas when a 5-man gang stopped their car. Monica and Thomas were shot dead and Maya was wounded in a robbery. Venezuela has one of the world's highest murder rates. The murder of Monica, the classic Venezuelan beauty and a successful actress, has verily stunned Venezuelans. Her death has even resulted in a meeting between President Micolas Maduro and fierce opposition leader Henrique Capriles in a mutual effort to launch a new war against rampant crime.