
US & Mexico Promise To Help Staving Cubans!!

      Today is MAY 29th in 2024 and for many months it has been well known that "Cuba is in a Crisis" with the island's 11 million people facing food shortages, medical deprivations, and power blackouts...drastically highlighting unprecedented economic problems.
       Cuba blames its dire problems on the six-decade-old U. S. EMBARGO that has existed since 1962 and has been recently more severely tightened by both the Trump and Biden administrations. The United States, of course, says the island itself is responsible for its problems. 
     Above are the TOP Cuba Headlines flashing around the world today on MAY 29th in 2024 and, as you can see, it appears that the United States is finally trying to ease some burdens for Cuban citizens. However, skeptics realize that the glaring headlines shown above may be without meaning but, meanwhile, everyday Cubans have no choice except to try to be hopeful.
     But the headline above on MAY 29th in 2024 is a glimmer of news that Cubans put the most stock in...because the London-based Reuters News Agency is the news source that Cubans trust for being both unbiased and truthful. So, "...oil shipments to Cuba from Mexico..." might help.




Will May-2024 Change US-Cuba Relations Forever?


     For many years Alejandro Gil was Cuba's Economic Minister and well-respected on the island and even in Miami. But in the first six months of 2024 -- still trying to recover from the Covid Pandemic and trying to survive the tightened U. S. Blokade that began in 1962 -- Cuba's economy hit new lows that have caused food shortages, blackouts, etc. Now in late May of 2024 the once-powerful Alejandro Gil has been accused on corruption charges, but many Cubans, including longtime supporters of the Revolutionary government, believe Gil is merely being unfairly treated as a scrapegoat for the government's dire economic problems.
     The fall of Alejandro Gil is a reminder that 77-year-old Gladys Maria Bejerano Portela for the past two decades has been Cuba's most powerful judicial expert...JUDGE...when it comes to criminality in Cuba. How she feels about what has happend to Gil might affect Revolutionary Cuba more than what the ultra-powerful Counter Revolutionary U. S. Cubans in Miami and Washington will dish out for the rest of 2024.
    Since 2018 Miguel Diaz-Canel has been Cuba's President and he has been a supporter of Economic Minister Alejandro Gil. Both as Education Minister and now as President, most Cubans like and support Diaz-Canel but now many of these Cubans believe Diaz-Canel has "betrayed" Gil. Therefore the crisis for Diaz-Canel might be more serious for the President than for Gil, the ousted Economic Minister.
     Cuba President Diaz-Canel, it appears, may be making the biggest presidential mistake he has made by allowing former Economic Minister Gil to be used as the scrapegoat for Cuba's dire economic problems. But that will play out in the coming crucial days for Diaz-Canel and Gil.
       It is surprising, as shown above, that Cuba's top judge Gladys Bejerano has spoken so candidly to the international EFE Spanish News Agency about the Alejandro Gil saga that is taking place in Cuba. It is up to the Cuban people to determine what she meant by "betrayal" by Gil or against Gil. Spain's EFE is one of the world's Top Four news agencies along with the Associated Press, Reuters, and Agence France-Presse.
Above is the start of the EFE article with Gladys Bejerano.
And above is Gladys Bejerano's 1 minute & 47 seconds comment.
     Meanwhile...in late MAY of 2024 the Biden administration has finally removed Cuba from its short list of Nations that Sponsor Terrorism, leaving only North Korea, Syria, Iran, and Venezuela on that List. The Trump administration had put Cuba on that List and it had strengthened the U. S. Embargo/Blockade against Cuba that has existed since 1962. Above the Bridges of Love movement in the U. S. founded by Seattle professor Carlos Lazo hailed the removal of Cuba from the U. S. Terrorism List.
     Above Cuba's longtime Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez used his X-Twitter page to mention Cuba's removal from the U. S. Sponsor of Terrorism List...and used the photo above to state that Revolutionary Cuba has been subjected to deadly terror attacks, such as the bombing of the civilian Cubana 455 Flight that killed all 72 aboard. The famous photo above shows the mother and other family members mourning a teenage Cuban athlete who was on the doomed Cubana 455 Plane.
      Another major headline for Cuba in late MAY of 2024 has been China's decision {above} to resume regular flights to Cuba to encourage Chinese tourists to visit the island. It is China's way of trying to help Cuba survive its current economic crisis.
    Germany's Condor Airlines, based mostly in Frankfort, is another major airline beginning to fly tourists to Cuba.
     Of course, Canada has long been the country that has most defied the U. S. Sanctions/Embargo/Blockade against Cuba by flying tourists to the island. Four major Canadian airlines fly to Cuba including Toronto-based Air Canada and Ottawa-based Sunway Airlines. In 2024 Cuba is hoping for 1.2 million Canadian tourists.
      Canadian families, despite discouragement from the United States, still try to visit Cuba {as shown above} because of Cuba's "Culture, history, people, and beaches. Others like Cuba for its price, safety, and lack of Americanization." 


