
US Media Lies About US Embargo on Cuba But...

...foreign Media Giants tell the truth!!

      The giant French media giant Le Monde is telling the world in October of 2024 that Cuban families on the island are reeling from food and medical shortages as well as power blackouts. And Le Monde is honest enough to blame the U. S. EMBARGO on Cuba that started in 1962 --  six decades AGO. Perhaps in October of 2024 it is time for the U. S. media to also tell the truth about the EMBARGO, which the rest of the world considers the longest economic blockade ever imposed by a powerful nation against a much-weaker nation. Le Monde explains correctly that "overcompliance" of the original terms of the EMBARGO by both the Trump and Biden administrations in the past five years have created what amounts to genocidal use of the Embargo. Below please note that Le Monde in October of 2024 correctly states that the entire world considers that, in violation of international law, the EMBARGO starves Cuba because it blocks "trade between Cuba and nationals of other countries."
       Like other foreign international giants in the media, Le Monde is able to tell the world the truth about the effects of the EMBARGO against Cuba, something the U. S. media also should be doing. If Americans would read the truth as shown this second week in October in 2024 by Le Monde they might not decade-after-decade support what others consider a genocidal blockade, which also in the eyes of many shames the United States the most.



In October of 2024 Cuban Families Are Hurting.

       In this first week in October of 2024 the headline and photo shown above were sent around the world by Reuters, which is based in London and is the world's top international news agency that still maintains the best news bureau in Cuba. Reuters has recently informed the world that Cuban families in 2024 are facing drastic food and medical shortages. Now to start October of 2024 the Reuters news agency {above} is telling the world: "Nearly half of Cuba {is} without power as blackouts deepen." 
      The U. S. EMBARGO began over six decades ago. It began when President John F. Kennedy signed Proclamation 3447 into law in 1962. Cuba claims that in October of 2024 that the EMBARGO is causing blackouts, starvation, and medical deprivations on the vulnerable island. The United States, while maintaining the EMBARGO despite worldwide condemnation including each year from the UN, claims that such problems in Cuba are caused by Cuba's revolutionary government, not the U. S. EMBARGO,  




Do Cuban Families battle food shortages in 2024?

Unfortunately, the answer is Yes!!

      Cubans on the Caribbean's largest island/nation, Cuba, know all about power blackouts as well as drastic food and medical shortages, and that includes Zaily Perez: "Please  listen to us. Don't just listen to the rich and politically powerful Cubans in Miami and Washington. Listen to us too."
        Most Cubans on the encircled island blame the U. S. EMBARGO that began in 1962, over six decades AGO, and in 2024 its affects have been worse than ever.
     As of October 1st in 2024 the dire problems for Cuban families on the island have been duly reported by FirstPost America and other sources. Yet...the devastation continues, apparently because some rich people profit from the situation in Cuba.



Anti-Cuba Cubans Have Much Support


      This Reuters photo shows Luis Manuel Otero Alcantara at his home in Havana. As the island's most famed anti-Cuba Cuban, he is currently in jail. Next month in October of 2024 he will likely be the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in ceremonies in Norway.
     Today on September 20th of 2024 above are the Top Four Cuban Headlines flashing around the world. As you can see, Cuba is currently experiencing the most dire affects of the six-decade-old U. S. EMBARGO of the island. Thus the headlines shown above reveal that "Cuba is out of supplies and out of ideas." and "73 countries demand that the U. S. exclude Cuba from the Supporters of Terrorism List" that the U. S. uses to tighten the effects of the Embargo; and "Some Cubans Depend On Sugar Water As Food Shortages Bite." and "Jailed Cuban Dissident leader Luis Manukel Otero Alcantara wins Norwegian peace award." 
      The Reuters news agency based in London is telling the world today that the Norwegian human rights foundation has given Alcantara its top prize "for his fearless opposition to authoritarianism through art" and he will also soon receive the world's most coveted peace prize. And as Reuters points out, that designation in Norway this week means that next month in October the dissident Luis Alcantara will also LIKELY win the famed Nobel Peace Prize too.
     Of course, the Peace Prize Lovers in Norway love Cuban dissidents like Luis Manuel Otero Alcantara but they don't give a damn about Cuban mothers like the woman shown above sitting on a sidewalk trying to survive the effects of the power blackout that keeps her home dark while she alsso worries about not having enough food and safe water for her children. But Norway and far too many other rich nations in this world simply don't care about the foreign-fueled plights faced by generations of Cuban families, with 2024 reaching the top limits of this woman's despair.
     For sure, Cuba is the largest and arguably the most beautiful island nation in the Caribbean. But Cuba is not allowed to have any friends although it is surrounded by a lot of neighbors. The blockaded island's northern neighbor, the USA, influences the rest of the Caribbean and the rest of the world when it comes to Cuba. So a Cuban mother sitting on a sidewalk wondering about what's next for her children is not supposed to receive any help or even any sympathy, even from the island's neighbors.



After 62 Years the US "eases" Cuban Embargo?


     The U. S. EMBARGO has surrounded and devastated the island of Cuba for over six decades, or since February of 1962. The whole world opposes it but, of course, not Miami or Washington.

     In mid-September of 2024 above are the top Cuban Headlines circling around the world. Reuters, the world's best international News Agency that happens to be based in London, has the top headline today -- "Hundreds of thousands in Cuba without water." Back in 1962 the stated purpose of the U. S. EMBARGO on Cuba had three main purposes: {1} To create hunger; {2} to deprive; and {3} to make miserable the Cuban people to induce them to rise up and overthrow their Revolutionary government. And all three of those things have resulted, but yet the Revolutionary government in Cuba has somehow existed for over six decades...and counting.

