51-years-old Cuban-American Marco Rubio was born in Miami. Since 2011 he has been a fixture in the U. S. Senate because he is a Counter Revolutionary extremist, the only kind of politician that Miami sends to Washington. As Miami extremists are prone to do, Rubio heads to the Senate's Foreign Relations Committee and, when Republicans lead the Senate, to the Chairmanship of that Committee. Thus since 2011 Rubio's political and economic fortunes {donations, etc.} have been attached to his being the prime promoter of Miami's prime mission...which is to dictate the USA's "CUBA POLICY." That means legalizing U. S. laws designed to help Miami and hurt Cuba.
In that milieu, please take note of the three prime U. S. media's Cuban headlines in this first week of August, 2022. The top headline, which I will address in this forum tomorrow, has an extremist Miami-lobbyist "Latin American expert" telling the world about "The folly of investing in Cuba." That, of course, means to further tighten the genocidal 6-decade-old Embargo against Cuba so Cubans on the island will be starved, deprived, and made miserable -- reasons the Embargo was legalized in 1962. The bottom headline above, which I will discuss Friday, has one of the extremist Miami-lobbyist typically defaming Cuba to glorify Miami. And the middle headline, which I will discuss now, says: "Rubio urges FBI to investigate Cuba's ties to U.S.-based anti-embargo group Bridges of Love." In other words, Marco Rubio wants the U. S. federal government to put Carlos Lazo -- the Cuban-American who founded Bridges of Love prosecuted. WHY? Because Carlos Lazo's foundation devotes its passion to helping Cubans on the island to keep from starving, being deprived, and made miserable by Miami's and Rubio's beloved EMBARGO!!
So who is Carlos Lazo, the lovely man that Marco Rubio wants the FBI to prosecute? A beloved Cuban-American professor in Seattle, Carlos Lazo now passionately devotes his life to helping Cuban families in Cuba...especially the women and children that he believes have faced genocidal assaults from a vast array of Miami-promoted U. S. policies that have been in force since 1962. During the Trump presidency, which drastically tightened the 1962 Embargo, Carlos Lazo and some of his students rode their bicycles the 3,000 miles from Seattle to Washington to beg President Trump and Congress to end or at least ease the genocide against Cuban families. Neither Trump, Congress, nor the Media paid attention. Then Carlos Lazo, upset that President Biden had not eased Trump's Cuban policies, walked the 300 miles from Little Havana in Miami to Washington to beg President Biden to end or at least ease the genocide against Cuban families on the island that appeases Miami's extremists. Again, neither Biden, Congress, nor the Media listened. So Carlos Lazo founded his "Bridges of Love/Puentes de Amor" foundation. He has promoted it wildly daily on Social Media and with Protests in cities across the United States, including Miami.
The USA's Embargo, exacerbated by things such as the Pandemic, has created drastic food, power, and medical shortages in Cuba. Thus, Carlos Lazo and his Foundation have flown planeloads of canned food, medical supplies, etc., to Cuba to massively help Cuban families. Of course, as we have gotten into August of 2022, the vast and lucrative anti-Cuban Cottage Industry headquartered in Miami wants Carlos Lazo's work to be stopped...by imprisoning him, if necessary. Thus, in this first week of August-2022, Miami's U. S. Senator Marco Rubio, according to a prime headline/article in the Miami Herald, is..."urging the FBI to investigate Puentes de Amor."
Anointed by Miami and Congress to be the prime promoter of the devastating and endless U. S. Embargo of Cuba, Senator Marco Rubio's ongoing job is to make sure Miami's Cubans thrive while Cuba's Cubans continue to be endlessly starved, deprived, and made miserable. While Rubio, the U. S. media, and the U. S. Congress lavishly deny that it is so, they won't even discuss endless examples of Rubio's work that helps Miami's Cubans and hurts Cuba's Cubans.
For example, even the Miami Herald was embarrassed enough to give voice to Cuban mothers and entrepreneurs who took advantage of President Obama's brief window that eased the Embargo enough for them to create tourist-related businesses that successfully made money and employed thousands of Cubans. Yes, even the Miami Herald -- as shown above -- allowed such Obama-helped Cuban women to explain how their businesses in Cuba helped their families and the families of their employers until President Trump allowed "Senator Marco Rubio" to quickly wipe out their businesses. Then, as reported above by the Miami Herald, Rubio didn't have the guts or the decency to even meet with these women when they went to Miami and then to Congress to tell him how how much he was hurting their children.
It is known that Cubans are passionate for Baseball and, per capita, produce the best baseball players of any nation. When President Obama eased the Embargo, Major League Baseball in the U. S. and the Cuban Baseball Federation signed a binding deal in which Cuban players would be treated the same as other Latin American players, with the MLB leaders trying to end the cruel trafficking of defecting Cuban players by criminals. Of course, when Obama was replaced by President Trump, Rubio quickly ended that sane and decent deal between the U. S. Major Leagues and Cuba's Baseball Federation...because Rubio wondered if ending the cruel trafficking of Cuban players might allow Cuba's government to get a few dollars in the process when Cuban players were signed by Major League teams.
Ending the sane and decent agreement between the Cuban Baseball Federation and Major League Baseball; and ending the successful businesses that Cuban mothers in Cuba had created thanks to Obama, etc., etc. by Miami's U. S. Senator Marco Rubio remains unchallenged, of course. And Rubio didn't ever have to explain his actions, of course.
Of course, when it comes to the likes of Senator Rubio dictating the USA's Cuban POLICY, it doesn't matter one iota that a great and respected journalist, Ken Silverstein, labels Rubio unfit to do so. In the notable article above, Ken Silverstein began his extremely long and minutely investigated report with these exact words: "When it comes to sheer brazen corruption, chicanery and dishonesty there is one candidate who stands heads and shoulders above everyone else and that is the right-wing Cuban-American and Tea Party darling Senator Marco Rubio of -- naturally -- the great state of Florida. Mr. Rubio's entire public image is less tethered to reality than the Wizard of Oz." Of course, as far as I know the great Ken Silverstein was never sued for that long and devastating bio of Marco Rubio. But, of course, neither his donors; nor the U. S. media; nor, of course, the American people are supposed to care who makes U. S. policy regarding Cuba.
But for the record, Carlos Lazo -- the former U. S. soldier and now the beloved Cuban-American professor in Seattle -- today replied to Miami's Marco Rubio's efforts to have the FBI put him in prison. Let's see now...the charge would be that Carlos Lazo, whose mother still lives in Cuba, is passionately trying to keep the U. S. Embargo/Blockade of Cuba from starving, depriving, and making miserable totally innocent families on the island. Above is the start of the reply to Rubio that Carlos Lazo posted on Facebook today -- August 3rd, 2022.