
US Greed Craved CUBA

From Jefferson To Biden!!

     Since 1492, the year Columbus discovered Cuba and wrote in his diary that the island is the most beautiful sight these eyes have seen, all the imperative powers in the world have coveted taking control of Cuba. That included the nearby United States that, by the 1800s, had also developed a salacious obsession in controlling and exploiting Cuba's lush potential and its extremely strategic geographical location, as you can see by a sampling of the historic quotations listed above. In 1898 the U. S. concocted the Spanish-American War to capture Cuba from the weakened Spanish empire, and the U. S., among other things, by 1903 had taken the plush Guantanamo Bay port, made it legal to use its military on the island whenever it chose, etc., etc.
      Starting in 1898 the United States had a grand opportunity to make Cuba the greatest Democracy in the Caribbean's history. But in the 1930s, the 1940s, and the 1950s the powers-that-be in the United States decided they wanted a U.S.-friendly dictatorship in Cuba...determining that a Democracy in Cuba would make sure that most of the island's natural resources would be devoted to helping Cubans on the island, not reserved for rich U. S. businessmen. The photo above is one that Americans are not supposed to understand. It shows U. S. businessman Edmund Chester with Cuba's brutal and thieving dictator Fulgencio Batista. During Batista's two stints as Cuba's brutal and thieving dictatorship from the 1930s into the 1950s, prime U. S. businesses and businessmen reaped huge fortunes...to the detriment of everyday Cubans on the island and to the reputation of the United States democracy.
      After his first stint as Cuba's thieving and brutal dictatorship, the ultra-rich Fulgencio Batista retired and had a mansion in South Florida where he became dear friends with ultra-rich Mafia kingpins, notably Meyer Lansky who was top Mafia kingpin Lucky Luciano's financial czar. At one point in South Florida Meyer Lansky mentioned to Cuba's retired dictator Fulgenicio Batista, "You know, Fulgenicio, I have always wanted the Mob to own its own country." Well, that thought evolved into Batista's second Cuban dictatorship starting in 1952...which was Mafia-riddled and far more brutal and thieving than Batista's first dictatorship. The photo above shows Meyer Lansky leaving one of his Havana hotel-casinos with that night's satchel-full of loot. The photo is emblematic of the vast fortunes that Mafia kingpins and U. S. businessmen were raking in starting in 1952...with the U. S. government making sure that massive tourists from the U. S. to Cuba were indulging in Mafia schemes such as gambling, drugs, prostitution, etc. There, however, was one mistake that Batista, the Mafia, and the U. S. made: They didn't bother to throw some crumbs to the majority Cubans who were not involved with the wholesale rape and robbery of the island; OF COURSE, the belief was that there was no need to toss some crumbs to the majority of Cubans because, after all, Batista had his own strong army and police force and Batista was backed by the strongest nation in the world, the United States, and by the strongest criminal organization in the world, the Mafia.
     As far as the U. S. media and U. S. historians are concerned, photos such as the two depicted above didn't exist in Batista's Cuba DURING THE 1950s...but very emphatically they did exist and, in fact, defined Batista's Cuba in the 1950s. While the Mafia and U. S. businesses were making obscene fortures in Cuba, there was no need to even toss some crumbs to the majority Cubans, like those shown above. No education, no healthcare...no nothing for the peasants!!!
    Thus, by 1952 virtually every one of the majority peasants in Cuba supported Fidel Castro's Revolution that was designed to boot the Batistianos, the Mafia, and the United States off the island. Incredibly, on New Year's Day in 1959 it succeeded and shocked the world!!! And at the end of JULY of 2023, almost seven years after Fidel Castro died at age 90 in 2016, the United States IS STILL TRYING TO OVERTHROW THE Cuban Revolution!! Thus the Cuban Revolution and its LONGEVITY remain two of the most amazing feats of all-time!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Cuba Wildly Celebrates July 26th-1953!!!