US Finally Admits Cuba Is Not a Terror Sponsor

    In these closing days of MAY in 2024 this is becoming a familiar photo from Cuban airports as Air China flights are landing on the Caribbean island that is direly suffering from a lack of tourism that Cuba blames on the tightening of the six-decade-old economic US EMBARGO, which is severely exacerbating food shortages, blackouts, and other deprivations for Cuban families. In multiple dire warlike competitions between the world's two richest and most powerful nations, China is trying to defy the United States by trying to drastically help Cuba benefit from a drastic increase of Chinese tourism.
Happy Chinese tourists now flocking to Cuba is important.
     Happily greeting one of the Air China tourism flights was Cuba's Prime Minister Manuel Marrero {in the red shirt}. He said, "This week, the United States amazingly removed Cuba from its list of nation's that sponsor terrorism...apparently admitting that Cuba is a target of terrorism and not a sponsor or promoter of terrorists. Also this week, China began a strong program to defy the U. S. blockade by strongly promoting tourism to Cuba. All countries, big and small, deserve the right to benefit from tourists and, unlike the United States, China thinks Cuba also deserves that right." 
      Today you can see above the Top Cuban Headlines flashing around the world on May 18th, 2024. The London-based BBC is reporting on Cuba's "collapsed sugar industry," in memory of the past when Cuba led the world in sugar production. The top U. S. news agency, the Associated Press, reports that the U. S. finally "removes" Cuba from its "short list of countries" considered to be sponsors of terrorism. WOW!! Now the U. S. has just four nations on the Terror List -- North Korea, Syria, Iran, and Venezuela. Yahoo News today devotes its Cuban headline to "Chinese visitors" who are beginning to flock to Cuba to defy the U. S. blockade. And, of course, Miami Herald's Cuban headline today chortles about "Cuba's economy in tailspin" that forces the island to seek help from Russia and China, the USA's two prime international competitors.
     And, meanwhile, Cuba still is home to gorgeous and world-famed tourist attractions that have suffered for over six decades because of the U. S. EMBARGO.
    Of course, back in the 1950s -- prior to the Cuban Revolution's victory in 1959 over Cuba's vile Batista dictatorship -- the U. S. wildly promoted lucrative tourism to Cuba with massive promotions such as the one depicted above.



