
Dismal Economy Dooms Key Cuban Minister

      A powerful Cuban official, Economy Minister Alejandro Gil Fernandez, has been fired and now is facing criminal charges after the island's drastic financial problems are devastating everyday life in Cuba, including power blackouts and critical shortages of food and medicine. Gil appears to be a scrapegoat. He has worked tirelessly to improve Cuba's financial outlook and recently his focus has been on begging the United States to ease its six-decade-old economic Embargo/Blockade, which has been drastically exacerbated since outgoing U. S. President Donald Trump placed Cuba on the very short list of Nation's That Sponsor Terrorism. Most observes believed that Democratic President Joe Biden would quickly remove Cuba off that designation but, after over three years as President, Biden has kept it in place...apparently to appease a few very rich and politically powerful Cuban-Americans in Miami and in the U. S. Congress.
    Therefore, to close out the first week of March in 2024, above you can see the TOP Cuban Headlines flashing around the world. Of course, the Miami Herald daily produces extreme anti-Cuban headlines such as now yet another company, in this case being Airbnb, becomes the latest to be sued in Miami. But much fairer and less biased non-Miami and non-US news giants such as Reuters tell the world real Cuban news such as Cuba now sacking Economic Minister Gil in a week in which Cuba also begged the UN for "food aid" when the Cuban government admitted, for the first time during the endless Embargo/Blockade, that it was having trouble providing free milk for its young children "ages zero to 7." While international non-US news agencies, such as London-based Reuters, are the best sources for updates regarding Cuba, today -- on March 8th-2024 -- below the U.S.-based ABC News TV Network actually provided a fair update on the dismissal of Economic Minister Gil by the Cuban government.
   The photo above shows Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel talking with Cuban Economic Minister Alejandro Gil when Gil was in charge of saving the Cuban Economy from total disasters after the Trump & Biden adminstrations have drastically tightened the already tragic U. S. Embargo that began against Cuba in 1962. Now, in March of 2024, President Diaz-Canel needs a powerful scrapegoat after admitting the power blackouts and the shortages of food and medicine are devastating Cuban families on the island. And it appears that the scrapegoat is Gil.
      As shown above, for the past five years ALEJANDRO GIL has worked tirelessly begging the United States to ease the EMBARGO/Blockade that was starving and deprving Cuban children and women the most. Headlines such as the one above reported that fact: "Alejandro Gil: "We are prepared to take advantage of any economic opening with the U.S, but it doesn't depend on us." Indeed, while doing everything he could to save Cuba's economy, Alejandro Gil recently resorted to begging the U. S. to ease the EMBARGO/Blockade but, as shown above, the U. S. refused to listen to his plea.
     And now Alejandro Gil is being charged and scrapecoated by the Cuban government because he could not persuade the United States, the strongest nation in the world, to ease the endless economic U. S. blockade of the island. It was an impossible task for Gil to accomplish and to blame him was and is unfair.
     The Reuters headline and photo shown above revealed to the world that a great journalist named Nelson Acosta reported from Havana that Cubans such as the woman shown on the right were facing starvation and deprivation because of the U. S. refusal to ease the Blockade.  That report from Nelson Acosta, as you can see, was on July 22nd of 2023 with the worldwide headline: "Cuban economy minister says no quick fix to devastating crisis." That diligent Economy Minister was Alejandro Gil and today -- on March 8th of 2024 -- that decent man Alejandro Gil is being the scrapegoat because he could not do the impossible, meaning that he was unable to persuade the U. S. to ease the EMBARGO/Blockade.
      Since 1962 millions upon millions of concerned people at the U. N. and elsewhere have begged the U. S. to end or to at least ease the EMBARGO that sourrounds the vulnerable and neighboring island of Cuba. And now, in March of 2024, it appears that a decent man -- Alejandro Gil -- is being unfairly persecuted in Cuba because he could not persuade the strongest nation in the world to ease the EMBARGO


US Media & the Blackouts & Starvation in Cuba!!