     Today is JULY 26th of 2023. In Revolutionary Cuba JULY 26 of 1953 has become the most important National HOLIDAY and it particularly has been wildly celebrated today!!!
   Any honest history of the Cuban Revolution begins with "THE MONCADA  ATTACK" that took place on JULY 26th of 1953. It was the day a young lawyer named Fidel Castro and 134 other lightly armed rebels attacked dictator Batista's heavily armed Moncada Garrison in Santiago de Cuba, which was 500 miles southeast of Havana. Almost all of the rebels were quickly killed or captured, including Fidel Castro who was captured and sentenced to Batista's Isle of Pines prison. But in May of 1955 Fidel Castro, hated by Batista but worshipped by the majority peasants on the island, was released. Believing that Batista's murder squads would immediately be on his trail, Fidel Castro...especially of the ultra-heroine Celia Sanchez...was whisked from one Safe House to the other before he escaped the island and regrouped in Mexico, from where left to join up with Celia Sanchez's viable revolution that was taking place in the Sierra Maestra Mountains and its foothills in the Southeastern tip of Cuba in and around the city of Santiago de Cuba.
      Back in Santiago de Cuba today -- JULY 26th-2023 -- Cuba's President Miguel Diaz-Canel delivered a powerful speech before a huge crowd and a nationwide radio and television audience, as shown above. As you see in this portion of the speech he stressed "brutal and genocidal U. S. blockade that has tried to starve us since 1962, but those of us who honor the Moncada Attack on July 26th of 1953 will never let foreign criminals deter what the Moncada attackers started so violently."
     As the captions above reference, in these portions of the Moncada speech today, President Diaz-Canel stressed that "...the immoral aims and resources of the United States to this day assualt what the Moncada attackers gave to us, which was the hope that earlier great independence fighters like Jose Marti and Antonio Maceo had died fighting for on Cuban soil against the immoral quests of foreign criminals."
   This image shows that President Diaz-Canel's speech was before a massive crowd in Santiago de Cuba today, and the national television coverage frequently panned around to show the number of eager viewers. In the backdrop was the historic yellow building that, back on JULY 26-1953 was a Batista military garrison attacked by Fidel Castro's rebels, but now on JULY 26-2023 the sparking yellow building is a refurbished School Building.
    Today -- on JULY 26 of 2023 -- two of the still-living revolutinary generals that had participated in the Moncada Attack on JULY 26-1953 repeatedly applauded the Moncada speech delivered by President Miguel Diaz-Canel.
        Of course, after the Moncada Attack became Batista's most coveted and famed prisoner. From July of 1953 till May of 1955 Fidel Castro was in Batista's prison on the Isle of Pines.
     But this photo taken in February of 1957 is the first photo that shows Fidel Castro with Celia Sanchez, and it was the day that she gave him his post-Moncada/post-Prison/post-Mexico telescopic revolutionary rifle. From that day in February of 1957 until January of 1959 Fidel and Celia paired up as the two prime creators and movers that produced the triumph of the Cuban Revolution.
     Even after the Castro brothers, Che, Camilo, etc., joined her revolution against Batista, Celia Sanchez -- always supported 100% by Fidel Castro -- made the revolutionary decisions that ended up defeating Batista. And, as shown above, she proudly wore the JULY 26 Moncada patch on her arm.
    After the triumph of the Cuban Revolution on January 1, 1959, Celia Sanchez remained the prime decision-maker in Revolutionary Cuba till the day she died of cancer on January 11, 1980 at age 59. Even after her death, Fidel Castro continued to rule Cuba only as he believed Celia would have wanted him to rule it. Celia, for one thing, renamed the Isle of Pines to its current name of Isle of Youth. It was on the Isle of Youth one morning that Lee Lockwood took the definitive photo above, which shows Celia dutifully writing down some revolutionary rules while Fidel relaxes in a rocking chair with his shoes off. She well knew that whatever rules she wrote down would later be fully supported by Fidel, which was the case in Revolutionary Cuba until the day he died at age 90 on November 25, 2016.
     And so, today on Cuba's National Holiday of JULY 26th in 2023, it is appropriate, I think, to remember that Celia Sanchez's quotation {above} best defines the Cuban Revolution from Cuba's perspective: "We rebels...get far too much credit for winning the Revolution. Our enemies deserve most of the credit, for being greedy cowards and idiots."
     But the factual truth is that Fidel Castro, who had intimate knowledge of the Cuban Revolution, always said that "Most OF THE CREDIT FOR WINNING IT SHOULD GO TO CELIA SANCHEZ."
    And also remember that, while Fidel Castro always gave most of the revolutionary credit to Celia Sanchez, he once told journalist Carlos Franco that "The other two most important revolutionary leaders were Vilma Espin and Haydee Santamaria for what they did as recruiters of men and supplies as well as being dedicated fighters and decision-providers that kept us motivated. We men looked to them, not to ourselves, for the directions about how to reach all the way from the Sierra Maestra Mountains to the capital of Havana. The victory, most of all, was because of those three women."


