
Cuban Grip on U. S. Democracy

Cuban Policy Shames America!!
{Wednesday, November 14th, 2018}
    I do not suggest for a moment that Americans should care one iota about the nearby island nation of Cuba. But, as a democracy-loving American, I do suggest that it is time for Americans to care about America and its Democracy. In that regard, I suggest that any democracy-loving American should take time from busy schedules to read and comprehend the last eight articles posted in the past couple of weeks on the Cuba Money Project blog. Permit me to explain why I think doing so is vital to both America and to its Democracy in these closing days of 2018.
    Of all the American journalists who have been labeled "Cuban experts," the best and fairest is probably Tracey Eaton. In his many years of reporting on Cuban issues, including a long stint stationed in Cuba, no unbiased person has ever accused him of being pro-Cuban, anti-American or anything other than being a great investigative journalist. He is now a revered journalism Professor at Flagler College in Florida but he has a blog...Cuba Money Project...that, I believe, every American should read. In 8 recent articles...including one posted today that I will mention...Tracey has minutely delineated the extreme grip that salacious Cuban Counter Revolutionaries and their sycophants still greedily and revengefully hold around the precious neck of the U. S. democracy. Yes, such astonishing and revengeful thievery and thuggery is currently being documented in many cases right down to the pennies because Tracey, when it comes to Cuba, makes the most effective and the most persistent use of the Freedom of Information Act. What he has uncovered and revealed in those recent 8 postings on Cuba Money Project {exposing otherwise unchecked TRUMP-RUBIO CUBAN SHAMS} is not only shameful but should make every democracy-lover and every tax-payer in America cringe. After depicting scams of Cuban-related tax dollars right down to the pennies, and naming names of many recipients, Tracey admits that the U. S. government still finds ways to hide much of the Cuban-involved chicanery and theft despite the FOI Act. And let me repeat, Tracey Eaton is America's most respected journalist regarding Cuban issues.
     For example, shown above are some of the major news outlets that have, and still are, depending on Tracey Eaton for their reporting on Cuban issues.
      Tracey Eaton is also a renowned photographer and his photo above illustrated a huge article he wrote that was posted in USA Today on July 22, 2015. In case you want to dial it up, it is entitled "Cuban 20-Somethings Brace for Big Changes as Ties with Cuba Improve." That, of course, was when the decency of President Barack Obama was working hard and effectively to correct decades of abominable and atrocious Batistiano/Mafiosi acts of sheer terrorism and genocide against innocent Cubans...but it was also when Americans had no idea that another Batistiano-aligned Republican president, in this case Donald Trump, would get elected President of the United States in 2016 and take office on Jan. 20-2017. And so, in that July 22-2015 USA Today article Tracey Eaton attached this caption to the above photo: "Wendy Jefferson, 21, a former long jumper, is raising her daughter, Sofia, in a peaceful neighborhood near Havana. She hopes improved U.S.-Cuba relations will make it easier..." Of course, since that article was posted, the decency of Democratic President Obama has been replaced by the indecency, especially in regards to innocent Cubans, of the latest Batistiano-aligned Republican president {Trump}.
     With that backdrop, let's return to the latest of 8 consecutive articles posted by Tracey Eaton on his Cuba Money Project blog that correctly reveals an undeniable and shameful fact: America's current Cuban policies, back in the hands of another Republican president, are back in the hands of a mere handful of the greediest and most disgraceful creatures that have walked the streets of Miami and Newark or the halls of the U. S. Congress or Republican White Houses. In 7 recent and previous investigative articles, Tracey Eaton, down to the pennies on million-dollar awards, revealed a mind-boggling ton of tax dollars routinely and continuously devoted to projects designed to undermine or overthrow the Cuban government...but it is also abundantly clear that such tactics are only secondary goals or excuses because the highest goal by far is just to enrich certain Cubans or their associates who are often hidden and merely identified as "contractors" in U. S. government papers that register the money-amounts attached to various unsavory and mostly arcane anti-Cuban projects. Then today's current Tracey Eaton revelation is entitled: "AMERICA'S UNRELENTING QUEST TO DERAIL CUBA." He adds these tasty caveats: "The U. S. government paid at least $227 million...the CIA led 'Operation Liborio' back in 1961 was aimed at sabotage and assassination...the State Department gave a foundation of the same name $40,000 in 2016..." On and on and on such kindly named but deadly and thieving and costly anti-Cuban operations as "Operation Liborio" are funded by unwitting tax-payers and by Americans who are either too scared or too ignorant to object to such miscreants hiding behind the skirts of the U. S. government to rob tax-payers blind while also shaming the once-precious U. S. democracy.
