
Russian Oil Arrives in Cuba on Easter Weekend...

 ....but it's too little & too late!!

    Today -- on March 31st of 2024 -- the Reuters News Agency on Easter Day informed the world that a Russian oil ship has docked in Cuba. Unfortunatedly it is much too late to markedly help the power outages and the food shortages that Cuban families are suffering. Earler this week Bloomberg News in the USA updated the Cuban oil and food shortages, as shown below:
     As the Bloomberg News article this last weekend of March 2024 {above} reported on the dire Cuban situation, many sources in Miami and in Washington are using the dire power and food shortages in Cuba to call for "REGIME CHANGE IN CUBA" as shown above...and the Miami and Washington anti-Cuba sources quickly, as always, dismiss any fault of "the US trade embargo imposed after the 1959 revolution." Of course, the wonder is that a drastic EMBARGO of a very small nation by the world's SUPERPOWER took six long decades to accomplish its goal.
      And so...on March 31st of 2024...Miami and Washington still claim, as they have done for six decades, that their EMBARGO against Cuba is/was meant to help the Cuban people, not to starve them. Well, after six decades, the EMBARGO has finally reached its goal, which was to starve Cubans in Cuba to induce them to overthrow their revolutionary government. Now...the question is how Miami and Washington will handle their victory, and that remains to be seen.



Caribbean Sunsets Descend on a "collapsing" Revolutionary Cuba


    On this last weekend of March in 2024 even the super-great Cuban photographer known as Molina has posted photos indicating that Cubans on the island understand that "food shortages and power blackouts" are now signaling "that the sun is finally setting on this 65th year of Revolutionary Rule in Cuba." It will not be an April 1st joke that later in this year of 2024 that the Cuban Revolution will finally end. Instead the news will be told by true worldwide headlines buttressed with videos such as the YouTube clip below that will explain why this has happened.
      Today -- on March 29th in 2024 -- if you Google the question "Is there hunger in Cuba? some of the answers that pop up start with updates about the "blackouts...hunger" in Cuba and include Cuba blaming it on "the U. S. trade embargo imposed after the 1959 revolution." Of course, to close out March of 2024, other major Cuban headlines include offshoots such as today's revelelation that war-torn "Russia Sends Cuba First Oil in a Year to Ease Blackouts and unresst." 

All maps still show that Cuba is still the largest island in the Caribbean and just a few miles south of Florida.

    But Cuba's location -- much too close to Miami -- finally in 2024 proved to be too close indeed. The rich and politically powerful Miami Cubans, as shown above, are finally ending the historic Cuban Revolution, but it has taken 65 incredible years to do it.


President Diaz Blames US for new Cuban Protests


   January 1st of 2024 marked the 65th anniversary of the victory of the Cuban Revolution over the US-backed & Mafia-backed Batista dictatorship...and it has been 62 YEARS since the devastating US economic EMBARGO began in 1962 as one of the violent efforts by the US to overthrow Revolutionary Cuba. Considering that the US is the world's economic & military Superpower, and is just a few miles from Cuba's northern border, it is astonishing that any small nation could long survive such a EMBARGO by a neighbor that is the world's most powerful and most influential nation, meaning that other nations must abide by the EMBARGO. The fact that Cuba has survived the US EMBARGO for over six decades is incredible!! But in the past five years both the Trump & Biden adminisstrations in Washington have tightened the EMBARGO by putting Cuba on the US List of Nations that Sponsor Terrorism, an ultra-punitive measure that drastically strengthens the EMBARGO. Of course, the U. S. media, especially the Miami Herald and writers such as Nora Gamez Torres, routinely blame Cuba -- not things such as the US EMBARGO -- for the food shoirtages and power blackouts that are more-than-ever impacting everyday Cubans on the island, many of whom are now finding wayss to emigrate to the US while others protest on Cuban streets...while the Miami Herald and others gleefully seem to mock the turmoil fueled by hunger and blackouts in Cuba in late March of 2024.
    In this next to last week in March of 2024 above are the Top Cuban Headlines flashing around the U. S. and the world, including Bloomberg News among those telling Americans that "Cuba is on the Brink of Collapse." But in the lower-right above it is the NBC News headline that is the best because it at least permits Cubans in Cuba, not just in Miami, to speak about the situation.
     Above are some of the quotes from Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel that NBC News reported, and the first three paragraphs of the major video-audio-and-written report by three major NBC News journalists is shown below:
    It is impressive, I think, that NBC News in late March of 2024 allowed comments such as this from Cuba's president Miguel Diaz-Canel as he blames the U. S. for the protests in Cuba that he knows are threats to his Revolutionary government: "They're always looking for justifications and turning things around. The most absurd thing is that they have applied a criminal blockade against us for more than 65 years. That is the absurdity." What the U. S. calls a EMBARGO is known as a Blockade in Cuba.
   The above report by NBC 6 News in Miami on YouTube shows that the Miami media closely monitors Cuba's problems, such as the March-2024 uptick of blackouts and hunger on the island.
    It was "Proclamation 3447" back in 1962 that legalized the EMBARGO/Blockade against Cuba. In these final days of March in 2024, more than six decades later, it is still legal. Cuba, as shown by the billboard sshown above, says the Blockade is "The largest and longest genocide in history." It appears that most of the world agrees with that definition.


