Cuban Policy Shames America!!
{Wednesday, November 14th, 2018}
{Wednesday, November 14th, 2018}
I do not suggest for a moment that Americans should care one iota about the nearby island nation of Cuba. But, as a democracy-loving American, I do suggest that it is time for Americans to care about America and its Democracy. In that regard, I suggest that any democracy-loving American should take time from busy schedules to read and comprehend the last eight articles posted in the past couple of weeks on the Cuba Money Project blog. Permit me to explain why I think doing so is vital to both America and to its Democracy in these closing days of 2018.
Of all the American journalists who have been labeled "Cuban experts," the best and fairest is probably Tracey Eaton. In his many years of reporting on Cuban issues, including a long stint stationed in Cuba, no unbiased person has ever accused him of being pro-Cuban, anti-American or anything other than being a great investigative journalist. He is now a revered journalism Professor at Flagler College in Florida but he has a blog...Cuba Money Project...that, I believe, every American should read. In 8 recent articles...including one posted today that I will mention...Tracey has minutely delineated the extreme grip that salacious Cuban Counter Revolutionaries and their sycophants still greedily and revengefully hold around the precious neck of the U. S. democracy. Yes, such astonishing and revengeful thievery and thuggery is currently being documented in many cases right down to the pennies because Tracey, when it comes to Cuba, makes the most effective and the most persistent use of the Freedom of Information Act. What he has uncovered and revealed in those recent 8 postings on Cuba Money Project {exposing otherwise unchecked TRUMP-RUBIO CUBAN SHAMS} is not only shameful but should make every democracy-lover and every tax-payer in America cringe. After depicting scams of Cuban-related tax dollars right down to the pennies, and naming names of many recipients, Tracey admits that the U. S. government still finds ways to hide much of the Cuban-involved chicanery and theft despite the FOI Act. And let me repeat, Tracey Eaton is America's most respected journalist regarding Cuban issues.
For example, shown above are some of the major news outlets that have, and still are, depending on Tracey Eaton for their reporting on Cuban issues.
Tracey Eaton is also a renowned photographer and his photo above illustrated a huge article he wrote that was posted in USA Today on July 22, 2015. In case you want to dial it up, it is entitled "Cuban 20-Somethings Brace for Big Changes as Ties with Cuba Improve." That, of course, was when the decency of President Barack Obama was working hard and effectively to correct decades of abominable and atrocious Batistiano/Mafiosi acts of sheer terrorism and genocide against innocent Cubans...but it was also when Americans had no idea that another Batistiano-aligned Republican president, in this case Donald Trump, would get elected President of the United States in 2016 and take office on Jan. 20-2017. And so, in that July 22-2015 USA Today article Tracey Eaton attached this caption to the above photo: "Wendy Jefferson, 21, a former long jumper, is raising her daughter, Sofia, in a peaceful neighborhood near Havana. She hopes improved U.S.-Cuba relations will make it easier..." Of course, since that article was posted, the decency of Democratic President Obama has been replaced by the indecency, especially in regards to innocent Cubans, of the latest Batistiano-aligned Republican president {Trump}.
With that backdrop, let's return to the latest of 8 consecutive articles posted by Tracey Eaton on his Cuba Money Project blog that correctly reveals an undeniable and shameful fact: America's current Cuban policies, back in the hands of another Republican president, are back in the hands of a mere handful of the greediest and most disgraceful creatures that have walked the streets of Miami and Newark or the halls of the U. S. Congress or Republican White Houses. In 7 recent and previous investigative articles, Tracey Eaton, down to the pennies on million-dollar awards, revealed a mind-boggling ton of tax dollars routinely and continuously devoted to projects designed to undermine or overthrow the Cuban government...but it is also abundantly clear that such tactics are only secondary goals or excuses because the highest goal by far is just to enrich certain Cubans or their associates who are often hidden and merely identified as "contractors" in U. S. government papers that register the money-amounts attached to various unsavory and mostly arcane anti-Cuban projects. Then today's current Tracey Eaton revelation is entitled: "AMERICA'S UNRELENTING QUEST TO DERAIL CUBA." He adds these tasty caveats: "The U. S. government paid at least $227 million...the CIA led 'Operation Liborio' back in 1961 was aimed at sabotage and assassination...the State Department gave a foundation of the same name $40,000 in 2016..." On and on and on such kindly named but deadly and thieving and costly anti-Cuban operations as "Operation Liborio" are funded by unwitting tax-payers and by Americans who are either too scared or too ignorant to object to such miscreants hiding behind the skirts of the U. S. government to rob tax-payers blind while also shaming the once-precious U. S. democracy.
When Tracey Eaton, via the Freedom of Information Act, secures damning information on projects such as "Operation Liborio," the figures, as posted above, are often right down to the penny on even simple little projects like the "Total Revenues" handed-out to the tune of "$36,150.00" and "$27,987.56" But believe me, in Tracey's recent 8 consecutive articles he reveals multi-million-dollar hand-outs including over a million dollars to one real-lucky Miami individual that Tracey identifies by name and by photograph. Of course, no one is about to sue or to object to Eaton's findings because they are factual and they are only revealing what has been going on for decades regarding Cuban get-rich-quick "Projects" -- and the recipients assume that the cowardice of American citizens and of the mainstream media is all the cover they will ever need. Meanwhile, especially during Republican administrations in Washington, the first, second and third priorities on a mind-boggling number of Cuban projects are get-rich-quick schemes using tax dollars to enrich selected individuals. After that, the fourth priority is to overthrow Cuba's revolutionary government. THEN WHAT? Now...that's a damn good question, don't you think?