     When Tracey Eaton, via the Freedom of Information Act, secures damning information on projects such as "Operation Liborio," the figures, as posted above, are often right down to the penny on even simple little projects like the "Total Revenues" handed-out to the tune of "$36,150.00" and "$27,987.56" But believe me, in Tracey's recent 8 consecutive articles he reveals multi-million-dollar hand-outs including over a million dollars to one real-lucky Miami individual that Tracey identifies by name and by photograph. Of course, no one is about to sue or to object to Eaton's findings because they are factual and they are only revealing what has been going on for decades regarding Cuban get-rich-quick "Projects" -- and the recipients assume that the cowardice of American citizens and of the mainstream media is all the cover they will ever need. Meanwhile, especially during Republican administrations in Washington, the first, second and third priorities on a mind-boggling number of Cuban projects are get-rich-quick schemes using tax dollars to enrich selected individuals. After that, the fourth priority is to overthrow Cuba's revolutionary government. THEN WHAT? Now...that's a damn good question, don't you think?
   If President Trump and his infamous war-mongering top National Security Adviser Bolton manage to overthrow the government of Cuba, it will likely mean two things, at least until another Cuban Revolution intervenes, and those two things are: {1} The incredible number of ongoing tax-depleting schemes devoted to Cuban projects would drain out, at least for a time, but the current benefactors would, of course, count on even more loot if the USA dominated Cuba as was the case during the Batista-Mafia plundering from 1952 till 1959; and {2} even cowardly Americans would be reminded anew while the entire world, in a stirring case of unanimity supported by the decent President Obama in 2016, voted 191-to-0 to condemn the United States of America and its Democracy for acts of outright thievery related to its Cuban policies that also include illegal occupation "in perpetuity" dating back to 1903 of plush Cuban territory, and...most of all...for continuous acts of genocide against innocent Cubans on the island related to the Embargo...which Cuba calls a Blockade...that has existed from 1962 to this very day. If either of those points are denied, the deniers should read the 8 recent articles by the unquestionably superb investigative journalist Tracey Eaton...or, for example, read the now de-classified purpose that the U. S. imposed the Embargo-Blockade on Cuba and, IF YOU HAVE A HEART, perhaps you'll shed a tear if you discover that the purpose was/is to...starve, deprive, and make miserable the lives of Cubans on the island to induce them to rise up and overthrow their government. THEN WHAT? A return of the Batistianos and the Mafiosi!! Maybe...JUST MAYBE...Cubans on the island don't want that. AND MAYBE it's time Cubans on the island had a say in the matter that, as far as Mr. Trump and Mr. Bolton are concerned, should strictly be left up to Republicans and their Batistiano/Mafiosi-aligned allies in Miami's Little Havana sector and, of course, in the halls of  the 535-member U. S. Congress where six Cuban Counterrevolutionary extremists can dictate whatever Cuban "legal" laws they choose -- TOPPED OFF WITH GOBS OF TAX DOLLARS IN THEIR CONTROL, OF COURSE. All the while the Trump-Bolton designs on Cuba benefit from the unmistakable fact that the mainstream U. S. media, including the left-wing contingent so fervently trying to impeach Trump, doesn't have the guts to question anything any of the rogues do in regards to Cuba. AND ALSO, of course, sanctimonious Americans support the Trump-Bolton shame targeting innocent Cubans by compliantly condemning, for example, Russia if it annexed Crimea, or Russia or some other powerful nation that unmercifully bombs or targets civilians in a weaker, smaller nation.