 Six Decades+ After the Cuban Revolution

   In the spring of 1959, three months after the triumph of the Cuban Revolution ousted the Batista dictationship, Fabiola Santiago was born in Matanzas, Cuba. By 1980 she was a powerful journalist at the Miami Herald on the way to becoming its prime Columnist and Editorial Writer. And the USA's most famed book publisher, Simon & Schuster, has published her books in multiple languages. And since 1980 Fabiola Santiago has been fiercely powerful by benefiting marvelously in her constant anti-Cuban diatribes...from 1980 till TODAY, March 5tth of 2024.
    And so, on March 5th of 2024 above you can see, view, study, and absorb the latest unchallenged anti-Cuban diatribe from Fabiola Santiago in the Miami Herald. Of course, because she is Fabiola Santiago, no one is brave enough to challenge her -- EXCEPT foreign journalistic giants such as Reuters, BBC, etc.
    Today -- March 5th of 2024 -- the photo above is flashing around the world thanks to the international reach of the BBC. The photo illustrates today's BBC update on the fact that Cuba, direly impacted by the six-decade-old U. S. EMBARGO/Blockade of the nearby island, is currently having starvation problems, especially trying to feed its little children.
    The BBC photo & article above starts out by reporting that Cuba, for the first time, is begging the UN and the World Food Programme to help its "children under seven years of age." 
     Unlike the Miami Herald and the rest of the U. S. media, the BBC today is brave enough to mention that Cuba "continues to blame the ongoing US sanctions for the dire state of its economy but critices say government mismanagement is behind the current econnomic crisis -- the worst in three decades." At least the BBC, unlike the U. S. media, is fair enough to report that there are, indeed, two reasons for children in Cuba starving today...and one of the reasons is the endless U. S. EMBARGO/Blockade of the nearby, very vulnerable island. And, of course, the U. S. companies famously partook of the vast and lucrative rape-and-robbing of Cuba back in the 1950s prior to the victory of the Cuban Revolution in 1959. PERHAPS one day Fabiola Santiago and the Miami Herald might publish a tiny Editorial that mentions the historic pre-revolutionary rape and robbery of Cuba by U. S. companies, the Mafia, and the Batistianos...and perhaps even contrast the endless EMBARGO/Blockade with what happened in Batista's Cuba fefore 1959.
   Above today on March 5th of 2024 is the photo and headline that the London-based Reuters, the world's best News Agency, is flashing around the world. And this factual article is written by Nelson Acosta and Marc Frank, two of the world's greatest journalists who have been writing from Cuba for Reuters for many years. Today this report is telling the world about the power blackouts that Cubans across the island are routinely having. A great News Agency such as Reuters routinely reports on such US-Cuba relations...while also explaining the Cuban problems that also massively involves the endless U.S. EMBARGO/Blockade.
       Yes, US-Cuba Relations include many historic things -- significant events that include the brutal Batista dictatorship, the Blockade and EMBARGO that have existed since 1962, and the Photo shown above to the world today by the BBC-- on March 5th of 2024. It is a Photo that illustrates to the world that Cuban children in Cuba have hunger problems. Unbiased worldwide news sources, such as the BBC and Reuters, believe that childhood food shortages in Cuba constitute a problem not only for Cuba but also for the world, including the neighboring United States.
    No Blockade of any small country by any large country should have lasted six decades, and the Blockade depicted above has existed since 1962...as it continues into March of 2024.