     And now, after all of these decades, on September 17th in 2024 again study the Cuban Headlines, as shown above, that are circling around the world. Yes, the lack of safe water is a primary concern for Cuban families as headlined by Reuters in the top-left above, but also take note in the top-right that the South China Morning Post headline tells the world that "New Luxury Chinese Japanese and US cars a contrast to Cuba's classics." WOW!! Another paradox and joke for the Cuban people who can't buy enough food to eat or enough safe water to drink but in September of 2024 the U. S. has eased the EMBARGO restrictions so the island of Cuba is suddenly awash with luxury cars. WONDERFUL!!!!!
     As the Reuters article/video explains, Cuban officials "blame crumbling infrastructure and a lack of fuel" for the Revolutionary government's failure to provide safe water for its citizens. But unlike most of the U. S. media and unlike the Miami and Washington supporters of the endless EMBARGO, the Reuters article/video also blames the EMBARGO. But, of course, any journalist or government official that fails to ask Cuban mothers like the one shown above how she thinks are just lying about why she is so worried about a lack of necessities such as safe water in Cuba. Yes, the Cuban mother shown above needs to have the last word regarding who is to blame -- the EMBARGO or the Revolution.
      While the rich and powerful supporters of the EMBARGO/Blockade say that it and they are blameless for the poverty and turmoil in Cuba, many agree with the poster shown above that depicts the EMBARGO/Blockade as the longest genoicide in history ever imposed by a powerful country against any much weaker country.
      The Spainish-based international El Pais News Agency says: "Dozens of former presidents and prime ministers from around the world have signed a letter in which they convey to U. S President Joe Biden, a few months before the end of his term, a request made by others in the past to remove Cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism in which it was included under Donald Trump, reversing Barack Obama's attempt to remove it from this list as part of the restoration of diplomatic relations in 2015." Unfortunately, of course, the richest and most powerful nation in the whole world doesn't have to consider what the rest of the world thinks about the EMBARGO/Blockade of Cuba. Thus, it has existed for over six decades.


Hardships Abound for Embargoed/Blockaded Cubans!!

       The three images above show {1} A photo of a sad Cuban woman sitting on a sidewalk; {2} other sad Cubans sitting with her in the whole photo by Reuters/Alexandre Meneghini; and {3} the seminal editorial cartoon by the great Brazilian artist Carlos LaTuff that best depicts to the world the results of the dreaded and endless U. S. EMBARGO of Cuba that the red-EYED United States has surrounded Cuba with since back in 1962. The Reuters photo depicts why everyday Cubans are reeling from the unique problems that inflict them, specially the EMBARGO that remains the longest embargo/blockade in history that has ever been imposed by any powerful nation against any MUCH-WEAKER NATION.

      Above is a recent photo and headline posted for the world to see by the USA's NBC News and Yamil Lage. It too reflects the "HAPDSHIP" everyday Cubans are having, with much their problems resulting from the endless U. S. EMBARGO that began way back in 1962 and incredibly still continues now deep into SEPTEMBER OF 2024. Of course, most of the world, including the yearly vote in the United Nations, blame the EMBARGO but, Of Course, since 1962 the American people have been told that the EMBARGO has nothing to do with the dire circumstances confronting everyday Cubans each day on the island because, of course, it is all because of Cuba's Revolutionary government that, back in 1959, had the sheer audacity to overthrow the US-backed and Mafia-backed dictatorship that was indeed massively robbing and brutalizing the island's non-Batistiano approved citizens.
      On September 11th of 2024 the Business Wire -- as shown above -- along with three of America's most powerful companies Comcast, Xfinity, and United Artists even told the world about a positive happening for the Cuban people, namely a recognition "from the U. S. and Cuba to Bring the Influence of Cuban Music and Culture" to a, uh, wider worldwide audience. WOW!! When U. S. entities are brave enough to mention sosmething positive about Cuba, the world in September in 2024 should wonder what the hell IS HAPPENING!!!!


Not ALL Cuban Headlines Are Sad!!!

 ...even as Cuba tries to survive the U. S. blockade!!

    Since the triumph of the Cuban Revoluion in January of 1959, and since the U. S. imposed its endless Embargo/Blockade on Cuba in February of 1962, the Cuban Headlines in the U. S. Media have always centered on how terrible Revolutionary Cuba is, implying that the Batista dictatorship was wonderful and, of course, very friendly to its northern superpower neightbor, the United States. Well, in August of 2024 the dire situations in Cuba include food shortages {hunger}, power blackouts, and other deprivations -- which Cuba blames on the U. S. Blockade while the U. S. media and the U. S. government loudly blame on Cuba's rebel leaders, including the post-Fidel Castro leaders on the island since 2016. Yet, even in August of 2024, the Associated Press -- the largest News Agency in the U. S. -- has an excellent journalist stationed fulltime in Cuba and she actually reports fairly from the island, whether it's good or bad. Her name is Andrea Rodriguez. Her latest worldwide AP article from Cuba in August of 2024 is about something very dear to Cubans on the island, not about baseball this time but about Salsa!!
      As you can see above, the first line in Andrea Rodriguez's latest Associated Press article from Cuba says: "Socialisst Cuba, the birthplace of salsa and other rhythms that have conquered the world, is now surrendering to the invasion of South Korean pop music." The well-written and pertinent article by Andrea is important and refreshing...because it does not dwell on the blockade and the drastic deprivations affecting the people in Cuba in August of 2024.
      For sure, Cuba will always be the largest island in the Caribbean, always have Florida and the United States has its northern NEIGHBOR, and always be one of North America's most EXCITING and INTRIGUING nations and cultures.
One day PERHAPS the U. S. EMBARGO of the vulnerable island will end.

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cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story) : Note : This particular essay on  Ana Margarita Martinez  was first ...