Cuba Tries to Survive US Sanctions in Mid-May of 2024

     This ultra-interesting photo & headline was taken TODAY on MAY 13th-2024 and it depicts a conference at the famed Hotel National in Havana involving high-level Cuban and USA representatives. The headline above in the Cuban state media says: "CUBA & UNITED STATES CELEBRATE AGRICULTURAL CONFERENCES." Please note that this amazing conference, which started today in Havana, will continue in Washington even as the the U. S. Embargo against Cuba, which began in 1962, is causing drastic "food shortages {hunger} and blackouts in Cuba" and while the U. S. is involved in two raging wars around the world along with masssive criminal trials involving former president and current key presidential contender Donald Trump and yet another massive criminal trial starting today involving Senator Bob Menendez who happens to be the most powerful Cuban-American in America and the man most responsible for making sure that the U. S. maintains its drastic CUBAN EMBARGO. Amid all that, amzingly, you can go back and re-study that photo-caption today regarding the meeting at Havana's Hotel National!!! 
    In recent years many respected polls have revealed conclusively that one of the greatest pillars of the great U. S. Democracy, a strong and honest news media, is alarmingly now "not trusted by most American citizens." Many notable Cuban observers believe that an untrustworthy mainstream U. S. media is a key reason that, dating back to the 1950s as far as Cuba is concerned, the U. S. media's promotions of policies of extreme counter-revolutionary Cuban-Americans -- such as Bob Menendez, the Diaz-Balart brothers, Ros-Lehtinen, etc., etc. -- have massively dictated the USA's ultra-harsh Cuban policies. But despite the overall distrust of the U. S. media, there remain many great and true U. S. journalists...such as Tracey Eaton. As the former superb head of U. S. news bureaus in Mexico and Cuba, Eaton for the past 17 years has been a beloved Journalism Professsor at Flagler College in Florida. And recently he has returned to active journalism and documentaries...so, as usual, the best and most honest journalism you will find on US-Cuba Relations is from Tracey Eaton on fourms such as his "TRACEY EATON JOURNALIST" website, which is data republished by other respected media sources.
    In the last paragraph shown above and written by Tracey Eaton, he says: "A forgotten story is that Menendez may not have reached the pinnacle of political power without the support of hardline Cuban exiles, including some accused of violent attacks on Cuba." 
      Above is a federal U. S. prosecutor pointing to bundles of cash and gold bars discovered by the FBI in a closet at Bob Menendez's home, plus a luxury car he alledgedly received as one of his illegal gifts as a foreign bribe.
    Also above see/read the update from Tracey Eaton as Bob Menendez today on May 13th-2024 goes on trial for massive fraud for alledgedly taking brides, including in gold bars, from foreign countries such as Egypt and Qatar while he was am ultra-powerful U. S. Senator from New Jersey since 2006. Many of those years Menendez was the sole Chairman of the Senate's Foreign Relations Committee. Back in 2017, just before he was re-elected to yet another 6-year term in the U. S. senate, Menendez barely survived a huge federal trail that charged him with multiple felonies involving Miami and Dominican Republic operatives...a trial that ended in a controverial "hung jury" verdict.
    Above is the headline today on MAY 13th-2024 from the Asssociated Press about the start of the latest federal trial of powerful U. S. Senator Bob Menendez. Not only has Menendez for many years has had massive influence regarding overall U. S. foreign policies, but he only has also been widely considered the prime U. S. leader dictating extreme anti-Cuban polcies, including making sure that the drastic six-decade-old U. S. EMBARGO on Cuba remains firmly in place.
     Meanwhile...yesterday on Mother's Day -- May 12th, 2024 -- the Cuba media reminded Cubans of cultural events even as the U. S. and much of the international media are headlining the fact that the Caribbean island, a few miles south of Florida, is experiencing drastic food shortages, continuous power blackouts, etc. As shown above, the Cuban media also stressed events such as a major concert by popular singer Monika Mesa
     Also...for three days last week Cuba's President Miguel Diaz-Canel and Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez were in Moscow meeting with their Russian counterparts Vladimir Putin and Sergei Lazrov
      Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez, shown above second from the right, set up and approved this handshake last week in Moscow between Lazrov and Diaz-Canel. Rodriguez said: "Any fair and honest observer knows that Cuba would rather be friends to a neighbor like the United States than a faraway foreign power such as Russia. Even Russia knows that. But since 1959 the United States has employed tragic tactics, including starvation and deprivation, to overthrow Cuba's revolutionary government. All the while the United States tries to shame us when we try to make friends with countries that are not trying to starve or deprive our people." 
     Any map shows the location of little Cuba just a few miles below the United States and thousands of miles from Russia...and China.
     Although drasically short on money, Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel has spent many hours and miles visiting or hosting representatives of other countries that Cuba hope will sign new "Cooperation Deals" with the desperate Caribbean island. Would Diaz-Canel prefer such an agreement with the United States? As Cuba's former Education Minister, the answer to that question appears to be an easy one, but one he doesn't expect the United States to ask him.
Cuba and the EMBARGO!!