Cuba Starts March-2024 Trying to Survive Embargo

      Cuba's President Miguel Diaz-Canel started this new month of March of 2024 by telling anyone who would listen to him that the island nation is having trouble living up to the Cuban's Revolution's promise to provide needed food for the island's people, especially its children. Diaz-Canel blames the U. S. Embargo/Blockade that began in 1962 and has been greatly tightened since the Trump and Biden administrations in Washington have "wickedly placed Cuba on its very short list of nations that sponsor terror." The photo above shows the Cuban President speaking this first week in March of 2024 to a receptive and important person -- Alicia Barcena, the Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affairs.
    President Diaz-Canel talks above with Mexico's Alicia Barcena, an important friend, and he reminds her that "Cuba has only one enemy but that is the United States, and that means the rest of the world that wants to keep our children from starving are not allowed to help them." 
         The above photo from the Cuban media in the first week of March in 2024 shows Cuban President Diaz-Canel holding a meeting in Havana with important U. S. citizens that are also apparently concerned with "the plight of the Cuban people at this crucial time." 
      As shown above today -- on March 4th of 2024 -- powerful worldwide News Agencies based in Paris and London are informing the world that "Cuba, for the first time since winning the Cuban Revolution in 1959, is now begging the United Nations and others as the island tries to keep its people, especially the children, from the throes of hunger." 
      The U. S. EMBARGO against Cuba began in 1962 and now in March of 2024 for the first time, after Cuba has been put in the ultra-punitive Trump-Biden List of Nation's That Sponsor Terrorism, Cuba is forced to beg the UN and others for help in feeding its people in Cuba.
      In this crucial war-torn month of March-2024 both Cuba and the United States need all the friends they can hope to get but, as shown above, prime U. S. enemies use their most powerful news agencies, such as Russia's RT, to remind the world about headlines such as "US-sanctioned country {Cuba} asks UN for help to feed children...Cuba has asked the World Food Programme for donations of powdered milk." Above, to illustrate its headline, Russia's RT News Network quotes the respected Spanish EFE News Network to explain how the renowned U. S. sanctions againsst Cuba are depriving Cubans in Cuba of much-needed food.
     Of course, in March of 2024 it is not expected that the Cubans in Miami and the Cubans in Havana will be friendly neighbors anytime soon. And the rest of the world suffers from that dire fact, and not just people in Miami and Havana!!!


Cuba Begs UN for Help As US Sanctions Starve Cubans!!!