US Media Predicts "Collapse" of Cuba Before April-2024

 Turmoil in Haiti Boils Over in Cuba!!

     Back on January 1st of 1959 it is true that Fidel Castro's Cuban Revolution overthrew the US-backed and Mafia-backed dictatorship. So, on January 1st of 2024 Cuba started a whole year of celebrating the 65th anniversary of Revolutionary rule on the Caribbean's largest and arguably the Caribbean's most beautiful island. For 65 years the world's superpower, the nearby United States, has tried to overthrow Fidel Castro's Cuban Revolution. Today -- on March 21th of 2024 -- the U. S. media is predicting that the overthrow of Cuba will take place before April of 2024.

    Today -- on March 21th of 2024 -- powerful U. S. Senator Marco Rubio was featured on an exceedingly long report on Fox News in which Rubio loudly said Cuba would collapse within days. Almost since January in 1959 nearby Miami and its rich and powerful Little Havana Cubans have led the U. S. bids to overthrow Revolutionary Cuba...and those bids have included the Bay of Pigs military attack, the ultra-punitive Helms-Burton Act, the even more punitive U. S. Embargo/Blockade of Cuba, placing Cuba on the very short U. S. List of Nations that Sponsor Terrorism, etc., etc., etc. But such things in the past 65 years still, incredibly, have not overthrown the Cuban Revolution.

     Today -- on March 21st of 2024 -- Cuba's top Minister regarding affairs with the U. S., Carlos de Cossio, claimed that the U. S. is taking advantage of the violent unrest in Haiti to once-and-for all overthrew the 65-year-old Cuban Revolution.
     Indeed, heavily armed gangs in Haiti in mid-March of 2024 have easily taken charge of the eternally troubled Caribean nation of Haiti that is just off Cuba's eastern border. And Cuba claims that "U. S. terrorist groups" starting on March 17th of 2024 began to foment protests in Santiago de Cuba, Cuba's second largest city that is on the island's eastern tip. The United States, in that aforementioned Fox News update today, strongly denied it is formenting unrest in Cuba...but, as shown below, Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel has used his own media and even his use of the international YouTube channel to loudly blame the U. S. for using the Haitian unrest as an "outright excuse to overthrow 65 years of the Cuban Revolution."
\   As you can see by the three images above, Cuba's President Miguel Diaz-Canel is using his radio and television platform "From the President" to vehemently denounce the United States for trying "again in this month of March" to try to overthrow Revolutionary Cuba's government. This program was over an hour and broadcast by worldwide giant YouTube. The three images are taken froim YouTube on March 20th, 2024, as you can see by the caption above.


Does US Want Cuba to Resemble the Haitian Warfare?