If President Trump and his infamous war-mongering top National Security Adviser Bolton manage to overthrow the government of Cuba, it will likely mean two things, at least until another Cuban Revolution intervenes, and those two things are: {1} The incredible number of ongoing tax-depleting schemes devoted to Cuban projects would drain out, at least for a time, but the current benefactors would, of course, count on even more loot if the USA dominated Cuba as was the case during the Batista-Mafia plundering from 1952 till 1959; and {2} even cowardly Americans would be reminded anew while the entire world, in a stirring case of unanimity supported by the decent President Obama in 2016, voted 191-to-0 to condemn the United States of America and its Democracy for acts of outright thievery related to its Cuban policies that also include illegal occupation "in perpetuity" dating back to 1903 of plush Cuban territory, and...most of all...for continuous acts of genocide against innocent Cubans on the island related to the Embargo...which Cuba calls a Blockade...that has existed from 1962 to this very day. If either of those points are denied, the deniers should read the 8 recent articles by the unquestionably superb investigative journalist Tracey Eaton...or, for example, read the now de-classified purpose that the U. S. imposed the Embargo-Blockade on Cuba and, IF YOU HAVE A HEART, perhaps you'll shed a tear if you discover that the purpose was/is to...starve, deprive, and make miserable the lives of Cubans on the island to induce them to rise up and overthrow their government. THEN WHAT? A return of the Batistianos and the Mafiosi!! Maybe...JUST MAYBE...Cubans on the island don't want that. AND MAYBE it's time Cubans on the island had a say in the matter that, as far as Mr. Trump and Mr. Bolton are concerned, should strictly be left up to Republicans and their Batistiano/Mafiosi-aligned allies in Miami's Little Havana sector and, of course, in the halls of the 535-member U. S. Congress where six Cuban Counterrevolutionary extremists can dictate whatever Cuban "legal" laws they choose -- TOPPED OFF WITH GOBS OF TAX DOLLARS IN THEIR CONTROL, OF COURSE. All the while the Trump-Bolton designs on Cuba benefit from the unmistakable fact that the mainstream U. S. media, including the left-wing contingent so fervently trying to impeach Trump, doesn't have the guts to question anything any of the rogues do in regards to Cuba. AND ALSO, of course, sanctimonious Americans support the Trump-Bolton shame targeting innocent Cubans by compliantly condemning, for example, Russia if it annexed Crimea, or Russia or some other powerful nation that unmercifully bombs or targets civilians in a weaker, smaller nation.
And lastly:
Some of the 8 aforementioned Tracey Eaton articles posted in October & November of 2018 remind me that, for going on seven decades now, unscrupulous Americans have never been held accountable even for the most gruesome acts related to the recapture of Cuba. The Tracey Eaton article mentions "Operation Liborio" and reveals the financial sheet via the Freedom of Information Act of detestable and modern U. S. actions regarding Cuba...but, of course, it is par for the course. Study, if you will, the historic photo and caption shown above. Beginning in 1997 another great investigative journalist, James Bamford, told the entire world about "Operation Northwoods." As immoral, gruesome, and anti-democratic as it was in the effort to recapture Cuba, its revelation has never served to deter other atrocities from U. S. soil designed to inflict pain and suffering or death on innocent Cubans and innocent Americans. BUT JUST FOR THE RECORD AS A REMINDER OF TRACEY EATON'S INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM THIS MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 2018...James Bamford many years ago de-classified U. S. documents, as indicated above, that proved that the top 7 most powerful military leaders in the USA designed "Operation Northwoods" and begged neophyte President John Kennedy to permit them to carry it out SO IT COULD BE USED AS AN EXCUSE FOR AN ALL-OUT MILITARY ATTACK TO RECAPTURE CUBA. "Operation Northwoods", among a litany of atrocities, called for the murder of innocent Americans so it could be blamed on Cuba to justify an all-out war on Cuba. Way back in 1898 the U. S. excuse for the Spanish-American War that easily wrested control of Cuba from Spain was the bombing in Havana Harbor of the U. S. warship USS Maine, an act by somebody...or was it an accident?...that killed 266 young U. S. sailors.
The all-time greatest investigative journalist in U. S. history was/is the now 72-year-old California Professor James Bamford. But by 1997 when he began informing the world about such evils as "Operation Northwoods," the USA had entered into generations of Americans who didn't care enough about their democracy to give a damn...even when a Bamford article about Northwoods for a time took up massive space in major U. S. newspapers including USA Today, which afforded Bamford the opportunity to pen his own gruesome findings regarding Northwoods.
When it comes to Cuban issues today, America's greatest investigative journalist is Florida Professor Tracey Eaton. But today, even as -- on November 13th, 2018 -- he informs the world about "Operation Liborio" and other Cuban-related atrocities the USA is mired down with a mainstream media that doesn't care enough about democracy to give a damn...although the massive left-wing U. S. media cares massively about impeaching President Trump about any and all Trump issues except Trump's most egregious issue, which is Cuba.
While this Google map shows Cuba to be the largest island in the Caribbean, with an offshore Cuban island directly south of Havana being the 7th largest, all of Cuba is very tiny in relation to its northern neighbor, the United States. That is true geographically speaking, of course, but particularly true if Cuba is compared to the U. S. militarily or economically. Yet, in relation to America, Cuba is massively significant historically and topically. For example, historically little Cuba is the only nation to overthrow an entrenched U.S.-backed dictatorship. And topically little Cuba is the only nation to survive history's all-time longest and cruelest economic boycott-blockade ever imposed by a powerful nation against a much weaker nation. BUT ALSO...tiny, little Cuba is the ONLY TOPIC that can get the Superpower United States unanimously condemned by the rest of the world. As a democracy-loving American, I'm embarrassed by that fact. AND SOMETIMES I wonder ABOUT AMERICANS WHO ARE NOT.