Will Cuba's Revolution End in 2024????

Yes...it seems the Revolution is ENDING!!

      But, incredibly, in 2024 Revolutionary Cuba is celebrating the 65th Year of Fidel Castro's Cuban Revolution, a feat that actually is even more INCREDIBLE than the original overthrow of the US-backed and Mafia-backed Batista dictatorship on the Caribbean's largest and arguably the Caribbean's most beautiful island.
      Today -- on May 12th in 2024 -- the international headlines regarding Cuba, as always, inform the world that the targeted island's demise will occur "any day now."

     And, Yet, three generations of Cubans on the island somehow have managed to survive foreign massively powerful designs to erase the Revolution, a sheer fact epitomized by the determined rosy-cheeked little Cuban rebel shown above.
     The London-based Reuters is the world's best News Agency and today -- March 27th in 2024 -- it is telling the world that this 65th Year of the Cuban Revolution will finally end revolutionary rule in Cuba. The Reuters headline and photo today says: "Amid Blackouts and Scarce Food, Protest Rattle 'Cradle" of the Revolution." The photo above illustrating the headline today shows a young Cuban finally giving up, and about 400,000 others like him have recently vacated the island.
    Little girls in Cuba are different than little girls in other countries. Little girls born in Cuba since 1962 have lived all their lives under the drastic economic EMBARGO/Blockade maintained staunchly by the United States, Cuba's neighbor that is the strongest, richest, and most influential nation in the world...and also the nation that in the 1950s wildly profited in Cuba during the Batista dictatorship that preceded the 1959 victory of the Cuban Revolution. It is astounding that generations of Cuban children since 1962 have survived the EMBARGO even as the revolutionary government tried to maintain its guarantees of free educations through college and free food if needed. But, of course, many little girls in Cuba have also left the island, often to join the rich and counter-revolutionary mecca of Little Havana in Miami. But in the last week in March of 2024 international headlines are letting the world realize that little girls are indeed starving in Cuba...more than ever.
     International orgranizations such as the various UN programs that monitor children hunger are direly concerned about hunger affecting families in Cuba in the last week in March of 2024.
     If people around the world Goggle "How bad is hunger is Cuba," take a moment to study replies that start today with the Top Four Worldwide Cuban Headlines as shown above. Please note that the Wall Street Journal, which is by far the USA's largest newspaper, screams loudly that the crimes by Cuba's government are solely responsible for the hunger in Cuba while loudly suggesting that the U. S. EMBARGO of the vulnerable island has been a wonderful kindness to Cuba for the past six+ decades!! Despite what the WSJ says, the rest of the world seems to understand that it is actually amazing that any small nation could survive FOR OVER SIX DECADES a massive EMBARGO/BLOCKADE orchestrated from the world's economic and military power. Indeed, Cuba has somehow survived the U. S. EMBARGO/BLOCKADE SINCE 1962.
     Since 2005 Mary Anastasia O'Grady has used her ultra-unchallenged position at the Wall Street Journal, America's largest newspaper, to suggest that the thieving and brutal Batista rule in Cuba in the 1950s was tolerable, or even wonderful, as it allowed rich American businessmen as well as Mafia leaders to make wild fortunes. But since overthrowing Batista's rule it is Revolutionary Cuba that "IS STARVING ITS PEOPLE" according to Mary, the Cuban expert at the USA's largest newspaper.
      Of course, ultra-powerful counter revolutionary U. S. "journalists" such as Mary Anastasia O'Grady won't comment on facts such as the two photos shown above that show, prior to the Cuban Revoluion, that the Batista dictatorship in Cuba didn't even toss a few crumbs to everyday Cuban families even as the Batistianos, the Mafia, and rich U. S. businessmen will raking in mammoth financial windfalls in Batista's Cuba.