     In these last few days of March in 2024, even with tragic Wars in places such as Ukraine and the Middle East, the world is also closely watching another violent uprising in the Caribbean nation of Haiti. The map and photo above reveal that Haiti, which shares the island of Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic, is just a few miles off the eastern tip of Cuba where Cuba's second largest city, Santiago, is located and where the U. S. military base at Guantanamo Bay is also located. While Haiti is awash with flames and turmoil, Cuba's important city of Santiago is also facing agitations that Cuba's President Miguel Diaz-Canel says are exacerbated by the U. S. taking advantage of the Haitian violence to foment violence in Cuba. According to London-based REUTERS, which maintains a highly respected news bureau in Cuba, President Diaz-Canel's exact quote is: "Terrorists from the United States were seeking to foment further uprisings" in Cuba while the uprisings in Haiti are making international news.
       As you can see above, the top Cuban headline in the clossing days of March 2024 is the one from Reuters and it says: "Cubans stage rare street protest over power blackouts." Note above that the BBC and other worldwide news agencies republished the Reuters article regarding the street protests in Santiago de Cuba, which is very close to the violent turmoil in Haiti. Cuba strongly says the problems in Santiago de Cuba are being fomented by the "ageless counter revolutinary U. S. measures designed to re-dominate Cuba the way it did prior to 1959's revolutionary victory." 
    The Reuters photo above shows a street in Santiago de Cuba and this photo was used to illustrate the Reuters article headlined: "Protests erupt in eastern Cuba over blackouts and food shortages." Of course, Cuba blames those conditions on the U. S. Embargo/Blockade of the island that has existed since 1962.
      Another worldwide Reuters headline in late March of 2024, as shown above, says: "Cuba summons top US diplomat, accuses US of stoking protests." 
    Above is the international Reuters article back on March 18-2024 that started off with this paragraph: "Cuba's foreign ministry said it had summoned the top U. S. diplomat on the island to a meeting following protests on Sunday, accusing the U. S. embassy in Havana of seeking to stoke a broader anti-government uprising and meddling in Cuba's international internal affairs."
     The two photos above taken in Havana today -- March 20th of 2024 -- show Cuba's President Miguel Diaz-Canel leading a public meeting that was covered live nationwide by Cuban radio and television stations. The prime topic concerned the protests on the eastern tip of the island in Santiago de Cuba, which is close to the violence taking place in Haiti. As usual, Diaz-Canel -- who was Cuba's Education Minister for years before becoming President in 2018 -- takes questions from his audiences. In one earlier session Diaz-Canel had mentioned: "As we all know, the U. S. bank-rolling of the Batista dictatorship in Cuba caused the Cuban Revolution and the U. S. bank-rolling of dictatorships in Haiti, such as the Duvalier family, for many years helped shape what is happening now in Haiti. The U. S., obviously, wants the same violence in Cuban cities, espeically Santiago de Cuba and Havana." When asked, "So, what are you going to do about it?"...he said, "Everything I can, short of declaring war on the United States. The world already has too many wars, and we are far too poor and far too little to fight the United States."
    This photo was taken in Santiago de Cuba in 1957 and is used courtesy of the informative LatinAmmericanStudies.org website. It famously and historically shows Cuban mothers bravely marching to protest the murders of their children by the Batista dictatorship. Such protests galvanized Cuba's Revolution that defeated Batista in 1959. The poster above said: "Stop the murders of our children. Cuban Mothers." Most major revolutionary celebrations to this day in 2024 are held in Santiago de Cuba, not in Havana.
    This photo is courtesy of the Miami Herald and it shows the protests in Santiago de Cuba in mid-March of 2024 as being caused by "blackouts and food shortages" that are gripping Cuba.
    Cuban women living in Santiago de Cuba are called Santiagueras, such as Isabel Fernandez. She knows a lot about what is happening in 2024 in Santiago de Cuba, the cradle of the Revoltuion. Isabel says, "At least the Cuban media lets me speak my piece. In the U. S. the media only cares what the anti-Cuba Cubans want and say." And, of course, Isabel has some pertinent thoughts about what is happening in March of 2024 in nearby places such as Miami and Haiti.



Cash Flies From Cuba to Florida!!!

Conundrums & Shenigans Between Florida & Cuba!!

And between Miami and Havana!!!

Cash Money Still Fills Many Flights to & fro!!! 