And lastly:
    Some of the 8 aforementioned Tracey Eaton articles posted in October & November of 2018 remind me that, for going on seven decades now, unscrupulous Americans have never been held accountable even for the most gruesome acts related to the recapture of Cuba. The Tracey Eaton article mentions "Operation Liborio" and reveals the financial sheet via the Freedom of Information Act of detestable and modern U. S. actions regarding Cuba...but, of course, it is par for the course. Study, if you will, the historic photo and caption shown above. Beginning in 1997 another great investigative journalist, James Bamford, told the entire world about "Operation Northwoods." As immoral, gruesome, and anti-democratic as it was in the effort to recapture Cuba, its revelation has never served to deter other atrocities from U. S. soil designed to inflict pain and suffering or death on innocent Cubans and innocent Americans. BUT JUST FOR THE RECORD AS A REMINDER OF TRACEY EATON'S INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM THIS MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 2018...James Bamford many years ago de-classified U. S. documents, as indicated above, that proved that the top 7 most powerful military leaders in the USA designed "Operation Northwoods" and begged neophyte President John Kennedy to permit them to carry it out SO IT COULD BE USED AS AN EXCUSE FOR AN ALL-OUT MILITARY ATTACK TO RECAPTURE CUBA. "Operation Northwoods", among a litany of atrocities, called for the murder of innocent Americans so it could be blamed on Cuba to justify an all-out war on Cuba. Way back in 1898 the U. S. excuse for the Spanish-American War that easily wrested control of Cuba from Spain was the bombing in Havana Harbor of the U. S. warship USS Maine, an act by somebody...or was it an accident?...that killed 266 young U. S. sailors.
     The all-time greatest investigative journalist in U. S. history was/is the now 72-year-old California Professor James Bamford. But by 1997 when he began informing the world about such evils as "Operation Northwoods," the USA had entered into generations of Americans who didn't care enough about their democracy to give a damn...even when a Bamford article about Northwoods for a time took up massive space in major U. S. newspapers including USA Today, which afforded Bamford the opportunity to pen his own gruesome findings regarding Northwoods.
    When it comes to Cuban issues today, America's greatest investigative journalist is Florida Professor Tracey Eaton. But today, even as -- on November 13th, 2018 -- he informs the world about "Operation Liborio" and other Cuban-related atrocities the USA is mired down with a mainstream media that doesn't care enough about democracy to give a damn...although the massive left-wing U. S. media cares massively about impeaching President Trump about any and all Trump issues except Trump's most egregious issue, which is Cuba
     While this Google map shows Cuba to be the largest island in the Caribbean, with an offshore Cuban island directly south of Havana being the 7th largest, all of Cuba is very tiny in relation to its northern neighbor, the United States. That is true geographically speaking, of course, but particularly true if Cuba is compared to the U. S. militarily or economically. Yet, in relation to America, Cuba is massively significant historically and topically. For example, historically little Cuba is the only nation to overthrow an entrenched U.S.-backed dictatorship. And topically little Cuba is the only nation to survive history's all-time longest and cruelest economic boycott-blockade ever imposed by a powerful nation against a much weaker nation. BUT ALSO...tiny, little Cuba is the ONLY TOPIC that can get the Superpower United States unanimously condemned by the rest of the world. As a democracy-loving American, I'm embarrassed by that fact. AND SOMETIMES I wonder ABOUT AMERICANS WHO ARE NOT.


America's Banana Republic

South Florida: 1959-2018!!!
   Yes, indeed. Ken Blackwell is a powerful "Distinguished Fellow" at the famously left-leaning and omnipotent ACLU. Appearing this week -- Friday, Nov. 9th, 2018 -- on Fox News -- Ken Blackwell correctly labeled the politically ultra-powerful state of Florida as, "a Banana Republic and a failed state." Americans who care about their nation and their democracy should listen to Ken Blackwell. Since the Cuban Revolution on Jan. 1-1959 chased the leaders of Cuba's Batista-Mafia dictatorship to their new capital of Little Havana in Miami, the U. S. democracy has taken a drastically undemocratic hit. That's what Ken Blackwell meant by labeling Florida a "Banana Republic and a failed state." Please understand, because of Florida's massive impact on national elections...meaning the U. S. Congress and the White House in Washington...Americans who discount Ken Blackwell's definition of Florida are, I believe, anti-American and anti-Democracy...or, if you're generous enough to permit me one more adjective, just plain stupid.