     As Cuba's Interior Minister, Betsy Diaz works tirelessly to protect Cuban families from what she calls "the genocidal designs of the U. S. blockade." And now, for the first time, the Cuban government is allowing Betsy Diaz to beg the UN for help "as whole Cuban families are suffering more than ever as the blockade deprives them from basic food and medicine, meaning that the blockade is now working for the United States better than ever as it assaults Cubans, especially children and women who have lived all their lives under cruel U. S. sanctions." On this first weekend in March of 2024, non-U.S. international news sources, such as the BBC, are sending such startling headlines as this around the world: "CUBA ASKS UN FOR HELP AS FOOD SHORTAGES WORSEN."
    As you can see above, the worldwide reach of the BBC is explaining to the world on this first weekend in March of 2024 that Cuba is taking the "unprecedented" step of begging the UN for help as the extreme results of "United States imposed sanctions, which exacerbated shortages on the island." In March of 2024 Cuba is particularly concerned with shortages of vital things such as milk, telling the UN: "...with interior commerce minister Betsy Diaz warning earlier this month that deliveries for children aged six months to two years had been delayed." Since 1959, the year that the Cuban Revolution overthrew the U.S.-backed & Mafia-backed Batista dictatorship, Revolutionary Cuba has prided itself in offering free food for all Cubans and free education thtrough college for all Cubans. But now at the start of March of 2024 Cuba, for the first time, Cuba is begging the UN for help as the vulnerable island blames the tightened U. S. Embargo, which began in 1962, for creating hunger problems -- "shortages" -- as Cuba tries to make sure that its most vulnerable children can have their guarantied food, especially things such as powdered milk for the youngest children.
    From 1953 until the first weekend of March of 2024, Cuba has used historic photos as the two shown above to explain why the Cuban Revolution felt it had to overthrow the Batista dictatorship. The photos above were taken in Batista's Cuba in the early 1950s when anti-Batista rebels -- especially outraged young women such as Celia Sanchez, Vilma Espin, and Haydee Santamaria -- believed that everyday Cuban women and children were left with nothing...including no food, no education, and no decent homes...while the Batistianos, the Mafiosi, and rich U. S. businesses were making obscene fortunes in Cuba from wild tourism, gambling, drugs, prostitution, etc., etc.
     From the start of the Cuban Revolution in 1953 till its victory in 1959, Cuban women such as Vilma Espin, Celia Sanchez, and Haydee Santamaria were at the forefront of the anti-Batista efforts as prime recruiterss of rebels and supplies, as prime guerrilla fighters and also prime decision-makers. And when victory was theirs starting in 1959, these three particular Cuban women remained prime decision-makers in Revolutionary Cuba.
    Above this Bohemia Magazine photo/caption shows Celia Sanchez standing in the doorway of a comannd center to tell rebels in early 1958 that "we will begin capturing and holding towns and cities in the foothills of the Sierra Maestra Mountains and then continue doing that until we drive northwest all across the island all the way to HAVANA!!" In the last three days of 1958 Celia's strategy and prediction came true when the rebels captured Santa Clara, the final major city leading to Havana, a historic victory that made dictator Batista race to his gold-ladened getaway airplane to flee the island on NEW YEARS MORNING on January 1st of 1959.
     Yes, women like Haydee Santamaria and Celia Sanchez were prime guerrilla fighters, prime recruiters, and prime decision-maker throughout the entire Cuban Revolution.
     Both during the Revolutionary fighting and then as leaders in Revolutionary Cuba, Fidel Castro made sure that the prime decision-makers were Cuban women such as the two sitting beside him above -- Celia Sanchez and Haydee Santamaria. For that reason, starting in January of 1959 the prime new and most everlasting new laws in Cuba were official and prime decisions such as The Block-by-Block Committees to Defend the Revolution, The Federation of Cuban Women, The Guarantees that all Cubans Will Have Free Food and Free Educations Through College, etc., etc.
    This historic photo truthfully reflects that Celia Sanchez, with Fidel Castro's permission, was the prime decision-maker during the height of the fighting during the Cuban Revolution. This photo shows Celia holding a candle so Fidel can read a book while she writes down battle plans, which Fidel by daylight that morning would routinely approve. This photo shows the caution deep in the Sierra Maestra Mountains at the secretive rebel camp that Batista's U.S.-supplied spotter airplanes and bombers were trying to locate...and bomb. Campfires were not allowed but this candle was rigged up for Celia and Fidel.
     And then in Revolutionary Cuba this definitive photo reveals that Celia Sanchez was still, with Fidel Castro's total permission, the prime decision-maker in Cuba. This photo typically shows Celia busy writing down laws for Cuba that Fidel will later 100% support. Please note that while Celia was writing down those rules, Fidel had his shoes off as he leisurely relaxed in his rocking chair on the front porch.
      This montage above shows some images of Celia Sanchez, the prime force in the Cuban Revoiution and in Revolutionary Cuba.
    On January 11th of 1980 Celia Sanchez died of cancer at age 59. But till this day in March of 2024 because her Revollution still rules Cuba,  she remains the greatest "Flower" of the nation of Cuba and of the Cuban Revolution. For that reason it is appropriate that two Celia Sanchez quotations best define her Revolution, as shown below:
       "We rebels...get far too much credit for winning the Revolution. Our enemies deserve most of the credit, for being greedy cowards and idiots."
"Tired old rebels like me, I reckon, are still out-gunned and out-numbered. We can make history but we still don't get to write it." CELIA SANCHEZ MANDULEY
     In this first week of March in 2024 a dedicated disciple of Celia Sanchez is Betsy Diaz. Like Celia who fought dictator Batista on behalf of Cuban children in the 1950s, Betsy today is fighting the U. S. Embargo/Blockade to try to make sure that Cuban children don't starve.
It seems that the EMBARGO usually wins!!
     But, as you can see above, on March 1st of 2024 this photo/caption in Cuba News shows that Betsy Diaz has just won a battle against the EMBARGO. Thanks to Betsy we know this slice of good news: "The arrival of a ship from Brazil, with 375 tons of powdered milk, guarantees distribution for children zero to six..." And for such reasons on this first weekend in March of 2024 I equate the child-loving Betsy Diaz of today with the legendary child-loving Cuban rebel Celia Sanchez.

cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story)

cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story) : Note : This particular essay on  Ana Margarita Martinez  was first ...