Yes, It is STILL Fidel Castro's Cuba!!

At Least Until His Revolution Is Overturned!! 

    This photo was taken today -- JULY 25th-2023 -- in Santiago de Cuba, the former Capital of Cuba that is on the island's far southeastern coast. "Llegar a Santiago es venir a ti"/"Getting to Santiago is coming to you." This well-known visitor from the current Cuban Capital of Havana, 540 miles to the northwest of Santiago, is shown today taking the bittersweet walk to Fidel Castro's tomb.
    As long as Fidel Castro's Cuban Revolution rules Cuba, which it has done since 1959, the Caribbean's largest island will remain Fidel Castro's Cuba. Contrary to what Americans believe and are constantly told, that is a fact that permeates Cuba on JULY 25th of 2023.
    At age 90 on November 25th in 2016, Fidel Castro died in Havana. But 540 miles away in Santiago de Cuba is his Resting Place because that is near where he was born on August 13th in 1926 in Biran and very close to where, when he was a young lawyer in Havana, he began his Cuban Revolution to overthrow the Batista dictatorship.
     To this day on JULY 25th-2023 the image shown above recalls fond memories of the Fidel Castro millions of Cubans remember. This is the Fidel Castro standing tall on a rocky cliff high in the Sierra Maestra Mountains toting a heavy backpack with his rifle at his side. For Americans trying to figure out how in the world the Cuban Revolution has ruled Cuba from JANUARY 1st of 1959 till JULY 25th of 2023, they should understand this fact: Most Cubans in Cuba have supported this image of Fidel Castro, and many of them have been willing to die to preserve it. If this was not so, Fidel Castro would not have shocked the world by winning his Revolution in 1959, and also his Revolution would not have been able to shock the world since 1959 BY KEEPING CONTROL OF CUBA UNTIL THIS DAY -- JULY 25TH OF 2023.
Still Fidel's Cuba in JULY of 2023.


Cuba Begs for U.S. Trade, Not Russian Trade!!


    While the U. S. media since 1959 has claimed that Revolutionary Cuba seeks trade with U. S. enemies and competitors such as Russia, in late JULY of 2023 Cuba's powerful Economic Minister Alejandro Gil Fernandez says the exact opposite is true: "Of course, since 1959 we have tried to make the United States, our close neighbor, our top economic partner, not nations that are thousands of miles from our shores. We would be stupid not to seek that economic course with the U. S., but the U. S. blocks that from happening with firm Cuban policies that include the embargo and all other means to starve us into submission."
     On JULY 22nd of 2023 above are the Top Five Cuban Headlines circling around the U. S. and the World. Note that, as usual, the U. S. media remains obsessed with headlines that tend to suggest that the Superpower U. S. government and 340 million U. S. citizens should, in the summer of 2023, finally finish off its 64-year quest to overthrow the Cuban Revolution that in 1959 overthrew a U.S.-backed dictator named Batista. But if you skip past the U. S. media's obsession with Cuba, in the Top-Left above you might want to dial up the Reuters Headline on JULY 22nd of 2023. Reuters, based in London, is an internationally famed News Agency that has reporters in Cuba and actually is not obsessed with just overthrowing the Revolution.
    So here is the Cuban Headline on JULY 22nd-2023 that involves a key and updated Cuban situation/position as written about by Nelson Acosta, a fair Reuters journalist reporting from Cuba, not from Miami or Washington.
   As you see above, on JULY 22nd-2023 the Nelson Acosta/Reuters article permitted Cuba's Economic Minister Alejandro Gil to speak about Cuba's economy, in contrast to the U. S. media that generally only permits Counter Revolutionaries in Miami and Washington to speak about Cuba. Thus, above, Reuters allowed Alejandro Gil to explain how & why Cuba's economy is growing "less than 2% this year and remains 8 percentage points below pre-pandemic levels, while production in sectors such as agriculture, mining and manufacturing was further behind, Economy Minister Alejandro Gil said on Saturday." And Acosta was reporting on that today -- Saturday, JULY 22nd, 2023.
   In addition to the London-based Reuters News Agency, OnCuba News, which has reporters and offices in both Miami and Havana, reports fairly about Cuba. For example, OnCuba News, as shown above, reported on Cuba's Economic Minister Gil Alejandro's repetitive statement that Cuba desires peaceful trade and economic relations with the United States: "We are prepared to take advantage of any economic opening with the U. S., but it doesn't depend on us." Of course, that dire quotation doesn't compute with the U. S. media's narative regarding Cuba so Americans are not supposed to see it, but the U. S. media since February of 1962 has repeatedly told Americans WHY the U. S. must maintain its ECONOMIC EMBARGO decade-after-decade-after-decade!!
A Wonderful World-Wide View!!
Since 1962!!!!!!!