    President Donald Trump named Ken Blackwell a member of his Transition Team although Mr. Blackwell is a powerful spokesman for the anti-Trump and left-wing ACLU. But, as a democracy-lover, Ken Blackwell's depiction of Florida is both extremely important and extremely correct: "Florida IS a Banana Republic and a failed state." Yes, Florida is a Banana Republic that in 2000 put Batistiano-connected George W. Bush in the White House although Al Gore got more national votes and the whole world watched in horror as the world's greatest Democracy suffered day-after-day as officials in Florida counted "hanging chads" and a few other things to finally give another Bush the presidency, not the anti-Batistiano Al Gore. And prior to this troubled weekend following the important November 6th mid-term elections, Florida once again is holding up nationally important elections as it tries to let America know who its top elected officials will in the Florida capital of Tallahassee and the U. S. capital of Washington. Yes, Florida is "a Banana Republic and a failed state" and has been since 1959 when leaders of the Batista-Mafia dictatorship fled to U. S. soil and made Little Havana in Miami their new capital...supposedly for a few weeks till the mighty U. S. government re-captured Cuba for them. In the 6+ decades since 1959 the re-capturing effort is still underway and still making many millionaires and billionaires out of selected Cubans, but it's still a failed objective as it still shames the U. S. democracy. 
       In the wee hours of January 1, 1959, the Batistianos and Mafiosi, who had brutally raped and robbed Cuba blind while using muscle and finances provided by USA officials and rich USA businessmen, fled the island's victorious Cuban Revolution for their safe sanctuary...and even more lucrative Banana Republic...on United States soil.
    After World War II's necessary victory in 1945 that prevented vile dictators in Nazi Germany, Japan and Italy from taking over the world, the USA emerged as the world's strongest, richest, and most respected nation. But by 1952, which happened to be the year the U. S. sicced the Mafia on Cuba, rich U. S. businessmen had bought-up enough key politicians that, by 1953, the U. S. government, on their behalf, began overturning Latin American governments to install U.S.-friendly dictators that would further enrich USA businessmen. Such vile coups continued deep into the 1970s with perhaps the vilest being the Nixon-Kissinger support of the bloody coup that killed the popular democratically elected President of Chile, Salvador Allende, to install for 17 bloody years, the U.S.-friendly dictatorship run by the extremely murderous General Pinochet. Because the post-World II generations of Americans have been far less brave and less protective of their democracy than all prior generations, the coups, etc., were allowed to take place for decades beginning in 1953, and neither Latin America nor America has been the same since.
   Even today in November of 2018 Americans are not supposed to realize that the photo depicted still resonates through Latin America and scares even democratically elected Latin American presidents. That's General Pinochet getting a congratulatory handshake from President Nixon's top adviser Henry Kissinger after a U.S.-CIA coup left Chile's democratically elected President Salvador Allende dead and installed the murderous Pinochet as the U.S.-friendly Chilean dictator for 17 bloody years. In November of 2018 any Google search would shame any democracy-loving America, especially considering that the U. S. perpetrators have not been held accountable for such things.
    There are today MANY observers in Washington who believe that President Trump's newly named top National Security adviser, John Bolton, is MUCH MORE of a war-monger in 2018 than Henry Kissinger who was President Nixon's top adviser for the 1973 Chilean coup. So, not surprisingly, as depicted in the photo above, John Bolton last week went to Miami and essentially declared war on Cuba and Cuban allies Nicaragua and Venezuela.
    Even as Americans are programmed to dismiss the evil specter of the bloody U.S.-friendly Pinochet dictatorship in Chile, Latin American fears remain very warn in the ashes of that U. S. endeavor.
    So, yes, there was a nice democratically elected President of Chile, Salvador Allende, that died in his palace office fighting against the coup-mongers because some rich and powerful Americans preferred the murderous dictatorship of General Pinochet. Of course, the Banana Republic that Pinochet created in Chile greedily suited rich U. S. businessmen throughout the 1970s and all of the 1980s just as Batista's Banana Republic had greedily suited rich U. S. businessmen in Cuba from 1952 till 1959. 