     The two maps shown above show just how Cuba and the United States are extremely close neighbors, and it has been that way almost since 1492 when explorer Columbus discovered both terriories long before they became nations. As the U. S. emerged into the world's richest and most powerful nation, the island nation of Cuba, awessomely beautiful and extremely strategically located, emerged into an island and a nation vastly coveted by the world's imperative powers -- especially Spain and the United States -- starting before & after Cuba became a new nation.
    Please understand the extreme greed for Cuba that permeated the United States by the time it became a nation. The U. S. leaders, from the beginning, sought to capture, own, and exploit Cuba as a top priority and if you deny that fact I suggest you study the historic quotations shown above. For example, please read what Thomas Jefferson, the greatest Founding Father, said in 1817: "If we seize Cuba we will be masters of the Caribbean." Then after 1817 continue to read above what Thomas Jefferson and other notable Americans continue to euphorically say about capturing, dominating, and exploiting Cuba!! Well, finally in 1898 the United States used the Spanish-American War fought in Cuba to replace Spain as the Masters of Cuba!! And from 1898 until 2024 the intrigues and wars and tribulations between feisty little Cuba and the superpower United States have been both uniquely historic and utterly fascinating...as poor Cuba tries to survive while trying to ward off the incomparable United States greed and power. That tiny bit of history and topicality brings us up to mid-March in 2024 and the headline shown below:
    The above up-to-date headline in mid-March of 2024 tells us that a woman from Tampa, Florida flies to Cuba and is then caught "SMUGGLING $100 THOUSAND DOLLARS INTO THE US FROM CUBA." This headline is from NBC 6 News, a top news source in South Florida. And actually, of course, it is typical of what great journalists/authors have been reporting about US-Cuba News since 1898...you know, the year the U. S. replaced Spain as the new Master of Cuba.
    Of course, the great journalist/author T. J. English wonderfully and correctly told us, following the 1898 Spanish-American War, "How the Mob Owned Cuba...and Then Lost It to the Revolution." And for sure T. J. English would not be surprised today about the massive headline from NBC 6 News in South Florida, so now permit me to return to that fasinating new update on the always intriguing US-Cuba conundrum.
       NBC 6 South Florida News in Mid-March of 2024 reminds us about what T. J. English so bravely told us about in "Havana Nocturne." 
The NBC 6 News from South Florida is merely more US-Cuba fascination.
    But the massive fascination with US-Cuba relations probably reached a peak in tthe 1950s when the U. S. Mafia and the U. S. government supported the Batista dictatorship, a furiously lucrative but brutal era that promoted T. J. English to famously and bravely tell us all about "How the Mob owned Cuba...but lost it to the Revolution." The two photos directly above show when Mafia kingpins Luciano, Batista, and Lansky ruled Cuba and above it shows Batista being triumphantly driven around the U. S. capital of Washington.
      But the two photos directly above show why, as T. J. English said, "The Mob owned Cuba but lost it to the Revolution." When the Mob owned Cuba it didn't think it needed to toss a few crumbs to the majority peasants and the Mob also brutalized Cuban children to supposedly persuade Cuban mothers from protesting the murders of their children. But instead of scaring and shaming the mothers into silence, the mothers bravely started marches covered closely by New York Times journalist Herbert L. Matthews and these marches galvanized the majority of Cubans against Batista, and ended up winning the Revolution. The woman with the white blouse and sunglasses above was the mother of the gruesomely murdered Little Willie Soler. Today in Mid-March of 2024 the top children's hospital is named "William Soler Children's Hospital" -- a name that signafies that the Revolution the Cuban mothers helped forge is still ruling Cuba.
     This is the William Soler Children's Hospital in Havana, the most important children's hospital in Cuba in March of 2024. Please note the caption shown above that explains why the vital Soler Hospital is not allowed to buy vital "medicines or devices by the US Treasury Department under the US blockade of Cuba" even if "thesse products are made only by US companies or subsidiaries." Of course, Americans who support or condone the blockade don't know that...nor do they know why William Soler Children's Hospital got its name.
     For sure, since 1962 the US EMBARGO/Blockade of Cuba has supposedly been endlessly enfoced to harm the Post-Batista leaders of Cuba, but it seems that most people around the world believe it has gravely harmed generations of Cuban children.

cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story)

cubaninsider: "The Country That Raped Me" (A True Story) : Note : This particular essay on  Ana Margarita Martinez  was first ...