Miami Targeting Havana 1959 Till July-2023

     Not by choice but by geography the cities of Miami and Havana have been close. Since the triumph of the Cuban Revolution in January of 1959, the two cities have been bitter enemies, with Miami leading the U. S. efforts to change the Revolutionary regime in Havana. And now on JULY 21st of 2023 it appears Miami has finally discovered some more dire reasons that the United States should FINALLY eliminate the Rebels in Havana!!!!!
    Today -- on JULY 21st-2023 -- CBS News in Miami is headlining the news that "The Return of the Russians" is the prime reason that the United States should finally put an end to Revolutionary Cuba, which incredibly has somehow survived into its 64th Year.
     Today CBS News Miami is upset that this ubiquitous Russian ship is docked in Havana Harbor.
     And also today -- late in JULY of 2023 as Russia's War in Ukraine rages on into a second year -- CBS News Miami is upset that these two long-time friends are discussing the situation as it concerns Russia, the United States, and Cuba. Of course, as Americans well know from decades of photos of these two old Foreign Ministers -- Rodriguez of Cuba and Lavrov of Russia -- this is a delicate discussion between Cuba's and Russia's two foreign spokesmen as they face the current situations.
     And as if tying Cuba so tightly to Russia is not enough, CBS News Miami today is also upset that the two leaders of China and Cuba are currently discussing the crucial situations that involve the three top nuclear Superpowes -- United States, China, and Russia -- as well as poor little Cuba. Supposedly it all harkens back to October of 1962 when then the only two nuclear powers -- the U. S. and Soviet Union -- almost began World War Three because of Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba. But on JULY 21st of 2023 there happens to be a Russian ship in Havana as well as a U. S. nuclear submarine in Guantanamo Bay in Cuba...and all the while the U. S., Russia, Cuba, and the entire world wonder what Mighty China will do about everything that is transpiring.
   Not surprisingly today, CBS News Miami used the lengendary Otto Reich to stress how direly important the Russian ship docked in Havana tips the balance regarding what the United States should do about the 64th Year of the Cuban Revolution's rule in Havana. While Otto Reich was born 77 years ago {in 1945} in Havana, Cuba, he has amassed his fame and fortune as a prime...some say the prime...orchestrator of the U. S.  policy regarding Cuba since 1959 and particularly since the Ronald Reagan presidency.
    When President Ronald Reagan wanted the most vehement Counter Revolutionary Cuban-born zealot to direct the USA's Cuban policy, Reagan turned to Otto Reich, as shown above.
     But, of course, the zenith of Otto Reich's supreme power as the "Point Man" in directing the USA's Anti-Cuban Crusades occurred during the long stretch when he was supremely anointed by the Bush political machine. That started when George H. W. Bush was CIA Director, two-term Vice President under President Reagan, and then had his own one-term Presidency. And, of course, Otto Reich continued as the Cuban Point Man during the two-terms that George W. Bush was President and the two-terms that Jeb Bush was the Governor of Florida.
     And that brings us to the turmoil of today -- JULY 21st-2023 -- when CBS News Miami reminds us that Otto Reich is still Miami's and the USA's prime Counter Revolutionary Cuban...even long after the Reagan and Bush dynasties that empowered him. Yes, the Otto Reich that was born in 1945 in Havana 77 years ago is still very much heralded in Miami as one of Havana's prime Counter Revolutionary forces.

cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story)

cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story) : Note : This particular essay on  Ana Margarita Martinez  was first ...