    From 1959 till today the Caribbean island of Cuba has been a catalyst as Latin America has tried mightily to shed itself of U.S.-backed Banana Republics. Cuba in 1959 shocked the world by defeating the U.S.-backed Batista-Mafia dictatorship and Cuba has further shocked the world by pugnaciously remaining a sovereign nation from 1959 till today...and counting. That inspired other successful revolutions against U.S. hegemony in important nations like Brazil, Nicaragua, etc. The graphic above illustrates the significance of the United Fruit Company in all this. That was the symbol of U. S. businesses in U.S.-friendly Banana Republics robbing Latin American and Caribbean countries blind, including the United Fruit Company in Cuba and all over the Caribbean and Latin America. For example, Che Guevara graduated with honors from Medical School in Argentina and planned to be a doctor. But, after graduation, he decided to ride a motorcycle down through Latin America as a vacation. What he observed were United Fruit-like U. S. companies robbing those countries blind. Che ended up in Mexico in 1956 where he met the Castro brothers. Fidel and Raul told Che the United Fruit-like U. S. companies were also robbing Cuba blind and brutalizing poor Cubans, including children chosen as examples, to make it possible and shut down dissent. And Che was told the Castro brothers were going back to Cuba to do something about it. Che thus joined the outraged Cubans and the rest is history. The image of the United Fruit Company remains a striking symbol of that history, which is well-known all across the Caribbean and Latin America but, even in the era of the Google search engine, Americans are programmed to ignore the United Fruit-like torment that the Cuban Revolution is credited with resisting with a startling result that changed the Caribbean and Latin America forever. Yet, as is very evident...especially when Republican administrations rule the White House...powerful forces to this day try to prey on smaller Western Hemisphere nations, with most of those forces situated in Washington, Miami, and Newark...and closely resembling what ruled Cuba from 1952 till 1959.
The graphic below illustrates those facts.
     The map and graphic above documents the insatiable greed of rich Americans and the U. S. politicians that used the U. S. government to sate their appetites for the national resources in much weaker Caribbean and Latin American nations from 1895 into the 1930s, extracting wealth from those nations. Notice that Cuba was at the top as a catalyst and that's why the 1898 Spanish-American War was concocted by the USA to take full charge of Cuba. The greedy U. S. businessmen and politicians who ransacked the Caribbean and Latin America from 1895 into the 1930s, as depicted above, had precious little opposition from the American citizens. So, by 1952 the Mafia was sicced on Cuba and by 1953 right-wingers in the U. S. were free to begin a frightening series of coups designed to enable a few rich Americans to gruesomely exploit smaller, weaker nations. In the current Age of Goggle, search engines can provide Americans all the details of such undemocratic tactics executed by greedy Americans from 1895 into the 1930s and beyond, resulting eventually in the Coups and Banana Republics that STILL resonate to this very day. Of all the U. S. actions in Latin America, the one that still scares Latin America and the Caribbean the most remains the bloody coup that killed the democracy-elected Chilean President Allende to install for almost two decades the murderous General Pinochet. {I say that as a democracy-loving American who believes that perpetrators of such anti-democratic acts in America's name should be held accountable by the decent American people...especially in 2018 with Trump-Rubio-Bolton-and-Pompeo acting like war-mongering Banana Republic/United Fruit-like thieves calling the increasingly shameful Cuban-related shots in Washington}. If you disagree with that, I'm sure you can't comprehend that the important state of Florida today is "a Banana Republic and a failed stated" as depicted on Nov. 9-2018 by a very smart, democracy-loving American.
     And that American is Ken Blackwell, the "Distinguished Fellow" at the powerful ACLU, The American Civil Rights Union. When Americans like Ken Blackwell go on national television on Nov. 9-2018 in prime-time and call Florida "a Banana Republic and a failed state," perhaps Americans should finally realize that allowing the overthrown Batista-Mafia dictatorship to resurrect itself permanently on U. S. soil, namely South Florida dating back to 1959, is a colossal mistake for the United States and for democracy.