      And so...anti-Cuban Mary Anastassia O'Grady's editorials in the Wall Street Journal, which is by far the USA's largest newspaper, tells Americans and the world that "CUBA IS STARVING ITS PEOPLE." And as you can see above, her typical sub-headline mock Cuba for blaming "US sanctions for the island's latest hunger crisis," The world needs to know "if Cuba's latest hunger crisis in made in Havana" or "if it is made in Miami with the help of the superpower U. S. government." Of course, the Wall Street Journal and the rest of the mainstream U. S. media say "The island's latest hunger crisis is made in Havana" and that history's longest and cruelest EMBARGO, orchestrated by Miami and the United States has nothing to do with it.
    When the Wall Street Journal keeps saying "The island's latesst hunger crisis is made in Havana" it wants Americans and the rest of the World to believe it. The proof that the statement is a eternal propaganda lie is that the Wall Street Journal will never publish an Editorial suggesting that the EMBARGO should end because, HEY!!, stravation in Cuba is a prime tool that will finally overthrow the Cuban Revolution, probably in May of 2024!!!!!!!!!!!! And if so, is there anotther Batista waiting in the shadows to take over???? 
      And, meanwhile, Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel takes to the streets and to the airways in Cuba to say, "Always with Cuba, we will get out of the difficulties, let no one doubt it!!!" But this time, in MID-MAY in 2024, it appears the odds are against Diaz-Canel.
     Deep in May of 2024 the United States is mired in a presidential contest that will be decided in November, with former President Donald Trump, the Republican, against current President Joe Biden, the Democrat. In its two-party political system, billions of dollars are poured into the campaigns during state legislative elections and to national congressional and presidential elections...so the constant billion dollar campaigns are seemingly wall-to-wall, year around. The 2024 presidential race is Trump vs. Biden although both are considered too old and too unpopular. As you can see above, Trump is openly promising to overthrow Revolutionary Cuba "if he is reelected." Of course, as far as Cuba is concerned, Biden appears to be no improvement. Honest observers understand that the current hunger problems in Cuba are being caused, at least partly, by the fact that Trump as president put Cuba on the U. S. List of Nations that Sponsor Terrorism, which vastly tightened the six-decade-old EMBARGO. Most observers believed that the Demcorat Biden presidency would quickly remove Cuba from that List because of genocidal repercussions in Cuba...but Biden as President has had over three years to do that and he has refused to do so. You see, Little Havana Cubans in Miami have masssive political power both in Florida and nationally in Washington. And, in the US's two-party political system, relief for starving Cubans who once hoped for help from the Democrat Party, simply became a faded dream in 2024.
     Listing Cuba as a nation that Sponsors Terror, from a political standpoint, has had the effect of helping to create the Hunger and Blackout problems that appear to finally be tipping the scales against Revolutionary Cuba, to the delight of Little Havana Cubans. Thus, deep into May of 2024, there really appears nothing that Cuba can do to confront what is finally the Perfect Storm against it.
     If you study the images above, you should understand that even Cuba comprehends the difference between normal Tropical Storms and the climatic Perfect Political USA Storm that it now faces. We can assume, I think, that the most famous counter revolutiary Cuban in Cuba, Yoani Sanchez, knows all about the Perfect Storm now gushing over the vulnerable island...and so do her dear friends Marco Rubio and Bob Menendez, the two most ultra-powerful Cuban-American counter revolutionaries in the United States Senate.
    In other words, in 2024 the incredible 65 years that the Cuban Revolution has ruled Cuba might finally end. And, in other words, Cuba and the United States will again be lucrative "Good Friends" again -- you know, like in the lucrative 1950s when Batista dictated Cuba as US's friend when financial kickbacks to Batista allowed major U. S. companies to rake in vast wealth in Batista's Mafia-fueled Cuba...right up till the triumph of the Cuban Revolution on January 1st of 1959.
Remember, uh, when Batista loved those rides around Washington?

cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story)

cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story) : Note : This particular essay on  Ana Margarita Martinez  was first ...