     And all six Republican Party U. S. presidents since 1959 have turned America's Cuban policies over to Counter Revolutionary right-wing Cubans, Cuban-Americans, or Mafiosi-like characters quite similar to those that surrounded Dictator Batista in Cuba in the 1950s. The fact that the current Republican President Donald Trump has designated a Little Havana "choirboy" named Marco Rubio as America's new Cuban dictator, has created such things as...the photo above in which Rubio laughingly informed his Little Havana audience that, thanks to Trump, he...meaning Rubio...now essentially had the wherewithal to recapture Cuba. And to America's shame and Democracy's shame, perhaps he does. And that, I believe, is why a decent American, Ken Blackwell, on Nov. 9-2018 labeled Rubio's Florida "a Banana Republic and a failed state." The fact is, I believe, that if Rubio and his ilk are not reined-in by democracy-loving U. S. citizens, America may also become "a Banana Republic and a failed country."
And by the way:
     This weekend -- on Saturday, Nov. 10-2018 -- The Cuban Ministry of Tourism used the above photo in announcing that Cuba had reached the 4 million mark in tourism for 2018. This was just 4 days later than the island attained that total in 2017. The Ministry stated: "This 4-million result this year is achieved despite media campaigns by the Trump administration to discredit Cuban tourism and amidst the Trump measure to reinforce the U. S. blockade again Cuba. The USA is the only country in the world whose citizens, by law, cannot travel freely as tourists to Cuba."


USA's Cuban-American Revolution

Folks, It's Gonna Turn Bloody!!
{Friday, November 9th, 2018}
    This week -- on November 7th, 2018 -- finally concluded the vitally important Mid-Term Elections that are changing America's political landscape. Big news, uh? Sure, but not as big as the media's left-wing/right-wing Tug-of-War that will determine whether President Trump's 4-year term will be eviscerated or protected. In that milieu, the image above in video form was what saturated the television "news" airways all day and night yesterday...and into the end of the week. It shows the latest confrontation at a presidential news conference between President Trump and the extreme left-wing news media's pugilist Jim Acosta. As the image above shows, and as the video shown hundreds of time on U. S. television revealed, Acosta's typical and intentionally provocative questions provoked Trump, who wanted to shut him up. The female White House intern, innocently tried to do her job and take Acosta's microphone and hand it to some other reporter, which is her job. But Acosta rudely brushed her aside and kept the microphone, typical of his antics that he well knows will get him tons of publicity and immense praise from his CNN bosses.
    Understand, as you study this photo of President Trump admonishing CNN's attack-dog Acosta, that I have never thought Trump was qualified to be President and I surely anticipated that he, merely being another Republican President, would reverse former President Obama's decent and sane Cuban policies. That being said, I blame the extreme left-wing media for putting Trump in the White House and, perhaps, getting him re-elected in 2020. Meanwhile, Trump has made left-wing Superstars out of media attack dogs like Acosta while their network bosses insult their viewers and readers by pretending such pundits-&-propagandists are real broadcast and print journalists.
   As shown above, when Acosta covers President Trump's speeches all around the country the overflow crowds blast him with signs that say "CNN Sucks" amid shouts of "Go home, Jim!" But hey!! Both CNN and Acosta love it and then play and re-play the video over-and-over. But...and here's the key...so do the three prime-time anchors on Fox -- Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham. So, who wins such battles? Fox, because it has many more viewers than CNN...and the extremely influential Hannity and Ingraham also each have powerful 3-hour Radio Talk Shows each day, with Super Influential Hannity being heard on 570-or-so radio stations right before his highly rated 9:00 P. M. pro-Trump hour on Fox Television News. Acosta's father left Cuba for the USA in 1962 and thus Jim has had easy sailings since then, including his graduation from James Madison University in Virginia's plush Shenandoah Valley. As CNN's Chief White House Correspondent and Chief Attack Trump Reporter, Acosta works for a network that no longer hires broadcast journalists, only left-wing propagandists and pundits...including all anchors. But CNN is not alone in that drastic deterioration of the U. S. media because MSNBC and NBC are even worse while CBS, ABC, the New York Times and the Washington Post are just as bad on the left-wing front with Fox and other lesser outlets holding down the right-wing fringe. That situation on each side has about 10% of Americans as trained-seal sycophants but about 80% of Americans, the saner and more decent majority, are left out in the cold by both the U. S. media and America's money-crazed/two-party political system. BUT HOLD YOUR HAT AND STAY WITH ME BECAUSE NOW I'LL EXPLAIN WHY YOU CAN EXPECT A CUBAN-AMERICAN REVOLUTION THAT WILL NOT BE FOUGHT IN CUBA BUT IN AMERICA!!
     Instead of allowing moderate and sane input into the Left-Wing Media-vs.-Trump battle and in the Left-Wing Politicians-vs.-Trump warfare, only the media and political extremists are allowed to suck up all the oxygen, with the right-wing in both mediums just as bad as the left-wingers. I use the animated video-graphic above to make that point. Humberto Fontova was born in Havana in 1954 during the U.S.-backed Batista-Mafia dictatorship. In 1959 when the Cuban Revolution shocked the world by booting the Batistiano-Mafiosi factions back to U. S. soil, with their new capital being the Little Havana part of Miami, the recapture of Cuba was supposed to take only a few weeks...at most. That was almost 7 decades ago and the recapture of Cuba, which is still ongoing, has yet to be accomplished. But in all those decades, Batistiano-Mafiosi dictations of America's Cuban narratives and America's Cuban policies have been insanely close to 100% with only a smidgen of honest Cuban narratives or policies. Fontova, for example, is one of countless Cuban-Americans who have feasted economically in espousing the anti-Cuban narrative just as countless Cuban-Americans have feasted in crafting such insanely anti-democratic/anti-Cuban laws in the U. S. Congress and in all Republican administrations -- six of them -- since the 1950s. Fontova's extreme right-wing anti-Cuban propaganda is, of course, promoted by right-wing networks and newspapers but also by either intimidated or convenient left-wing outlets. Note, for example, that Fontova's extreme anti-Cuban right-wing spiel above was being aired "live" on MSNBC, an extreme left-wing propaganda network. But mostly in his TV appearances, books, speeches, and articles, Fontova utilizes extreme right-wing forums, such as the extreme Counter Revolutionary Babalu blog. And guess how much Cuban-American Humberto Fontova hates Cuban-American Jim Acosta? Well, about as much as Trump hates Acosta. In a major, fiery article on Babalu here's the way Fontova described yesterday's Trump-Acosta tirade at the White House:
           "Jim Acosta -- a sniveling, whimpering little wimp when interviewing Raul Castro -- bullies small female intern during White House Press Conference {so Secret Service revoked his press pass}. President Trump believes in a free press and expects and welcomes tough questions of him and his administration. We will, however, never tolerate a reporter placing his hands on a young woman just trying to do her job as a White House intern."
      Now, folks, please know I would not have used that quote without telling you how you could go online and read it as well as the entire Fontova article yourself. And understand who Fontova is; all his adult life in the U. S., Fontova has unabashedly been an extreme Counter Revolutionary/Cuban-American extremist. He obviously hates Cuban-American Jim Acosta because Acosta is a high-profile enemy of President Trump. Now, what does that tell you? Well, it tells me that the Counter Revolutionary/Cuban-American extremists believe that President Trump is about to overthrow Cuba's revolutionary government, which has been the passionate goal of Fontova and other Counter Revolutionary extremists since January 1, 1959. So, study the animated video above...along with the other easily Googled data mentioned here...and then decide for yourself. And do you want my opinion regarding whether I think Fontova is correct about what he expects President Trump to at long-last deliver, which is the recapture of Cuba? I won't keep you in suspense, so here's my answer: Yes, I think Trump, under a policy currently being directed by Senator Marco Rubio and implemented courtesy of John Bolton and Mike Pompeo, will by the spring of 2019 execute a coup against the Cuban government. I further believe it will be bloody and, while initially successful from the U. S. standpoint, it primarily will result in a second do-or-die guerrilla-fueled revolutionary response on the island and possibly off the island. Flooding the island with Walmarts and Amazon Distribution Centers will not deter the revolutionary fervor on the island that Trump-Rubio-Bolton-and-Pompeo have already stirred up in Cuba...despite what the likes of Fontova and Acosta foment in the already deteriorated U. S. media.
   The weaknesses inherent in the left-wing/right-wing takeover of the mainstream U. S. media is further exacerbated by huge amounts of left-wing/right-wing money, much of it from well-known multi-billionaires, that have funded major networks, major newspapers, and highly sophisticated left-wing or right-wing blogs -- propaganda machines, in other words. But Online there are a few places real journalists who happen to be extraordinary Cuban experts as well as democracy-loving Americans still practice honest journalism. Three of those safe, informative and fair-minded digital sources are depicted in the above graphic -- Along the Malecon, Cuba Money Project, and the Washington-based Center for Democracy in the Americas. The CDA is headed by a highly respected former U. S. government official named Emily Mandrala while the renowned Cuban expert and Pulitzer-caliber journalist Tracey Eaton, now a journalism Professor in Florida, writes brilliantly on the Along the Malecon and Cuba Money Project sites, just as he has written brilliantly on Cuban topics for at least 20 major media sources in the U. S., from NBC News to USA Today. In the last three weeks Eaton has posted six incredibly informative articles about a startling Cuban Piggy Bank awash with tax dollars being used by not just Trump's anointed Cuban dictator Rubio but by government agencies such as USAID, which both undermines the Cuban government and makes instant multi-millionaires out of very luckily chosen anti-Cuban recipients...all named by Eaton with their tax-dollar largess listed right down to the exact penny. Eaton, you see, is the best investigative journalist when it comes to mining the Freedom of Information Act for real names and real money attached to amazingly unsavory Cuban projects, designed to overthrow Cuba's government for sure but, apparently, mainly to enrich certain Cuban-Americans or their supporters. But even Eaton points out that bushels of Cuban-related tax dollars are also hidden even from the Freedom of Information laws. So, to back up that statement, I invite you to dial up those six Eaton articles -- the latest of which is dated today -- Nov. 8th, 2018 -- and then judge for yourself. Eaton himself, the renowned Cuban expert, is so shocked at the amount of tax money being doled out to anti-Cuban "partners-Contractors" that he opined, as you can read, that maybe he entered the wrong profession, honest journalism, while he could be worth millions if he had been a dishonest anti-Cuban in the USA. Democracy-lovers who study the updated aforementioned six Tracey Eaton articles, I believe, might cry when they learn from an unimpeachable source, Eaton, the incredible amount of tax dollars being doled out millions at a time to anti-Cuban extremists, money that possibly could be going above-board to decent and deserving projects. One lawyer, for example, was handed $6.4 million tax dollars by USAID because USAID knew it had sent the highly paid Alan Gross to Cuba to do illegal and dangerous work that resulted in Mr. Gross getting arrested. But just in the last few weeks Tracey Eaton has documented that USAID is still doling out tons of Cuban-related tax dollars. When you can use an excessive but secretive amount of tax dollars to pay someone like Gross to do illegal and dangerous work in Cuba and then pay his lawyer $6.4 million tax dollars because you knew it was bad and dangerous, I'd say your Cuban Piggy Bank is over-stuffed with tax dollars that tax-payers should be aware of.
    After serving 5 years of a 15-year sentence in Cuba, Alan Gross was freed because Cuba was willing to work closely with the U. S. when the U. S. had a decent and brave President, Barack Obama. While Mr. Gross was in the Cuban prison the U. S. government and media shouted loudly that Cuba had jailed him for no reason, although Cuba depends mightily on safe tourism and wouldn't have concocted such a lie. Back on U. S. soil, Mr. Gross and his lawyer quickly became multi-millionaires {via tax dollars} because the U. S. government couldn't deny Mr. Gross had been sent to Cuba on an illegal and dangerous mission. And, uh, guess what? Now today Mr. Gross doesn't blame Cuba and, in fact, has asked the Cuban government if he could return to the island as a friendly and fair tourist.
Unimpeachable journalist -- Tracey Eaton.
 Unimpeachable democracy-lover -- Emily Mendrala.
Impeachable left-winger -- Jim Acosta.
Impeachable right-winger -- Humberto Fontova.


cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story)

cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story) : Note : This particular essay on  Ana Margarita Martinez  was first ...